The deliberate corruption of the education system.

Ah, the MBA, one of my favorite subjects.

I witnessed in horror as the MBA degree rose in importance during the late 1970s and 1980s in the US to way beyond its original purpose. That purpose was traditionally for engineers, scientists, etc., who were being brought into corporate management positions and was intended to expose them to a fairly simple survey of the various business functions (or loosely disciplines) with which they would be interfacing.

It was one of those seemingly magical events that just sort of suddenly happened. Of course the whole thing was engineered; the universities got a sweet new source of income that didn't cost very much to provide, and the corporatists made sure of that the indoctrination was tailor-made to their suiting for each eager, new recruit. For a while corporatists were willing to pay for all or part of the costs of those degrees. Gradually the cost of an MBA has been shifted to the student, their parents, etc., and many a sizable loans has been made for that purpose.

At one point the phenomenon even had its own MBA-Mensa dating organization. Guess they weren't smart enough to find each other :D.

Each year the fad fed more on itself, creating its own importance. Soon, the degree was almost a necessity for anyone wanting to have any chance of moving up the old corporate ladder. I suspected this phenomenon was not necessary then, as I still do now, save for the intended indoctrination and the culling out process (those without MBA degrees) that likely takes place. A few business school courses in an undergraduate degree are sufficient, particularly accounting which is more truly a discipline. The experience one gets from working the job is vital, not the time spent obtaining this particular "certificate."

Of course we in the US now have all the requisite job and industry changing that one must go through in order to advance their income. Think of the loss of experience, and related costs, to the owners/stock-holders with all this job-changing. On the other side, I know from being an independent programmer that last 12 years of my working life, that moving around does provide one with certain eclectic experiences not possible to come by when remaining in one organization. But, it was never my intent to remain in any of those organization which was known to all in advance.

I do hope I didn't ruffle too many feathers by this diatribe on the MBA.
Below is a essay about the plan to destroy public education in the United States. Much of it has already happened especially in New Orleans. Although the article focuses on education, the scope of the privatization agenda aims to include all areas that were once considered
the public domain.

Especially horrifying to me is the plan to throw 10th graders who fail an "exit test" out of school.


STEVEN MILLER AND JACK GERSON, EDUCATOR ROUNDTABLE - The "Tough Choices or Tough Times" report of the National Commission on Skills in the Workplace, funded in large part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and signed by a bipartisan collection of prominent politicians, businesspeople, and urban school superintendents, called for a series of measures including:

(a) replacing public schools with what the report called "contract schools", which would be charter schools writ large;

(b) eliminating nearly all the powers of local school boards - their role would be to write and sign the authorizing agreements for the "contract schools;

(c) eliminating teacher pensions and slashing health benefits; and

(d) forcing all 10th graders to take a high school exit examination based on 12th grade skills, and terminating the education of those who failed (i.e., throwing millions of students out into the streets as they turn 16.

These measures, taken together, would effectively cripple public control of public education. They would dangerously weaken the power of teacher unions, thus facilitating still further attacks on the public sector. They would leave education policy in the hands of a network of entrepreneurial think tanks, corporate entrepreneurs, and armies of lobbyists whose priorities are profiting from the already huge education market while cutting back on public funding for schools and students.

Indeed, their measures would mean privatization of education, effectively terminating the right to a public education, as we have known it. Many of the most powerful forces in the country want the US, the first country to guarantee public education, to be the first country to end it.

For the last fifty years, public education was one of only two public mandates guaranteed by the government that was accessible to every person, regardless of income. Social Security is the other. Now both systems are threatened with privatization schemes. The government today openly defines its mission as protecting the rights of corporations above everything. Thus public education is a rare public space that is under attack.

The same scenario is being implemented with most of the services that governments used to provide for free or at little cost: electricity, national parks, health care and water. In every case, the methodology is the same: underfund public services, create an uproar and declare a crisis, claim that privatization can do the job better, deregulate or break public control, divert public money to corporations and then raise prices.

In the past year, it's become evident that the corporate surge against public schools is only part of a much broader assault against the public sector, against unions, and indeed against the public's rights and public control of public institutions.

[This has been evident for some time now in New Orleans, where Hurricane Katrina's devastation is used as an excuse for permanently privatizing the infrastructure of a major American city: razing public housing and turning land over to developers; replacing the city's public school system with a combination of charter schools and state-run schools;letting the notorious Blackwater private army loose on the civilian population; and, in the end, forcing tens of thousands of families out of the city permanently. The citizens of New Orleans have had their civil rights forcibly expropriated.

Just as the shock of the hurricane was the excuse for the shock therapy applied to New Orleans, so the economic downturn triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis is now the excuse for a national assault on the public sector and the public's rights. . .

In public education, the corporate surge has grown both qualitatively and quantitatively. Where two years ago the corporate education change agents were mainly operating in a relatively small number of large urban areas, they have now surfaced everywhere. The corporatization of public education is the leading edge of privatization. This has the effect of silencing the public voice on every aspect of the situation.

Across the US, public schools are not yet privatized, though private services are increasingly benefiting from this market. However, increasing corporate control of programs - a different mix in every locale - is having a chilling influence on the very things that people (though not corporations) want from teachers: the ability to relate to and teach each child, a nurturing approach that nudges every child to move ahead, human assessments that put people before performance on standardized tests.

Perhaps the single most dramatic development of the corporate approach was the launching of the $60 million Strong American Schools - Ed in '08 initiative, funded by billionaires Bill Gates and Eli Broad. This is a naked effort to purchase the nation's education policy, no matter who is elected President, by buying their way into every electoral forum.

Ed in '08 has a three-point program: merit pay (basing teachers' compensation on students' scores on high stakes test); national education standards (enforcing conformity and rote learning); and longer school day and school year (still more time for rote learning, less time for kids to be kids. . .

Where two years ago charter schools were still viewed as experiments affecting a relatively small number of students, in 2007 the corporate privatizers - led by Broad and Gates - grossly expanded their funding to the point where they now loom as a major presence.

In March, the Gates Foundation announced a $100 million donation to KIPP charter schools, which would enable them to expand their Houston operation to 42 schools (from eight) - effectively, KIPP will be a full-fledged alternative school system in Houston. Also in the past year, Eli Broad and Gates have given in the neighborhood of $50 million to KIPP and Green Dot charter schools in Los Angeles, with the aim of doubling the percentage of LA students enrolled in charter schools. Oakland, another Broad/Gates targets, now has more than 30 charter schools out of 92. And, as we shall see below, the same trend holds across the country.

NCLB in 2008 is still a major issue. It continues to have a corrosive effect on public schools. It is designed an unfunded mandate, which means that schools must meet ever rigid standards every year, though no more money is appropriated to support this effort. This means that schools must take ever-more money out of the class room to meet federal requirements when schools with low test scores are in "Program Improvement". Once schools are in PI for 5 years they can be forced into privatization.

NCLB is a driving force that decimates the "publicness" in public schools. In California, more than 2000 schools are now in "Program-Improvement". This means that they have to meet certain specific, and mostly impossible standards, or they must divert increasingly greater amounts of money out of the classroom and into private programs.

For example, schools in 3rd year PI must take money out of programs that helped schools with a high proportion of low achieving schools and make it available to private tutors. . .

Privatizing public schools inevitable leads to massive increase in social inequality. Private corporations have never been required to recognize civil rights, because, by definition, these are public rights. If the corporate privatizers succeed in taking over our schools, there will be neither quality education nor civil rights.

The system of public education in the United States is deeply flawed. While suburban schools are among the best in the world, public education in cities has been deliberately underfunded and is in a shambles. The solution is not to fight backwards to maintain the old system. Rather it is to fight forward to a new system that will truly guarantee quality education as a civil right for everyone.

Central to this is to challenge the idea that everything in human society should be run by corporations, that only corporations and their political hacks have the right or the power to discuss what public policy should be. . .
The real direction is to increase the role and power of the public in every way, not eliminate it. . .
this is straight out of Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine, and there are curious connections to prove it.

the super-intendant for the New Orleans schools is a certain Paul Vallas \\\

He started out as budget coordinator for the city of CHicago -- this is where Friedman's economic school of thought is based in, and the connection is obvious.

Afterwards, he led the Philadelphia school districts in shmoozing first with Edison Schools (a for-profit which practically took over the district, managing their schools on contract basis, with dubious results), and later with Bill Gates Foundation, which created the prematurely much-lauded School of the Future there.

So this is a person who practically pioneered the sell-ff of the public education to private interests. When a crisis struck in New Orleans, they plucked just the right person to do the dirty work.
This article was forwarded to me from my sister who is a 7th/8th grade teacher. Thought I'd share because it's right on.

What Are We Doing?
And Why Are We Doing It?

An examination of educational purpose. There is something seriously wrong here and if it is not with WHAT we presume to give our students in their various subjects, it must be with the HOW we do so.

by L. Swilley
July 1, 2008

Part I. What Are We Doing?

A regular columnist in our local newspaper asked this question of teachers: "When in real life, will I ever use [the subjects we take in school]?" The columnist continues, "Most teachers just glare at the asker ... praying for an answer from above... because they don't know."

The columnist then answers the question herself: " won't use this stuff unless... you plan to be a physicist, chemist, mathematician or biologist." She acknowledges the need for literacy and for enough Math "to be able to balance one's checkbook." She then concludes, "The best reason I can think of for an education? So that you understand good jokes."

Before we condemn this - as we would like to call it - Yahoo Manifesto, we ought to ask ourselves what we are indeed doing, requiring the curricula we do of our students, especially since, as this columnist correctly reminds us, most of the facts we require the students to know disappear rapidly from the mind after graduation.

If literacy and mathematical rudiments are sufficient for the conduct of our general lives, why DO we torment students with years of courses in History, Literature, the Sciences and the Arts, if they are never or so seldom going to use what they have learned? The answer that comes to the mind of the teacher faced with this question is often a desperate, nervous, "Well, you never know when you will need this material in the profession or work you pursue after you graduate!" This answers invites the response - or should invite it - that it makes little sense to take up so much time and energy on material that only vaguely if at all will be used in a profession or in work, especially since, in the later pursuit of either, specialized courses pertinent to those occupations will be provided elsewhere.

If literacy and mathematical rudiments are sufficient for the conduct of our general lives, why DO we torment students with years of courses in History, Literature, the Sciences and the Arts, if they are never or so seldom going to use what they have learned?

If our real, central and only purpose in public education is to assure that our citizens can read, comprehend, write - and calculate sufficiently to measure correctly and "balance their checkbooks" - does it not make infinitely more sense to give our attention entirely to those areas, then insist that the professions, trades and businesses provide, themselves, any further training necessary to those who take them up?

Imagine the results! High schools would virtually disappear, middle schools and elementary schools would merge; Science departments would vanish, along with History, Literature, Art, Music departments! Teachers formerly in any subjects other than "the three R's" would be redistributed to much smaller groups of students (for more effective teaching and learning), and they would teach the students to read, to comprehend what they read, to write legibly and cogently - perhaps even speak well! - and give them such mathematical learning as would allow them to keep up with their finances and measure their kitchen cabinets and clothes closets!

And imagine the savings of public money! In fact, what need would we have to retain teachers and principals at all? (and what need of graded classes?) Prudent use of computers, monitored by clerks trained to follow specific, step-by-step instructions in a manual will provide, at tremendous savings, all that is required to achieve this noble end! (Since a growing number of districts already demand scripted classes - denying the teacher-competence they have nevertheless certified - this seems but a small step ahead, anyway.)

If this is not the proper, honest position to take about our educational "philosophy," how do we explain to our students and to our public what we are indeed doing NOW? If, beyond the needs of literacy, we say we are providing those bodies of knowledge only as those subjects may distantly serve professionals and workers, must we not agree that it would make more sense - and be much more economical of time and money - to train for literacy and the mathematical rudiments, then release the students, graduate them into the adult world?

If not, shouldn't we face the looming truth that our schools are mere holding pens to keep workers from flooding the labor market and undermining the economy?

What are we doing?

Part II. Lessons From the Past

The deadly central error in our feeble educational policy is our meek acceptance of the utilitarian public's demand that public education should produce primarily (if not solely) workers. When businesses send out the alarm that their workers cannot read well, write well or calculate accurately, the public rouses itself from its self-indulgent torpor of greed and pleasure, just long enough to shake its beer-and-popcorned locks at the educational establishment for its negligence, its failure to provide "what business needs." There follows a sudden, confused flurry of activity among the herds of sheeplike educators, all attempting to protect themselves from the public's barks by responding with new educational "programs" designed to satisfy the howlers and presented to give the impression that, after all, the sheep know where they are going.

The deadly central error in our feeble educational policy is our meek acceptance of the utilitarian public's demand that public education should produce primarily (if not solely) workers.

But these sheep don't know where they are going, as will be made evident to anyone who poses the columnist's question ("When in real life will I ever use this?") to students, parents, teachers, administrators, School Board members, State Education bureaucrats - or U.S. presidents. The response will either be patriotic gore or glazed eyes as the questioned party, if he answers at all, retreats into the night and fog of emotional twaddle.

Well, then, where SHOULD these sheep, the educators, be going?

To determine that, we need to look to the distant past where the curricula we still blindly use today had its origins.

The regimen of Mathematics, the Sciences, History, Literature, Art, Music - and O forgotten now! - Dance, had its beginning in Greece; it was enthusiastically continued by the Romans and revived and reformed in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. It continued, with the fullest understanding of its significance, in the education of "the gentleman" through the 19th and early 20th centuries. Then, with the rise of universal public education, funded now with hard-won taxes, although the regimen of subjects remained, the purpose for its application was lost; in its stead, we were given the utilitarian purposes dictated by our American "philosophers," Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller. These purposes we embraced, hardly noticing that the ancient regimen of subjects, which we kept still in our schools, had no justification for existence now if the "thought" of our new "thinkers" was to be the revised Vision of work and business-efficiency they offered.

But what was the purpose of that regimen of subjects as our ancestors saw it?

…with the rise of universal public education, funded now with hard-won taxes, although the regimen of subjects remained, the purpose for its application was lost; in its stead, we were given the utilitarian purposes dictated by our American "philosophers," Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller.

The purpose of the ancient regimen of subjects - a regimen to which we still blindly cling - was to help the student realize and perfect his Human Being. It was NOT for the purpose of making him capable of DOING - although that inevitably resulted - but for the purpose of make him capable of BEING.

It was reasoned by our ancestors that inasmuch as every person is born with natural but undeveloped interests and different proper but undeveloped ways of pursuing them, each person should be educated ("led out" into the world) by perfecting those different ways of thinking appropriate to the different interests - or subjects. Until the student had become all that he could BE as a Human Being, it was thought, there was little he could DO for himself or his community. The student's task was, as Socrates told us, to "Know himself," a wisdom that could be achieved only by refining all of his different ways of knowing all the different experiences under all the categories of his natural interests - Mathematics, Science, History, Art, etc.

Without those refinements, that knowledge of those dimensions of experience, the student was without location in the world - although he had to be in it and could not escape it - he was merely a wild thing, confused, unsociable to his own kind or any kind, ignorant of his possible perfection of form and grace, dangerous to all who approached him; he was a loose cannon on the deck of the ship, the community.

A worker without the understanding and appreciation of his work in ever-larger contexts is simply a slave.

In order to be of service to others, then, the student had first to be a human being, and this was to be achieved by exercising his body and his mind - especially the latter, for it was Mind that distinguished him from the other animals - in all the ways of which they were capable. Once knowing how to BE properly - or at least beginning to know it - the student was ready to leave his "educator," move out into the world and ACT effectively.

This was education *par excellence*; it is the only kind of education that gives the proper perspective on the subjects of the present curricula; and it is not and can never be considered robotic training for a job; indeed, the very degree it is specifically applicable to a particular job it is suspiciously destructive of its larger *human* purpose.

It is this perspective of the curricula as creating human beings rather than workers that so many modern educators seem either not to know, or knowing it, have failed to emphasize it to everyone they encounter in the education scene. Those entirely ignorant of it must wonder hourly what they are really trying to accomplish and must take their job as teachers as mere "busy work" or baby-sitting. Those who have known it but failed to stand up for it before anyone who hold any other position must be miserable beyond the groaning of it. And any educator who allows himself or herself to be intimidated and moved to a nervous defense of his subject as "possibly useful later in a profession or trade" does not really know what he is supposed to be doing.

It is this perspective of the curricula as creating human beings rather than workers that so many modern educators seem either not to know, or knowing it, have failed to emphasize it to everyone they encounter in the education scene.

Students who have been given the kind of liberal education I am describing here, an education for being a complete human, are ultimately those who - ironically for our contest with the utilitarian forces of Fordism and Rockefellerism - make the very best workers after all, for this ideal education creates the capacious mind, one that can see the relations of things and ideas, a worker who understands where he is not only in the job but in the larger world that contains it. Such a worker cannot but be more efficient than one who moves robotically through duties for which he has been narrowly "trained." For example, the computer programmer must be more deeply satisfied with himself and his work than the clerk who merely manipulates the program without knowing how it works; and the mathematician/engineer who stands behind the programmer as master-puppeteer is probably, for his greater knowledge and scope, happier than both.

A worker without the understanding and appreciation of his work in ever larger contexts is simply a slave.

But haven't we now in our schools the regimen that provides the liberal training described above? Haven't we courses in Math, Science, History, Literature, Art - all required of our students?

Yes, but mustn't there be something wrong in our delivery of these subjects, because students put through years of exposure to them nevertheless forget within months if not weeks after graduation most of what they "learned" about them?

And isn't it tragically telling that the students' very intellectual models, their teachers, cannot pass the tests required of their students - save in the particular subject each teaches?

There is something seriously wrong here and if it is not with WHAT we presume to give our students in their various subjects, it must be with the HOW we do so.

Part III. "Habit of Mind"

We live in a time when it is assumed that quantity is superior to quality. The expert, individual human touch that produces one-of-a-kind signed and customized products has been replaced by the machine that grinds out, sausage-like, cheap duplicated items to satisfy a growing public demand for the disposable.

Not so subtly, the mentality that has furthered this craving for ever more and more things has infested the domain of education: increasingly we believe that command of quantity of facts - a quantity so easily measured with the tests and surveys to which we have become addicted - is the proper measure of educational achievement. (This poison shows itself, too, in our unchecked passion for extra-curricular activities, spectacularly in our cripplingly expensive sports programs, and in our silly conviction that monumentally extravagant new buildings, fancier labs and "innovative" programs that grow like Topsy will distract the public from our real need: more and better teachers.

Not so subtly, the mentality that has furthered this craving for ever more and more things has infested the domain of education: increasingly we believe that command of quantity of facts - a quantity so easily measured with the tests and surveys to which we have become addicted - is the proper measure of educational achievement.

Our courses in History and Literature, particularly, become exercises in memorization of facts. For example, in History there is an almost universally exclusive emphasis on chronology and "what the textbook says" about those dates and events. Rare is the teacher who has built his own critical principles for dealing with the problems in either subject and who understands that it is his own *habit of mind* that he should be teaching - not *what* he thinks but *how* he reasons about his subject, and the advantages and weaknesses of that critical approach. If he understood that, he would use selected, increasingly complex historical or literary *cases* to develop his students' consciousness of the teacher's principles of judgment. (His model should be the teacher of Mathematics who has no choice but to teach principles of judgment, for those are built into the very content of his subject.)

The repetition of such exercises in principles of judgment produces a lasting *habit of mind* and offers the best condition for both intellectual appreciation and retention.

I say that it is not the command of a multiplicity of historical or literary facts that should be our aim - as delightful as such encyclopedic knowledge may be - rather, our aim should be the students' command of the individual teacher's habit of mind, his principles of judgment of facts, developed by the careful, lengthy and precise examination of cases selected for their increasing complexity to test and secure those principles.

Teachers must be trained to become aware of their own principles of judgment of their subjects, for without this emphasis at the level of the individual classroom there is no real hope for developing in our students any lasting habit of mind.

Of course, it must be accepted that our massive educational system, determined as it is to prescribe *universal* standards and tests, will not entertain a shift from easily measured standards of *quantity* to elusive standards of *quality*, particularly since the latter must be defined by the individual teacher; yet the teacher as an individual mind forming minds like his own is the very reason he exists, the very reason he cannot be replaced by the computer, the reason he cannot surrender completely to the demands of *system*. An accommodation must be sought, the system sharing time and attention with the teacher.

Teachers must be trained to become aware of their own principles of judgment of their subjects, for without this emphasis at the level of the individual classroom there is no real hope for developing in our students any lasting habit of mind.

Absent such accommodation and teacher training, our only hope lies in an early and thorough concentration on the rudiments without regard to division by age-groups, followed by the students' and their parents' selection of academic or vocational electives as their middle and high school curricula. The student's own interest in an elective will help him to his own lasting habit of mind, whether or not his teacher has one.

Whatever the solution, we must abandon our present totally ineffective and humanly and financially wasteful curricula.
Hi, Kel: This article reminds me of some I read (and a few I wrote) back when I was in teachers college. This would be in the late '60s. The criticisms are much the same in this article as they were then. Even the belief that the system of education can be fixed. So little seems to have changed in all that time.
Just a thought though. Perhaps the educational system is successful. It is doing what it was designed to do. Produce obedient human livestock. The terror of the situation.

I think the education system is mind controlling. I go to a charter school and everyday we had to be on time or get a detention. Or we have to wear the same fake suit uniform everyday or get a detention. Or we have to do what everybody else does or get suspended. And I think I am in a system Laura said we are created differently. And we should be able to express our free will. And this school violates our free will a lot. They told us that we have to have a certian dress code for prom. Every where you go its the media run by sychopaths and the education system is one. Because Laura told us do what makes us happy and not what makes them happy. So I think it is a system. What do you all think about this.
here is a previous discussion of this topic:
After watching that George Carlin piece, I remembered an old video which had blown me away several years ago wherein a parent gave a brilliant presentation at a town council meeting where she described exactly how the education system in her state was deliberately designed by industrial interest to produce dumbed down, instruction-following children. This was the fruit of several years of dogged research on her part. (Smart moms are NOT enemies you want to have once their ire is incited!)

It was an eye-opening, smoking gun kind of presentation, and I would include it in my list of top 10 internet videos of all time, (along the Pentagon Strike video). It IS rather long, and it's dated; it was shot in the early 90's, but the thing about education is that the results we see today are the result of actions taken twenty years ago. In any case, it's still one of the most concise and easy to follow explanations of how education has been corrupted that I've ever seen. This didn't just apply to Pennsylvania, but more than 30 other states.

View it here. . .

I'm really glad I remembered it and was able to hunt down a copy.

One of the gems from this video was a description of a standardized test her child had to take. Here's one of the questions she describes. . . (Transcript)

There was an organization called the "Midnight Marauders" they went out at night and spray painted all over everybody's walls.

"I would join the group if:

1. My best friend was a member of the group. The child could say, "Yes, No or Maybe" (The correct answer was "Yes.")
2. I would join the group if: all the popular kids were members of the group, Yes, No or Maybe. (The correct answer was "Yes.")
3. I would join the group if my parents would ground me if they found out. (The correct answer was "No.")

You are supposed to avoid punishment but you are supposed to honor commitments to friends and go with the group.

The goal was collectivism."

The students and parents were never allowed to see how tests were scored and it was a feat of some ingenuity and stubbornness that anybody was able to get a copy of the test protocols. As she learned, it was part of a monitoring program for a secret system imposed on the schools by a larger arm of government. The thing which caught my attention, was that many aspects of the beast she exposed have been made part of every curriculum in every part of the Western world I've lived.

It's a pretty astonishing video.
This is astonishing. I've posted it on my FB page and I urge everyone else to do the same.
Woodsman said:
After watching that George Carlin piece, I remembered an old video which had blown me away several years ago wherein a parent gave a brilliant presentation at a town council meeting where she described exactly how the education system in her state was deliberately designed by industrial interest to produce dumbed down, instruction-following children. This was the fruit of several years of dogged research on her part. (Smart moms are NOT enemies you want to have once their ire is incited!)

It was an eye-opening, smoking gun kind of presentation, and I would include it in my list of top 10 internet videos of all time, (along the Pentagon Strike video). It IS rather long, and it's dated; it was shot in the early 90's, but the thing about education is that the results we see today are the result of actions taken twenty years ago. In any case, it's still one of the most concise and easy to follow explanations of how education has been corrupted that I've ever seen. This didn't just apply to Pennsylvania, but more than 30 other states.

View it here. . .

I'm really glad I remembered it and was able to hunt down a copy.

Thank you very much for sharing that video, that is mind-blowing. I have sent it to several members of my family who have been in the education system all their lives. My mother, grandmother and grandfather, ant and uncle are all teachers, principles, or involved in education in some way. It will be interesting to get their opinion on this.
I just watched this video and put it up on my facebook page. Thanks a lot for posting the link. The info in the video was pretty sad but knowing about the true nature of the world it's no surprise. :(
I do not know if any of you are familiar with Charlotte Iserbyt's work or not but it is excellent. She was the former Senior Policy Advisor in the US Department of Education .It is called the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.

Her website is here- -

There is a 7 part interview with her here:
EmeraldHope said:
I do not know if any of you are familiar with Charlotte Iserbyt's work or not but it is excellent. She was the former Senior Policy Advisor in the US Department of Education .It is called the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.

Her website is here- -

There is a 7 part interview with her here:

Indeed. I had this and misplaced it. Thanks for that link.

From the Foreword of the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - E Book :

Charlotte Iserbyt is to be greatly commended for having put together the most formidable and practical compilation of documentation describing the “deliberate dumbing down” of American children by their education system. Anyone interested in the truth will be shocked by the way American social engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the American people into a socialist world government controlled by behavioral and social scientists.

One of the Appendices:
Excerpts from “The National Alliance for Restructuring Education:
Schools—and Systems—for the 21st Century”

Another one of the Appendices:
A Proposal to the New American Schools Development Corporation by the National Center on Education and the Economy
Attn.: Marc Tucker, President
39 State Street, Suite 500, Rochester (Monroe County), NY 14614
Phone: (716) 546-7620 and FAX: (716) 546-3145

and its Partners:

State of Arkansas
Apple Computer, Inc.
State of Kentucky
Center for the Study of Social Policy
State of New York
Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce, Pittsburgh, PA
Harvard Project on Effective Services, Rochester, NY
Learning Research and Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh
San Diego, CA
State of Vermont
National Alliance of Business
State of Washington
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, White Plains, NY
New Standards Project
Xerox Corporation

Another one of the Appendices:
“Our Children: The Drones” by Ann Herzer, M.A., Reading Specialist. This two-part article was written in 1984
Why do they always say it is for the purpose of leading people into a "socialist" world government" when that is clearly not the case? Socialism is NOT the same as totalitarianism which is, in fact, what the PTB are after. Socialism is a government controlled by the people, for the people. If this is what Iserbyt concludes, then I have to think that she is a victim of what she is describing: dumbing down.
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