Search results for query: propaganda

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  1. Y

    The European Union: Glorious New 'Holy Roman Empire', Anglo-American Trojan Horse, or Left-Liberal Globalist Nightmare?

    The name of the branch contains a question with as many as three possible answers. Here are a couple of more "touches to the portrait" to make it easier to choose a most suitable option. ЕС запретит к трем...
  2. Nević Nenad

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    I'm not implying that you are spewing propaganda, I'm saying that you are affected by propaganda. I don't want to go further on that cause of two reasons: I'm not that interested, and in doing so, I myself would be affected by propaganda. Which I don't find to be good for me.
  3. Aeneas

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened great. There is also this article on SOTT posted a few days ago with declassified papers exposing things pretty well and also that the KLA were similar to the ISIS, trained, funded and directed by NATO and the intel agencies. Declassified: BBC and MI6 Kosovo War Propaganda Blitz @Arlind
  4. Revolucionar

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    ...Serbian extremists in the Parliament in Belgrade. Not much to do with the Vatican, I would say. You should give clear examples, because you seem to be implying that I'm spewing propaganda, but most of what I see being presented in opposition are unsubstantiated assertions and anecdotal evidence.
  5. Z...

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    The chances are you were heavily exposed to Croatian propaganda at the time and it seems you still are largely influenced by it. Those of us who lived through Yugoslav times never witnessed things you talk of. Even I was exposed to the same propaganda in the nineties ( my Croat grandpa...
  6. Revolucionar

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    So JNA forces didn't enter Vukovar from Serbia and even if they did, it was justified because it was a civil war. This is a semantic argument at best. The fact is that the JNA at the time acted as de facto Serbian military. Why was Dubrovnik bombed by the Montenegrin branch of the JNA? Was...
  7. Konstantin

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    I found one interesting article that summarizes the breakup of Yugoslavia especially the last part of it, the bombing of Yugoslavia and the war in Kosovo. In her Book, The Hunt: Me and the War Criminals (Italian: La caccia: Io e i criminali di guerra), Carla Del Ponte, writes about this: (...
  8. Corvus

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    ...yugoslav army and Croatia was part of Yugoslavia, so they had army bases in Croatia. So it was not an invasion but a civil war and Croat propaganda always mentions they were invaded. That is like saying in the US if Texas secedes they were invaded by US army, so you did not even stop to think...
  9. Joe

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    Yeah, that was the cause of it I think. That was Western propaganda that clearly saw and targeted the Serbs as the 'aggressors'. This was done for fairly clear geopolitical reasons. While the attitude that "if NATO doesn't like someone, there must be something good about them" is a bit...
  10. Revolucionar

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    Economy was definitely a factor, but the fact that the IMF messed with Yugoslavia in the 80s belies the fact that the entire Yugoslavian endeavour was financed and made possible by exorbitant loans provided by the west in the first place. Yugoslavia would have failed much sooner if it weren't...
  11. Anthony

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    ...during the 80's, if not a bit earlier. As we know, in a deteriorating economic situation, the people will be more likely to buy into the propaganda of opportunistic elites who provide simple solutions to complex problems, such as blaming other nationalities. From Diana Johnstone's book: I...
  12. Corvus

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    ...with serbs, but prior that those from tudman party attacked them with rpg s unknown to policemen that were ambushed so it was all used as propaganda to start war. Why did also tudman sent helicopters with special police to disarm serbs at the start of war? Was it a good move in that kind of...
  13. iamthatis

    Supporters of Israel's genocide and their assertions

    ...more harmonious. I could be wrong, and I don't live there, but that's my current hypothesis. Here's an example: Beware of Deep State propaganda, aka standard Western MSM talking points. In the case of Tibet, it was a CIA/MI6 operating base, with the aim of destabilizing China. The...
  14. mantle

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Well... its true that bullshit baffles brains but I would be very grateful youlik if you would clarify a little bit on the brainwashing of the above article. Its commonly understood that the character of all social groups is above all the character of their own elites. Here in the West...
  15. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    It's not everyday that I come directly into contact with Western propaganda. Or so it seems to me. Anyway, today I came across a vivid example of this and it shocked me. I do not know how much weight this media outlet, American Thinker, has, but in Russia, articles from there are translated and...
  16. wilfried

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...changes significantly from what I've seen from other commentators, notably on the number of dead and Russia's realistic objectives. Less propaganda relay and more objectivity. The question-and-answer section at the end is less interesting precisely because he doesn't get involved in politics...
  17. meadow_wind

    Potential Food and Energy Shortage Across the World

    ...made of plant-based ingredients And propaganda, courtesy of The Associated Press, which is US based, but publishing in 2 Canadian news magazines (winnipegfreepress and foodincanada, both ending...
  18. Navigator

    The Situation in Mexico

    *Sigh* so Newsweek says that the Russian channel Russia-1 is propaganda, and immediately pushes what the guests of 60 Minutes are saying as proclamation of intention? Please. Besides, one has to take whatever is said in Russia-1 with a grain of salt, some shows do have a tendency for...
  19. mabar

    The Situation in Mexico

    ...could be used to try to undermine the relationship. The Mexicans who follow this media, do not even know about the Nazis in Ukraine, it is unbelievable and should not surprise me, pretty much the same people whom have swallowed other propaganda like the Covid pandemia, the C02 climate...
  20. Lone herbal witch

    Where is Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales?

    ...feeling wanted, looked after, respected, calming, not being scrutinized at every turn as we saw during her visit at the Trooping the Colors propaganda! To me, this was poor taste! She needed to be elsewhere with her children. I hope we won't see her too often now.... I fear for her wellbeing.
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