There are 6 remaining lectures in the Biblical Series lectures by Jordan Peterson.(well the next one is the 4th of July, so 5 left really)
I attended the first one, but find the youtube videos easier to listen to because I can stop, and replay to think about what's being said, whereas during the lecture my concentration has to be quite high but despite that my own thoughts keep intruding after a while.
But, it occurred to me that perhaps some people here would have a question for Jordan connected to this series?
If interested people could come together and figure out what some good questions, or a single great question! would be, then I can buy a ticket to attend a lecture, and ask the question, or questions.
Perhaps it would be best if the question would be somewhat related to the topic of the time?
so far he has covered 1 through 5, this 4th of July will be Moses, and the next one will be Moses also. after that who knows?
(He had posted a structure at the beginning of the series, but because he gets into it so deeply, he found he couldn't stick with the schedule.)
1Introduction to the Idea of God
2Genesis: Adam & Eve
3Genesis: Cain & Abel/The Flood & The Tower
4Genesis: Part 4: Abraham
5Genesis: Part 5: Abraham
6Exodus: The Birth of Moses (4/7/17)
7Exodus: Moses, continued (11/7/17)
8TBA (18/7/17)
9TBA (25/7/17)
10TBA (1/8/17)
11TBA (8/8/17)
12TBA (15/8/17)
I attended the first one, but find the youtube videos easier to listen to because I can stop, and replay to think about what's being said, whereas during the lecture my concentration has to be quite high but despite that my own thoughts keep intruding after a while.
But, it occurred to me that perhaps some people here would have a question for Jordan connected to this series?
If interested people could come together and figure out what some good questions, or a single great question! would be, then I can buy a ticket to attend a lecture, and ask the question, or questions.
Perhaps it would be best if the question would be somewhat related to the topic of the time?
so far he has covered 1 through 5, this 4th of July will be Moses, and the next one will be Moses also. after that who knows?
(He had posted a structure at the beginning of the series, but because he gets into it so deeply, he found he couldn't stick with the schedule.)
1Introduction to the Idea of God
2Genesis: Adam & Eve
3Genesis: Cain & Abel/The Flood & The Tower
4Genesis: Part 4: Abraham
5Genesis: Part 5: Abraham
6Exodus: The Birth of Moses (4/7/17)
7Exodus: Moses, continued (11/7/17)
8TBA (18/7/17)
9TBA (25/7/17)
10TBA (1/8/17)
11TBA (8/8/17)
12TBA (15/8/17)