Yet another example of the deliberate obscuration and confusion between the virus and the disease as being one and the same that after 18 months is still endemic...
Yes, (I think) I know what you mean....

I´m also amazed by this kind of articles which:

1. say that he has been tested positive, but does not state that/if he was ill from the virus - which is a BIG difference

2. The idiotic articles like this make me think of the whole image people get from this general vaccine propaganda. Like, basically what they are saying with this kind of articles is that, once you get a vaccine, you grow a protective field around your body and when covid virus comes near you, it zips before entering your body and you never EVER get a covid virus. :headbash:

Dr. Johnston is a Victorian based GP with over 50 years experience who has witness first-hand the terrible effects of these vaccines on the people.

He has decided to speak out against the medical tyranny that our health care workers are currently under due to AHPRA's draconian overreach. He is also behind an initiative called healthcare workers for truth.

Good hour long interview with an eminently sane, 80 year old Australian GP who resigned 3 weeks ago when the government started pushing the injections on kids.. Nice hearing from someone who's been practicing for so long, putting it in the context of past things like the Hong Kong flu in the 60s, thalidomide, asbestos, the Vietnam war etc..

I liked his message to other GPs who might be listening: "If you don't hang together, you'll hang separately".

His website: Health Care Workers For – Just another WordPress site
Interestingly, it seems that the new NSW Premier, Dominic Perrottet had issues with Gladys Berejiklian and her approach, so perhaps they are about to shift their a

“Perrottet is believed to have a strong working relationship in crisis cabinet with the Health Minister, Hazzard, and also gets on well with Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant.

But it’s understood the person he had the most differences with was Berejiklian, who repeatedly said her government was following "the health advice" when it came to designing its response to the pandemic.”
Doubtful, he will likely be worse... As regards Bere-jerk-lian as the Crowhouse refers to her (LOL!), Clive Palmer exposed her (and others) being paid tens of millions of dollars by Pfizer and Astra Zeneca to push these shots. "The same lobbyist, says Palmer, controls the Liberal Party in Sydney and is using the threat of the Independent Commission Against Corruption’s (ICAC) inquiries into Gladys Berejiklian to pull her strings and push the vaccines." Guess that didn't work :P However, remember that all politicians and governments around the world are likely bribed in just this manner by these massive pharma cashouts...
Another one of those numerous coincidences.

Oct. 2019

This tweet hits the target,

That's a new find in terms of the heap of warm up acts and hidden in plain sight talks pre 2020 'outbreak'.

After a big of digging around, here's the full source. Really worth the watch, as so much of what they are saying openly here is clearly with something coming in mind.

The title says it all.

Nov 23, 2019

Milken Institute

Currently, there is no greater threat to global health, security, and the economy than the emergence of a highly transmissible influenza virus that could spark the next global pandemic. Yet we have become complacent to the threat of influenza. The annual event referred to by the media as "the cold and flu season" has created the notion that influenza is unavoidable. New treatments and improved diagnostics will enhance our management of influenza. Above all, we need a better vaccine to prevent the annual toll--and a vaccine that will be available before the next pandemic strikes. Philanthropists, governments, and the private sector have joined forces to invest in breakthrough science and catalyze a global response to the inevitable next flu pandemic. But are we organized to take full advantage of today's science and technology to find an effective universal influenza vaccine?


Michael Specter, Staff Writer, The New Yorker


Rick Bright, Director, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, US Department of Health and Human Services

Anthony Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health

Bruce Gellin, President, Global Immunization, Sabin Vaccine Institute

Margaret Hamburg, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Medicine; Former Commissioner, US Food and Drug Administration

Casey Wright, CEO, Flu Lab
'Novax' Djokovic standing up to the vax bullies

Good on him to use his tennis 'platform' to make a statement; well he could probably afford to be out of work for a while anyways. Best of luck to him (now that he's made himself a target to the vax bullies).
He was a target already in 2020 by trying to return things to "Normal".

In 2020 Djokovic had no clue who he was going up against. "They" hated him for trying and are now going after him again.
Another one of those numerous coincidences.

Oct. 2019

This tweet hits the target,
Do you notice the excitement in their voices ?

When a bunch of psychopaths get new directives to deceive the world audience with something they already know, but still kept in the hidden, poses a significant game change, then they really punch it in their excitement.

The art of selling illusions, lies and deceit is the domain of psychopaths.

So it is obvious by now, especially in hindsight, that they knew exactly about something major was in the works, soon to be released to the world …

Boy did it make them tick in that video clip. They would sell their grandmothers if it gave them extra money.


I guess there is no executive order registered for private companies with over 100 employees to mandate the vaccine in the USA. No order, no consequences or fines for companies that ignore the 'mandate'.
I guess there is no executive order registered for private companies with over 100 employees to mandate the vaccine in the USA. No order, no consequences or fines for companies that ignore the 'mandate'.
There is no executive order, nor will there be. Biden, as "head" of the executive branch is nominally in charge of OSHA. The plan is to do an end run around congress and a formal EO by instituting an OSHA regulation as an "emergency" measure. They will simply "regulate" the order into existence. It remains to be seen what the courts will do with this should it ever actually come to pass. My thought (perhaps wishful thinking) is that this was simply a threat to beat the "get the vaccine" drum.
As you may know there are now a host of examples of professional players collapsing - Eriksen was just the first and most high profile (3 Danish professional players to date to my count). So that does suggest they are being given the jab for real. However I do suspect that since then the mere valuable elite players - like in the UK Premier League - may have been given saline instead. Too much at risk to have a £100million value player collapse and die live on national TV. But who knows! Maybe the ptb don't give a damn anymore. If they have continued to use the real thing and considering the high levels of daily exertion involved, its only a matter of time before the next headline victim falls...
My guess is that there are indeed different versions of the vaxx as well, and maybe even some method to determine which demographic gets which dose. There are no legal controls and everyone is a 'guinea pig'. It's a field day for mad scientists.
There is no executive order, nor will there be. Biden, as "head" of the executive branch is nominally in charge of OSHA. The plan is to do an end run around congress and a formal EO by instituting an OSHA regulation as an "emergency" measure. They will simply "regulate" the order into existence. It remains to be seen what the courts will do with this should it ever actually come to pass. My thought (perhaps wishful thinking) is that this was simply a threat to beat the "get the vaccine" drum.
Restaurant owner with 138 employees fires all vaxxed employees - numbering 46. Then spreads the vaxxed employees' salaries among his employees who didn't get the vax, giving them a huge raise. Warning, salty language. All's fair in love, war, and dealing with stupidity.

This is entirely anecdotal, but some otherwise intelligent, educated (terminal degreed medial professionals) people I know that have taken the treatment seem to have become Stepford-like. I mean they are suddenly obedient, docile and hip to the plan. Some were authoritarian followers to be sure, but most I could have a lively, respectful, interactive conversation about facts with before. I've seen a similar change in Born-again people that thought it was the Mark of the Beast before taking it. Anyway, a weird wall seems to be up between us now. I never discuss the subject anymore with them.
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