The Authoritarian Test


FOTCM Member
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The test starts on page 11 of the book. Post your scores.

Mine is 63.
Mine was 27 :huh:

Well that was intersting (maybe I'm just feeling particularly cynical).....I tried to pick appart the statements (parts I agreed with while other parts I didn't - applying knowledge of how things have been corrupted by the PTB too) but still ended up with the same score.
I'm 31. I think the test results will have a margin of error based on the varying interpretations of some of the terms.

For example in this question our understanding of "ways" and "values" will vary:
12. The “old-fashioned ways” and the “old-fashioned values” still show the best way to live.

It might be written in the text somewhere, but I wanted to note that here. Hmm 31, huh? :huh:
Laura said:
Go here:

The test starts on page 11 of the book. Post your scores.

Mine is 63.

I scored exactly the same, 63. :huh: :ninja:

I had one "zero" one (-4) and two (+4) in my responses, the rest in between those extremes.
I got a 20, but in the back of my mind I was thinking...what gives this guy the authority to come up with a test like this? ;D
I got a 34.

Btw, there is an online RWA scale that has all the questions except for the the first two (the test ones).
I got a 37. But I don't think these numbers are going to mean much, except statistically ... and I'm betting the mean on the forum will be well lower than that of the population as a whole.
I got 73. I think the results can be misleading, due to the interpretation factor (as noted by Altemeyer) - especially if you consider pathology when answering this test. Of course I could have interpreted the questions from the point of view of an authoritarian (like: when it's written "perversion", they probably understand it as homosexuality, unmarried sex and the like), which probably would have lowered my score.

For ex:
Everyone should have their own lifestyle, religious beliefs, and sexual preferences, even if it makes them different from everyone else.

I had to moderately disagree here. What if your "sexual preferences" are pedophilia or sadism? Involves physically or psychologically hurting others?

The “old-fashioned ways” and the “old-fashioned values” still show the best way to live.

I suppose the old fashioned way is referred here to the way of the US protestant "forefathers". But some people might understand it otherwise according to their own background.

Our country will be destroyed someday if we do not smash the perversions eating away at our moral fiber and traditional beliefs.

I don't agree with "smashing the perversions", since it doesn't work that way, but it's obvious that "our country" (and the world) is being destroyed partly because of a lack of true "moral fiber" and moral values. The thing is my personal understanding of moral values is certainly quite different from the understanding of it by right-wing authoritarians.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with nudist camps.

Here again, I'm not 'against' nudist camps, and everybody has free will to go around naked on a beach with other naked people if they want to; but that doesn't mean I think there's "absolutely nothing wrong with it". That'd need to be discussed, I think. Why some people do it, what are their "objectives" doing so, etc.

Atheists and others who have rebelled against the established religions are no doubt every bit as good and virtuous as those who attend church regularly.

The thing is I don't think those who attend church regularly as particularly good or virtuous. So how do I answer that question?

Same here:
Gays and lesbians are just as healthy and moral as anybody else.

Well, as we're learning here, most people are not healthy at all, be it lesbians and gays, bisexuals or "straight" people!

The established authorities generally turn out to be right about things, while the radicals and protestors are usually just “loud mouths” showing off their ignorance.

First part is of course wrong, but second part is not totally wrong either I think. I was thinking of Alex Jones and other "loud-mouth protestors" who are just disinfo agents.

In short, not so easy and clearcut.
Guardian said:
Laura said:
Mine is 63.

Really?? Now THAT surprises me. :huh:

It's because I was thinking about the world as it IS, not as an ordinary person would (as Adaryn notes above). I realized that AFTER I had finished.
Adaryn said:
I got 73. I think the results can be misleading, due to the interpretation factor (as noted by Altemeyer) - especially if you consider pathology when answering this test. Of course I could have interpreted the questions from the point of view of an authoritarian (like: when it's written "perversion", they probably understand it as homosexuality, unmarried sex and the like), which probably would have lowered my score.
led against the established religions are no doubt every bit as good and virtuous as those who attend church regularly.

Had the same thoughts while answering the test, and the score would be much higher if saw it in context of lack of tolerance toward psychopathy and other pathological deviancy. But then answered the test as it is.
Laura said:
It's because I was thinking about the world as it IS, not as an ordinary person would (as Adaryn notes above). I realized that AFTER I had finished.

Keit said:
Had the same thoughts while answering the test, and the score would be much higher if saw it in context of lack of tolerance toward psychopathy and other pathological deviancy. But then answered the test as it is.

Yeah if you answer the test with the knowledge gathered from this forum, that'll screw the results. But it's also more interesting to answer it when thinking about the world as it is, IMO, and then discuss it; even though that's not the point of this test.
I got a 55. I saw the word "psychopath" many of the list items, and that affected the results. Here is how I read a few:

10. Our country will be destroyed someday if we do not smash the psychopathy eating away at our moral fiber and traditional beliefs.
17. There are many radical, psychopathic people in our country today, who are trying to ruin it for their own psychopathic purposes, whom the people should put out of action.
22. This country would work a lot better if the psychopaths would just shut up and accept their group's traditional place in a volcano.
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