We know the main reason this scamdemic is charging full-steam ahead is because of the deep-seated corruption across the board. Just a couple of articles regarding that:

New Documents Show the Fed’s Trading Scandal Includes Two of the Wall Street Banks It Supervises: Goldman Sachs and Citigroup

Nice that only a woman, Martha Stewart, saw jailtime for the same offenses as these sh*ts - too rich to fail.

The Justice Department Has 58 Documents About Its New Criminal Chief that It Doesn’t Want the Public to See

We’re sorry to have to tell you this, but the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) process, where the public and members of the press can request information from their government and get a meaningful response, is as dead under the Biden administration as it was under the Trump, Obama and George W. Bush administrations. In no small part, this is why the United States of America, which regularly lectures other countries on what it means to be a democracy, has lost the trust of the American people.

Earlier this year we reported that the man that President Biden had selected to head the Criminal Division of the Justice Department, Kenneth Polite, owed more than $1.5 million in debts according to his financial disclosure form and public mortgage records; was paying over 18 percent interest on an outstanding balance on a credit card; 19.99 percent interest on a personal loan; and yet, for some reason, had decided to accept a job at the Justice Department where his income would be slashed by about 77 percent.
Equally concerning, not one Senator on the Senate Judiciary Committee that held the confirmation hearing for Polite had asked a single question about these red flags.

In addition, Polite was coming from the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bochius where he had been a partner earning approximately $877,500 in 2020. He would likely want to return to that job after his stint in government with a paycheck of less than $200,000 annually. It’s this revolving door from government to Wall Street that is a key factor in the unprecedented levels of corruption that we are seeing today.
And let us not forget that now two Supreme Court Justices have ruled against those requesting protection from mandated vaxxes -
Indiana University students and NYC school employees - both by the female members Barrett and Sotomayor.
Quick vid that breaks down how the vax impacts the immune system - claims to be from a "Natural" doctor, but no name or anything else to verify what's being presented - could be valid:


From comments:
The graphene oxide is being referred to as "ingredients that are catastrophic to your cellular system" .. almost the first words out of her mouth explains where she got the info from. Referring to the ingredient graphene oxide will make people who need to hear this the most shut it off. It gives her more credibility in the sheep's eyes to not mention certain words. .Did you even listen?! Maybe you should save it, listen to it again and again until you got it in your head what she is saying and then share the crap out of this-!- I know when I hear a lot of new info for the first time., I need to listen to it several times to catch all the information being given. She is telling you the same info but in a different way. No one else lays out this info in the specific way like she has here. Some old info in a new way with some new pieces. Therefore it is new.
FWIW but then there's this - and since it's youtube it may not last long:

My Jaw DROPPED when I Tested Someone's Immune System After the 2nd Jab

I wonder when they'll start censoring obituaries?
Called it!

Twitter tags obituary of woman 'misleading' who reportedly died from 'vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia'

Update: Twitter later removed the "misleading" label from the tweet as it was no longer visible.

Twitter has censored a post showing an obituary for a mother who died after suffering from "COVID Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia." Jessica Berg Wilson reportedly did not want to get vaccinated but did so in order to be participate as a "Room Mom" at her young daughters' school.


Twitter tagged the post about Wilson's death, and her cause of death, as "Misleading," and provided links to "Learn why health officials consider COVID-19 vaccines safe for most people." The tweet "can't be replied to, shared, or liked."

Clicking the links provided by Twitter brings users to Twitter's information showing that Reuters has reported that "Scientists and public health experts say that vaccines are safe for most people."

The obituary for the 37-year-old mom, published in Oregon Live, said that Wilson "passed away unexpectedly Sept. 7, 2021 from COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) surrounded by her loving family."
Australia : Vaccine Rollout
With reference to the ‘tweet’ above
This is implying that Lt. Gen John Frewen is saying:
“everyone will have a vaccination by Christmas’.

From what I have observed, this is a distortion of the facts - as are many things we see posted through different platforms. (Puma1974 I’m not suggesting this is a poor reflection on you at all, you were just ‘reposting’, but the originator seems to be trying to stir things up / distort the truth).

Frewen is not saying everyone in Australia will have a vaccination by Christmas. He is saying everyone who wants one will have them by Christmas, and this is related to getting to the 70% double vaxxed rate, which, from what I have been observing has been much harder for them to achieve than they hoped. (“wishful thinking”) The Government have been pushing strenuously for this target for such a long time - and of course keep trying to raise the level higher (carrot/stick) but are clearly struggling from what I am observing.

I listened to an interview a couple of days ago with Lt. Gen. Frewen; I was curious that I had not heard of him as I noted the reporter mentioned that he is in charge of the vaccine rollout.

Frewen clearly stated that the Australian vaccine rollout has reached an "inflection point" and that that it would be hard work to convince Australians to get vaccinated to get to the 80% target. His tone suggested to me that he was realistic and well aware about what could actually be achieved.

The reporter asked him about reaching a 90% vax rate and he laughed - said he hadn’t seen evidence of that anywhere overseas where it had been possible, that it would be a “long hard road”.

No kidding. And from the way he said it, it doesn’t sound like they are actually even up for that or willing to try to implement it.

I’ve said it before and will say it again... not everyone is asleep here, folks!

The the truth is, here in Australia, as I am sure happens all over the world, loads of people do not comply. I see it happening everywhere I go, overtly and covertly. I sure haven’t seen anyone dutifully sanitising their hands in a long while! Friends I speak to in other places/states/countries also affirm they are seeing this/and openly resisting draconian measures themselves.

There is so much fatigue around the constant tension, the masks, checking in/out, closed borders, extreme stress of not being able to work, constant lockdowns... relentless Covid drama, drama, drama and fearporn.

Personally I don’t believe the data coming from the Australian Government - I see their narrative as a distorted lie... a ploy to try to convince people that ‘everyone else is doing it , so you better too, or you are going to be left with no freedom or rights’. Again, I see this as “wishful thinking”. I feel sometimes they are astounded so many people have fallen for it to be honest!

Now, they are so desperate to get this prison, oops I mean country “open for business” - there is clearly a “deadline”. They seem to be making it up as they go. There is no clarity around how things will actually ‘work’ given so many people are not “fully vaxxed” - retailers and businesses are pretty stressed out wondering how to cope with people who are unvaxxed and politicians are giving them no clarity. I have to say I am actually ‘enjoying the show’ from that perspective. Bumbling idiots.

In Australia we have seen over the last few days, three rather large ‘rats’ jumping ship in the political arena...

I wonder how far they can swim?

Called it!

Twitter tags obituary of woman 'misleading' who reportedly died from 'vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia'

Update: Twitter later removed the "misleading" label from the tweet as it was no longer visible.
SoTT had this up today as well, and oh that is sad for that family:

German public TV station reports that researchers at the University of Ulm examined the contents of the AZ injections (in German):

They found that two thirds of the contents are not supposed to be there and only one third is the actual "vaccine". They say this is "unusual" and "not what you would expect".

The stuff that does not belong there are human and viral proteins that are necessary for the production of the "vaccine". And they say they cannot rule out that this stuff causes serious adverse effects.
I first only watched to 1:18 which was more than enough - astounding! But the rest is worth watching, too.

Mother Calls School Board 'Demons' For Making Children Wear Masks; Gets Her Mic Shut Off

Owen covers the revolt taking place at school board meetings across the country.

5 min in has another mother voicing her objections to mandated vax/masks with her obviously Down syndrome daughter by her side - the mom wearing a We The People t-shirt! She makes a very strong case with undisputable facts. Outstanding and brave followed up by her pledge to run against the representative should she vote NO! :clap:
@Puma1974 had this tweet:

AUSTRALIA. If you haven’t had a vaccine by the 15th of October then you will starve. It’s very simple.
In answer to the question from a reporter, Dan Andrews said "well they won't be going to work. It is that simple" which the tweet looks to, yet the reporter might have asked the question, er, Mr. Andrews, would not this result in cases of family starvation in Australia? :umm:

Some might call Dan Andrews a lunatic, however apparently polls show they like him:

In April 2020, 77% approved of Andrews' handling of the coronavirus pandemic; this was the third highest figure out of all of Australia's premiers. Andrews' approval ratings dropped due to the acceleration of Victoria's second wave of infections and harsh restrictions aimed at suppressing the spread of infections. A September 2020 Roy Morgan Research poll showed that 70% approved of the way Andrews was handling his job as Premier of Victoria, and a September 2020 Newspoll showed that 62% agreed that Andrews handled Victoria's COVID-19 response well. In November 2020, a Roy Morgan Research showed that Andrews' approval rating had increased by 12%, with 71% of Victorian electors approving of his handling of his job.

The DailyMail had Dan-the-man down at 44% in the polls (shocking) by September 28, 2021, with the headline:

Is Dan losing his touch? Horror poll sees Premier's approval CRASH to a record low over his addiction to lockdowns - as he comes under fire for sluggish vax rollout and record high Covid cases

Will his covid-starvation mandates improve his standings, approve him with the Ton of society?

This song is for Dan:

I post my entry in this thread too, because...

I think the SPARTACUS LETTER is absolutely brilliant !!

It nails everything important down about the Plandemic, of what is scientifically, medically and politically of importance (from a 3D perspective).

Mighty impressive written regarding the inner works in and behind this Plandemic: how the SARS-CoV-2 works and relates, how Covid-19 works and how it doesn't, the molecular components, and how people where deliberately mistreated, how the virus likely was tampered with - and that it in essence is a blood vessel disease (extreme inflammatory). I felt the medical part was outmost fascinating, really, truly !

I do recognize a lot from Dr Stephanie Seneff has said in Mercola's interviews (as well from other big shots) who have been trying to tell the public, of what is going on medically/scientifically in a negative sense. Another remarkable example in the Spartacus letter was, how the FDA actually tried to get NAC off the shelves in the US ! Antioxidants are indeed playing an important key roll against Covid-19 !

I recommend everyone to read the Spartacus letter.

I got two pdf copies of the letter. (Apparently they are scrubbing the internet and it get's increasingly different to get a hold of the letter) One is the original Spartacus letter, including all the links to everything he is writing about. And a second pdf where the links are easier to read because they are in blue underlined and optically better organized.


  • 2021-10-05 • COVID-19 - The Spartacus Letter (V2-2020-09-28).pdf
    574.1 KB · Views: 26
  • 2021-10-05 • SpartacusLinks.pdf
    1.8 MB · Views: 24
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is among those removed from youtube in its anti-vax misinformation attack against truth:

Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game – Time to Resist Authoritarianism in the U.S.!

Barbara Loe Fisher is the co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). Barbara and the NVIC have been around since 1986 when Congress and President Reagan signed into law legislation that gave legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies that produce vaccines.

It is because of Barbara and her efforts through the NVIC that we even have a Vaccine Adverse Reactions System (VAERS) mandated by law, even though the government does everything they can to hide this system, as very few people even know that it exists.

NVIC built the best front-end system to search the VAERS database at MedAlerts.

Barbara has been around fighting for you and your children’s rights to informed consent for medical procedures for over 40 years. NVIC has mobilized grass-roots citizens in all 50 states who volunteer to watch what state legislators and local health departments do to try and force vaccines on people, mainly children over the years, and mobilize people to fight back against those efforts to deny the right to informed consent.

For many years she was the go-to person that the corporate media would interview to give the “other side” of the vaccine debate, back when the corporate media still gave time to that side. Watch the video I made earlier this year highlighting her 40-year career in fighting forced vaccination mandates.

Barbara has just published her most recent exposé on the state of medical tyranny through vaccination, Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game, which gives a great summary of how we got to where we are today, and what we need to do now to push back against this authoritarianism.
This virus, which has a 99 percent survival rate, and this leaky vaccine, which fails to reliably prevent infection and transmission in the fully vaccinated, has racked up a record breaking more than half a million vaccine adverse event reports in the U.S. alone. [121]

It will not be the last virus and vaccine to be weaponized against the people in the name of the greater good.

That is because forced vaccination is the tip of the spear in a culture war that has been going on for much longer than the 40 years that I have been a vaccine safety and human rights activist publicly warning that this day would come. [122, 123, 124]

It is a war that will cause more suffering until enough of us refuse to be siloed and, instead, join together to change dangerous laws that abuse the trust and good will of the people.

Every single American, whether you have been vaccinated or not, should stop to reflect upon what is happening in our country. Think about what liberty means.


She hits every point there is in this amazing compilation.

Croatia to require COVID certificates from health, social workers

ZAGREB, Sept 28 (Reuters) - Croatia will from next week require that all employees in the health and social care sectors be vaccinated or test negative for COVID-19, officials said on Tuesday.

"Those who don't want to be vaccinated or tested and have not had the disease will not be allowed to come to their working place and will not be able to earn their salaries," state television quoted Health Minister Vili Beros as saying.

He said that the COVID certificates will from Oct. 4 also be required from the patients who don't need urgent treatment.

Since yesterday there are protests of medical workers in Split and Zagreb.

Priest told Beroš that Hitler's associates were hanged, shouting: "To the gallows!"

TODAY, mandatory covid certificates are being launched in health and social services. In front of KBC Zagreb, Minister Vili Beroš and the director of the hospital, Ante Ćorušić, were greeted by furious protesters.

Among the protesters were hospital staff who did not want to be vaccinated or tested.

Vili Beroš planned to give a statement to the media, but the protesters prevented him from doing so, so the minister and the director withdrew to the hospital building, followed by shouts of "betrayal, betrayal".

However, a number of non-Rebro workers joined the protest, led by Andrija Klarić, a gym owner who recently spoke at the Freedom Festival, and priest Zdravko Knežević, who told Index that the "pandemic was fabricated". .

The priest told Beroš at one point: "Hitler's associates ended up on the gallows."

There was also a great uproar and whistling.

Among other things, someone in the crowd shouted, "To the gallows! To the gallows!" [actually it was the whole crowd]
A locum doctor filling in a weekend shift finds three CoVid patients left to die on oxigen and steroids.
So he saves them and gets fired immediately. Hospital then pulls medication and vitamins from the patients.
As I have seen there are numerous independent reports on finding graphene oxide in the vaccine.
Here is a youtube link

to European & Global CLINAM Summit 2016: Cutting Edge Medicine; Clinical Nanomedicine and Targeted Medicine / Pathway to Personalized Medicine, talking about graphene and graphene oxide and its potential use in medicine - biomedical applications: bio devices, biosensors, tissue scaffolds, drug delivery and gene therapy vectors. It states that there is unknown outcome of the exposure to the material in vitro and in vivo, and potential adverse health effects.
Not sure if it was posted here before, so I'm sorry in advance for potential noise.
I post my entry in this thread too, because...

I think the SPARTACUS LETTER is absolutely brilliant !!

It nails everything important down about the Plandemic, of what is scientifically, medically and politically of importance (from a 3D perspective).

Mighty impressive written regarding the inner works in and behind this Plandemic: how the SARS-CoV-2 works and relates, how Covid-19 works and how it doesn't, the molecular components, and how people where deliberately mistreated, how the virus likely was tampered with - and that it in essence is a blood vessel disease (extreme inflammatory). I felt the medical part was outmost fascinating, really, truly !

I do recognize a lot from Dr Stephanie Seneff has said in Mercola's interviews (as well from other big shots) who have been trying to tell the public, of what is going on medically/scientifically in a negative sense. Another remarkable example in the Spartacus letter was, how the FDA actually tried to get NAC off the shelves in the US ! Antioxidants are indeed playing an important key roll against Covid-19 !

I recommend everyone to read the Spartacus letter.

I got two pdf copies of the letter. (Apparently they are scrubbing the internet and it get's increasingly different to get a hold of the letter) One is the original Spartacus letter, including all the links to everything he is writing about. And a second pdf where the links are easier to read because they are in blue underlined and optically better organized.
Thanks XPan!
SOTT also covered the story:
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