Jedi Master
Turgon said:melatonin said:Quite disappointed with how easilly Charles has given power over to Greg, i expected more of a struggle.
I'm a little over half-way through the 2nd season and it's interesting that Charles and Greg represent two diametrically opposed value's and perceptions. Greg really does embody that authoritative mindset, whereas Charles is much more about letting the community and it's members 'find their feet' in their own way. Is it surprising then that Greg would inevitably start to usurp control? ;)
Well, this is it... i never got that impression from Charles earlier in the series. If i remember rightly, he was very forceful when Greg met him first time around (With the 2 women).
I miss Abby Grant. I think she was the best people person. If i was in the group id be far more happy with her making the final desicions.