The Living Force
Laura said:Why do they always say it is for the purpose of leading people into a "socialist" world government" when that is clearly not the case? Socialism is NOT the same as totalitarianism which is, in fact, what the PTB are after. Socialism is a government controlled by the people, for the people. If this is what Iserbyt concludes, then I have to think that she is a victim of what she is describing: dumbing down.
Laura I think it may because of American's idea of what socilism has been everywhere it was enacted. As far as I know there has never been true socialism. In the countries where it was implemented the people never controlled anything- a small privledged group did. So I think when people say socialism they mean it in that context which is pretty much the same as totaliitarianism. Additionaly it is being implemented by stealth and the results are making the kids less aware and intellengent.
Given this lady's age the social programming she would have had during the her younger years would have buned socialism being a very bad thing deep in her brain, and would be assoicated with CHina, Stalin, Mao, and Russia espcially . So I think it is where the confusion lies.