that unbreakable silver cord?


Jedi Master
I have been thinking about "5th density" and tried to search on what Cs said about it in the transcripts.
One of the topics, that I thought was well discussed is the "silver cord" that ties a soul to its dwelling in 5th dimension. I could only find someone "remembering" what Cs said about it here:,32027.msg431803.html#msg431803, but not the original transcript:

1) If I remember correctly, the C's say there is some kind of protection (silver cord?) between the soul in 3d / 5d, which is unbreakable and cannot be tampered with by anything, and which allows the soul safe passage out of 3d to review their lessons.

So, that silver cord, is it working like
- a bungee cord; it is stretched while the soul is attached to a human body and then it contracts and thus, deliver the soul to its proper location.
- a yo-yo string; presumes that there is a force (a player) in the 5th dimension that can force the yo-yo (a soul) to fly out into 3rd (or 4th) density and enjoy the physicality for as long as it can sustain it. When a player gets a signal that the game is over and the soul is ready to return, a tug on a sting and the soul is yo-yo'ing back.
- a spider filament; it is something that souls puts out when it goes into 3rd density world and then retracts on the way back.
- it is a lifeline that was dispatched (like a harpoon) when the person was dying and it hooks into the soul to pull it back
- it is a portal or conduit and the soul moves within its boundary into 5th density

When a person is demolecularized and remolecularized (during an abduction) is the silver cord goes through that process?

I SlavaOn, I believe the reference came about in the line of question of abductions actually, I don't recall the exact session but they 4D STS cannot disturb this process of a soul going from 3D to 5D though they can abduct the soul

That being said, I believe the C's used the "silver cord" term as a visualization of the property the concept carries, unbreakable or cannot be interrupted by 4D STS with the same technology they use for extracting a soul from 3D to 4D.

But this silver cord, if i am correct, would be a part of the logic of 5 Density and therefore the 3D analogies cannot explain the mechanism in its entirety, I mean the logic of the silver cord is a reality of 5D and our logic does not apply, being an unbreakable process by 4D STS, i imagine that it is an structural part of 5D which uses all densities and its logic transcends thorough matter and probably energy and those things we associate with the reality that compose ours , meaning that 5D is all around us, or more or less that is how I understand it.
Hi Felpie4

There are laws of physics pertaining to 3D density and there must be laws governing physics of 5th density. It doesn't mean we can't apply logic when we talk about 5th density concepts. We know that the soul is able to exist in 3D and 5th densities, although not simultaneously. When the body dies and a soul is free to go, it is still in 3D density. The appearance of the "silver cord" then would also mean that this object penetrated (if i could use that word) the 3D density, yet the other part of it is anchored in the 5Th... According to the logic above, the silver cord must exist in both densities simultaneously at this moment. My speculation about the silver cord don't really concern with its make or composition. I was looking for its operating principal...

meaning that 5D is all around us, or more or less that is how I understand it.

According to this quote by Cs from,34897.msg496160.html#msg496160:

Q: (L) Do beings inhabit Jupiter?
A: 5th density and up.
Q: (L) Are there any organic beings on Jupiter?
A: Organic is 3rd density concept.
Q: (L) So the probe will not detect any life?
A: No.

Which could mean even 5th density "territory" could be more like an islands that are corresponding to solid matter in 3D (planets, stars) and it is not all encompassing...

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