Session 20 October 1994


FOTCM Member
October 20, 1994

Frank, Laura, V___

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: Who do we have with us tonight?

A: Elminoia

Q: And where are you from?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: Last year both V___ and I went to visit a psychic surgeon named C___. Is this individual legitimate?

A: Not in the way presented.

Q: Does she actually insert her hand into your body and do what she claims to do?

A: No.

Q: Is it all faked?

A: Delusional.

Q: Where does the bloody water come from?

A: Trickery.

Q: Does Reverend Rita know that she is a fraud? {Rev. Rita was the head honcho of the local spiritualist/metaphysical church as written about in “Amazing Grace” and “The Wave”.}

A: No. She believes her.

Q: Is there any psychic activity that occurs when this woman works on one?

A: Yes.

Q: What is the nature of it?

A: Transference of energy.

Q: What is the source or root of this energy?

A: Intense concentration of psychic thought power.

Q: She is not influenced by any negatives such as the Lizzies or anything like that?

A: Some, for confusion purposes.

Q: So C___ works with the Lizzie energy?

A: Somewhat.

Q: What is the force or background of R___, G___, J___, et al.

A: Bogus but some sincere healing does occur as a result of faith.

Q: In the incident that occurred in the spring at A__ B___'s house when "Rev. B" came up and sort of zapped me, who or what was behind that activity and what did he do? {Written about in “Amazing Grace” and “The Wave”.}

A: Dark energies of terrestrial nature were temporarily concentrated upon you.

Q: What was the intent.

A: Harm out of jealousy.

Q: Did they intend to kill me?

A: Hurt.

Q: Who put this Reverend B up to this activity?

A: Rita.

Q: Anybody else involved with her in that decision?

A: S____.

Q: Why?

A: Fear reaction to overtaking of influence she wanted.

Q: Is A__ B____ once again involved with the characters at that metaphysical church?

A: Yes.

Q: What are they up to?

A: Strange thinking patterns.

Q: Why did B___ call V___ the other day?

A: Try to steer her away from you and Frank.

Q: Why does B___ think she has to steer V___ away from me and Frank?

A: You are powerful influence and so is Frank.

Q: What do these people think we are that makes them behave so cruelly and fearfully toward us?

A: Don't agree with your knowledge.

Q: Well, what's the story here? Am I completely in left field? Or, is Laura right and them wrong?

A: Close. You are far closer to the supreme truth than they.

Q: Is J___ a good psychic?

A: Like Aunt Clara on Bewitched.

Q: How do aliens control people?

A: Which ones?

Q: How many choices do I have?

A: Open.

Q: Well, how do the grays and Lizzies do it?

A: Mind and body interference with electrical response patterns.

Q: Can they do this remotely?

A: Less effectively.

Q: So they need to work directly on you or be in contact with you by some means that is somewhat material?

A: Yes.

Q: Are there other aliens on the planet abducting people?

A: Much less often.

Q: What was the flying boomerang the kids and I saw last year?

A: Lizard projection multiple reality station.

Q: Did they fly over my house deliberately for me to see them?

A: Yes.

Q: What was the purpose of them showing themselves to me?

A: Make you aware of existence.

Q: Why did they want to make me aware of their existence?

A: That is an extremely complicated situation.

Q: Did that little flap that occurred in Pasco county in spring of 1993 happen as a result of Frank's and my activities?

A: Yes.

Q: Was there a craft over my house the night I hypnotized P__ Z___?

A: Tuned into visual stimuli from implants. And Z___ implants alerted scout craft of Grays and Lizzies.

Q: Is P__ Z___ under the control of the Lizzies?

A: Yes.

Q: How many people are not under the control of the Lizzies nowadays?!

A: Open.

Q: We would like to know what is the origin of the Gypsies.

A: Genes spliced. Slaves of dark forces.

Q: Who are these dark forces?

A: Same.

Q: As what?

A: Brotherhood.

Q: Does this brotherhood consist of Lizzies and various humans?

A: Yes.

Q: If the Gypsies were gene spliced, who were they gene spliced with?

A: Alien race, humanoid, and Atlantean drone workers.

Q: What were Atlantean drone workers?

A: Slave people controlled by crystal.

Q: Why do the Gypsies remain so cohesive? Is that genetically programed?

A: Yes. And mind control.

Q: There are legends of half human creatures, minotaurs, centaurs, etc. Were any of these creatures real?

A: Experiments known as beasts in Atlantis. V___ is part Gypsy. Hiding this.

Q: Does she know it?

A: Some.

Q: Who built the city of Baalbek?

A: Antereans and early Sumerians. We meant Atlanteans. {Who are the Antereans?}

Q: What is the reason for the enormous proportions of this building?

A: Giants.

Q: Who were the giants?

A: Genetic effort to recreate Nephalim.

Q: Did the Atlanteans and Sumerians succeed in recreating the Nephilim?

A: No.

Q: Why did they build this enormous city?

A: Retarded subjects.

Q: The results of their efforts were retarded?

A: Yes.

Q: Why did they build the enormous city?

A: In anticipation of success.

Q: Why would someone come along and build a city of the proportions of Baalbek in anticipation of a genetic project that could take many years to accomplish.

A: Project took only three years. Speeded up growth cycle using nuclear hormonal replication procedure. Why failed.

Q: That's why it failed, because of the speeded up growth?

A: Did not take properly.

Q: What technical means did they use to cut the stones and transport them?

A: Sound wave focusing.

Q: What happened to interrupt or halt the building of this city?

A: Venus first appearance and pass.

Q: What year was this project brought to a halt?

A: 3218 B.C.

Q: Who built the city of Mohenjo-Daro?

A: Lizards directly. Coatzlmundi legend ties in to this directly look at illustrations on stones now.

Q: Who is Coatzlmundi?

A: Other deity of the Lizards worshipped by the Atlanteans and their descendants because of the direct contact with humans for 1000 years.

Q: Now, you said Mohenjo Daro was built by the Lizzies directly. Did they occupy this city themselves?

A: No.

Q: When was this city last inhabited continually?

A: 3065 years ago.

Q: When was it built?

A: 6092 years ago.

Q: I would like to go back to the subject of the Nephilim. Now you said the Nephilim were a group of humanoid types brought here to earth to be enforcers, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: When were they brought here?

A: 9046 B.C. one reference.

Q: They were giants, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: They were presented to the people as the representatives, or "Sons" of God, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: You say these dudes were 11 to 14 feet tall...

A: Yes.

Q: You and the ancient literature say that these sons of god intermarried with human women, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: Did they do that the same way it is done today, that is, sexual interaction?

A: No.

Q: How was it done?

A: Forced insemination.

Q: So, it was artificial insemination?

A: Close.

Q: Were these beings like us, including their sexual apparati?

A: Close.

Q: Any significant differences?

A: Three gonads.

Q: Was their sexual apparatus otherwise similar?

A: Yes.

Q: Did they mate with human females in a normal way at any time?

A: No.

Q: Why not?

A: Size difference.

Q: Just for the sake of curiosity, just how different in terms of size?

A: 23 inches long.

Q: Were they circumcised?

A: No.

Q: Just what was the origin of the practice of circumcision?

A: Same as all Judaic traditions hygiene.

Q: Where do the Tibetans come from?

A: Asia.

Q: Were they special in any way? Hybrids or anything?

A: No. All are hybrids. At some juncture.

Q: What is the origin of the Nubians?

A: Caucus range.

Q: How come they are so terribly black?

A: Genetic mixing.

Q: With what? Anything particularly special about them?

A: East Indian aborigines.

Q: Who was the Queen of Sheba?

A: Fictional.

Q: Did a great queen come to visit King Solomon?

A: Alien influence.

Q: Who was Arjuna?

A: Same as Sheba.

Q: Who is Shiva?

A: Same.

Q: Rama?

A: Indian. High priest influenced by Confederation.

Q: Is Ormethion who the Lizzies worship?

A: Close.

Q: Who do they worship? What do they call their god?

A: Physical universe.

Q: The physical universe is their god?

A: Yes.

Q: What happened to K___ W___? [Little girl missing in another state.]

A: Killed.

Q: By whom?

A: Demented human named Carl.

Q: What happened to D___ W___ and C___ S___? {Two local men who had disappeared without a trace several years previously.}

A: Abducted by aliens for experimentation.

Q: Were they killed through these experiments?

A: Yes.

Q: How were the walls of Jericho brought down?

A: Earthquake.

Q: What happened to the army of Sennacherib?

A: Destroyed by cosmic rays energy concentration by Lizards.

Q: Is there such a thing as sound that can kill?

A: Yes. Anything properly concentrated can kill.

Q: Are there words that can kill by their simple pronunciation?

A: No.

Q: Are there words of power that invoke energies by their pronunciation?

A: Maybe.

Q: Could you tell us any of them?

A: No. You might use unwisely.

Q: Sitchin says that the pyramid was built as a permanent marking system to navigate the planets of our solar system. Could you give comments on this please?

A: It was not built for that.

Q: Who was Jehovah?

A: Lizard projection.

Q: What is the Melchizedek priesthood?

A: False rite.

Q: Is there an order of priests to which the original Melchizedek belonged that was true?

A: Yes.

Q: I had an experience under hypnosis several years ago while in the mountains of North Carolina. What was that? {Written about in “Amazing Grace” and “The Wave”.}

A: Soul memory awakening.

Q: What was the significance of the necklace?

A: Symbolic of ability to communicate supreme knowledge.

Q: Another experience on the boat one night, I am remembering now. What was that event? {The “Boatride to Damascus” written about in “Amazing Grace”.}

A: Similar.

Q: What was the source of these two events?

A: Us.

Q: Alright, another event during meditation followed by period of intense crying. What was this event?

A: Soul cleansing.

Q: The source?

A: Us ridding you of dark influences.

Q: When did the Aryans invade India?

A: 8243 years ago.

Q: Who was there before that?

A: Asian tribes and number 3 prototype.

Q: What is a number 3 prototype?

A: Known as Neanderthal man.

Q: And what are we?

A: Number 4 types c and d. Translation into English comprehension.

Q: Were the Aryan/Celts the original giants?

A: No.

Q: What white men were seen in South America and talked to the tribes there and promised to return one day and were worshipped as Gods.

A: Egyptians and Atlantean descendants.

Q: What did the Atlanteans do to bring this karma on us such that the grays and Lizzies...

A: Worshipped and served self to extreme.

Q: Does the act of channelling actually change our genetics or DNA or some element around our being in some way that we are not even conscious of?

A: Steadily yes.

Q: Will this channelling have effects on us that will cause changes our lives and lifestyle?

A: Yes.

Q: Will there be benefits brought into our lives because of dedication to this work?

A: Yes.

Q: If we dedicate ourselves does this mean that we will be protected or cared for in any way?

A: Close.

Q: We got some information from the first session when we were working with S____ which said some awful things about bits of childrens' organs were removed etc, what was the source of that information? Did that come from you guys?

A: Yes. Sorry for shock but necessary for broadening channel.

Q: You say that there is an effort on the part of the Orions or Lizards... Are the Orions and Lizards synonymous?

A: Close.

Q: Okay. You say that there is an effort on the part of these beings to create a new race. Why do they want or need a new race?

A: Theirs no longer satisfies them.

Q: When we asked you in the session on July 30th where you were from you said Corsoca, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: Is that a planet?

A: No.

Q: What is Corsoca?

A: Point of energy confluence between realms that reflects locator when we were 3rd level.

Q: When we do this channelling, Frank and I together, is it different than if Frank were to do it alone?

A: Yes.

Q: Okay, when we are doing it together with the board, where are you in space time relative to us as we sit here?

A: Above at 6000 miles at border between 3 realms.

Q: Once again, you said that if we called on you for help, you would come if we ask. Is there any special way to call and how can we know if you answer?

A: Will feel it.

End of Session
Thanks for getting these sessions up on the forum. It IS always interesting to read them, no matter how many times I've read them before. Also, it seems there's certain parts of sessions that are being posted that I've never read before, I guess because of the context they were quoted in these parts were not relevant and were replaced by [...].
Laura said:
October 20, 1994

We would like to know what is the origin of the Gypsies.

A: Genes spliced. Slaves of dark forces.

Could it explain the often aggressive character of the gypsies and why so many people are wary of them instinctively? :huh:
Thank you so much Laura for this session and reading it, it reminds me something I saw today on a documentary regarding Aryan and India.

Laura said:
Q: Who was there before that?

A: Asian tribes and number 3 prototype.

Q: What is a number 3 prototype?

A: Known as Neanderthal man.

Q: And what are we?

A: Number 4 types c and d. Translation into English comprehension.

I was looking for something by trying to understand what is about and found this:

Origins, age, spread and ethnic association of European haplogroups and subclades

The information about the origin and ethnic association of haplogroups on this website should not be read as hard facts, but, as is often the case in science, as a model in constant evolution based on the present knowledge and understanding (of the authors). Whenever the advancement of genetics couldn't provide irrefutable answers, we have attempted to provide the most likely and logical hypothesis based on archeological, historical and linguistic evidence. This page is being updated regularly to keep up with recent studies giving additional insights or rectifying possibly erroneous theories. Feel free to add comments or share your opinion on the forum.

Introduction to genetic genealogy

DNA studies have permitted to categorise all humans on Earth in genealogical groups sharing one common ancestor at one given point in prehistory. They are called haplogroups. There are two kinds of haplogroups: the paternally inherited Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups, and the maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups. They respectively indicate the agnatic (or patrilineal) and cognatic (or matrilineal) ancestry.
Y-DNA haplogroups are useful to determine whether two apparently unrelated individuals sharing the same surname do indeed descend from a common ancestor in a not too distant past (3 to 20 generations). This is achieved by comparing the haplotypes through the STR markers. Deep SNP testing allows to go back much farther in time, and to identify the ancient ethnic group to which one's ancestors belonged (e.g. Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Greco-Roman, Basque, Iberian, Phoenician, Jewish, etc.).

In Europe, mtDNA haplogroups are quite evenly spread over the continent, and therefore cannot be associated easily with ancient ethnicities. However, they can sometimes reveal some potential medical conditions (see diseases associated with mtDNA mutations). Some mtDNA subclades are associated with Jewish ancestry, notably K1a1b1a, K1a9,d K2a2a and N1b.

DNA Facts

Nucleotides are the alphabet of DNA. There are four of them: adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C). They always go by pairs, A with T, and G with C. Such pairs are called "base pairs".
The 46 chromosomes of human DNA are composed of a total of 3,000 million base pairs.
The Y-chromosome possess 60 million base pairs, against 153 million for the X chromosome.
Mitochondrial DNA is found outside the cell's nucleus, and therefore outside of the chromosomes. It consists only of 16,569 base pairs.
A SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) is a mutation in a single base pair. At present, only a few hundreds SNP's define all the human haplogroups for mtDNA or Y-DNA. [...]

[...] Y-DNA Haplogroups
Chronological development of Y-DNA haplogroups

K => 40,000 years ago (probably arose in northern Iran)
T => 30,000 years ago (around the Red Sea or around the Persian Gulf)
J => 30,000 years ago (in the Middle East)
R => 28,000 years ago (in the Central Asia)
E1b1b => 26,000 years ago (in Northeast Africa)
I => 25,000 years ago (in the Balkans)
R1a => 21,000 years ago (in southern Russia)
R1b => 20,000 years ago (around the Caspian Sea or Central Asia)
J1 => 20,000 years ago (in the Taurus/Zagros mountains)
J2 => 19,000 years ago (in northern Mesopotamia)
E-M78 => 18,000 years ago (in north-eastern Africa)
G => 17,000 years ago (in the Middle East)
I2 => 17,000 years ago (in the Balkans)
E-V13 => 14,000 years ago (in the southern Levant or North Africa)
I2b => 13,000 years ago (in Central Europe)
N1c1 => 12,000 years ago (in Siberia)
I2a => 11,000 years ago (in the Balkans)
G2a => 11,000 years ago (in the Levant or Anatolia)
R1b1b2 => 10,000 years ago (north or south of the Caucasus)
E-M81 => 9,500 years ago (in Northwest Africa)
I2b1 => 9,000 years ago (in Germany)
I2a1 => 8,000 years ago (in Southwest Europe)
I2a2 => 7,500 years ago (in Southeast Europe)
I1 => 5,000 years ago (in Scandinavia)
R1b-L21 => 4,000 years ago (in Central or Eastern Europe)
R1b-S28 => 3,500 years ago (around the Alps)
R1b-S21 => 3,000 years ago (in Frisia or Central Europe)
I2b1a => less than 3,000 years ago (in Britain) [...]

Source and really more:

There is a French version and an English version, your choice. I have to read and understand it but, could these informations help us?

From En.Wikipedia about Haplogroups:
In the study of molecular evolution, a haplogroup (from the Greek: απλούς, haploûs, "onefold, single, simple") is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor having the same single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation in both haplotypes. Because a haplogroup consists of similar haplotypes, this is what makes it possible to predict a haplogroup from haplotypes. A SNP test confirms a haplogroup. Haplogroups are assigned letters of the alphabet, and refinements consist of additional number and letter combinations, for example R1b1. Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA haplogroups have different haplogroup designations. Haplogroups pertain to deep ancestral origins dating back thousands of years.[1]
In human genetics, the haplogroups most commonly studied are Y-chromosome (Y-DNA) haplogroups and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups, both of which can be used to define genetic populations. Y-DNA is passed solely along the patrilineal line, from father to son, while mtDNA is passed down the matrilineal line, from mother to offspring of both sexes. Neither recombines, and thus Y-DNA and mtDNA change only by chance mutation at each generation with no intermixture between parents' genetic material.

Laura said:
October 20, 1994

Frank, Laura, V___

Q: Who built the city of Baalbek?

A: Antereans and early Sumerians. We meant Atlanteans. {Who are the Antereans?}

Q: What is the reason for the enormous proportions of this building?

A: Giants.

Q: Who were the giants?

A: Genetic effort to recreate Nephalim.

Q: Did the Atlanteans and Sumerians succeed in recreating the Nephilim?

A: No.

Q: Why did they build this enormous city?

A: Retarded subjects.

Q: The results of their efforts were retarded?

A: Yes.

Q: Why did they build the enormous city?

A: In anticipation of success.

Q: Why would someone come along and build a city of the proportions of Baalbek in anticipation of a genetic project that could take many years to accomplish.

A: Project took only three years. Speeded up growth cycle using nuclear hormonal replication procedure. Why failed.

Q: That's why it failed, because of the speeded up growth?

A: Did not take properly.

Q: What technical means did they use to cut the stones and transport them?

A: Sound wave focusing.

Q: What happened to interrupt or halt the building of this city?

A: Venus first appearance and pass.

Q: What year was this project brought to a halt?

A: 3218 B.C.

Q: Who built the city of Mohenjo-Daro?

A: Lizards directly. Coatzlmundi legend ties in to this directly look at illustrations on stones now.

Q: Who is Coatzlmundi?

A: Other deity of the Lizards worshipped by the Atlanteans and their descendants because of the direct contact with humans for 1000 years.

Q: Now, you said Mohenjo Daro was built by the Lizzies directly. Did they occupy this city themselves?

A: No.

Q: When was this city last inhabited continually?

A: 3065 years ago.

Q: When was it built?

A: 6092 years ago.

Q: I would like to go back to the subject of the Nephilim. Now you said the Nephilim were a group of humanoid types brought here to earth to be enforcers, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: When were they brought here?

A: 9046 B.C. one reference.

Q: They were giants, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: They were presented to the people as the representatives, or "Sons" of God, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: You say these dudes were 11 to 14 feet tall...

A: Yes.

Q: You and the ancient literature say that these sons of god intermarried with human women, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: Did they do that the same way it is done today, that is, sexual interaction?

A: No.

Q: How was it done?

A: Forced insemination.

Q: So, it was artificial insemination?

A: Close.

Q: Were these beings like us, including their sexual apparati?

A: Close.

Q: Any significant differences?

A: Three gonads.

Q: Was their sexual apparatus otherwise similar?

A: Yes.

Q: Did they mate with human females in a normal way at any time?

A: No.

Q: Why not?

A: Size difference.

Q: Just for the sake of curiosity, just how different in terms of size?

A: 23 inches long.

Q: Were they circumcised?

A: No.

Q: Just what was the origin of the practice of circumcision?

A: Same as all Judaic traditions hygiene.

Q: How were the walls of Jericho brought down?

A: Earthquake.

Q: What happened to the army of Sennacherib?

A: Destroyed by cosmic rays energy concentration by Lizzzies

Thank you for the refresher course. Fascinating.

evidence for giants nephilim rephaim anunnaki part 1

evidence for giants nephilim rephaim anunnaki part 2


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c.a. said:
Thank you for the refresher course. Fascinating.

evidence for giants nephilim rephaim anunnaki part 1

evidence for giants nephilim rephaim anunnaki part 2

Thanks for sharing these pictures and links c.a.! It helps and I did not know these specifically... ;)
There is a rather long Russian documentary (Youtube link 1h:30 with some clips that are repeated due to advertisement space that has now been edited out) about the Gypsy/Roma/ Romani people, mainly in Russia and in particular the region of Samara near the border to Kazakhstan in south-western Russia. The preview reads, if translated with Yandex:
Samara region is one of the first places in Russia in terms of the number of drug addicts. Like everywhere else, heroin then Afghan, Central Asian carriers, roof - Russian. And only retail - permanently judged immigrants from the surrounding camps. It's not that the entire drug mafia in Russia is Roma. This is absolutely not so: they are only medium and small retail. The trouble is that all Roma are selling drugs.
After watching I looked up this part of the present: said:
Q: We would like to know what is the origin of the Gypsies.

A: Genes spliced. Slaves of dark forces.

Q: Who are these dark forces?

A: Same.

Q: As what?

A: Brotherhood.

Q: Does this brotherhood consist of Lizzies and various humans?

A: Yes.

Q: If the Gypsies were gene spliced, who were they gene spliced with?

A: Alien race, humanoid, and Atlantean drone workers.

Q: What were Atlantean drone workers?

A: Slave people controlled by crystal.

Q: Why do the Gypsies remain so cohesive? Is that genetically programed?

A: Yes. And mind control. [...]
Below are some insights I gained from the documentary and which gave an idea of what the mind control aspect could involve. The film crew interviews some of the Roma people in the region of Samara and give some statistics of the amount of Roma people and the percentage in prision. There is one case, a settelment of 400 people of which 300 were en prison. One woman, when asked, explains they sell drugs to Russians, not to their own people.

Romani people in the region they film, marry young, even before the law would permit had it been 25 years ago, but in modern multicultural Russia?. They film a wedding of a 13 year old girl with a 14 year old boy. Not exceptional, a girl of 12 was taken out of school, because she was to be married, besides a young woman of 34 had 5 grandchildren, a woman of 40 had 8! They ask the 13 year old bride, while she waits for her new husband, if she wants to marry, and to the surprise of the interviewer she says no, and one senses, she might be sincere, even though the film crew probably paid a gift to the bride andher family to get the interview and be allowed to film the event. At the event there was a fund raise for the new family and their friends and family came up with 500,000 Ruble, probably around 8000 USD

In general, I could imagine that the film crew had to pay some of the people to give interviews, or at the very least they must have had contacts with people in this Roma community who had influence. But not always, in a few instances they follow the police, the riot police, who has to protect an excavator and workers from the utility comany, when they disconnect the lines, because many do not pay for gas and water. Even the police may have a hard time, and an old woman attacks one of the camera people. There is another scene, where the camera crew first interviews a family, but then later the house is one of those raided by the drug police. Not surprising, as the two men they interview look like addicts, they don't sell to themselves, but using a bit of what they sell to others is apparently not uncommon.

Several of the people excuse their reluctance to accept work to tradition, but selling drugs is apparently okay. This along with the tradition in many families not to go to school for long and learn something, even to read and write properly, is probably what could be part of the mind control programme. One could question if not others are also subject to mind control, and that is so, only in this case the results are more detrimental to other groups in society.

At the end of the documentary there are pictures from Eastern Europe, where there in some countries like Slovakia are many Roma people. This has been used as an argument for not accepting refugees, as the Roma people is a growing minority but in generaly they have not integrated well into society or with other groups even though it is a 1000 years since they appeared. An argument among some people in Slovakia is that they still have to pay the majority of what is needed for social benefits and the proportionately greater expences caused by the influence left behind. 3 meter high walls have been erected around many of their ghettos.

At the end there is a picture of a Roma celebration in Moscow, in honour of those who died during the war. In another clip someone says Russia is dear to the Roma people, because apparently there has not been any pogroms or persecutions like in many other countries.

I think the documentary gave some explanation for why the Roma people have a hard time in some countries in Europe, and what the aspect of mind control the the C's mention could refer to. If they are heavily involved with selling drugs in Russia, on the level of medium and retail dealers, that would certainly qualify as being related to "slaves of dark forces". Some of the people in the documentary say the plight of the Roma is the fault of society, not the Roma people. This reminds me of the statements in the book Inside the Criminal Mind coming from some of the criminals and their defenders. In Western Europe and the US there are probably several political parties and NGOs who will gladly support this belief.
I think the documentary gave some explanation for why the Roma people have a hard time in some countries in Europe, and what the aspect of mind control the the C's mention could refer to. If they are heavily involved with selling drugs in Russia, on the level of medium and retail dealers, that would certainly qualify as being related to "slaves of dark forces". Some of the people in the documentary say the plight of the Roma is the fault of society, not the Roma people. This reminds me of the statements in the book Inside the Criminal Mind coming from some of the criminals and their defenders. In Western Europe and the US there are probably several political parties and NGOs who will gladly support this belief.

Thank you for sharing a description and impressions of this documentary. What really caused me to reply, however, is your mention to the book Inside the Criminal Mind, which I am currently reading. You made me remember when the author criticizes some of the so called causes and 'risk factors' of violence, such as being a member of a gang, which gives one a higher risk of being a criminal, and so on. You will remember that the author explains that it's in fact the other way around, those having criminal traits are those that actually do become members of a criminal group, despite said members telling (after being caught and mainly to justify themselves to others) that they were forced to do it. I've written all this because I've never until now thought of applying this to groups of people, such as the gypsies. Maybe the fact that the majority of them deals with illegal and hazardous business causes people who Interact with them routinely just know that generally they are up to no good? Maybe it's difficult to them to break that genetic and historical weight the C's talked about?
Q: I would like to go back to the subject of the Nephilim. Now you said the Nephilim were a group of humanoid types brought here to earth to be enforcers, is that correct?

Perhaps I missed it but there seems to be no mention of Nephalim prior to this session.

I searched, but which session (prior to this one) would that be?
Perhaps I missed it but there seems to be no mention of Nephalim prior to this session.

I searched, but which session (prior to this one) would that be?

The Nephalim were not mentioned by that name but the alien giants from Zeta Reticuli are mentioned in earlier sessions as the Annunaki.

Session 22 July 1994
Q: (L) Is there a tenth planet as described by Zecharia Sitchen?[8]
A: No.

[8] I had recently read Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet, which posits that a superior race of alien beings once inhabited our world. Sitchin claims that they were travelers from the stars, that they arrived eons ago, and genetically engineered mankind to be slaves for them. He claims that the "Sons of Anak" mentioned in the Bible are the Annunaki, and also that they are the same as the Nefilim mentioned in the Bible. His claim is that they are a race of gold-seeking giants from a renegade planet in our own solar system that was known to the Sumerians as the "Planet of the Crossing." This planet "crosses" the plane of the ecliptic every 3,600 years, and when it gets close enough, these beings make a "hop" to Earth to check up on their creation. Supposedly, this will happen again soon. The title comes from the fact that Sitchin proposes that there are 12 houses of the zodiac because there were 12 "planets." He includes the Sun and moon in his count because they are zodiacally significant. But, in actuality, it is really a 10th planet, excluding the Sun and Moon. He also fails to note that the Earth is excluded from zodiacal considerations due to the fact that astrology is geocentric. But that is a minor point. More significantly, there does seem to be something to the idea of a 3,600 year "event" of comet swarms due to the break-up of a giant comet as described by astronomers Victor Clube and Bill Napier in their books The Cosmic Serpent and The Cosmic Winter. This idea was given additional support by Firestone, West and Warwick-Smith in The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes. I am not aware of any other channeled source that has brought up and discussed these ideas and added information to the pool that later turned out to be correct based on scientific assessment.

Session 30 July 1994
Q: (L) Will I be abducted because I saw them last night?
A: Partly. Mike and JW have reported you.[3]

[3] The first individual mentioned here, claimed to be a UFO investigator with a lot of supposed "credentials" that later turned out to be fake. He was quite a character, going around in his white convertible, wearing a straw hat and safari type clothing, with a "UFO detector" in his pocket disguised as a cigarette pack that occasionally began to beep wildly, at which point he would dash off to a telephone to report the presence of a UFO to some secret organization to which he claimed to belong. He was obsessed with "Bigfoot". It was all pretty comical, and typical of the kinds of nuts that you find in the UFO milieu. The second individual was someone I would never have dreamed of being "in cahoots" with aliens. He was most emphatically sure of one thing: if he ever met an alien, he would shoot first and ask questions later! Of course, he also believed firmly that the Annunaki were our gods and would return one day and he would be there to welcome them! He even thought that humanity should build giant houses for them in advance.

Q: (L) Who were Enlil18 and Enki19, the Annunaki20 of Sumerian stories?

A: Great teachers.

Q: (L) Were they human or extraterrestrial?

A: Extraterrestrial.

Q: (L) Where did they come from?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Was the human race genetically engineered to be slaves?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And who were the genetic engineers of this slavehood?

A: Lizard beings.21

Q: (L) Where do they come from: earth or another planet?

A: Other.

Q: (L) What planet from?

A: Qaddeera.22

Q: (L) What star system is that in?

A: Zeta Reticuli.23

Session 30 September 1994
Q: (L) Who were the Annunaki?

A: Aliens.

Q: (L) Where were they from?

A: Zeta Reticuli.

Q: (L) Do they come here every time the comet cluster is approaching to sap the souls energy created by the fear, chaos and so forth?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) The two events are loosely interrelated?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is that why they are here now?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is there a large fleet of space-ships riding a wave, so to speak, approaching our planet?35

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Where are these ships from?

A: Zeta Reticuli.

Q: (L) When will they arrive?

A: 1 month to 18 years.36

Q: (L) How can there be such a vast discrepancy in the time?

A: This is such a huge fleet that space/time warping is irregular and difficult to determine as you measure time.

Q: (L) Are these craft riding a "wave" of some sort?

A: Yes.

20 The Annunaki are described by Z. Sitchin as the "sons of An," the Sumerian high God over all the other gods. He includes Enlil and Enki among them, though the facts may be somewhat confused. "Annunaku" was the Akkadian name for a group of gods of the underworld. They function as judges in the realm of the dead. Their counterparts are the Igigi (although in some texts the positions are reversed). The Annunaku show many similarities with the Sumerian Anunna. The Anunnaku are the offspring of Anu.

Session 7 October 1994
Q: (L) The planet that was destroyed between Jupiter and Mars, you said was destroyed by psychic energy?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What was the source of this psychic energy?

A: Beings inhabiting the planet.

Q: (L) Do beings in this area of the galaxy just sort of destroy their planets from time to time? Is this getting to be a habit?

A: Close. Has been.

Q: (L) Did any of those beings leave that planet and come to earth?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who were they? Were they humans like us?

A: Blond and blue eyed descendants.

Q: (L) Was that a colder planet?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was that planet much like earth?

A: Yes.

A: Blue eyes. Eye pigment was because planet was farther from Sol.

Q: (L) How did the people of that planet come to earth? Did they know it was going to be destroyed?

A: Some knew and were taken by Lizzies and they are the Annunaki.
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I just can't follow your quotes, I guess, but where does it say that?

The spelling was different but Nephalim/Nefilim are mentioned in Laura's notes in the first session quote.

Session 22 July 1994 in the note number [8]
"Sons of Anak" mentioned in the Bible are the Annunaki, and also that they are the same as the Nefilim

The Annunaki are compared to the biblical Nephalim.
The spelling was different but Nephalim/Nefilim are mentioned in Laura's notes in the first session quote.

The way I read the sessions is that the Anunnaki are the lizards and not the giants.

Perhaps the consortium is running the show on the planet while they wait for their alien comrades to get here.

He claims that the "Sons of Anak" mentioned in the Bible are the Annunaki, and also that they are the same as the Nefilim mentioned in the Bible. His claim is that they are a race of gold-seeking giants from a renegade planet in our own solar system that was known to the Sumerians as the "Planet of the Crossing."

Sitchin maybe thinks that, but I don't.

In any case, it seems to me questions had previously been asked in an earlier session, for instance how tall these giants were etc and that Laura just confirmed/checked it again with the Cassiopaean's in this one. But no such questions is asked in any of the sessions available before this one.
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