When does pride in your race cross the line?

It's useful to keep in mind that there has been attempts throughout the years to tarnish the legacy of both JFK and MLK in a similar manner, to paint a picture of them as just some immoral and corrupted womanizers, and make people forget their role as a leaders who tried to truly connect humanity, in their own ways.
Except the complete opposite is true and MLK especially is lionized by all sides of the political spectrum ad nauseum and the cult of MLK is literally above reproach and will land you in hot water if you dare point out the uncovered 2019 documents that Psychegram mentioned above. A simple test for anyone who says I'm lying: Go on social media or to your job or into a cafe and say the truth about MLK and watch as you become absolutely destroyed for life.

Literally the FBI, CIA, entire Deep State, the military, the media, all politicians worships at the feet of the magic MLK, who is the new founding father of the USSA because he put whitey in his place.

Just stop and think about how this man had such support in the 60s. The laws that were subsequently passed in his name had wide bipartisan politician support. The media gave him fawning coverage from coast to coast. The USSR even promoted him. How do you square that with the image of plucky rebel that the media and the K-12 system has fashioned for you? How is it pro-Democracy to desegregate schools when they literally had to send the paratroopers in with bayonets against unarmed American citizens to force them to accept the new melting pot diktat of the Deep State government?


This was done despite widespread dissent among both groups, the blacks and the Whites.

MLK was pushing forced integration, while the actual black leaders who didn't enjoy Youknowwhoish support like Malcolm X and famously Muhammed Ali, wanted to stay separate and work on their own problems themselves.

Here's what X had to say about White liberals and youknowwhos.

This is the true voice of the black community. Hell, look at what Farrakhan has to say:

You can't even find the original videos anymore because the same people who censor anti-vaxxers, anti-globalists and anti-war voices took them all down! Food for thought!
I learned about human races at Geography and Paleontology in terms of what human populations live and evolved where.
Ten years ago, at the begining of a project I went to a village with the field geologist and next to a school, I had all of a sudden kids gathering around me trying to touch my skin and my hair. It was all fun and laughter and when we left half an hour later I asked him what was that all about. He looked at me and he said that the kids never saw a white woman with blond hair before. Some time later the girls in the field project camp insisted that they wanted to do my hair. When I asked why they said that they wanted me to look beautiful. So I was wearing my hair tressed for 8 weeks at a time while working.

It is about the person and not the race. It starts and ends with the individual.
To score high in an IQ test you need to know the stuff you are tested on
That is literally the opposite of what an IQ test is designed to be.

I failed several IQ tests
I don't even know how this is possible. I doubt you took one because you cannot "fail" an IQ test, you just get a score of what your estimated IQ is. Also, if you did indeed manage to fail a test, i wouldn't brag about it if I were you lol. It sort of undermines the weight of the subsequent arguments you make, no?
That is literally the opposite of what an IQ test is designed to be.

I don't even know how this is possible. I doubt you took one because you cannot "fail" an IQ test, you just get a score of what your estimated IQ is. Also, if you did indeed manage to fail a test, i wouldn't brag about it if I were you lol. It sort of undermines the weight of the subsequent arguments you make, no?
I hope the weight of my argument is as light as a feather, and like any feather, I will wear it in my hat.
their voodoo cult of tolerance and equality.

I've been thinking about this push for inclusivity. A lot of money is going into highly produced media promoting it. When I look at it from the angle of psychopathy and their dreams of living in a world unconstrained by the queer notions of normal people, what I think I'm seeing is their plan to keep the masses of normies placated by an environment where everyone is accepted for who they are and express themselves however they see fit.

"You will own nothing and be happy." So goes one of the slogans for 'The Great Reset.' They envision a world where they live the life of extreme opulence jet setting from place to place, satisfying their every whim. While the rest of the pleebs subsist on just enough to get by but they're 'happy' because they have each other in a blissful environment of acceptance.

Inclusivity is the Soma of their 'Brave New World'

And of course anyone who doesn't agree is a hateful racist. And having attained total surveillance with 5G coverage, anyone displaying 'unacceptable' behavior will be curtailed in some form or fashion. OSIT
I failed several IQ tests. To score high in an IQ test you need to know the stuff you are tested on.

It rather depends on the actual test. The criticism that IQ tests are tests of knowledge of otherwise culturally biased is a very old one, going back essentially to the beginning of psychometry. In the subsequent century, psychologists have bent over backwards to design tests that are absolutely independent of any cultural bias - for example, Raven's progressive matrices, which are essentially a pure test of pattern recognition.

Regarding differences in IQ at the level of ethnic groups, the results are highly replicable, and essentially independent of testing method. In fact, I've read that the less culturally biased tests actually lead to larger differences between groups.

As to the individual mattering, that's a big "yes, but". Obviously every group is a statistical distribution, and there will be high functioning outliers in any group, such that a member of group A that generally scores lower in metric X than group B may score higher than most members of group B, despite the average member of group B scoring higher than the average member of group A. This is just a general property of Gaussian distributions. It follows that individual people should indeed be assessed as individuals; however, it also follows that aggregate group behavior and performance will also differ.

The over-emphasis of individual differences, while forgetting group differences, is behind the mania that is tearing society apart right now, since by insisting on something that isn't true - all groups are the same - it follows that any difference in group outcome can only be due to discrimination or oppression.
And of course anyone who doesn't agree is a hateful racist. And having attained total surveillance with 5G coverage, anyone displaying 'unacceptable' behavior will be curtailed in some form or fashion.
I agree with what you wrote above, but I want to point out that the surveillance and suppression has already been happening for decades now. With 5G and the lockdown regime, it will simply become more extreme as even moderate Whites will be targeted for BadThink.

There's no way this doesn't end with extermination camps for Whites run by neo-Bolsheviks.
Do I agree with what is ‘going on‘ in the picture? Certainly not
I'd like to see you become a more vocal White ally and White advocate in the future, Ina. It's time to leave anti-White modes of thinking behind us and start being more tolerant and understanding of people with pro-White viewpoints. I'm sure we can both agree on that.


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I've been thinking about this push for inclusivity. A lot of money is going into highly produced media promoting it. When I look at it from the angle of psychopathy and their dreams of living in a world unconstrained by the queer notions of normal people, what I think I'm seeing is their plan to keep the masses of normies placated by an environment where everyone is accepted for who they are and express themselves however they see fit.

"You will own nothing and be happy." So goes one of the slogans for 'The Great Reset.' They envision a world where they live the life of extreme opulence jet setting from place to place, satisfying their every whim. While the rest of the pleebs subsist on just enough to get by but they're 'happy' because they have each other in a blissful environment of acceptance.

Inclusivity is the Soma of their 'Brave New World'

And of course anyone who doesn't agree is a hateful racist. And having attained total surveillance with 5G coverage, anyone displaying 'unacceptable' behavior will be curtailed in some form or fashion. OSIT

That captures part of the dynamic but there's more to it.

First, it's really only white people who are targeted for ethnomasochism. If utopian inclusivity were the goal, everyone would be shamed for expressions of racial pride, but this is very obviously not the case. The reason I think is very straightforward: white countries are the wealthiest countries, therefore the sweetest prize, and it is therefore their populations that need to be morally disarmed, and their social cohesion that needs to be undermined (see e.g. Putnam's "Bowling Alone" for the effects of forced ethnic diversity on social cohesion).

Another element is apparent with a comparison to the Occupy Wall Street fallout. The elite don't want to give up their wealth and power. By focusing on DIE, they get people to accept that "social justice" means a ruling class with lots of diversity tokens ... rather than a rational and fair distribution of societal wealth, and the freedom to use one's share of it as one sees fit.
Another element is apparent with a comparison to the Occupy Wall Street fallout. The elite don't want to give up their wealth and power. By focusing on DIE, they get people to accept that "social justice" means a ruling class with lots of diversity tokens ... rather than a rational and fair distribution of societal wealth, and the freedom to use one's share of it as one sees fit.
Have you noticed how all the big corporations seem to be onboard with the anti-White hatred and pro-LGBTQIAP+ stuff?

I've noticed.

Also, I've started to notice something about these "banksters" and "globalists" and "pathocrats" and "4D STS" types. Something they all have in common. I kippah put my figure on it though. Who nose what it is. I mossad be crazy for even thinking this way...
I'd like to see you become a more vocal White ally and White advocate in the future, Ina. It's time to leave anti-White modes of thinking behind us and start being more tolerant and understanding of people with pro-White viewpoints. I'm sure we can both agree on that.
Being vocal is one thing and propaganda or counter-propaganda is another, imho, waste of energy. The critical race theory is like the Covid, a social virus.
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