We had another session the other night mainly to deal with some issues about directions and/or actions we need to take to preserve our work/safety in these increasingly trying times. Obviously, I can't publish that part of the exchange; wouldn't be much point in having a strategy that everyone knows about, now would it? And since it is personal to us here, it does not have universal applications and so no one is missing anything.
We also asked a few general interest questions and a series of questions about Eric Pepin and Higher Balance Institute. I'm going to exclude most of the Pepin/HBI questions and answers for the moment until we hear back from our attorneys as to whether or not we can publish that part of the transcript. It's rather scandalous, to understate the matter.
So, with the above exclusions accounted for, here is that part of the session that we can publish now:
We also asked a few general interest questions and a series of questions about Eric Pepin and Higher Balance Institute. I'm going to exclude most of the Pepin/HBI questions and answers for the moment until we hear back from our attorneys as to whether or not we can publish that part of the transcript. It's rather scandalous, to understate the matter.
So, with the above exclusions accounted for, here is that part of the session that we can publish now:
Session Date: October 22nd 2008
Laura, Ark, Chu, Anna, Simon, Scottie, Joe, A****
A: Hello
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Sikeloraea
Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea
Q: (A******) Is there a connection between chemicals and gases in the air that can change DNA? (L) Can you say that again a little slower? (A****) Like, can chemicals and gases change your DNA if you breathe them while you're pregnant? Can they change your baby's DNA? (L) Okay, so the question is: can chemicals or gases in the atmosphere change the DNA of a developing baby if breathed in by the mother?
A: Not usually. But there are some that can pass the placental barrier. Research on your own as these are generally known.
Q: (Discussion of answer and asking precise questions) (L) Well, DNA can make you change at any time that it changes. I think the problem here is that there are defenses built in to protect infants from the mother's environment. But that doesn't mean that someone whose already in the world couldn't breathe a mixture of gases (assuming that gases can change DNA) and make them change. Your stomach lining replaces itself every 8 hours, every 24 hours you have a completely new pancreas, so it's theoretically possible that your entire body could be transformed if the DNA to do so got turned on. That's probably where legends of werewolves came from. (L) Can breathing a different mixture of gases for anybody in general affect their DNA?
A: Certainly, but not exactly as you propose. More likely to change DNA are ingested substances both organic and inorganic. Also note that most such changes are detrimental. Witness the well known effects of heavy metals and petroleum products.
Q: (L) Anything else? (More discussion of answers and asking questions) (L) A****** also asks: Are there monsters in caves all over the world?
A: No, not every one. P4 P3 P2 monsters are most usual.
Q: (L) What is a P4 P3 P2 monster?
A: Species designation.
Q: (L) Species designation by whom? Maybe I don't want to know!
A: Their creators aka 4D.
Q: (L) Was this little monster that we got this picture of that was supposed to be in the Cheddar caves, was that one of these P4 P3 P2 monsters?
A: P3
Q: (L) Aaah! Creepy! Are P3 or P4 worse or creepier?
A: Depends on your perspective.
Q: (A*****) Are there monsters in the caves in Malta too?
A: Oh, yes.
Q: (A****) Okay, we've got to go! (Chu) Was this bird sound flapping and hitting my door a creature?
A: Yes
Q: (A*****) Which caves do the monsters dwell in?
A: Research for answer.
Q: (L) I have some books on that topic that you can read. Okay, there are a couple of things we wanted to cover...
{Segment deleted; questions about strategic enclosure for cass and sott}
Q: (L) Speaking of lawsuits...
{Segment about Eric Pepin and Higher Balance Institute deleted for the present.}
Q: (L) Well, what about his product that he markets, this "Magneurol", that's supposed to make you super-psychic? Is there anything to that?
A: Sure... It makes you susceptible to microwave and other transmissions and your brain can literally light up like landing lights!
Q: (Simon) Landing lights... (L) Landing lights? Like something is going to land there?
A: You got it!
Q: (Simon) Does it make people identifiable to 4D or some alien race or species or...?
A: That is not the main purpose. It attracts those entities that seek certain "experiences." {Part of answer deleted which refers specifically to Eric Pepin.}
Q: (L) In other words, say earth-bound spirits "land" on these people or connect to them because of this Magneurol and induce them to seek out or desire or want the kinds of activities that Pepin promotes behind the scenes? Is that what you're suggesting?
A: Pretty much.
Q: (Joe) Is that why they don't report it? Because they "zone out"? (Scott) Like they’re in full possession mode. (L) Very interesting. The C's said once something about how iron can help changing densities or moving easily in and out of densities. (Joe) That was in response to your question about the changeling babies dying when brought near to iron. (L) Well there were some other things we wanted to ask about too.
{Segment deleted: refers to strategic enclosure for sott/cass.}
Q: (Anna) Is garlic bad for me?
A: No!!!!!!!
Q: (Chu) What about {yerba} mate?
A: No.
Q: (Anna) Is mate the reason I've been having trouble sleeping lately?
A: Most likely. Use only in morning.
Q: (Chu) Is there anything we should improve or change in our candida/detox diet?
A: You are all doing well. Search transcripts for clues about minerals and secrets.
Q: (Ark) What can I do to sleep better?
A: Valerian.
Q: (Ark) What? (Anna) Valerian. It helps you relax. Just for me personally, I have a feeling that taking calcium isn't good for me. Is that correct?
A: Yes. It is too widely promoted and consumed out of balance with other minerals.
{Personal questions about specific individuals deleted.}
Q: (A****) Will the detox/anti-candida diet help me to stop having negative thoughts?
A: Yes indeed! Follow the diet and especially the supplements. The information about "secrets" applies to you too!!!!
Q: (Discussion of answer)
A: Also, what's with the depressing and mind warping music?!
Q: (A******) My music isn't depressing!
A: You should sing more. Clear melodies can change the vibration of your physical structure.
Q: (A****) That's why I sing in the bathroom.
A: Art and music are your gifts. Do not waste them.
Q: (A****) So that's why I sing because I know subconsciously...
A: You should study voice. It could be your ticket to dreamland.
Q: (A*****) So if I follow this candida thing and stop being so weird then it could help me accomplish my goals? (Discussion)
A: Yes. Always. When the voice within is in harmony with the voice without, the angels will sing with you.
Q: (A***) Okay. Sounds good. So when I do all this stuff, and I bloom, will I know instinctively where I ought to be?
A: Yes.
Q: (Simon) (question about breathing exercises)
A: Laura can teach you a better technique.
Q: (Chu) Does this music and singing thing apply to all of us?
A: Yes.
Q: (Anna) Uh-oh. (L) Just not to the same extent. (Anna) I have a whiskey voice, people! (L) I think singing helps you, but in A****'s case it was specific. (Scottie) So that would mean that playing an instrument would be good, yes?
A: Music is a good mode of expression for most people. But there are some who can change others lives with their heart and voice: A******.
Q: (L) Any last questions? (Ark) I just wanted to make a comment about how this music is good for everybody. It depends on what you have in your heart and mind. Remember F****! (laughter)
A: You hit the nail on the bald head! Goodbye.
{The referenced individual "F****" is completely bald.}