Search results for query: propaganda

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  1. T

    Scandinavian observations and perspectives

    This post has a two articles translated from Danish that show, once again, what the situation is in the public media sphere when it comes to Ukraine. On the whole, it is very far from considering an end to the war, very far. Opposition exists but it is limited. Below there is an article where...
  2. Voyageur

    Events in Russia

    youlik added this address by Putin above, with a particular piece that looks to the EU itself (see below). Who or where in the west as leaders go, do we ever hear an address to the people that rises above the usual soundbites? It is a rare day and a rarer leader in the west that can can even...
  3. Y

    Events in Russia

    Выступление Президента Российской Федерации В.В.Путина на встрече с руководством Министерства иностранных дел России, Москва, 14 июня 2024 года
  4. iamthatis

    Health Protocol for Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination decisions or medications on that basis. Sometimes they’re totally out to lunch, because they are caught in the ‘reduce fat’ propaganda, bewitched by pharma, etc. So thats just some food for thought. Id recommend reading the doc above, its awesome. In the meantime, you could always get...
  5. Alejo

    Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

    And another jewel of their administration striking back, and I am not sure if this should have its own thread as things seem to be moving along in rather interesting ways over there. But today, after the Georgian parliament cancelled the veto that the president had placed on the foreign agents...
  6. lilies

    Geopolitical Analysis: A Bird's-Eye View of the Global Situation

    ...there happily in total ignorance, thumbs twiddling - without any air defenses.. Then a stray Ukrainian-NATO strike hits it (according to propaganda).. and everybody suddenly goes: - Oh, no! What have you done??! In Russia, in a land famously known for its lethal air defenses, best in the...
  7. Voyageur

    Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

    ...broadcaster in Canada) is corrupt (indeed), and it only needs fixing. While Pardy said that there is no fixing it, it is a government propaganda organ, more or less, and it should cease to be funded, period (other examples followed). Note: Haskell is a professor and looks to Sociology of...
  8. mabar

    The Situation in Mexico

    Tells each group what they want to hear, I guess. And, if AMLO was colluded, so will be Claudia. X account has done some research, Censor Men found this thread: ... ... ... ... Also this .. . I don't know if it was before or after the "hooded men" set fire to the area around the embassy.
  9. Puma

    The Situation in Mexico

    Dr. Claudia only spoke out once on the matter two days after what happened on October 7th in Israel and said she agreed with AMLO's government in condemning violence Because there is a great awareness of the financial power of Zionism (Blackrock mainly) the government softens what it says...
  10. irjO

    The Situation in Mexico

    What’s her position regarding Israel? I was reading some criticism about her being Jew and whatever but I can’t say, because I don’t have much information on her and it could be most likely pure propaganda.
  11. Possibility of Being

    Accident? Iranian President and Foreign Minister killed in Helicopter Crash

    Helmer doubles down on his position: Followed by further arguments and questions that need to be answered for his reasoning to be either supported or disproved.
  12. T

    The Situation In Germany

    ...the Wiki for Die Feuerzangenbowle (1944 film) lists the film in the category of Films of Nazi Germany, which again is divided into Nazi propaganda films‎ (4 C, 61 P, 1 F) where C is category, P is page, and F is file. The 4C thus stands for four categories which are: Nazi antisemitic...
  13. Alejo

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    It's possible, it's a very common piece of propaganda, they even have shots of Israeli kids singing rockets and ammunition, but the news report is from May 28th, so this is post Rafa attack.
  14. Possibility of Being

    Accident? Iranian President and Foreign Minister killed in Helicopter Crash

    Late Thursday last week (May 23), the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces released preliminary report on the crash. Typically worded and described by Iranian sources as "detailed" but it says very little. Tasnim News Agency: the helicopter, following its predetermined route, crashed...
  15. Elisasheva


    ...and performative art so I am naturally interested) so in my eyes, comparing to previous editions, this year they reached the height of propaganda. Maybe some of you would disagree but for me Eurovision ended in... 2021. I remember that year's contest was somehow... special. Like a harbinger...
  16. Chu

    Hispanic identity and the black legend we see? - A small percentage of psychos causing a lot of destruction and suffering - Another portion of the population buying into the propaganda and following whatever is trendy or that they are told to do, some even believing they are doing good. - Another portion of the population who...
  17. Joe

    Session 18 May 2024

    He had a pretty horrible childhood with an abusive father and no time to actually be a child and grow up. So he never really did and spent most of his adult life attempting to live the childhood he never had.
  18. gottathink

    Session 18 May 2024

    Yes and I feel like we are all basically a child until we actually decide to grow up. It is the human predicament that we are traumatised in our development. Everyone that starts to wake up is subject to forces in sone form or other that can disrupt this process. The music and entertainment...
  19. Joan

    Session 18 May 2024

    ...possible, much gratitude. The revelation regarding Michael Jackson is particularly interesting, like many others, I fell victims to the propaganda surrounding his persona as presented to the public. I wonder about the comment Laura made he was basically a child with the C's giving...
  20. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    I wrote a long time ago that my goal is not just to publish news, but to select it from the point of view of the actions of Western propaganda, where many things are simply not published, and those that are published are distorted. And the second important thing that I would like to achieve with...
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