Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Hi Lyndi, I never took Ivermectin so far, nor any other pharma drug against anything for the last ten years. I do have some of those for emergency use, but I did only do my normal routine of C, D, Zinc (plus K2, Selenium and calcium in form of sango; I added Quercitin just recently) plus nasal showers of saline Solution and Sodiumbicarbonate (drink or food bath). I have a shop with lots of customers per day. Never got ill there.
I meant FOOT BATH, sry.
Odd, about a week ago I woke early in the morning with an intense sharp stabbing pain in my right hip...I've never had a pain there before, I couldn't think of what I had done that may have caused it (twisting, heavy work, etc)...I thought at the time, great, getting older, new day, new pain! It lasted for 4 nights, went during the day when I moved around, but back during the night enough to wake me. It's gone now. Also, up til around couple of weeks ago I had night sweats for about 3 weeks, but I'm due the menopause, so I will put it down to that. My partner is vaccinated. However, I'm trying not to put every little ache and pain down to being in contact with the vaccinated, but your hip story struck a nerve ('scuse the pun!)
Hi Potatoes and Tomatoes, thanks for sharing your story. One difference in our stories, you experienced pain in the evening, while my pain occurs in the morning and subsides in the evening. I would not want to ascribe pain to being around vaxxed people either, but the "aha" moment was very stark. And the retrospection points to this as well. The pain could have a different source. I don't know, that's why I posted my experience. Another dot that may connect.

You have my sympathy for the process of menopause. If you're having hot flashes, you are probably already in menopause. It is a years long process, much like puberty. Once through the process, you may find you have more mental bandwidth available that was previously taken by thoughts of your cycle, or concerns regarding pregnancy. I know that's been the case with me and several of my friends. As one put it "I can think so much more now!"
Have you had a chance to look at the Health Protocol thread at all, avia? Perhaps a few more supplements may offer some relief for you and your partner, as knowledge protects. :-) I have found that this protocol not only boosts my immune system, but it also boosts my mood and courage if you will. Just knowing that I can do something to protect my (spiritual) health makes me feel less helpless and vulnerable (I am not saying that you feel this way).

That said, perhaps you could talk to your GP about your complaints and see what he says, it could be something unrelated?
Thank you, Mariama. Yes, I'm aware of and utilize the protocols. Getting to see my GP is problematic at moment. The network of clinics she belongs to has a yearly review process to determine patient eligibility. In December of 2019, the administrator informed me I was no longer eligible. I called the clinic where she works, they were closed for the holidays. I called and spoke with her in January 2020. She said the administrator was mistaken, and for me to call them back. After multiple attempts, I still hadn't had any response. Then covid hit.

I agree that spiritual health is very important. My partner is a drummer. We drum together. It's like we have conversations through rhythm. After these sessions, I feel energized and calm at the same time.
I'm reading through some of the responses about the magnet sticking to the arm and whether it's true or not, but a person I know put a quarter on the place he got the Pzifer jab and it stuck to his arm! I had no idea about this beforehand, a friend of mine who was there showed me the videos floating around the internet - I didn't believe it - we tested it out right then and there and it only stayed on his arm in the place that he got injected. We tried a handful of other areas on his arm and shoulder, tested it out on his other arm and it was only in that one place. Whether that was a fluke, the observers affecting the outcome, some sort of metals lodged in his arm, nano-particles - who knows. But I saw what I saw.

He said that for about two weeks or so afterwards he was really tired and could barely get out of bed. The landlord where I work said the same thing, except he was out of commission for a month with no energy. I see him around the property everyday and wondered what happened to him. Although when I went to ask him about it afterwards and find out which jab he got (Pzifer) he changed his story around and said it only lasted a day and then tried to convince me to get it too. :rolleyes: The programming is so deep that he tried to 'sell me' on the idea by downplaying what he went through. Makes me wonder how many other people are suffering through side-effects but aren't saying anything about it because they've bought the lies so much.
What are you going to do when you have to get the vaccine otherwise you'll be fired, outcast or fined by not doing it? How are you gonna fight the PTB?
What are you going to do when you have to get the vaccine otherwise you'll be fired, outcast or fined by not doing it? How are you gonna fight the PTB?
It isn't about fighting against the PTB, but to find and adopt a valid strategy to postpone the vaccination as long as possible without being a target. In case this become mandatory due to the situation (job, age, etc), we always can refer to the Health Protocol thread
Just got my second dose from Moderna a couple of days ago, and I'm feeling ok, a little sore on my arm but that's it. I'm taking liposomal vitamin C, Zinc, Trans Resveratrol, Quercetin and Bromelain.

Some people are not showing any symptoms right away and good for you to take extra supplements.
But, just in case, you should watch the link that explains 2 video and follow some of the suggestions, then probably you will be alright.
Bonjour de France, it is so difficult to keep a cool head in this ocean of madness. More and more of my relatives are giving in to the pressure and getting vaccinated even though it is not mandatory. It's like losing a member of my spiritual family every time, it's a heartbreak. None of these people have talked to me about side effects but given my stance on the subject, I guess they wouldn't come and prove me right. I am having a hard time dealing with my fear, anger and despair.

Translated with (free version)
Most interesting to me, she quotes what a geneticist said 10 years ago, that the cabal's goal was to drown the song of the DNA. The info emerges from the hacker's speech that the implanted device raises normal human resonance measure to a phenomenal height. What that is really about, we don't hear in the video. But drown out the song of the DNA. Wow. Lines up with some of what I've been seeing in friends who took the Pfizer and some posts here on the vaccines. A Shadow fell over them.

Article on Carrie Kohan

Vaccination side-effects, indeed.

And now reports like this are pouring in:

Both of my parents got their second Moderna vaccine back on the first of February. They reported no bad side effects but just a month ago my Mother confessed she regretted getting the vaccination. She sounded sincere and remorseful after researching it further.

Then in a phone conversation with her a few days ago she denied ever saying she regretted getting the vaccination and then went into a long diatribe about how important getting the vaccine is, how I'm at high risk of bad side effects if I get COVID etc...

Then when that wasn't working on me she switched to the emotional aspects where she mentioned how much she loves me and how important it was for me to get the vax... Do it for her, etc... Saying stuff that was just bizarre and clearly out of character for her.

It was the creepiest thing ever.

When describing the situation to a friend the scene from Terminator came to mind. It was the only way I could even try to explain it.

I explained to my mother due to my very rural location, we were not scheduled to get our shots for another 2 weeks. I then changed the subject and moved on but was shell shocked at the clear hypnosis she seemed to be under.

My friend linked me several articles and reports where people who have gotten the vax are changing in their thoughts and can even be controlled. The entire thing is just super creepy

9 minute interview with Bryam Bridle on some fresh research. Basically providing research backed validation of the spike protein and its toxicity. The jab payload has been found to circulate in the blood and doesn't stay in the shoulder muscle. The mRNA etc accumulate in a number of tissues e.g. spleen, adrenal gland, ovaries etc.

Good listen.
What are you going to do when you have to get the vaccine otherwise you'll be fired, outcast or fined by not doing it? How are you gonna fight the PTB?
The only way I see that happening is if the West officially discards democracy as we know it and becomes an overt authoritarian dictatorship. Notice how in Canada they had the ‘quarantine hotels’. The PTB were threatening Canadians to prevent them from travelling and now a few months later we find out the whole thing was a flop. Same with the threats of checkpoints and police pulling you over to find out where you’re going. All flopped. Vaccine passports? Not as easy as you think to implement as some countries are already backtracking on it. What ‘they’ really hinge upon is threats, intimidation and the anticipation of suffering and having something taken away from you OR the patriotic citizen duty/responsibility schtick to work. That’s why they are also offering rewards and incentives to get jabbed. So while I still have a choice in the matter, I’m going to exercise my free-will and say NO. Until such time that I’m in a situation where my livelihood or life itself is on the line for not getting the jab and it’s a legitimate threat, not a fictitious one meant to scare me into submission like the above, then I’ll reevaluate and may have to follow the health protocol posted by Gaby and Elliot. But today is not that day and it could be months or years down the line before that happens. It may not even happen at all if there’s cosmic intervention ahead of time. But if you want to kowtow ahead of time, that’s your choice too.
What are you going to do when you have to get the vaccine otherwise you'll be fired, outcast or fined by not doing it? How are you gonna fight the PTB?
I see that you have given a "thumbs down" to the post above yours. Are you one of those who thinks that there is nothing wrong with the vaccines and they are exactly what we are being told they are? Have you looked at any of the articles and videos posted here to see what actual scientists, doctors and researchers are finding out about the injections?
What ‘they’ really hinge upon is threats, intimidation and the anticipation of suffering and having something taken away from you OR the patriotic citizen duty/responsibility schtick to work.

Exactly. They're trying to trigger preemptive compliance amongst the 'hesitant' by using the regime media to imply that the vaxx will be required for travel, employment, education, and recreation, and that resistance is furthermore futile.

The weak-minded fall for it, the same way they fell for the COVID hoax to begin with.

But so far none of those threatened restrictions have manifested, and it looks like most of them won't.
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