Doing "Reiki" on oneself without attunement?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I discovered an energy stream coming through my hands maybe six years ago and have been 'laying hands' on me, a pet, and a few times on others after permission. When I do it on myself I feel energized afterwards, though nothing groundbreaking like heat.

My question is: without any attunement, is it okay (as in safe) to 'lay hands' on oneself? Considering that my vessel is far from clean, I wonder what kind of energy is it that is coming through my hands?
Hi Enaid,

This is an interesting question which I have already asked myself. I do not know whether one can be able to practise Reiki since birth, even if to a limited extend.

But, yes, to be able to sense the flow of energy or life force (draining or charging) is possible as far as I can tell from my own experiences and reports of other people I know. I can always sense a kind of energy streaming through my hands. If I take my both hands, my palms together, but don't let them come in contact with each other, I feel either attraction or repulsion. It can be only described as two magnets. It works exactly the same way. The stronger my concentration is and the more energy I have, the stronger this "magnet" becomes. However, it does not have to be Reiki. I think, it is simply a natural sensation.

Mod's note: Edited to correct the name.
I think I know what you mean about a natural sensation, but what I'm talking about specifically is the observation that this energy stream energizes me, and even helps to get rid of pain. As you've described it, this energy stream is stronger the stronger my own system's energy is. There were times where I had barely any energy and no energy stream would come out of my hands to alleviate the pain I had.
Which bears the question whether this is simply my own energy, and nothing from outside, which has healing properties of its own to some extent.
Enaid said:
I think I know what you mean about a natural sensation, but what I'm talking about specifically is the observation that this energy stream energizes me, and even helps to get rid of pain. As you've described it, this energy stream is stronger the stronger my own system's energy is. There were times where I had barely any energy and no energy stream would come out of my hands to alleviate the pain I had.
Which bears the question whether this is simply my own energy, and nothing from outside, which has healing properties of its own to some extent.

Enaid said:
I discovered an energy stream coming through my hands maybe six years ago and have been 'laying hands' on me, a pet, and a few times on others after permission. When I do it on myself I feel energized afterwards, though nothing groundbreaking like heat.

My question is: without any attunement, is it okay (as in safe) to 'lay hands' on oneself? Considering that my vessel is far from clean, I wonder what kind of energy is it that is coming through my hands?

Hi Enaid. I had similar experiences and similar questions on my mind some years ago, and they ultimately lead me into studying the original Reiki. I'll try to answer some of your questions, relying on my own experience and the training and knowledge I've received from my own teacher.

It's natural and quite common to feel energy emanating out of your hands, and I think that in a sense people are subconsciously aware of it and using it: when we get hurt, like when accidentally injuring our leg or arm, we instinctively put our hands on that sore spot - and often it soothes the pain, just a bit. It also seems that this natural ability to feel and use some kind of energy flow is hereditary. I know a couple of people (and read of others) who say that they are doing their own type of 'Reiki' and it has been in their family for many generations. Now, we can't of course be sure of what kind of 'energy' or 'method' different natural healers use. There are good ones, dangerous ones and just plainly bad/useless ones. Often the key lies in the intention that lies behind the action/healing.

At some point in my life I got interested in Reiki. I did some reading on the subject and wanted instantly to try it out. I knew I had no attunements, but I was curious to see if anything would happen. So, I put my hands on different locations, first on my self, and then on my wife(!) - and sure enough, I felt something. It could have been just hypersensitivity because of my intention to do it, but after a couple of times I was confident that there was 'something' happening.

Some months later I finally found a good and reliable teacher of the traditional Usui Reiki, and I decided to ask about my early experiences. His answer was that many of us have the capability to conduct what he called 'earth energy'. He explained that it was like the concept of grounding in electricity - conducting that energy was completely safe and to some extent useful. He added however, that this was not Reiki. He then explained that Reiki was a more detailed, more exact 'science' of harnessing these energies and that everyone could learn and do it, if they would study and work on it. If I remember correctly, he added that there probably would be other ways than Reiki to do the 'conducting', but because Usui is the only one of who's teachings we know of and who shared it, it is the best way/school we can rely on. He also warned, that there are many false disciplines of 'Reiki' out there, and he couldn't vouch for their usefulness.

So, I would say that there is probably no harm in doing 'home made Reiki' as long as it comes naturally from yourself, and not from some outer source in form of a mystical teacher, strange rituals, symbols and e.g. 'ancient Egypt' teachings. But I would like to add, that if you want to be on the safe side, it would probably be a good idea to take a course in the traditional Usui Reiki - and what's nice about it, it really enhances your capabilities and your ability to help others. Studying, learning and most importantly practicing/applying Reiki on yourself and others makes it also easier for you to 'turn it on' whenever you want to. And I think it's important to keep in mind, that the original Usui teachings were not just about 'laying on hands' - there is great emphasis on meditation, self awareness and external consideration. The westernized version, a branch that the naval officer Takata brought to the West, has pretty much excluded these elements of the teaching. In case you're interested about learning Reiki, do look up the Recommended Reiki Master? thread.

I will be soon finishing my Reiki teachers training (some call it Reiki 3) and I can tell you that studying intensively with my teacher for almost a year now has been very interesting and has deepened both my understanding and feeling of the appliance of the Reiki energy. Just recently I had the experience of feeling the movements and 'colours' of the energies inside the client. It's strange, but it feels like this energy has it's own intelligence. I've also started to feel the clients sore spots by just 'scanning' the surrounding air, a few inches above the body. So, it seems that there's a lot more to be learned of this 'energy' that we humans receive and radiate. I hope that I can learn even a fraction of what's it all about, it's such a interesting subject, IMO. :)
HI Enaid, I've been doing the exact same thing every single night for 3 years now and like you it has helped me reducing many pains. IMO, doing reiki on yourself give you the unique advantage to experiment both the feeling of the giver AND the receiver.But that means you have to be very careful and aware enough to listen what your body's telling you. Still, few months ago I've decided to subscribe for a classic Reiki teaching in order satisfy my curiosity. First lesson next week.
As for wondering weather the energy comes from an inside or outside force, have you ever considered the option that if All is One, it could be exactly the same ?
Hi Enaid!
Just putting in my input, I had a similar experiences to you and Aragon. When I was younger I too laid my hands on myself and my friends without an attunement. It just felt right, my hands got hot and I could feel energy moving out of them and saw that it helped people, usually it would help take a headache away but it felt draining on my system. It ultimately lead me to learn the Usui Reiki in Iceland and I did Reiki 1 and 2 and just wanted to say that I felt a big difference after the first attunement, I was more sensitive to the energy and it worked a lot better on people! I think you would benefit from doing the first Reiki attunement, plus it's a nice way to meet others who are interested in healing ;)
Enaid said:
I discovered an energy stream coming through my hands maybe six years ago and have been 'laying hands' on me, a pet, and a few times on others after permission. When I do it on myself I feel energized afterwards, though nothing groundbreaking like heat.

My question is: without any attunement, is it okay (as in safe) to 'lay hands' on oneself? Considering that my vessel is far from clean, I wonder what kind of energy is it that is coming through my hands?

I went to a hypnotherapist for spirit releasement work and she told me that one can pick up a lot of entities when doing reiki on others when one is vulnerable so maybe it would be the same when you are trying to channel other energies to people. I don't know if this is true but maybe someone more experienced with spirit releasement therapy can chime in. As for doing it on yourself, I think it would be okay as long as you are not draining yourself.

I have also felt like I could channel energy and do certain energetic things even before my reiki attunements. I don't know how to tell what type of energy one would be channeling if not reiki. Maybe from the higher centers?
Masamune said:
I went to a hypnotherapist for spirit releasement work and she told me that one can pick up a lot of entities when doing reiki on others when one is vulnerable so maybe it would be the same when you are trying to channel other energies to people.

Actually, this isn't correct as far as I have been able to ascertain. First of all, the Reiki attunments, if they are the correct lineage and done properly, prevent attachments from being transferred to the Reiki practitioner. This hypnotherapist was probably not well informed.

Aragorn's explanation, gotten from his Reiki teacher, is a good description of the energy that is naturally transmitted via the circuits that we are all born with. It varies in intensity and quality from person to person. It's probably not a good idea to be laying hands on others without the protection of the Reiki attunements because, without them, there IS the possibility of transfer of energies from the individual being treated. But then, such energies - whether they are a spirit attachment or not we will leave open - can be transferred in many other ways, including simple lack of awareness. Sexual relations is, of course, one of the ways of acquiring attachments. One is vulnerable to this when the emotions are highly agitated and one falls into a state of wishful thinking or illusion.
Laura said:
Masamune said:
I went to a hypnotherapist for spirit releasement work and she told me that one can pick up a lot of entities when doing reiki on others when one is vulnerable so maybe it would be the same when you are trying to channel other energies to people.

Actually, this isn't correct as far as I have been able to ascertain. First of all, the Reiki attunments, if they are the correct lineage and done properly, prevent attachments from being transferred to the Reiki practitioner. This hypnotherapist was probably not well informed.

Aragorn's explanation, gotten from his Reiki teacher, is a good description of the energy that is naturally transmitted via the circuits that we are all born with. It varies in intensity and quality from person to person. It's probably not a good idea to be laying hands on others without the protection of the Reiki attunements because, without them, there IS the possibility of transfer of energies from the individual being treated. But then, such energies - whether they are a spirit attachment or not we will leave open - can be transferred in many other ways, including simple lack of awareness. Sexual relations is, of course, one of the ways of acquiring attachments. One is vulnerable to this when the emotions are highly agitated and one falls into a state of wishful thinking or illusion.
Is there any way to "attune" yourself?
Thanks Aragorn for your extensive explanation, and Laura for confirming and adding to it.

Aragorn said:
So, I would say that there is probably no harm in doing 'home made Reiki' as long as it comes naturally from yourself, and not from some outer source in form of a mystical teacher, strange rituals, symbols and e.g. 'ancient Egypt' teachings. But I would like to add, that if you want to be on the safe side, it would probably be a good idea to take a course in the traditional Usui Reiki - and what's nice about it, it really enhances your capabilities and your ability to help others.

I've read an interesting book about Reiki a few years ago. As far as I can remember it did mention the different lineages of teachers and warned of the corruption and explained the stages of inner work to be done for each attunement level. So yeah, taking a course would probably be the best idea.
I can imagine that your work with your Reiki teacher must've been a valuable learning experience, Aragorn.

davey72 said:
Is there any way to "attune" yourself?

I think not, you'll need someone to attune you.
Enaid said:
davey72 said:
Is there any way to "attune" yourself?

I think not, you'll need someone to attune you.

Actually, I never really thought about this question but maybe it's possible? I mean, if you know and understand the attunement procedure, that suggests that it certainly MIGHT be possible for a person to do it themselves. I have to think about it.

Well, the most difficult part would be that the attuning symbols which are like adding new circuits to your energy field, have to be inscribed in that field at various specific points and that would be very hard - actually impossible - to do yourself. Whether visualizing them is sufficient, I don't know. It would have to be some really bodaciously powerful visualizing, I think, to replace the physical process. Don't think that would work.

Or, perhaps the attuning symbols could be constructed out of some material and put in place while also visualizing the changes to the energy field? Not sure that would work either.

So, the answer is, as Enaid has said, "no." I just don't see any way to do what has to be done either from the point of view of the energy needed to back up the attuning process, or the actual physical application.

ADDED: I thought a bit more, maybe the second suggestion has some promise? Like the attuning symbols constructed out of some special material and charged by someone who can do so, and then, placed on the body of the one desiring the attunements for a period of time each day while doing a focusing exercise in coordination with the Reiki master sending the attuning energy from a distance?

What do ya'll think about that idea?
Laura said:
ADDED: I thought a bit more, maybe the second suggestion has some promise? Like the attuning symbols constructed out of some special material and charged by someone who can do so, and then, placed on the body of the one desiring the attunements for a period of time each day while doing a focusing exercise in coordination with the Reiki master sending the attuning energy from a distance?

What do ya'll think about that idea?

I'm really interested in what Aragorn and others think about this. Maybe you could also ask your Reiki teacher, Aragorn?

When answering to Davey72, I did have the thought that there should be a way to do it oneself -- after all, Usui didn't need anybody to attune him beside DCM. But doing it entirely by oneself would need a certain level of being as a precondition I think.

If the Reiki master is still assisting from a distance, however, and has charged the material, while the one desiring the attunement is really good at focusing his attention, then methinks it should be possible. At least worth an experiment.

But what kind of special material do you have in mind, Laura? What kind of properties should such a material have? How is the process of charging the material done?
Enaid said:
If the Reiki master is still assisting from a distance, however, and has charged the material, while the one desiring the attunement is really good at focusing his attention, then methinks it should be possible. At least worth an experiment.

But what kind of special material do you have in mind, Laura? What kind of properties should such a material have? How is the process of charging the material done?

I dunno. I'm not a materials-that-can-be-charged expert. The basis of it would have to be something pliable, or that can be cut to shape...

As for charging, I'm thinking using both sunlight and direct touching by the Reiki master...

Well, it would need somebody who knows a bit more about such elements to formulate what might work best.
Since reading the first couple of posts in this thread a couple of days back, I was thinking about what differentiates what is regarded as general "chi" (or "ki") and "reiki". The kind of sensations that Sirius mentioned is related to sensing of this common body chi. Disciplines like "chi kung" (qigong), taichi, acupuncture etc work with this chi flow and typically require long training and practice and primarily deal with the well-being of the physical body. Breathing exercises and relaxed body positions are integral parts of proper chi training. Healing involves removing blockages which prevent the smooth flow of chi in the body, redistribution of chi from one part or organ of the body to another etc. Masters of chi kung are supposed to have the ability to even transmit chi into others for healing purposes - here the chi from one person is transmitted to another person. It is possible that when one just lays hands on injured or painful areas, then there could be some chi flow (or redistribution of chi) due to some "potential difference" that may exist. But this is probably not reiki.
Reiki is sometimes translated as rei - spiritual, ki - energy or spiritual energy. The Usui reiki manual that I have states that Dr Usui intended to use reiki more for spiritual upliftment purposes and physical healing was more of a side effect rather than the end goal. Practitioners of reiki channel reiki like a conduit. Attunements are needed to "switch on" the ability to channel reiki - which Laura described as "etching psychic circuit boards". C's have also commented that "lofty spiritual purity" enhances reiki abilities.
The table of hydrogens described by Gurdjieff and Mouravieff may help in this matter. My current thinking is that what is commonly regarded as chi is probably hydrogen 96. Hydrogen 96 is referred to as "animal magnetism" and is generated in the human body from the process of nutrition when the ingested food with the help of the shock provided by breathing reaches the note fa.
[quote author=Gnosis Book 2 pg 122]
In fact Fa 96 is the first of a series of four substances considered by positive science to be undetectable. But their presence is felt. Common language testifies to this : when the note Fa 96 resonates strongly and clearly, we say somebody 'radiates health'. This is referred to as animal magnetism.
Deep and strong respiration is required for abundant production of this Fa 96 which is consistent with the breathing and relaxation exercises inherent in chi cultivation disciplines.

Mouravieff also says that a particular form of the finer hydrogen 12 is used by the higher emotional center and the magnetic center. The use of this particular form of hydrogen 12 is not common in human organism but another form of hydrogen 12 (as Si12) is generated in the body for sexual functions. I wonder if the form of hydrogen 12 that can be used by the higher emotional center comes close to what is known as reiki. The physical body cannot use this form of energy directly but can act act as a conduit through intent. The use of symbols for attunement seems to be consistent with this idea since the higher emotional center is supposed to communicate in the language of symbols. Healing through this energy would proceed through what is referred to as the higher bodies and percolate down to the physical body possibly after transmutation to forms usable to it.

Just some thoughts that I had - fwiw.
Enaid said:
My question is: without any attunement, is it okay (as in safe) to 'lay hands' on oneself? Considering that my vessel is far from clean, I wonder what kind of energy is it that is coming through my hands?

If energy is flowing through your hands doesn't it necessarily means your whole body is already acting as a conduit? Why do you need to "lay hands" on yourself?
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