The Situation in Mexico

Although there is a perception abroad that Mexico is a sexist or macho country, deep down, and particularly among Mexicans, it is known that the society is mainly matriarcal.
Greetings Puma,

Your posts and my proximity have caused me to think on this topic (MX) alot today (if you didn't notice) and something that came to mind about you statement is the book Chalice and the Blade where the somewhat biased author talks about the matriarchal societies before the warring 'sun/son/sol' worshippers took the ball away.

MX is kinda playing out that way, as the mostly agrarian society that indeed revere Guadalupe higher than Jesus (it can seem), is facing the warlike masculine narcos that are laying waste to everything. Interesting to see this happen in our own lifetimes and so interesting to think what the 'history' books will say about our present time, in the future.

The lack of balance is what I am very concerned with and that the temporary achievements of gaining temporary control will harm a great many people not looking for a fight. Not that dissimilar to jihadi mentality, which seems to be a clue as to the source (4D) of their ambitions.
She has even been criticized for ultra-feminist messages. Since there is no gender in English words it is difficult to grasp. But she is talking exclusively about women.
At first sight but, the law sanctioning and prohibiting ECOSIGs was recently published in the Official Gazette of the Federation. (Jun 7th)
The ECOSIG are (Efforts to correct sexual orientation and gender identity", acronym in Spanish.)
I guess Claudia needs to change the Constitution because every trans woman is a woman, for the existence of trans woman, trans man, trans kids, in the constitution.

Xóchitl - catholic, she said- the opposition candidate, supposedely from the right party, was praud to manifest that she vote against, against the ECOSIG.
Now, although the government promotes the gender agenda a lot, it has as a counterweight mainly the Catholic Church, which makes most Mexicans adhere to the maxim I mentioned before "obey but do not comply". So there is a lot of tolerance towards the gay in urban centers where that is even seen as something friendly while in rural areas it is tolerated to a certain extent, there is a limit and that is not to mess with family and traditions.
Yes, in rural areas will be difficult to acept it.

Regarding catholic church or catholics for that matter, not as energetic as I would like, or many would like. My sister takes her son to catechism, and there are also talks for parents at the same time. There, she tells me, the subject is discussed.

But, in society, or catholic society at large - supposedely we are a catholic nation, with 72% data from 2020...the subject is not openly discussed, sparks fly and discussions and judgments are made everywhere. For example, with friends that I have known for more than 35 years and who came from the same Catholic school and that throughout the time we have kept similar values, I have realized that this agenda is more powerful, and some friends have even recommended me not to touch the subject because I may offend others.

Mexican society also suffers a lot from "what people will say", so many go with the wind, some take it like fashion, though.
This is somewhat concerning and will surely escalate things. I wonder how this will affect Mexico.

Russia considers stationing ballistic missiles south of the US border after declaring Mexico a military ally –

Mexico is now officially a military ally of Russia, which is considering placing missiles on Mexican territory in order to attack the United States. Former U.S. Air Force officer Jake Broe took to X to announce that Kremlin State TV announced Russia's new allyship with Mexico, warning that Russia is piece by piece, brick by brick surrounding America with intent to destroy it.
This is somewhat concerning and will surely escalate things. I wonder how this will affect Mexico.

Russia considers stationing ballistic missiles south of the US border after declaring Mexico a military ally –

Mexico is now officially a military ally of Russia, which is considering placing missiles on Mexican territory in order to attack the United States. Former U.S. Air Force officer Jake Broe took to X to announce that Kremlin State TV announced Russia's new allyship with Mexico, warning that Russia is piece by piece, brick by brick surrounding America with intent to destroy it.
I went to check the source, and it's a Russian talk-show clip. They show a map of 'possible' places to put Russian precision long-range missiles, and some creative TV person highlighted Mexico on the map, as well as other more plausible countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Yemen or North Korea. But there is no assertion that Mexico is a 'military ally' of Russia. Mexico can't change the fact that it shares a border with the US, so I don't think it will ever consent to something that will put it so much in direct confrontation with the US. Overall I'd say this was a case of bad-yellow journalism from Natural News and others.
But there is no assertion that Mexico is a 'military ally' of Russia. Mexico can't change the fact that it shares a border with the US, so I don't think it will ever consent to something that will put it so much in direct confrontation with the US. Overall I'd say this was a case of bad-yellow journalism from Natural News and others.
Oh, that's good news! Thanks for double checking. I hate when they do that: distorting the news for click bait.

I would have expected more rigourous journalism from Ethan Huff. He linked Jake Broe's X post. Who's that guy anyway?

I found another questionable news source citing this:

"Kremlin propagandists have claimed that countries in Latin America, including Mexico, could host missiles that can strike American targets. The comments were made on the program 60 Minutes, whose anchors and guests make frequent threats against the West as they frame Vladimir Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine as a proxy war between Moscow and NATO."
I have no idea why this is not getting mainstream media coverage but the Russians on Kremlin State TV yesterday declared that Mexico was their military ally and they are wanting to place their missiles on Mexican territory so Mexico can attack the United States. This is insane.

Is it because it is fake news?

I don't know who is Jake Broe but has comprehension problems or it was clickbait and he got it.​

"We made a map together with the editorial team..." says the host of the program that Natural news and Jake cite as truth...​


Dumb Jake takes a map made by the editorial staff as true and since Mexico is in "yellow" like Venezuela and Cuba he then deduces that Mexico will allow Russian missiles in the territory. That not only demonstrates his bad faith but his ignorance of Mexican foreign policy of non-intervention in foreign military affairs. A policy that has been in force for decades.​

Even if this were so, there would already be a communiqué from the White House, which is not lazy to issue them when its interests are affected.

In election times anything goes, and I would not hesitate to think that Jake is a Trump supporter.​
... Russia's new allyship with Mexico, warning that Russia is piece by piece, brick by brick surrounding America with intent to destroy it.
😂 Oh, the cold war again... America, the one whom has N American bases around the world, screams 😂... And, on the other hand, America does not need another country to be destroyed, America is distroying itself, brick by brick.
I went to check the source, and it's a Russian talk-show clip. They show a map of 'possible' places to put Russian precision long-range missiles, and some creative TV person highlighted Mexico on the map, as well as other more plausible countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Yemen or North Korea. But there is no assertion that Mexico is a 'military ally' of Russia. Mexico can't change the fact that it shares a border with the US, so I don't think it will ever consent to something that will put it so much in direct confrontation with the US. Overall I'd say this was a case of bad-yellow journalism from Natural News and others.
It won't, but Mexico's relationship with Russia is increasing and that is upseting many. Most media outlets in favor to the U.S. have dedicated themselves to badmouthing Russia and Putin and, I don't doubt that this could be used to try to undermine the relationship.

The Mexicans who follow this media, do not even know about the Nazis in Ukraine, it is unbelievable and should not surprise me, pretty much the same people whom have swallowed other propaganda like the Covid pandemia, the C02 climate change, etc
*Sigh* so Newsweek says that the Russian channel Russia-1 is propaganda, and immediately pushes what the guests of 60 Minutes are saying as proclamation of intention? Please.

Besides, one has to take whatever is said in Russia-1 with a grain of salt, some shows do have a tendency for tabloid-like rhetoric.
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