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  1. T


    I don't have the answers. What the numbers of those killed during WWII clearly showed was that not only Jews died. Perhaps a question could be how many true Semites, in the sense of those with extra moral taste buds, died in WWII? Among those who were Jewish. were more souled people killed...
  2. iamthatis

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    Assad's words sure go against historical orthodoxy. Not being familiar myself with any sort of alternative history of the holocaust, I was actually pretty shocked to see this response from the C's when I first read it: July 29, 2006 Assad has a good point when he talks about the 26 million...
  3. T

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    The above is found in Arabic and uploaded on December 18, 2023. After machine, translation, the title of the 40+ minute recording is: President al-Assad’s speech on political matters during a meeting of the Central Committee of the Arab Socialist Baath Party Here is a translation of other...
  4. T

    Vladimir Putin in the Cassiopaean transcripts

    2022 - Year Eight This year hardly needs an introduction. A significant event so far was that Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, addressed the citizens of Russia at the end of February and explained the reasons for the beginning of a Special Military Operation, (SMO), in Ukraine. Since the...
  5. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    What would be involved in shutting down the Zaporozhye NPP Regarding the nuclear power plant in Zaporozhye, a reader suggested in a comment to Nuclear Terror - World's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP -- that it might be better to shut the NPP down. This is not so easy as...
  6. Niall

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    No, there isn't. Nothing is hidden. For almost 20 years, we have on this forum discussed Jewish involvement in modern history on every topic from the Bolshevik revolution to the Holocaust to false-flags to the NeoCon wars. In every instance we found that 'Jewish collective action' is evident to...
  7. Adaryn

    Session 10 Aug 2019

    The whole issue about the origins of the Ashkenazi is quite muddy, and the subject of controversy. The claim that they mostly descend from Khazarian converts was supposedly debunked a few years ago, following the latest DNA research into Ashkenazi genetics. Of course, it fits the Zionist agenda...
  8. goyacobol

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    If I think in terms that a psychopath hardly ever changes his mind once he set out to "get" what he wants then Zionist plans to divide and weaken it's ME neighbors (Greater Israel) is always on the table until accomplished. Of course that plan may not line up with reality in the end but that...
  9. Laura

    The Hungarian Language: One of the true wonder of the Earth since ancient times

    Genetic markers in the Hungarian population: Then and now Due to the scarcity of written sources the origin of Hungarians has been the object of passionate debate among historians, archeologists, and linguists. Lately they were joined by geneticists. With the...
  10. Altair

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    Found an interesting article about Ukrainian oligarchs (_ In this article the author writes about Zionists which is a pretty general term. In reality, allmost all Ukranian oligarchs are memebers of the judeofashist sect Chabad. What is Chabad? Source...
  11. Juba

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    ...and Iranians. # The protective CCR5-D32 allele may have been introduced into the Ashkenazic population by Khazars. web: Khazars and Jews The Khazar royalty was descended from the Ashina Turk dynasty. In the 9th century c.e., the Khazarian...
  12. D

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"

    ...from in the first place. The map below shows you where they came from before they infested Russia, Europe and the US. _ Right there is the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea...the current venue of massive world tensions. The problem is not 'the Jews'...the...
  13. Lazlo Toth

    WIRED for TERROR - Part Two B

    Wired for Terror: On the Trail of the “Men” Who Brought Down the Towers PART TWO B: The “Communist Manifesto” of Zionism, T. Herzl’s “Der Judenstaat”
The Sages and Guardians of the City Dr. Lazlo Toth October 20, 2007 INTRODUCTION Rabbi Hirsch of Jerusalem, spiritual leader of the...
  14. name

    Is Alan Watt Credible?

    REVIEW OF ALAN WATT interview -- Part 3 of 3 I've been following this thread on and off for a while. Re Watts and his strange behavior, what comes to mind is a parable (my invention): Re MacDonald (edit) I want to qualify what I say about MacDonald with the caveat that my criticism is from...
  15. brainwave

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"

    I remember reading this stuff when doing some research for an epidemics course. While the CCR5delta mutation protects from HIV, it appears to infer an increased risk for Hepatitis C. There is however ongoing debate about that. Some studies show evidence for this being the case, and others...
  16. C

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"

    here is the part 3 of jewish genetic studies deleted from khazaria(dot) com almost immediately I post link on sott (dot)khazaria(dot)com site articles on jewish genetic studies ARE back on-line. Articles taken off site max 2 hours after i posted links, and it was a deeeep night. Someone wasn't...
  17. C

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"

    Now the part which dissapeared from original site immediately i post link on sott:
  18. C

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"
  19. C

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"

    :cool: Jewish Genetics: Abstracts and Summaries Part 1: Jewish Populations wrote: Last Update: January 21, 2006 This page collects Y-DNA and mtDNA data and analysis related to traditionally Rabbinical Jewish populations of the world...
  20. Laura

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    ...We have a back-up copy of the old forum and can restore posts by hand if they are reported. This one is restored. From: Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars? A Reassessment Based upon the Latest Historical, Archaeological, Linguistic...
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