Search results for query: Genetic weapons

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  1. D

    Imminent Alien Disclosure?

    New interview with whistleblower Michael Herrera by youtuber UAP Gerb and reddit user u/joeyisnotmyname - The really fascinating part of the interview for me is where Michael talks about his meeting with an insider of the Program to recover and reverse engineer UAPs. He has done other...
  2. Z...

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    Actually it should be said that Illyirians or their predecessors from the neolitihic Danube civilisation ( Vinca, Lepenski Vir) didnt seek to master and conquer. According to most recent archeological consensus Vinca culture first showed up 12000 BCE and it reached its peak 7000 BCE. The...
  3. avivalevy3

    Session 27 April 2024

    Thanks for your efforts. I am guess y'all have the same question in mind for the next session: what happened to the helicopter last night that was carrying the Iranians?
  4. Global Warning

    Session 27 April 2024

    Another interesting session. This time not so much political, not so much Earthy, but a bit supernatural, secret knowledge, etc. I wonder if Joseph Stalin has anything to do with that, or was he just a psychopath and a spawn of 4D STS. I think the latter, so it would be maybe someone around him...
  5. Laura

    Session 27 April 2024

    Session Date: April 27th 2024 Laura and Andromeda at the board Joe, Niall, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Falkor, Bella, Leia FOTCM Members attending via Zoom: 3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, annp, Anthony...
  6. iamthatis

    Bird flu paranoia?

    I found this article about what's being called the fake bird flu pandemic. Transmission to humans of this virus is rare according to CDC papers, and the symptoms are mild, despite the 50% death rate + 100x worse than covid claims in the media...
  7. susy7

    Session 9 March 2024

    Thank you, so cosmic string theory is something to look into, since we've been talking about Brane.
  8. I

    Session 9 March 2024

    Thank you for the latest session. Read few of the comments all ready (page 3 ongoing....) and wanted toshare some ideas since there is others also wondering programchanges, our lives and all the happenings. Lot of ifs, bare with me. If UniversalMind / Logos is one original thought; one...
  9. tschai

    Session 9 March 2024

    Thank you all for the new session- quite a bit to ponder. Percentage of goodness for this forum? Infinite ♾️ percent!
  10. Laura

    Session 9 March 2024

    Session Date: March 9th 2024 Laura and Andromeda at the board Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Luna, Pikabu FOTCM Members attending via Zoom: 3DStudent, A Jay, Abats, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, Anamarija, anartist, AndrewMn, annp...
  11. Mark

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Here's what I found, not sure if there's any more. Excerpts below. This first session has a bunch of related talk so most of the session is included:
  12. XPan

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    You may find this interesting... Thomas Röper (Anti-Spiegel), german journalist who lives in St Petersburg since 30 years, made a translation of an interview between Putin and reporter Saburin...
  13. XPan

    Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

    You may find this interesting... Thomas Röper (Anti-Spiegel), german journalist who lives in St Petersburg since 30 years, made a translation of an interview between Putin and reporter Saburin...
  14. ZIA

    Session 13 January 2024

    Many Thanks for sharing this new session , a lot of work done on your side again and i feel so grateful for that We've got a lot to do still but step by step we'are moving forward Wish you all to keep strong and ready for the next Take care with love
  15. T

    From the Kremlin

    English transcript part two:
  16. piliangie

    Session 13 January 2024

    Wow this session was 👍👍 txs to all of you ❤️ ..question, how BÓRAX helps?? ❓🌻
  17. H

    Biological, chemical, nuclear, radiological, energy, and other potentially seriously harmful weapons

    thank you. yes, it is the perfect illustration of how much we love our fellow humans. it also shows the failure of religion to bring peace. all we can do is pray...
  18. T

    Biological, chemical, nuclear, radiological, energy, and other potentially seriously harmful weapons

    ...20 Years of Psychological Terror Comment: (51) Forum, general, "ethnic specific weapons" Forum, general, ethnic specific weapons Genetic weapons - Summary: (3) Weapons that could change geophysical landscape, human DNA to appear soon Text: (13) - Forum, general, "genetic weapons" Forum...
  19. tschai

    Session 13 January 2024

    Thank you for the new session. Whole lot of crazy coming our way, it seems.
  20. mantle

    Session 13 January 2024

    Excellent session. Thank you. Here we go.
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