Session 9 March 2024

What a packed session, so thank you all for Doing and sharing it with peeps here.

The totality of all the years of sessions/information, simply leaves one in awe. Moreover, all the comments made by members that help to break things down and discuss, are well appreciated.
The fact that your channeled source says otherwise is troubling. Does your channeler set protection BEFORE they channel? We've found that virtually no channelers set protection, and are consequently getting info from highly questionable sources.


Who is the "We've" part referencing?

You may want to read a little background on the geneses of these channeled sessions - the tools employed to test et cetera.
And as the C’s say, all of the Work we do is still not STO, but it is at least able to move toward it in glimmers.
I don't think the C's ever said that. They said that our nature in this reality is STS, which is different to the actions we take, which are either STS or STO according to the specific situation. People in this world perform STO actions every day, but unless those people purify their bodies, hearts and minds, and consistently act in an STO way - ie. develop their Being - they will remain in the "gravity well" of an unpolarized state - neither particularly evil nor particularly good.

But am truly very keen to hear from peeps how we can keep our free will in tact as much as is viable nowadays
The C's have already told us: Knowledge Protects. The more Knowledge we have, the more free will we have. The 'catch' seems to be that we can only contain Knowledge commensurate to the level of our Being. Thus, if we want more free will, we must acquire more Knowledge, and develop our Being in order to acquire still further Knowledge, which gives us more free will. This is all pretty basic stuff that Laura has detailed thoroughly in The Wave series.

I don't see any triangle in the image.
I see a vision of two arches of gold.

People in this world perform STO actions every day, but unless those people purify their bodies, hearts and minds, and consistently act in an STO way - ie. develop their Being - they will remain in the "gravity well" of an unpolarized state - neither particularly evil nor particularly good.
If it is true that we need to become 51% STO for an STO graduation, then we do not even have to polarize that much, compared to the 95% required for STS graduation.

Though I suppose that for beings in an STS world, any move towards STO is difficult due to both "internal" and "external" resistance and obstacles.
If it is true that we need to become 51% STO for an STO graduation, then we do not even have to polarize that much, compared to the 95% required for STS graduation.

Though I suppose that for beings in an STS world, any move towards STO is difficult due to both "internal" and "external" resistance and obstacles.
According to Ra, achieving 95% STS and 51% STO are tasks of approximately equal difficulty.
Session Date: March 9th 2024

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Luna, Pikabu

FOTCM Members attending via Zoom:

3DStudent, A Jay, Abats, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, Anamarija, anartist, AndrewMn, annp, Approaching Infinity, Aragorn, Aya, Bluefyre, Bo, brandon, Breton, cassandra, Cosmos, Deliverance, Dirgni, DougEE, dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, Fabric, Faith, finduilas495, France, Gawan, genero81, Glenn, Gottathink, Gwenllian, Herondancer, Hesper, Hesperides, hlat, honzap, iamthatis, irjO, iscreamsandwish, Jacques, JeanneT, JEEP, jess, Josi, Kenlee, KJN, Konstantin, korzik18, laurentien2, Laurs, Learner, Lilou, loreta, LQB, Luc, Luis Miguel, M, Maat, Maiko, marek760, Mari, Mark7, Mike, Mikkael, Mililea, Mrs. Peel, msante, Natus Videre, Navigator, Neil, Nicholas, nicklebleu and his wife, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, Oxajil, Pecha, PERLOU, Puma, RedFox, rrraven, Ryan, rylek, Ryu, Saman, seek10, seeker2seer, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, T.C., Theodor, Timótheos, thorbiorn, Tristan, Turgon, Ursus Minor, whitecoast, williamsj, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus, Zar

Q: (L) Today is the 9th of March, 2024. By the way, how's Redrock?

(Gaby) He should be in the recovery center.

(L) He's in the recovery center?

(Gaby) Getting there, yeah.

(Chu) A little better, yeah.

(L) He's somewhat better. Okay. Well if he watches this, Redrock, our thoughts are with you. Yeah, let's get right to it because it looks to me like this is going to take a while just to even get going here. So let's see if anything's... Hello, is there anyone there?

[Planchette zooms around pointing at various numbers]

(L) It's going after numbers... Okay, start the number sequence over again because I don't know what you're talking about. First of all, who do we have with us?

A: Qoininna of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) And what's the deal with the numbers?

A: Sequence of program change.

Q: (L) What program change?

A: Your reality is about to undergo one such.

Q: (L) And what would the numbers do for us?

A: Sorry, that was information code unknown to you as yet.

Q: (L) Okay. So, you were parsing some kind of... something similar to a computer code?

A: Close.

Q: (Joe) Do these program changes of the type our reality is about to undergo happen fairly frequently? Have they happened in our lifetimes before?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they happen frequently?

A: No

Q: (Gaby) Was 9-11 one?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was the assassination of John F. Kennedy one?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Well, neither of those events were positive from our perspective. So, it’s probably best to assume that this next one will be the same – i.e. not positive from our perspective?

A: Close

Q: (Joe) And when they say, "is about to undergo", is that imminent or within the next year?

A: Months or so.

Q: (Joe) What are the chances of Trump being assassinated this year?

A: Possible made to look natural event.

Q: (Gaby) Like a heart attack.

A: Stroke.

Q: (Joe) Does the program change that they're talking about that's within X number of months relate to the releasing of a new virus?

A: Not yet.

Q: (Andromeda) So something else before that.

(Niall) Geopolitics. Ukraine.

(Joe) Is it related to geopolitics in Ukraine and Russia?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Should we give any credence to the European politicians' talk of Europe going to war with Russia?

A: Some, certainly. Hubris knows no bounds.

Q: (Niall) They really, really, really, really don't want Putin to win.

(L) And they really, really, really don't want Trump to win, and they're really, really, really getting desperate and the reason for their desperation seems to me that there is some big change approaching. Is that part of it?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So the program change then is something other than the work or the machinations of the overt political elite in the West?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is it 4D STS?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What is it, Laura? What is it then?

(Niall) A space threat?

A: Watch the skies and land and oceans.

Q: (L) Well, that's everything.

(Andromeda) But mostly natural.

(Niall) Earth changes.

(Andromeda) Except for possibly an alien invasion.

(L) How many of y'all have the sessions in a searchable format? I mean, I'm assuming some of you do.

(Joe) They all have access to it online in a handy, searchable format.

(L) Did we not ask a question about the Black Knight satellite previously? We did. Okay. Can you find that and show it to us? Paste it in the chat.

[Search in progress...]

(L) But anyway, y'all remember that it was already asked. Now, Altair, you have asked the question: How old in years is the oldest form of the Russian language? Where is Altair?

(Altair) I am here.

(L) Okay. Have you done research on this?

(Altair) Yes, but the official theory is just like several hundred years. There are no records older than several hundred years and it's a bit suspicious.

(L) Okay. Well see, that information should have been included in your question.

(Chu) But I even wonder if you'll get a clear answer, because what is considered Old Russian, Old Slavonic? In that case you go much further. Russian is the modern...

(L) The modern version of the Old Slavonic. How old is that?

(Chu) 1200, I think.

(L) Well anyway, we'll ask the question:

(Altair) How old in years is the oldest form of the Russian language?

A: 1300.

Q: (L) So that would be 1300 years ago. What does that amount to?

(Niall) 700 or 800 AD, which Putin recently said was when the Russian state formed.

Q: (L) This is Ennio:

(Ennio) You mentioned some months ago that there is a group of elites that was communicating with 4D STS about managing humanity's future. Have there been any developments in their discussions?

A: Not that you can know.

Q: (L) Next:

(Ennio) Anything new that the aliens are proposing the elite do that we haven't yet heard about from the likes of Gates and Schwab ?

A: No.

Q: (L) That was kind of a wasted question, but I just wanted to ask it just to demonstrate.

(Joe) "Anything new." I mean, how general can you be?

(L) Yeah, garbage in, garbage out. And then you ask further questions about it:

(Ennio) Is this 4D STS group the same bunch you once said, made an agreement they didn't keep to with President Eisenhower and his associates?

A: No.

Q: (L) Now this one is a little more interesting:

(Ennio) Is the group of elites that are in discussions with these 4D STS ambassadors not aware of the aliens’ long history of abductions and hybridization of humans? Are they not aware?

A: No

Q: (L) So they are aware?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What does that get you?

(Joe) We already knew that. That's in the sessions as well.

(L) Okay, this is a little more interesting:

(Ennio) Israel was one of the most aggressive countries in the world when it came to vaccinating for COVID, locking down the public, etc. Was there anything in their batches of vaxxes that were tailor-made for portions of the Israeli public, like in the realm of ethnic-specific weapons designed to injure or kill the Semitic among them?

A: Same as for most though different batches were varied.

Q: (L) But we don't know. Is there any kind of elevated death rate or excessive deaths in Israel like there are in so many other places? Do you know that, Ennio?

(Chu) He's not there.

(L) He's not there. That's not very good. Okay. Because I read something recently that said that Ashkenazi were not as affected by COVID or the vaccines as other people.

(Niall) I read that Israel recorded an increase in fertility rates, whereas everyone else had the opposite.

(Joe) After the vaccine?

(Niall) Is it the vaccine or COVID? I'm not sure. It's ‘20 or ‘21.

(L) So that's almost like verification that they're the ones that are in the position that are communicating with whoever's creating these vaccines and what they're designed for.

(Niall) Isn't Albert Bourla, the head of Pfizer, an American Jew?

(L) I don't know. Yeah, so that was a little more interesting.

(Ennio) Are Ukrainian soldiers who were killed in action being reanimated and made to serve other forces at this time?

A: No.

(Ennio) Nikolai Patrushev of Russia's Security Council has sounded the alarm about the growing potential for some new and unheard of disease to come from Washington and the US military. Was his information connected to the Disease X ebola/rhinovirus we discussed with you?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Didn't we ask which? Oh, we asked about the Atlantean language, but then... Altair, didn't we ask about the Atlantean language and the oldest language or whatever? Do you remember?

(Atlair) Yes. You asked several years ago about the oldest alphabet and they said it was Old Germanic, but I'm not sure how it is connected to the Kantekkian language. That's all I remember.

(Approaching Infinity) There was a reference, I think it was a year ago, that Indo-European was the Kantekkian language, right? And it was like the remainder… or I can't remember the word that they used - the remainder of the Kantekkian language that survived and that was the origin of what we call Proto-Indo-European or something like that.

(L) Yeah. Didn't they say something about the Basque language too?

(Chu) That was more recent about the aliens.

(L) That was fairly recent.

(Chu) That was more recent about the alien language.

(L) The alien language.

(Chu) That it was similar to Basque.

(L) That's creepy. So, I would say that the modern, oh, well, okay... Let's ask.

(Altair) Which modern language is closest to Kantekkian?

A: Old Germanic.

Q: (L) All right. Okay, seek10 asked this:

(seek10) It is estimated that the PTB brought in 10 million immigrants into the US semi-secretly. What is the agenda behind it other than creating the background to control dissent, increase general misery for the population through various means like Agenda 2030 policies, divide the public, cheap labor, excuse for more surveillance, etc.?

A: The simplest of all: voters. The "PTB" do not realize that they have taken a tiger by the tail. Also recent plans to pack the military. Will not turn out well.

Q: (L) Okay.

(Altair) Why do Basques have the highest incidence of RH negative blood of any people in the world?

A: Less mixing with outsiders. But also consider the indigenous people of South America and the Western hemisphere.

Q: (L) So I perceive, perhaps wrongly, that there was something more to that question than you actually put into it. Am I correct that you wanted to know something about HOW DID THEY GET the high percentage of negative blood? Yeah?

(Altair) Yes. I thought it was connected to Atlantis in some way, but I wasn't sure how.

(L) Okay. He thought it was connected to Atlantis. Was he in fact, correct in that assumption that was latent in the question and not perfectly expressed?

A: Close

Q: (L) Well, you know, the one thing that's always bothered me has been the fact that there was so much RH negative blood in Central South America. I mean among the indigenous peoples of the Americas plus this little group of Basques, and yet somehow they are vastly different in some respects. I mean very different physically and otherwise. So that's something that deserves some research, and maybe some genetic studies.

(Chu) They're not always so different language-wise.

(L) Yeah, that's true. Some of those Native American languages... What are they, agglutinative?

(Chu) Yeah.

(L) Yeah. Okay, next:

(Altair) Will virus X be designed to be ethno-specific?

A: They will try, but these things can get out of hand quickly.

Q: (L) Okay.

(Joe) And who would it be... Who would be targeted?

(L) In other words, which ethnicity will be targeted?

A: Mostly dark skinned people.

Q: (L) Well, that's bizarre.

(Joe) As in Middle Eastern?

A: Among others.

Q: (L) It would be a lot of indigenous peoples.

(Joe) As part of a depopulation goal.

(Scottie) Well, if you want to take over Africa, that's a good way to do it.

(L) Yeah.

(Niall) So much for diversity and inclusion!

(L) Yeah, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Shot that to hell. Okay:

(Altair) Why do people often report the ceasing of all sounds from the environment when a UFO passes closely? It's like UFOs carry a zone of silence with them.

A: They carry a zone of 4D with them.

Q: (Andromeda) So 4D is quiet.

(L) Okay.

(seek10) The C's mentioned that the Book of Enoch was written by a Sanskrit society in India...

(L) And I think you have to really distinguish because there are various parts to the Book of Enoch and some of them are older than other parts. The very oldest parts I'm assuming we will be asking this question about.

(seek10) The C's mentioned that the Book of Enoch was written by a Sanskrit society in India and that there was a nuclear war between then and the expanded present. The question is: Were the Paranthas the Sanskrit society in India at that time?

A: No.

(L) Now you're going to get a little circle here, seek10:

(seek10) If so, what is the origin of the Dravidian languages?

(L) It's not so, so I'll still ask: What is the origin of the Dravidian languages?

A: Paranthas.

Q: (L) And that didn't help much, did it? I knew they were going to do that. I knew it! [laughter]

(seek10) So can I ask, is there any way we can identify who was in India at that time?

A: Paranthas and Atlantean types and some Kantekkian types. See Mohenjo-daro and related sites.

Q: (L) Okay.

(seek10) Was the period of the writing of the Book of Enoch before the destruction of Kantek?

A: No.

Q: (L) Here's another one:

(seek10) Is the Haplogroup F-M89 migration signal in DNA study a result of the 50,000-year-ago nuclear war?

(L) Can we have some background on that? We don't even know what you're talking about.

(seek10) Yeah, so when I look at the DNA studies, the Haplogroup F-M89 signal is spreading from the center of India to the south and to the other areas. Other areas are Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and Australia. That specific signal is around 48K BCE. It is exactly matching with the nuclear war period. So based on that, it looks like that nuclear war happened in North/Central India. This makes sense, because the Kantekkians were occupying the Northern Hemisphere. So the natural target would have been the north/central portion of India. Of course they could have bombed the south too. But based on the signal, it happened in North/Central India.

(L) Okay, so is the Haplogroup F-M89 migration signal in DNA study a result of the 50,000 year-ago nuclear war?

A: Good find!

Q: (L) I think that's a yes! Yeah, it's a good catch. Okay.

(seek10) How long after the nuclear war did North India become inhabitable? Assuming 50% of the destroyed land that the C’s mentioned is located in North/Central India. Is it 2000 years?

A: Close

Q: (L) Okay. Now, Ryan:

(Ryan) Do organic portals predominantly view the world from a left hemispheric perspective?

A: No.

Q: (Ryan) Does more functional inhibition of the right hemisphere take place in their brains than in the brain of a potentially souled person?

A: No.

Q: (L) I think he may be making some assumptions about organic portals that aren't actually justified because remember, until the person really allows their soul essence to begin to develop and grow, we're all organic portals in a sense, bodily. And if you think about it, you remember when the C's said that souls entered into Neanderthal bodies and changed their DNA thereby. That would suggest that Neanderthals were organic portals. And probably, before the 309,000 year event, which was supposedly the time of The Fall, ALL human types were basically organic portals. I think organic portals, they're just like all of us, there's just something higher that can't develop in them, and we have to be careful about saying, oh, well they're going to be left brained or right brained or whatever and trying to...

(Niall) Find physical characteristics.

(L) Right.

(Andromeda) Yeah, it's not what you have but how it's used in actuality.

(L) And of course, they also said that defective organic portals were psychopaths, you know, the essential psychopaths. Okay... Ryan, you're asking about the branes discussed in the 11th August, 2018 session.

(Ryan) Does the"Cosmic Web" reflect the way all these branes interact with an infinite dimensional space?

(L) What is the Cosmic Web?

(Ryan) The "Cosmic Web" is I think a generally accepted astronomical term for the connection of galaxies together into sort of clusters and this giant kind of web-like structure, sort of the further they zoom out into the observable universe.

(L) Okay. So does the "Cosmic Web" reflect the way all these branes interact within an infinite dimensional space?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So a galaxy could actually be a brane?

A: Yes

Q: (L) All right.

(Ryan) Was Alexei Navalny murdered?

A: No.

Q: (L) Okay.

(Altair) Jacob Rothschild died recently. Where is his soul now and what is it doing?

A: Sleeping.

Q: (L) You said that about Adolf Hitler?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, okay, that's it. He's sleeping. Here's irjO:

(irjO) At the time of the final destruction of Atlantis, did the crystals create unstable dimensional windows that resulted in a portion of the Atlantean land and its occupants going to another dimension/reality?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Didn't expect that.

(irjO) If yes, what is the probability that such a lost land might rejoin our reality as the Earth transitions to 4D?

A: Zero.

Q: (L) Okay:

(irjO) Is the movie 'Astral City', which tells the journey of a doctor who dies and goes, lives, and works in "heaven", close to how we perceive and exist in 5th density?

A: For some.

Q: (irjO) Is talking/communicating with your higher self also mean getting to communicate with your 5D Self?

A: Sometimes for some.

Q: (irjO) Is it true that one is able to communicate with our higher self by dowsing with a pendulum or a similar instrument?

A: For some sometimes.

Q: (Joe) There's a pattern there... [laughter]

(L) Yeah.

(irjO) If yes, would that depend on the person and the intention?

(L) And they're going to say, "For some, sometimes," right? [laughter]

A: Yes.

Q: (L) All right. You guys asked the questions! I'm just the intermediary here. I'm just the messenger.

(Altair) Who has been damaging internet cables in the Red Sea and to what purpose?

A: Houthis. Destroy comms for Israel and supporters.

Q: (Scottie) I stand corrected.

(Niall) Good for them.

(L) Who stands corrected?

(Scottie) Me.

(L) Why? Who did you think it was?

(Scottie) Because I said the Houthis could never do it. It would be like some powerful state actor, blah, blah, blah, but obviously the Houthis are a lot more capable than I gave them credit for.

(Niall) Yeah.

(Joe) Well, they also said that those particular cables were in some places only a hundred meters underwater and then they came out on land.

(L) Okay:

(Ryan) You mentioned that Atlantis underwent 3 incarnations over a 100,000 year period (31/05/1997). If the "Flood of Noah" and Paranthan nuclear war were two of the three cataclysms, was the first cataclysm at the time of the Youngest Toba eruption after the destruction of Kantek?

A: Yes.

Q: (Ryan) In approximately 26.5K BCE, the Taupo supervolcano in New Zealand erupted, which is 'somewhat' close to the arrival of the STS Orion headquarters for the Sol system that you mentioned in 04/12/1999. Were both of these events related to any larger event, and if so, what was that event?

A: A cometary bombardment.

Q: (Ryan) In the 31st May, 1997 session, at that time, you would not identify a group with whom you have been in contact since they were on Kantek. Are you able to identify this group for us now?

A: No

Q: (L) Good try. Now, Nienna asks:

(Nienna) I have a question about the Dark Pyramid underground in Alaska.

Here are some questions:

(L) Okay, so: Is there really a pyramid underground in Alaska? If so, are the reports about it accurate?

A: No and no.

Q: (L) Okay, well that ends the topic.

(Scottie) Well, that's no fun!

(L) Yeah, I thought that was a good question. I liked it. I like hidden mysteries. Well, next question:

(Approaching Infinity) Was there a violent confrontation between aliens and humans at the Dulce base in the late 1970s as originally claimed by Paul Bennewitz?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Did Phil Schneider do work for the Dulce base?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Did he survive the firefight as he claimed?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Was the confrontation Lazar read about the same one?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Were the Aryans that were involved in the Villa-Boas abduction related to the undergrounders? (Background: session November 4, 1994, where they said the abductors were Aryans "in transit")

A: No

Q: (L) Okay. It says abductors were Aryans in transit. What do you mean by "Aryans in transit?"

A: On their way back.

Q: (L) On their way back to their home planet?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Were those 3D type aliens?

A: Bidensity.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Were the Nordic-looking aliens in at least some of the contactee cases from the 1950s actually Aryan undergrounders?

A: Yes.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Were the mythical white and bearded civilization teachers like Viracocha and Quetzalcoatl deep-level punctuators?

A: Yes.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) What about Oannes?

A: Lizzie.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) In an early session you said that Admiral Byrd expected only to encounter "an encampment of detached Nazis” in Antarctica during Operation High Jump. What did he actually encounter?

A: Cannibal window fallers.

Q: (L) That was pleasant.

(Approaching Infinity) In 1988, Byrd's son Richard Byrd Jr. died mysteriously at the age of 68. He was found malnourished and dehydrated in a vacant warehouse after having been missing for three weeks. He had been en route to Washington for an event ceremony in honor of his father. What happened to him?

A: SPA. Link was established by his father.

Q: (L) Well, that's creepy.

(Altair) What are the chances of military escalation in Transnistria this year?

A: Good.

Q: (Altair) What are the chances of open and direct military confrontation between some NATO members and Russia this year?

A: 50/50.

Q: (L) So it's uncertain yet, but they sure want it!

(Altair) When did The Fall happen on Kantek? Was it the same time as on Earth (309 KYA)?

A: Yes.

Q: (Pikabu) Meow! Meow. [Pikabu verifies that the session is proceeding properly...]

(L) Hello baby girl! Mama's here.

(Altair) If true Semites are descendants of Kantekkians, and 4D STS tried to get rid of them, why were they brought to Earth in the first place after the destruction of their planet?

A: Tiger by the tail syndrome.

Q: (L) So they had plans for them that didn't turn out exactly the way they wanted them to.

(seek10) Is Krishna a fictional character based on cometary activity?

A: Only in part.

Q: (seek10) Is there a submerged continent/island/city called Kumara Kandam in the Indian Ocean as claimed by Ancient Tamil civilization proponents?

A: Close

Q: (seek10) If so, was it during Lemurian times or Atlantean times? Which period was it?

A: Later.

Q: (L) How about the 12,000 year-ago event?

A: Closer

Q: (seek10) When did the Sunda Strait (between Java and Sumatra) form? Was it during the 564 AD cometary explosion period (and Krakatoa volcano eruption) OR during the "Noah's Flood" period OR the 70KYA Krakatoa eruption?

A: 70KYA.

Q: (L) Okay, that's the extent of the written questions. Now let's see what we have coming up here on the chat...

(Cosmos) Had Putin picked out Medvedev as his successor early on and prepared him to educate himself to be able/ready to follow in his footsteps?

A: Yes.

Q: (Cosmos) Is Medvedev on the same page as Putin in terms of goals, views and humanity?

A: Mostly.

Q: (M) Can we ask the C’s what the aphelion is for the Sun's twin, brown dwarf? That was asked years ago in 1998 but no answer was given at that time.

(L) Okay. You can expect that if no answer was given years ago in 1998 about the aphelion of the brown dwarf, that you're not going to get it now. So give it up.

(M) Did anyone ever ask if in 4D, when a life span is over and then is recycled to 5D and then back to 4D, does the same thing happen where the past life is mostly forgotten like in 3D?

(L) Now that's an interesting question. If a person recycles from 4D to 5D to 4D again, do they forget their past lives?

A: No.

Q: (Andromeda) Hmm, never thought of that.

(M) Were the current fires in Texas started by DEW (Directed Energy Weapons)?

A: Yes.

Q: (Keit) During the winter of 2023-2024, Russia experienced an inordinately large number of utility accidents all over the country, especially burst water pipes for central heating. People say that it is either due to wear and tear of the utility networks or weather extremes and fluctuations. Are they correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (Keit) And what could be additional or underlying reasons for such a large number of accidents?

A: (L) Well, you just gave it. Extreme wear and tear and fluctuations and conditions.

Q: (Joe) But what if I'm not satisfied with that answer and I want a different answer?

(L) She wants a different answer?

(Chu) Well, she asked first if it was correct, and then they said yes.

(L) So, okay, it's done.

(Keit) The US issued an "imminent terror attack" warning regarding Moscow for the next 48 hours, though it's not clear when exactly the warning was given. This warning was repeated by many other Western consulates. They warned their citizens not to come to Russia because apparently "extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow". Why was this warning given and what is really going on?

A: Attempts to frighten and disrupt. Also letting Russia know that the "deep state" is in charge. Wait for interesting developments.

Q: (Ursus Minor) What is the percentage of migrants arriving in Europe during the last year that came out of fear for their lives and political oppression?

A: 10.

Q: (L) 10%.

(thorbiorn) There is the book: “Dancing Past the Dark: Distressing Near-Death Experiences”, by Nancy Evans Bush. What influences the variability of near-death experiences, and in particular why do some people have disturbing experiences?

A: No matter where you go, there you are.

Q: (L) So you have distressing near-death experiences because of the way you behaved or treated other people in life?

A: Yes.

Q: (Navigator) I'd like to ask about the Zone of Silence as referenced in its own thread. My speculation is that the area of the Chihuahuan Desert (of which the Zone of Silence is part of, see the thread for details), was a cometary bombardment hit zone at one point, and the materials deposited as a result of this could explain, at least partially, the reported physical anomalies. But, as this area is also geographically connected to New Mexico and Arizona, areas reported as being high in UFO/extraterrestrial activity, it could be the case that there is more than just magnetic aberrations to the Zone. I am thinking bases, portals or whatnot (Edgar Cayce also reported this). So, some open questions: What is it with the Zone of Silence that has been witness to physical anomalies and strange UFO encounters?

A: 4D bleedthrough.

Q: (Navigator) What was the US Government interested in, after they arrived in the area to recover the Athena sounding rocket in 1970?

A: Covering up any signs of alien activity involvement.

Q: (Alejo) What was the importance of sending that numeric message at the start? What was the purpose?

A: (L) I think they explained it; that they were reading a code and it came through and it's not something we would understand. Okay.

Q: (Alejo) Is the big program change related to Putin's life or death?

A: No.

Q: (T.C.) Was Nuland's retirement a necessary step in the process?

A: No.

Q: (Niall) Why did she resign?

(Joe) That last question is a good example of a question that's kind of not very useful.

(L) Oh, I didn't read the whole context.

(Chu) It was: "Since the upcoming change, mentioned at the beginning of the session, was related to geopolitics and Ukraine, was Nuland's retirement a necessary step in the process?"

(Joe) Right, but it seems that the focus of the question would be, why did she retire?

(Niall) Why did Nuland retire?

(Joe) If you ask that question you get all the rest.

A: Health mostly.

Q: (L) So she's in bad health.

[Discussion about a question that was skipped earlier, while members searched in the old transcripts to see if it had already been asked.]

(irjO) The Black Knight was the name first given to a satellite or object detected by astronomers in the early 1960s circling the Earth in a polar orbit - allegedly neither American nor Russian. Is it space junk, as the debunkers say, or a real satellite?

A: Yes.

Q: (irjO) Who built it?

A: Nordics and Lizzies.

Q: (irjO) What was/is its function?

A: Scanning and sending directed control signals. Can bounce to reach targets.

Q: (L) Are you all happy now? [laughter] [Reading the chat] What was that? Go up.

(L) A high level scanner of sectors. Basically the same thing. Similar but more advanced high level consortium. Human or alien? Both. Well, okay. I think that must be the one, it was about the Black Knight. We just didn't name it that.

(Ursus Minor) Did the Thule society channel an alien race or subterraneans?

A: Neither. Were visited by Nordics.

Q: (Ursus Minor) When Germans went underground before 1945 who were they assimilated by? Subterraneans or an alien race?

A: The two are cooperating. "Aliens" run the operations.

Q: (Ursus Minor) How many Nazi UAPs had become operational until April 1945?

A: 3.

Q: (L) Does that help you in any way? Next. This question is not clear to me.

(seek10) Did Dwarika of Krishna legend (the western coast of India) submerge during the "Noah's Great Flood" event?

(L) Is Dwarika a person or a place?

(seek10) It's a place.

(L) Okay. Did it submerge during the 12,000 year-ago event? That's the Noah's Great Flood event, I guess.

A: Yes.

Q: (seek10) Is it an Atlantean colony?

A: No.

Q: (Pecha) Given the lax border policy of the USA and numerous reports of possible sleeper cells entering the country, plus that remote viewing session that Edward Riordan did of dead bodies stacked on each other, and another report of a possible 9/11 level trauma event happening - are any of these connected to one another?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) It's all connected, man.

(L) Yeah, it's all connected.

(Joe) I have a question: Is stuff all connected?

A: Yes. [laughter]

Q: (Mark7) Any new way(s) the Wave might manifest itself in 2024?

(Niall) It's already here.

A: Pay attention. Some things are slow and subtle, others are by leaps and bounds.

Q: (M) Regarding the question about aphelion, back in the 5 Sept 1998 session they said they would not answer yet because "Not yet, as you need more understanding of those cycles that you so keenly allude to". So I was asking now because maybe you'd gained more understanding.

(L) You're asking because you think I've gained more understanding? What about you? Huh? You figure it out! Tell me! Why do I have to do everything? [laughter]

(M) I read the session and I couldn't figure out what they were saying that you "keenly alluded to". It wasn't clear to me in the session what the hell they were talking about. So I'm like, what?

(L) Keenly, as in, I'm really anxious for them to give me the answers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [laughter]

(fabric) Was Ryan Garcia (famous boxer) forced to watch satanic rituals which included child abuse at Bohemian Grove as he claims?

A: Yes.

Q: (Altair) Were there any retrievals of crashed 4D STO crafts on Earth?

A: No.

Q: (Altair) What is the percentage of "goodness" in the current president of Belarus, Lukashenko?

(L) The percentage of "goodness"! [laughter]

(Joe) What a question! Let's define goodness first.

(Niall) 50.01.

(PoB) 150. [laughter]

(L) Percentage of goodness... Can you answer that?

A: No.

Q: (irjO) What are the chances of Maduro winning the next presidential elections in Venezuela? Does he still have a lot of support?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) Are you surprised by that answer, irjO?

(Joe) Shouldn't be...

(Niall) If you are, you haven't been paying attention...

(irjO) Not really. A little bit, but not really. But there's a lot of propaganda, so...

(Joe) I have a question. Was Biden on drugs the other night at his State of the Union speech?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) What drug was he on?

A: Meth.

Q: (Niall) Oh my God! He's such a scumbag!

(Joe) Did you see how radically different he was, in terms of his coherence and his enthusiasm and stuff? So they gave him some meth, as in, methamphetamine.

(Niall) Well, these people are taking adrenochrome, so yeah, meth is like, meh!

(Joe) Well, there is probably high quality medical grade meth, for the president...

(Niall) Or did he get it from Hunter?

(Chu) Probably!

(L) I mean, meth lasts for hours. I mean, cocaine only lasts for a short time. Why mess around? I mean, go for the gold! [laughter]

(Andromeda) Well, he had a presidential address, you know!

(Niall) He's such a scumbag!

(Joe) Well, they're just uppers, Niall. He needs some uppers.

(L) OK, let's keep going.

(Altair) Are Putin or any of his advisers aware of the C's material?

A: No.

Q: (Ryan) Is the mainstream scientific metaphor of DNA as a "blueprint" incorrect, and a better metaphor would be a "recording device" that forms information into a more stable state?

A: Yes.

Q: (M) What is the percentage chance of the USA presidential election actually taking place later this year?

A: Good.

Q: (Niall) When they said meth, did they mean crystal meth?

A: No.

Q: (Niall) Oh, right. Okay.

(Joe) Come on, Niall!

(L) You mean methamphetamine, the medical grade pill type thing?

A: Yes.

(Joe) It's some top quality presidential meth we're talking about here. You know what I'm saying? You don't go on the street to get off some kind of...

(Niall) Well, when people say meth, when you say meth...

(Alejo) Tucker called the meth.

(L) Did he?

(Jones) In the sessions from October 1995, questions were asked about the MIAs and KIAs in various wars with the suggestion that they were abducted and the word 'reanimated' was used and that they're still alive.

Then from Session 13 January 2024:

The work in Transmarginal Inhibition, where an individual is flooded with stimuli that represents overwhelming threat, suggests that all previous conditioning can be undone. Deb Dana says that it is a superpower to have a nervous system that is highly sympathetically energised, but to also be able to maintain some ventral vagal connection or energy - sociality, curiosity, compassion etc. Lobaczweski says that maintaining an attitude of a naturalist studying a subject is protective when exposed to psychopaths. Victor Frankl basically says that having a meaning or reason for surviving overwhelmingly harsh experiences is protective. Were those that were selected for abduction and 'reanimation' from the wars those who went into dorsal vagal shutdown?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Good catch. All right. We've been doing this for an hour and a half, messing around.

(Joe) I have one more question, a follow-up from the last one. They said about Ivermectin... We asked why we were having the flashy eyes, the flashy vision from Ivermectin. And they said it was DNA changes. So what kind of DNA changes does it cause, and why does it have an effect on your eyes, making them more light sensitive? They didn't say whether they were good or bad, they just said DNA changes. So...

A: Beneficial. Stimulates the vision center. Expect better visualization!

Q: (Niall) Awesome!

(L) As in...

(Gaby) Hyperdimensional space?

(L) Yeah. What do you call it, hallucinatory, even?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) Now we're going to watch the show in full HD.

(L) Yeah, we can watch the show and never go to the theater.

(Joe) In Technicolor.

(Andromeda) You can see all the strobe effects.

(L) So I guess at the beginning of this session, you told us what you wanted to warn us about. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is there anything else we need to know before we say goodbye?

A: No. Goodbye.


Thank you for the latest session. Read few of the comments all ready (page 3 ongoing....) and wanted toshare some ideas since there is others also wondering programchanges, our lives and all the happenings.

Lot of ifs, bare with me. If UniversalMind / Logos is one original thought; one infinity; one circle. And it wants to experience itself; this thought is manifested as light;which then is like sine wave, almost like two halfs of a circle.


This thought/light/sine wave is then divided more and more until we have different densities and in those different densities we have huge number of entities experiencingtheir own thoughts.

In a big picture then I wouldunderstand that we are aboard 3D wave since the fall (check picture).

And we have free will to do what everwe want while still in aboard 3D wave. We are almost like a dog in aleash; we can run around, bark or caress others, but still we can seeonly as far as our leash reach. And if we study our enviroment theleash somehow stretches giving us more freedom.

This 3D then maybe is planned to have aspecified period of time; maybe around 309k years? From Astrological age - Wikipedia

Would be 12 sequences of 12 zodiactimes of (25772/12) 2147 years = 309264 years.

This 3D world of ours could be following and running on top of 4D wave, (like carrier waves in radiotransmitting, check picture again) which seems to be somewhatnegative at the moment. So you could say 4D is seeing and controlling3D. And at the moment we can only observe things happening in 3D andmake a decision how to react on different events. Just enjoy theride.

As above, so below; 4D is controlledalso from above and while doing everything they can, if time is up,Master Mind behind all this somehow changes (using us as tools)things to positive.

One more thought on this; if circle isapproaching end or zero point, point E4 in picture, there could benew program with new 4D world shown to us; i.e the negative part ofthe Master sine wave (5D, 6D, 7D...) is coming to end and also Earthprobably has more positive graduations than negative. At the samezero point, this time, the 3D human changes to 4D and those of usthat still need to have something learned continue to differentplanet for new 3D experience.

This ”last” Event could be momentwhere (and what we can speculate, but it just happens as it happensif it happens):

”Many decide to leave”,”Resurrection to 4D happens”, ”Magnetic and tectonic platechanges”, ”Some stay this 3D planet to dwell more inphysicality”, ”Asteroid cloud hits Earth”, ”Solar burst”.

2012 and The Ascension - From Cosmic Awareness Channeled Readings_
Esoteric Buddhism by A.P. Sinnett: Table of Contents

For these experiences there issomething to do also with the lives lived, since in Esoteric Buddhismbook Master asks in one of his letters, ”Have you allready solvedthe puzzle of 144 lives?”

And there was at least Feb.22 1995 C'ssession where they were asked how many lives Laura and Frank has had,and Frank had ”72+4 asspecial learning channel “hold back” on contemplative planeAKA 5th density level.”.

And Christos Avatar is saying we have 72 lives + another 72 lives in parallel universe.All of them simultaneously.

Then again as above so below. And vice versa, if we have enough positiveeffort here and now, the reality in i.e 6D also changes positivesince somekind positive gravity pull. I bet all this is somethingmathematics with gravity since C's say ”It is the centralingredient of all existence!”

Anyway, thought from these 3 different above pieces for me is that this is the reason why we have 8 billion people here now; we all try to live our 72 lives and get the experiences needed, before ”time runs out”.

Transition from 3D to 4D could beillustrated like our electric grid changes from 50Hz to 100Hz (yes its another way around in pic), but thats something to speculate.

This grid freaquency could be Schuman resonance or globes rotating speed or Milky Ways rotating speed (?) and the change would also change our DNA. Probably easy mathematics when looked above high enough...
But the Cs added that it wasn't really about the machinations of the Western elites, but 4D STS. So I'm guessing 4D STS didn't quite like Russia winning in Ukraine either because it somehow messes a timeline they preferred.

That did make me wonder if the program change referred to another timeline adjustment since they seem to like to control the world... past, present and future?
(Joe) I have a question. Was Biden on drugs the other night at his State of the Union speech?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) What drug was he on?

A: Meth.

Q: (Niall) Oh my God! He's such a scumbag!

(Joe) Did you see how radically different he was, in terms of his coherence and his enthusiasm and stuff? So they gave him some meth, as in, methamphetamine.
If it is true that we need to become 51% STO for an STO graduation, then we do not even have to polarize that much, compared to the 95% required for STS graduation.

Though I suppose that for beings in an STS world, any move towards STO is difficult due to both "internal" and "external" resistance and obstacles.
We are driven by predatory self-interest and our hearts are in the material world, where our STS earthly treasure is. Knowledge increases the choice and power of actions. Our soul or essence whispers STO frequency and is our 'treasure in heaven'. The heart must decide.

He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

So if we want to increase our knowledge and thus freedom, we can practice 'voluntary suffering', and accept the pain of existence and objective self-observation rather than fight against phantom enemies.

From the Tao:

Accept disgrace willingly.
Accept misfortune as the human condition.
What do you mean by "Accept disgrace willingly"?
Accept being unimportant.
Do not be concerned with loss or gain.
This is called "accepting disgrace willingly."

What do you mean by "Accept misfortune as the human condition"?
Misfortune comes from having a body.
Without a body, how could there be misfortune?

Surrender yourself humbly; then you can be trusted to care for all things.
Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things
First of all thank you for this mind twisting session. Was confusing for me in the beginning.
In my understanding Ra and Cass. are invested in development of beings such as us, primarily (not only) by maintaining balans of positive and negative energy ,so free will is possible. If 4D STS are tiping the balance with theirs actions, automatically it opens the door for 4D STS to balances the scale back (as vice versa).

Q: (JOE) So the program change then is something other then the work or the machination of the overt political elite in the west.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is it 4D STS

A: Yes

Are 4D STS trying to change the outcome by knocking World chess bord in the middle of the game ?

A: It is very bad juju for the forces of the darkness to take over against the free will of the majority

Humanity as energy sources may cost 3,4,5 D STS more then they are willing to pay.
Session Date: March 9th 2024

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Luna, Pikabu

FOTCM Members attending via Zoom:

3DStudent, A Jay, Abats, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, Anamarija, anartist, AndrewMn, annp, Approaching Infinity, Aragorn, Aya, Bluefyre, Bo, brandon, Breton, cassandra, Cosmos, Deliverance, Dirgni, DougEE, dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, Fabric, Faith, finduilas495, France, Gawan, genero81, Glenn, Gottathink, Gwenllian, Herondancer, Hesper, Hesperides, hlat, honzap, iamthatis, irjO, iscreamsandwish, Jacques, JeanneT, JEEP, jess, Josi, Kenlee, KJN, Konstantin, korzik18, laurentien2, Laurs, Learner, Lilou, loreta, LQB, Luc, Luis Miguel, M, Maat, Maiko, marek760, Mari, Mark7, Mike, Mikkael, Mililea, Mrs. Peel, msante, Natus Videre, Navigator, Neil, Nicholas, nicklebleu and his wife, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, Oxajil, Pecha, PERLOU, Puma, RedFox, rrraven, Ryan, rylek, Ryu, Saman, seek10, seeker2seer, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, T.C., Theodor, Timótheos, thorbiorn, Tristan, Turgon, Ursus Minor, whitecoast, williamsj, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus, Zar

Q: (L) Today is the 9th of March, 2024. By the way, how's Redrock?

(Gaby) He should be in the recovery center.

(L) He's in the recovery center?

(Gaby) Getting there, yeah.

(Chu) A little better, yeah.

(L) He's somewhat better. Okay. Well if he watches this, Redrock, our thoughts are with you. Yeah, let's get right to it because it looks to me like this is going to take a while just to even get going here. So let's see if anything's... Hello, is there anyone there?

[Planchette zooms around pointing at various numbers]

(L) It's going after numbers... Okay, start the number sequence over again because I don't know what you're talking about. First of all, who do we have with us?

A: Qoininna of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) And what's the deal with the numbers?

A: Sequence of program change.

Q: (L) What program change?

A: Your reality is about to undergo one such.

Q: (L) And what would the numbers do for us?

A: Sorry, that was information code unknown to you as yet.

Q: (L) Okay. So, you were parsing some kind of... something similar to a computer code?

A: Close.

Q: (Joe) Do these program changes of the type our reality is about to undergo happen fairly frequently? Have they happened in our lifetimes before?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they happen frequently?

A: No

Q: (Gaby) Was 9-11 one?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was the assassination of John F. Kennedy one?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Well, neither of those events were positive from our perspective. So, it’s probably best to assume that this next one will be the same – i.e. not positive from our perspective?

A: Close

Q: (Joe) And when they say, "is about to undergo", is that imminent or within the next year?

A: Months or so.

Q: (Joe) What are the chances of Trump being assassinated this year?

A: Possible made to look natural event.

Q: (Gaby) Like a heart attack.

A: Stroke.

Q: (Joe) Does the program change that they're talking about that's within X number of months relate to the releasing of a new virus?

A: Not yet.

Q: (Andromeda) So something else before that.

(Niall) Geopolitics. Ukraine.

(Joe) Is it related to geopolitics in Ukraine and Russia?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Should we give any credence to the European politicians' talk of Europe going to war with Russia?

A: Some, certainly. Hubris knows no bounds.

Q: (Niall) They really, really, really, really don't want Putin to win.

(L) And they really, really, really don't want Trump to win, and they're really, really, really getting desperate and the reason for their desperation seems to me that there is some big change approaching. Is that part of it?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So the program change then is something other than the work or the machinations of the overt political elite in the West?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is it 4D STS?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What is it, Laura? What is it then?

(Niall) A space threat?

A: Watch the skies and land and oceans.

Q: (L) Well, that's everything.

(Andromeda) But mostly natural.

(Niall) Earth changes.

(Andromeda) Except for possibly an alien invasion.

(L) How many of y'all have the sessions in a searchable format? I mean, I'm assuming some of you do.

(Joe) They all have access to it online in a handy, searchable format.

(L) Did we not ask a question about the Black Knight satellite previously? We did. Okay. Can you find that and show it to us? Paste it in the chat.

[Search in progress...]

(L) But anyway, y'all remember that it was already asked. Now, Altair, you have asked the question: How old in years is the oldest form of the Russian language? Where is Altair?

(Altair) I am here.

(L) Okay. Have you done research on this?

(Altair) Yes, but the official theory is just like several hundred years. There are no records older than several hundred years and it's a bit suspicious.

(L) Okay. Well see, that information should have been included in your question.

(Chu) But I even wonder if you'll get a clear answer, because what is considered Old Russian, Old Slavonic? In that case you go much further. Russian is the modern...

(L) The modern version of the Old Slavonic. How old is that?

(Chu) 1200, I think.

(L) Well anyway, we'll ask the question:

(Altair) How old in years is the oldest form of the Russian language?

A: 1300.

Q: (L) So that would be 1300 years ago. What does that amount to?

(Niall) 700 or 800 AD, which Putin recently said was when the Russian state formed.

Q: (L) This is Ennio:

(Ennio) You mentioned some months ago that there is a group of elites that was communicating with 4D STS about managing humanity's future. Have there been any developments in their discussions?

A: Not that you can know.

Q: (L) Next:

(Ennio) Anything new that the aliens are proposing the elite do that we haven't yet heard about from the likes of Gates and Schwab ?

A: No.

Q: (L) That was kind of a wasted question, but I just wanted to ask it just to demonstrate.

(Joe) "Anything new." I mean, how general can you be?

(L) Yeah, garbage in, garbage out. And then you ask further questions about it:

(Ennio) Is this 4D STS group the same bunch you once said, made an agreement they didn't keep to with President Eisenhower and his associates?

A: No.

Q: (L) Now this one is a little more interesting:

(Ennio) Is the group of elites that are in discussions with these 4D STS ambassadors not aware of the aliens’ long history of abductions and hybridization of humans? Are they not aware?

A: No

Q: (L) So they are aware?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What does that get you?

(Joe) We already knew that. That's in the sessions as well.

(L) Okay, this is a little more interesting:

(Ennio) Israel was one of the most aggressive countries in the world when it came to vaccinating for COVID, locking down the public, etc. Was there anything in their batches of vaxxes that were tailor-made for portions of the Israeli public, like in the realm of ethnic-specific weapons designed to injure or kill the Semitic among them?

A: Same as for most though different batches were varied.

Q: (L) But we don't know. Is there any kind of elevated death rate or excessive deaths in Israel like there are in so many other places? Do you know that, Ennio?

(Chu) He's not there.

(L) He's not there. That's not very good. Okay. Because I read something recently that said that Ashkenazi were not as affected by COVID or the vaccines as other people.

(Niall) I read that Israel recorded an increase in fertility rates, whereas everyone else had the opposite.

(Joe) After the vaccine?

(Niall) Is it the vaccine or COVID? I'm not sure. It's ‘20 or ‘21.

(L) So that's almost like verification that they're the ones that are in the position that are communicating with whoever's creating these vaccines and what they're designed for.

(Niall) Isn't Albert Bourla, the head of Pfizer, an American Jew?

(L) I don't know. Yeah, so that was a little more interesting.

(Ennio) Are Ukrainian soldiers who were killed in action being reanimated and made to serve other forces at this time?

A: No.

(Ennio) Nikolai Patrushev of Russia's Security Council has sounded the alarm about the growing potential for some new and unheard of disease to come from Washington and the US military. Was his information connected to the Disease X ebola/rhinovirus we discussed with you?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Didn't we ask which? Oh, we asked about the Atlantean language, but then... Altair, didn't we ask about the Atlantean language and the oldest language or whatever? Do you remember?

(Atlair) Yes. You asked several years ago about the oldest alphabet and they said it was Old Germanic, but I'm not sure how it is connected to the Kantekkian language. That's all I remember.

(Approaching Infinity) There was a reference, I think it was a year ago, that Indo-European was the Kantekkian language, right? And it was like the remainder… or I can't remember the word that they used - the remainder of the Kantekkian language that survived and that was the origin of what we call Proto-Indo-European or something like that.

(L) Yeah. Didn't they say something about the Basque language too?

(Chu) That was more recent about the aliens.

(L) That was fairly recent.

(Chu) That was more recent about the alien language.

(L) The alien language.

(Chu) That it was similar to Basque.

(L) That's creepy. So, I would say that the modern, oh, well, okay... Let's ask.

(Altair) Which modern language is closest to Kantekkian?

A: Old Germanic.

Q: (L) All right. Okay, seek10 asked this:

(seek10) It is estimated that the PTB brought in 10 million immigrants into the US semi-secretly. What is the agenda behind it other than creating the background to control dissent, increase general misery for the population through various means like Agenda 2030 policies, divide the public, cheap labor, excuse for more surveillance, etc.?

A: The simplest of all: voters. The "PTB" do not realize that they have taken a tiger by the tail. Also recent plans to pack the military. Will not turn out well.

Q: (L) Okay.

(Altair) Why do Basques have the highest incidence of RH negative blood of any people in the world?

A: Less mixing with outsiders. But also consider the indigenous people of South America and the Western hemisphere.

Q: (L) So I perceive, perhaps wrongly, that there was something more to that question than you actually put into it. Am I correct that you wanted to know something about HOW DID THEY GET the high percentage of negative blood? Yeah?

(Altair) Yes. I thought it was connected to Atlantis in some way, but I wasn't sure how.

(L) Okay. He thought it was connected to Atlantis. Was he in fact, correct in that assumption that was latent in the question and not perfectly expressed?

A: Close

Q: (L) Well, you know, the one thing that's always bothered me has been the fact that there was so much RH negative blood in Central South America. I mean among the indigenous peoples of the Americas plus this little group of Basques, and yet somehow they are vastly different in some respects. I mean very different physically and otherwise. So that's something that deserves some research, and maybe some genetic studies.

(Chu) They're not always so different language-wise.

(L) Yeah, that's true. Some of those Native American languages... What are they, agglutinative?

(Chu) Yeah.

(L) Yeah. Okay, next:

(Altair) Will virus X be designed to be ethno-specific?

A: They will try, but these things can get out of hand quickly.

Q: (L) Okay.

(Joe) And who would it be... Who would be targeted?

(L) In other words, which ethnicity will be targeted?

A: Mostly dark skinned people.

Q: (L) Well, that's bizarre.

(Joe) As in Middle Eastern?

A: Among others.

Q: (L) It would be a lot of indigenous peoples.

(Joe) As part of a depopulation goal.

(Scottie) Well, if you want to take over Africa, that's a good way to do it.

(L) Yeah.

(Niall) So much for diversity and inclusion!

(L) Yeah, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Shot that to hell. Okay:

(Altair) Why do people often report the ceasing of all sounds from the environment when a UFO passes closely? It's like UFOs carry a zone of silence with them.

A: They carry a zone of 4D with them.

Q: (Andromeda) So 4D is quiet.

(L) Okay.

(seek10) The C's mentioned that the Book of Enoch was written by a Sanskrit society in India...

(L) And I think you have to really distinguish because there are various parts to the Book of Enoch and some of them are older than other parts. The very oldest parts I'm assuming we will be asking this question about.

(seek10) The C's mentioned that the Book of Enoch was written by a Sanskrit society in India and that there was a nuclear war between then and the expanded present. The question is: Were the Paranthas the Sanskrit society in India at that time?

A: No.

(L) Now you're going to get a little circle here, seek10:

(seek10) If so, what is the origin of the Dravidian languages?

(L) It's not so, so I'll still ask: What is the origin of the Dravidian languages?

A: Paranthas.

Q: (L) And that didn't help much, did it? I knew they were going to do that. I knew it! [laughter]

(seek10) So can I ask, is there any way we can identify who was in India at that time?

A: Paranthas and Atlantean types and some Kantekkian types. See Mohenjo-daro and related sites.

Q: (L) Okay.

(seek10) Was the period of the writing of the Book of Enoch before the destruction of Kantek?

A: No.

Q: (L) Here's another one:

(seek10) Is the Haplogroup F-M89 migration signal in DNA study a result of the 50,000-year-ago nuclear war?

(L) Can we have some background on that? We don't even know what you're talking about.

(seek10) Yeah, so when I look at the DNA studies, the Haplogroup F-M89 signal is spreading from the center of India to the south and to the other areas. Other areas are Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and Australia. That specific signal is around 48K BCE. It is exactly matching with the nuclear war period. So based on that, it looks like that nuclear war happened in North/Central India. This makes sense, because the Kantekkians were occupying the Northern Hemisphere. So the natural target would have been the north/central portion of India. Of course they could have bombed the south too. But based on the signal, it happened in North/Central India.

(L) Okay, so is the Haplogroup F-M89 migration signal in DNA study a result of the 50,000 year-ago nuclear war?

A: Good find!

Q: (L) I think that's a yes! Yeah, it's a good catch. Okay.

(seek10) How long after the nuclear war did North India become inhabitable? Assuming 50% of the destroyed land that the C’s mentioned is located in North/Central India. Is it 2000 years?

A: Close

Q: (L) Okay. Now, Ryan:

(Ryan) Do organic portals predominantly view the world from a left hemispheric perspective?

A: No.

Q: (Ryan) Does more functional inhibition of the right hemisphere take place in their brains than in the brain of a potentially souled person?

A: No.

Q: (L) I think he may be making some assumptions about organic portals that aren't actually justified because remember, until the person really allows their soul essence to begin to develop and grow, we're all organic portals in a sense, bodily. And if you think about it, you remember when the C's said that souls entered into Neanderthal bodies and changed their DNA thereby. That would suggest that Neanderthals were organic portals. And probably, before the 309,000 year event, which was supposedly the time of The Fall, ALL human types were basically organic portals. I think organic portals, they're just like all of us, there's just something higher that can't develop in them, and we have to be careful about saying, oh, well they're going to be left brained or right brained or whatever and trying to...

(Niall) Find physical characteristics.

(L) Right.

(Andromeda) Yeah, it's not what you have but how it's used in actuality.

(L) And of course, they also said that defective organic portals were psychopaths, you know, the essential psychopaths. Okay... Ryan, you're asking about the branes discussed in the 11th August, 2018 session.

(Ryan) Does the"Cosmic Web" reflect the way all these branes interact with an infinite dimensional space?

(L) What is the Cosmic Web?

(Ryan) The "Cosmic Web" is I think a generally accepted astronomical term for the connection of galaxies together into sort of clusters and this giant kind of web-like structure, sort of the further they zoom out into the observable universe.

(L) Okay. So does the "Cosmic Web" reflect the way all these branes interact within an infinite dimensional space?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So a galaxy could actually be a brane?

A: Yes

Q: (L) All right.

(Ryan) Was Alexei Navalny murdered?

A: No.

Q: (L) Okay.

(Altair) Jacob Rothschild died recently. Where is his soul now and what is it doing?

A: Sleeping.

Q: (L) You said that about Adolf Hitler?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, okay, that's it. He's sleeping. Here's irjO:

(irjO) At the time of the final destruction of Atlantis, did the crystals create unstable dimensional windows that resulted in a portion of the Atlantean land and its occupants going to another dimension/reality?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Didn't expect that.

(irjO) If yes, what is the probability that such a lost land might rejoin our reality as the Earth transitions to 4D?

A: Zero.

Q: (L) Okay:

(irjO) Is the movie 'Astral City', which tells the journey of a doctor who dies and goes, lives, and works in "heaven", close to how we perceive and exist in 5th density?

A: For some.

Q: (irjO) Is talking/communicating with your higher self also mean getting to communicate with your 5D Self?

A: Sometimes for some.

Q: (irjO) Is it true that one is able to communicate with our higher self by dowsing with a pendulum or a similar instrument?

A: For some sometimes.

Q: (Joe) There's a pattern there... [laughter]

(L) Yeah.

(irjO) If yes, would that depend on the person and the intention?

(L) And they're going to say, "For some, sometimes," right? [laughter]

A: Yes.

Q: (L) All right. You guys asked the questions! I'm just the intermediary here. I'm just the messenger.

(Altair) Who has been damaging internet cables in the Red Sea and to what purpose?

A: Houthis. Destroy comms for Israel and supporters.

Q: (Scottie) I stand corrected.

(Niall) Good for them.

(L) Who stands corrected?

(Scottie) Me.

(L) Why? Who did you think it was?

(Scottie) Because I said the Houthis could never do it. It would be like some powerful state actor, blah, blah, blah, but obviously the Houthis are a lot more capable than I gave them credit for.

(Niall) Yeah.

(Joe) Well, they also said that those particular cables were in some places only a hundred meters underwater and then they came out on land.

(L) Okay:

(Ryan) You mentioned that Atlantis underwent 3 incarnations over a 100,000 year period (31/05/1997). If the "Flood of Noah" and Paranthan nuclear war were two of the three cataclysms, was the first cataclysm at the time of the Youngest Toba eruption after the destruction of Kantek?

A: Yes.

Q: (Ryan) In approximately 26.5K BCE, the Taupo supervolcano in New Zealand erupted, which is 'somewhat' close to the arrival of the STS Orion headquarters for the Sol system that you mentioned in 04/12/1999. Were both of these events related to any larger event, and if so, what was that event?

A: A cometary bombardment.

Q: (Ryan) In the 31st May, 1997 session, at that time, you would not identify a group with whom you have been in contact since they were on Kantek. Are you able to identify this group for us now?

A: No

Q: (L) Good try. Now, Nienna asks:

(Nienna) I have a question about the Dark Pyramid underground in Alaska.

Here are some questions:

(L) Okay, so: Is there really a pyramid underground in Alaska? If so, are the reports about it accurate?

A: No and no.

Q: (L) Okay, well that ends the topic.

(Scottie) Well, that's no fun!

(L) Yeah, I thought that was a good question. I liked it. I like hidden mysteries. Well, next question:

(Approaching Infinity) Was there a violent confrontation between aliens and humans at the Dulce base in the late 1970s as originally claimed by Paul Bennewitz?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Did Phil Schneider do work for the Dulce base?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Did he survive the firefight as he claimed?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Was the confrontation Lazar read about the same one?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Were the Aryans that were involved in the Villa-Boas abduction related to the undergrounders? (Background: session November 4, 1994, where they said the abductors were Aryans "in transit")

A: No

Q: (L) Okay. It says abductors were Aryans in transit. What do you mean by "Aryans in transit?"

A: On their way back.

Q: (L) On their way back to their home planet?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Were those 3D type aliens?

A: Bidensity.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Were the Nordic-looking aliens in at least some of the contactee cases from the 1950s actually Aryan undergrounders?

A: Yes.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Were the mythical white and bearded civilization teachers like Viracocha and Quetzalcoatl deep-level punctuators?

A: Yes.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) What about Oannes?

A: Lizzie.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) In an early session you said that Admiral Byrd expected only to encounter "an encampment of detached Nazis” in Antarctica during Operation High Jump. What did he actually encounter?

A: Cannibal window fallers.

Q: (L) That was pleasant.

(Approaching Infinity) In 1988, Byrd's son Richard Byrd Jr. died mysteriously at the age of 68. He was found malnourished and dehydrated in a vacant warehouse after having been missing for three weeks. He had been en route to Washington for an event ceremony in honor of his father. What happened to him?

A: SPA. Link was established by his father.

Q: (L) Well, that's creepy.

(Altair) What are the chances of military escalation in Transnistria this year?

A: Good.

Q: (Altair) What are the chances of open and direct military confrontation between some NATO members and Russia this year?

A: 50/50.

Q: (L) So it's uncertain yet, but they sure want it!

(Altair) When did The Fall happen on Kantek? Was it the same time as on Earth (309 KYA)?

A: Yes.

Q: (Pikabu) Meow! Meow. [Pikabu verifies that the session is proceeding properly...]

(L) Hello baby girl! Mama's here.

(Altair) If true Semites are descendants of Kantekkians, and 4D STS tried to get rid of them, why were they brought to Earth in the first place after the destruction of their planet?

A: Tiger by the tail syndrome.

Q: (L) So they had plans for them that didn't turn out exactly the way they wanted them to.

(seek10) Is Krishna a fictional character based on cometary activity?

A: Only in part.

Q: (seek10) Is there a submerged continent/island/city called Kumara Kandam in the Indian Ocean as claimed by Ancient Tamil civilization proponents?

A: Close

Q: (seek10) If so, was it during Lemurian times or Atlantean times? Which period was it?

A: Later.

Q: (L) How about the 12,000 year-ago event?

A: Closer

Q: (seek10) When did the Sunda Strait (between Java and Sumatra) form? Was it during the 564 AD cometary explosion period (and Krakatoa volcano eruption) OR during the "Noah's Flood" period OR the 70KYA Krakatoa eruption?

A: 70KYA.

Q: (L) Okay, that's the extent of the written questions. Now let's see what we have coming up here on the chat...

(Cosmos) Had Putin picked out Medvedev as his successor early on and prepared him to educate himself to be able/ready to follow in his footsteps?

A: Yes.

Q: (Cosmos) Is Medvedev on the same page as Putin in terms of goals, views and humanity?

A: Mostly.

Q: (M) Can we ask the C’s what the aphelion is for the Sun's twin, brown dwarf? That was asked years ago in 1998 but no answer was given at that time.

(L) Okay. You can expect that if no answer was given years ago in 1998 about the aphelion of the brown dwarf, that you're not going to get it now. So give it up.

(M) Did anyone ever ask if in 4D, when a life span is over and then is recycled to 5D and then back to 4D, does the same thing happen where the past life is mostly forgotten like in 3D?

(L) Now that's an interesting question. If a person recycles from 4D to 5D to 4D again, do they forget their past lives?

A: No.

Q: (Andromeda) Hmm, never thought of that.

(M) Were the current fires in Texas started by DEW (Directed Energy Weapons)?

A: Yes.

Q: (Keit) During the winter of 2023-2024, Russia experienced an inordinately large number of utility accidents all over the country, especially burst water pipes for central heating. People say that it is either due to wear and tear of the utility networks or weather extremes and fluctuations. Are they correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (Keit) And what could be additional or underlying reasons for such a large number of accidents?

A: (L) Well, you just gave it. Extreme wear and tear and fluctuations and conditions.

Q: (Joe) But what if I'm not satisfied with that answer and I want a different answer?

(L) She wants a different answer?

(Chu) Well, she asked first if it was correct, and then they said yes.

(L) So, okay, it's done.

(Keit) The US issued an "imminent terror attack" warning regarding Moscow for the next 48 hours, though it's not clear when exactly the warning was given. This warning was repeated by many other Western consulates. They warned their citizens not to come to Russia because apparently "extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow". Why was this warning given and what is really going on?

A: Attempts to frighten and disrupt. Also letting Russia know that the "deep state" is in charge. Wait for interesting developments.

Q: (Ursus Minor) What is the percentage of migrants arriving in Europe during the last year that came out of fear for their lives and political oppression?

A: 10.

Q: (L) 10%.

(thorbiorn) There is the book: “Dancing Past the Dark: Distressing Near-Death Experiences”, by Nancy Evans Bush. What influences the variability of near-death experiences, and in particular why do some people have disturbing experiences?

A: No matter where you go, there you are.

Q: (L) So you have distressing near-death experiences because of the way you behaved or treated other people in life?

A: Yes.

Q: (Navigator) I'd like to ask about the Zone of Silence as referenced in its own thread. My speculation is that the area of the Chihuahuan Desert (of which the Zone of Silence is part of, see the thread for details), was a cometary bombardment hit zone at one point, and the materials deposited as a result of this could explain, at least partially, the reported physical anomalies. But, as this area is also geographically connected to New Mexico and Arizona, areas reported as being high in UFO/extraterrestrial activity, it could be the case that there is more than just magnetic aberrations to the Zone. I am thinking bases, portals or whatnot (Edgar Cayce also reported this). So, some open questions: What is it with the Zone of Silence that has been witness to physical anomalies and strange UFO encounters?

A: 4D bleedthrough.

Q: (Navigator) What was the US Government interested in, after they arrived in the area to recover the Athena sounding rocket in 1970?

A: Covering up any signs of alien activity involvement.

Q: (Alejo) What was the importance of sending that numeric message at the start? What was the purpose?

A: (L) I think they explained it; that they were reading a code and it came through and it's not something we would understand. Okay.

Q: (Alejo) Is the big program change related to Putin's life or death?

A: No.

Q: (T.C.) Was Nuland's retirement a necessary step in the process?

A: No.

Q: (Niall) Why did she resign?

(Joe) That last question is a good example of a question that's kind of not very useful.

(L) Oh, I didn't read the whole context.

(Chu) It was: "Since the upcoming change, mentioned at the beginning of the session, was related to geopolitics and Ukraine, was Nuland's retirement a necessary step in the process?"

(Joe) Right, but it seems that the focus of the question would be, why did she retire?

(Niall) Why did Nuland retire?

(Joe) If you ask that question you get all the rest.

A: Health mostly.

Q: (L) So she's in bad health.

[Discussion about a question that was skipped earlier, while members searched in the old transcripts to see if it had already been asked.]

(irjO) The Black Knight was the name first given to a satellite or object detected by astronomers in the early 1960s circling the Earth in a polar orbit - allegedly neither American nor Russian. Is it space junk, as the debunkers say, or a real satellite?

A: Yes.

Q: (irjO) Who built it?

A: Nordics and Lizzies.

Q: (irjO) What was/is its function?

A: Scanning and sending directed control signals. Can bounce to reach targets.

Q: (L) Are you all happy now? [laughter] [Reading the chat] What was that? Go up.

(L) A high level scanner of sectors. Basically the same thing. Similar but more advanced high level consortium. Human or alien? Both. Well, okay. I think that must be the one, it was about the Black Knight. We just didn't name it that.

(Ursus Minor) Did the Thule society channel an alien race or subterraneans?

A: Neither. Were visited by Nordics.

Q: (Ursus Minor) When Germans went underground before 1945 who were they assimilated by? Subterraneans or an alien race?

A: The two are cooperating. "Aliens" run the operations.

Q: (Ursus Minor) How many Nazi UAPs had become operational until April 1945?

A: 3.

Q: (L) Does that help you in any way? Next. This question is not clear to me.

(seek10) Did Dwarika of Krishna legend (the western coast of India) submerge during the "Noah's Great Flood" event?

(L) Is Dwarika a person or a place?

(seek10) It's a place.

(L) Okay. Did it submerge during the 12,000 year-ago event? That's the Noah's Great Flood event, I guess.

A: Yes.

Q: (seek10) Is it an Atlantean colony?

A: No.

Q: (Pecha) Given the lax border policy of the USA and numerous reports of possible sleeper cells entering the country, plus that remote viewing session that Edward Riordan did of dead bodies stacked on each other, and another report of a possible 9/11 level trauma event happening - are any of these connected to one another?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) It's all connected, man.

(L) Yeah, it's all connected.

(Joe) I have a question: Is stuff all connected?

A: Yes. [laughter]

Q: (Mark7) Any new way(s) the Wave might manifest itself in 2024?

(Niall) It's already here.

A: Pay attention. Some things are slow and subtle, others are by leaps and bounds.

Q: (M) Regarding the question about aphelion, back in the 5 Sept 1998 session they said they would not answer yet because "Not yet, as you need more understanding of those cycles that you so keenly allude to". So I was asking now because maybe you'd gained more understanding.

(L) You're asking because you think I've gained more understanding? What about you? Huh? You figure it out! Tell me! Why do I have to do everything? [laughter]

(M) I read the session and I couldn't figure out what they were saying that you "keenly alluded to". It wasn't clear to me in the session what the hell they were talking about. So I'm like, what?

(L) Keenly, as in, I'm really anxious for them to give me the answers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [laughter]

(fabric) Was Ryan Garcia (famous boxer) forced to watch satanic rituals which included child abuse at Bohemian Grove as he claims?

A: Yes.

Q: (Altair) Were there any retrievals of crashed 4D STO crafts on Earth?

A: No.

Q: (Altair) What is the percentage of "goodness" in the current president of Belarus, Lukashenko?

(L) The percentage of "goodness"! [laughter]

(Joe) What a question! Let's define goodness first.

(Niall) 50.01.

(PoB) 150. [laughter]

(L) Percentage of goodness... Can you answer that?

A: No.

Q: (irjO) What are the chances of Maduro winning the next presidential elections in Venezuela? Does he still have a lot of support?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) Are you surprised by that answer, irjO?

(Joe) Shouldn't be...

(Niall) If you are, you haven't been paying attention...

(irjO) Not really. A little bit, but not really. But there's a lot of propaganda, so...

(Joe) I have a question. Was Biden on drugs the other night at his State of the Union speech?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) What drug was he on?

A: Meth.

Q: (Niall) Oh my God! He's such a scumbag!

(Joe) Did you see how radically different he was, in terms of his coherence and his enthusiasm and stuff? So they gave him some meth, as in, methamphetamine.

(Niall) Well, these people are taking adrenochrome, so yeah, meth is like, meh!

(Joe) Well, there is probably high quality medical grade meth, for the president...

(Niall) Or did he get it from Hunter?

(Chu) Probably!

(L) I mean, meth lasts for hours. I mean, cocaine only lasts for a short time. Why mess around? I mean, go for the gold! [laughter]

(Andromeda) Well, he had a presidential address, you know!

(Niall) He's such a scumbag!

(Joe) Well, they're just uppers, Niall. He needs some uppers.

(L) OK, let's keep going.

(Altair) Are Putin or any of his advisers aware of the C's material?

A: No.

Q: (Ryan) Is the mainstream scientific metaphor of DNA as a "blueprint" incorrect, and a better metaphor would be a "recording device" that forms information into a more stable state?

A: Yes.

Q: (M) What is the percentage chance of the USA presidential election actually taking place later this year?

A: Good.

Q: (Niall) When they said meth, did they mean crystal meth?

A: No.

Q: (Niall) Oh, right. Okay.

(Joe) Come on, Niall!

(L) You mean methamphetamine, the medical grade pill type thing?

A: Yes.

(Joe) It's some top quality presidential meth we're talking about here. You know what I'm saying? You don't go on the street to get off some kind of...

(Niall) Well, when people say meth, when you say meth...

(Alejo) Tucker called the meth.

(L) Did he?

(Jones) In the sessions from October 1995, questions were asked about the MIAs and KIAs in various wars with the suggestion that they were abducted and the word 'reanimated' was used and that they're still alive.

Then from Session 13 January 2024:

The work in Transmarginal Inhibition, where an individual is flooded with stimuli that represents overwhelming threat, suggests that all previous conditioning can be undone. Deb Dana says that it is a superpower to have a nervous system that is highly sympathetically energised, but to also be able to maintain some ventral vagal connection or energy - sociality, curiosity, compassion etc. Lobaczweski says that maintaining an attitude of a naturalist studying a subject is protective when exposed to psychopaths. Victor Frankl basically says that having a meaning or reason for surviving overwhelmingly harsh experiences is protective. Were those that were selected for abduction and 'reanimation' from the wars those who went into dorsal vagal shutdown?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Good catch. All right. We've been doing this for an hour and a half, messing around.

(Joe) I have one more question, a follow-up from the last one. They said about Ivermectin... We asked why we were having the flashy eyes, the flashy vision from Ivermectin. And they said it was DNA changes. So what kind of DNA changes does it cause, and why does it have an effect on your eyes, making them more light sensitive? They didn't say whether they were good or bad, they just said DNA changes. So...

A: Beneficial. Stimulates the vision center. Expect better visualization!

Q: (Niall) Awesome!

(L) As in...

(Gaby) Hyperdimensional space?

(L) Yeah. What do you call it, hallucinatory, even?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) Now we're going to watch the show in full HD.

(L) Yeah, we can watch the show and never go to the theater.

(Joe) In Technicolor.

(Andromeda) You can see all the strobe effects.

(L) So I guess at the beginning of this session, you told us what you wanted to warn us about. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is there anything else we need to know before we say goodbye?

A: No. Goodbye.

Thank you, so cosmic string theory is something to look into, since we've been talking about Brane.
Thank you for the session!

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Did Phil Schneider do work for the Dulce base?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Did he survive the firefight as he claimed?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Was the confrontation Lazar read about the same one?

A: Yes
This excerpt prompted me to look at one of Phil Schneider's presentations from 1995 which I struggled to find on YouTube anymore but found in on Rumble instead: Deep Underground Military Bases(DUMB)s with Phil Schneider

At around the 31:30 mark, he explains how the alien races feed off of the glandular secretion of humans and animals and mentions Adrenochrome: "Imma tell you something a little bit different about these alien species. The bad news ones, there are nine races of alien populations. They look at a human being as a bag of food. They’re not cannibals, they don’t eat the flesh and the bones and all that kind of stuff. They use the glandular secretions of animals and human beings as a mixture of the vitamins for their food. They get high off of our adrenal gland substances, of adrenochrome. It’s something like cocaine to them."

Hard to know the validity of his statement but if he did work in these underground bases, he might have been privy to certain information about the alien races. Found it interesting in light of the recent session where adrenochrome is confirmed as being consumed by the elite. Here's the quote below.

Q: (Keyhole) Are there members of the elite who consume the bodily fluids and or body parts of other humans?

A: Yes

Q: (Keyhole) If so, why do they do this?

A: Sickness.

Q: (Keyhole) Is there any truth to the theory that human blood is consumed for adrenochrome?

A: Not exactly. It is extracted from the blood first.

Q: (Joe) And it's created in the way that people claim it's created...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Remember they described that to us. Remember I asked about a painful and torturous death, and they said it produces chemicals that they like to consume? And if that happens for aliens, then the possibility that they're alien hybrids...

(Pierre) What are the properties of adrenochrome?

A: Anti-aging, sexual potency, energy and somewhat psychedelic.

Q: (Niall) So it's a drug.

(Joe) When you say anti-aging, is it a pronounced anti-aging effect? We're not talking about rejuvenation in any literal sense, are we?

A: Temporary or Hillary and George would look younger.

Q: (Joe) So that suggested Hillary Clinton, George Bush...

(L) I don't think you're talking about George Bush.

(Joe) George Soros. Are they aware that they seek out adrenochrome, and take it actively? They have done?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And they know where it comes from?

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) Jesus!

(Chu) When they mention sickness above, it is the same as Obama, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) Not that they're sick, but they are.

(Joe) And is it done via blood transfusion?

A: No

Q: (L) They said they extract it from the blood. And give it to them as a drug.

(Joe) Oh, yes, it's injected as a drug.

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) So basically, they torture people so that there's more of this in the blood.

(L) Children.

(Andromeda) They take the blood...

(L) Yeah.

(Gaby) That's very sick.
Last edited:
Q: (Joe) Well, neither of those events were positive from our perspective. So, it’s probably best to assume that this next one will be the same – i.e. not positive from our perspective?

A: Close

I think it is a good idea to recall & review how I handled myself during the last program change if we are to go through another one soon. I was only 9 when 9/11 occurred so I'll assume that Covid-19 was a program change and even if it wasn't, it still is instructive. What I remember is that when Covid first hit the news was that I genuinely believed that it was a dangerous pandemic. It was only when the mandates started coming out that I flipped the switch and realized what was really going on. In turn, I was quite outspoken in my social groups about all the absurdity of the masks, social distancing and business shutdowns. I really could not wrap my head around the fact that the people I surrounded myself with could not see through any of the lies. In turn, I made myself a target very early on for general personal attacks.

So two mistakes, slow to understand the situation & late to adapt to my social settings appropriately.

Later on I adapted by towing the line, keeping my mouth shut for the most part, and discerning the individuals who did see through some of the drama. In all, I managed ok, but I could have been a bit wiser.

As to the nature of the program change we shall wait and see, but the optimistic side of me interrupted their "close" answer to have a silver lining, as in, there is a chance they will shoot themselves in the foot with whatever madness they unleash. Nevertheless, prepare for the worst.
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