Gurdjieff and Hypnosis: A Hermeneutic Study


I just finished reading this book by Mohammad H. Tamdgidi and I recommend it. Dr. Tamdgidi wrote this book from his 2002 Ph. D dissertation. He does a wonderful job discussing Gurdjieff's biography/mythology/teachings and builds his chapters to finally discuss Gurdjieff's life's work in the field of hypnosis. Dr. Tamdgidi clarifies hypnotic techniques used in Gurdjieff's writing and from his point of view sees that Gurdjieff's work was to use hypnotic techniques, then deliver the shock by revealing his use of hypnosis thereby getting his readers to "decrystallize" the programming in the everyday world.
Here is a quote from pp.225-226:

Why did Gurdjieff, in pursuit of awakening humanity from the hypnotic trance and prison of mechanical life, consciously, intentionally, and systematically subject his pupils and readers to the Yezidi circle of his hypnotic influence, especially through his writings? And why did he leave, widely in the texture of his writings, more or less explicit information regarding his knowledge and practice of hypnotism such that they could aid those subjected to his hypnotic spell to get out of the Yezidi circle?
Gurdjieff's scattering and/or apparent withholding of information about his life and teaching were not merely due to a concern for pedagogical correctness but elaborate and and systematic efforts to raise and spead deep and obsessive curiosities among his readers and followers about his life and teaching. Fragmenting information about his life and teaching provided the most fertile emotional conditions for effecting and spreading--during his lifetime andinto his posterity--the hypnotic influence of his life and teaching in his readers' subconscious minds. It assured never-ending "searches for truth" of his life and teaching and continual, lifelong and world-wide, gazes of generations of interested readers on the shiny pages of his thrice-to-be-read "Ten Books in Three Series." For the "crystallization and decrystallization of those psychic factors" that he intended to engender, after all, "a comparatively lengthy period" was necessary (H:82). Whether he was actually successful in his novel experimentations with literary hypnotism is an important question to explore on its own merit, but this issue must be distinguished from the demonstrable facts of his intentions to pursue the science of hypnotism as a singular aim of his life and teaching.

The book includes helpful graphs and Dr. Tamdgini does a wonderful job breaking down the content of Gurdjieff's work. The book is pricey, but if you want additional insight to Gurdjieff's books then this book will help you.
Hi findit, can you give us the name of the book :P

edit: could it be "GURDJIEFF AND HYPNOSIS. A Hermeneutic Study" ?
Looking for the book above I came across this :
"To make a new race: Gurdjieff, Toomer, and the Harlem Renaissance By Jon Woodson"


Preface - ix
Acknowledgments - xi
Abbreviations - xii
Introduction - 1
1 Jean Toomer: Beside You Will Stand a Strange Man - 29
2 Wallace Thurman: Beyond Race and Color - 47
3 Rudolph Fisher: Minds of Another Order - 75
4 Nella Larsen: The Anatomy of "Sleep" - 97
5 George Schuyler: New Races and New Worlds - 123
6 Zora Neale Hurston: The Self and the Nation - 147
Conclusion - 171
Notes - 179
Bibliography - 183
Index - 191

...and if you are curious about what Jacob Needleman writes in his book(Gurdjieff: Essays and Reflections on the Man and His Teachings), take a look (some 20pages - preview) -Go to page 70-


There is also an intresting guy, Basarab Nicolescu, who has some pages in the same *link above.
I havent got time to recherche on him; any of you guys read his book?


A volume in the series Western Esoteric Traditions; Translated by Karen-Claire Voss; 169 pages


In this manifesto for the twenty-first century, Basarab Nicolescu uses the unification of the scientific culture and the sacred as his axis to address the problem of fragmentation which plagues contemporary life. Nicolescu identifies the dangers of self-destruction caused by modernity and increased use of technology and offers alternative ways to address them-a transdisciplinary approach that propels us beyond the either/or thinking that gave rise to the antagonisms that initially produced the problems. Nicolescu calls on us to rethink everything in terms of what quantum physics has shown us about the nature of the universe. He argues that reality is not something that exists on one level, but rather on many levels, and only a transdisciplinary approach can deal with the dynamics of several levels of reality at once.
I did not look to see if his dissertation was online. Yeah, the name of the book is "Gurdjieff and Hypnosis: A Hermeneutic Study."
Little background about Basarab Eftimie Nicolescu:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Basarab Eftimie Nicolescu (b. March 25, 1942, Ploieşti, Romania) is a theoretical physicist at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris. He is also a Professor at the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Docteur ès-Sciences Physiques (PhD), 1972, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris.
He is the president and founder of the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research and Studies (CIRET), a non-profit organization (163 members from 26 countries).
In addition, he is the co-founder, with René Berger, of the Study Group on Transdisciplinarity at UNESCO (1992) and the founder and Director of the "Transdisciplinarity" Series, Rocher Editions, Monaco and of the "Romanians of Paris", Oxus Editions, Paris.
He is also a specialist in the theory of elementary particles. Basarab Nicolescu is the author of more than one hundred thirty articles in leading international scientific journals, has made numerous contributions to science anthologies and participated in several dozens French radio and multimedia documentaries on science.
Basarab Nicolescu is a major advocate of the transdisciplinary reconciliation between science and the humanities. He has published many articles on the role of science in contemporary culture in journals in France, Romania, Italy, United Kingdom, Brazil, Argentina, Japan and in the USA.

Findit, I don't mean to take your tread :(
Good book. Very interesting outside view of the writings. My Personal opinion is that the author takes his theory too far.
I am also left puzzled as to why a man who claims to have thoroughly studied the writings makes such a mess of summarising Beelzebubs tales - the inaccuracies jump out at anyone familiar with the tales.
I agree with Stevie Argyll.Tamdgigi's book is quite dense, and at first reading seems to be an intensive study, as well as an investigation of the thesis that Mr. Gurdjieff's writings were deliberately hypnotic. But there is something of an odd "smell" here. He states that he will stick strictly to Gurdjieff's own writings (the "hermeneutic" study), yet refers to Ouspensky's work. He repeatedly puts key words into quotes ("ancient"), as though to call them into question. My growing sense is that he has his own agenda here. I posted a much longer commentary on Amazon with more detail.
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See this thread for a discussion of Tamdgidi't book:,44863.0.html
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