Session 18 May 2024

The revelation regarding Michael Jackson is particularly interesting, like many others, I fell victims to the propaganda surrounding his persona as presented to the public. I wonder about the comment Laura made he was basically a child with the C's giving confirmation. Was his development suppressed on some level intentionally?

He had a pretty horrible childhood with an abusive father and no time to actually be a child and grow up. So he never really did and spent most of his adult life attempting to live the childhood he never had.
If someone could point me to the latest antivax protocol, that would be nice.

You can also have a look here:

Yes and I feel like we are all basically a child until we actually decide to grow up.
It is the human predicament that we are traumatised in our development.

Everyone that starts to wake up is subject to forces in sone form or other that can disrupt this process. The music and entertainment industry is rife with its manipulative ways that traumatise and control all the young rising stars.

The fact that MJ survived through this with his soul tells us a bit about him. Not like others such as Taylor Swift that have embraced the Satanists.
I always love the music and songs of MJ. He was really good. And frankly, I never believe he was a paedophile. TV and magazines about artists are full of lies.
Q: (Joe) What is the most common effect, let's say, on human beings from such things?

A: Quickening.

Q: (Joe) Okay. So, is that in any way similar to the purported effects of the Wave about hyperkinetic sensate and amplifying what is in a person?

A: Minor similarity.

Q: (Joe) So, what does quickening mean, then, in terms of the solar flare effects, or solar storm effects?

A: Whatever is present is "jumpstarted".
Thank you soo much fo the session ! I feel like previous one was last week and then notice that its 3 weeks ago...and then this part kind of answered ...
Many thanks for another session - so soon after the last.

I wonder what Jordan Peterson's programming actually consisted of? I haven't paid much attention to him lately so wouldn't have picked up any clues, has he mentioned any weird dreams or revelations? Or perhaps it was completely unconscious, he just woke up with deep convictions about his religious perspective on geopolitics.

I feel like we could find out more about what left him so vulnerable. It could just be that his status made him a target and his lack of a network and protective knowledge meant that he had little defence against this interference.
Thank you for the session :flowers: All topics are very interesting as always.

When I started reading the Keyhole question about milk, I was a little afraid that the Cs might say it's beneficial. For most of my life I have had an aversion to milk, and I think that even if the Cs recommended it as the healthiest food for all people, I would not be able to swallow a drop. I refused to drink milk when I was, I think, about 4 years old, maybe even earlier. My mother tried adding cocoa and some noodles to the milk to make me eat it, but it did not help. Whenever I smell milk, I just want to throw up. It seems that I should be grateful for my dislike because it might have saved me from some health problems.

Pork is my favorite meat, and now I'm happy to know that it may be the most optimal. I'm not very fond of beef, I don't really like the taste compared to pork. One time I came across a butcher who had fresh, good quality beef tallow. I decided to try it (it was my first time) and happily bought a large piece. Later I had a real problem with what to do with it, as the taste was too buttery and unbearable for me. So now I stick to lard :bacon:
I feel like we could find out more about what left him so vulnerable. It could just be that his status made him a target and his lack of a network and protective knowledge meant that he had little defence against this interference.
Well, your last sentence says a lot about it. Consider that he also was under a coma for severe benzo withdrawal. Benzodiazepines have various properties, including hypnotic ones. They're the psych drugs that are among the most difficult to interrupt, if not the most difficult ones. A lot of people just can't do it.
Amazing session, packed with so much information. Many thanks.

I'm a huge fan of MJ's music and long felt he was stitched up. He was clearly on a dissident trajectory, and with the power and reach of his writing, singing and performing gifts, that constituted a threat that needed to be snuffed out. The track from Dangerous, 'They Don't Care About Us', is a good marker for where he was headed - it includes lyrics such as 'All I wanna say is that, They don’t really care about us, Beat me, hate me, You can never break me, Will me, thrill me, You can never kill me, Jew me, sue me, Everybody do me, Kick me, kike me, Don’t you black or white me' and 'All I wanna say is that, They don’t really care about us, Tell me what has become of my rights, Am I invisible because you ignore me? Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now I’m tired of bein’ the victim of shame, They’re throwing me in a class with a bad name, I can’t believe this is the land from which I came, You know I really do hate to say it, The government don’t wanna see.' I know its not exactly Shakespear but its a pretty clear message powerfully delivered - he 'did a Kanye' thirty odd years ago. He also disrupted the status quo in terms of the record labels effectively enslaving african american artists, and brought really positive vibes with songs like 'Heal the World' and 'Man in the Mirror' which contain simple but important lessons. All in all, a genuine threat given his reach and will.

Sadly, however, he was a very confused and strange man and stitching him up must have been a piece of cake by the standards of such campaigns.

I was very pleased to learn that bacon is best lol. I love it and have done since I was a wee boy....

Lastly, I've noticed over the last couple of weeks that my barbell squat is going backwards... I feel crushed under weights that i was coping with ok, and just assumed that my body needs a break (I am 41, after all). But maybe there is more to it than meets the eye. Any other lifters noticed this?

Thanks again for the session, it was a treat.
Q: (Joe) And would the answer to the question of what those effects are, be: ‘Depends on the person’?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So, they can be positive or negative?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) I see. Does it involve DNA changes, essentially?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (Joe) What is the most common effect, let's say, on human beings from such things?

A: Quickening.

Q: (Joe) Okay. So, is that in any way similar to the purported effects of the Wave about hyperkinetic sensate and amplifying what is in a person?

A: Minor similarity.

Q: (Joe) So, what does quickening mean, then, in terms of the solar flare effects, or solar storm effects?
Thank you for this fabulous session, very informative.

So the whole thing about the CME's are kind of like a "teaser" prior of the hyperkinetic sensate that accompanies the arrival of the Wave. :-D
(Windmill Knight) The C's have mentioned that Jordan Peterson is a great soul, yet he is also very much driven by his emotions, and therefore, has trouble coping with objective reality. Lately, he has publicly made some remarks in regards to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that are greatly off the mark and lacking in empathy, to say the least, like encouraging Netanyahu to 'give them hell', accusing the Palestinians of playing the victim, or calling anti-genocide demonstrators 'resentful, childless harpies unconsciously longing for domination.' Several of us have the impression that the Jordan Peterson, before his medical coma for his severe benzo withdrawal symptoms, is no more. He is particularly different since befriending the likes of Bibi Netanyahu and Ben Shapiro. Is it really just his emotions that are twisting his views or is there something else at play here?

A: Peterson was subjected to intensive programming during his coma.

Q: (L) So, he wasn't replaced?

A: No

Q: (L) Just subjected to intensive programming, I'm assuming by 4th density?

A: Yes

Peterson is at least the second person the C's have said was programmed during a coma. Below is the session where Judy Wood is talked about and her being programmed during a coma in relation to the 9/11 information she was spreading.

I haven't paid too close attention to what Peterson has been saying other than his comments about Israel, Palestinians, Hamas, etc, which have been covered on the forum. Maybe his support for Israel and the comments he has made is enough programming and the main objective, but I wonder what other messages he might be delivering to people that could also be subjects of his programming. I guess he is worth keeping up with to see what else might come up and if there are any other twists to what the C's have indicated... who knows, maybe such programming will play some kind of role in relation to the program change the C's have indicated is coming.

Q: (L) So what they're saying is what we were saying awhile ago. (Belibaste) More conductivity, more discharges. (L) And more people believing lies, and more chaos. The people on the planet are attracting their own destruction. (Perceval) Because they believe lies. (L) Jesus. Okay, we want to ask about Judy Wood. We had her on our radio show and she was a real fruitcake. I have to say that right up front here. We were somewhat impressed with her book even though it has flaws. There was some sloppy little bits of research here and there, and some major assumptions that she was making even though she was saying that nobody else was allowed to make assumptions. But in general, the basic idea is that something happened to this building to turn it into dust that is some kind of strange and unusual weapon or phenomenon or something we don't understand. But then of course she proceeds to claim she knows what the answers are, which is not true. Nevertheless, we have the idea that her idea that something we don't know much about is going in the right direction. Is that the case?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was she in a 6-year coma?

A: Not that long, but yes. All the better to program her.

Q: (Belibaste) So during this phase she had this crash. She was hit by a car driving 80 mph. She was a pedestrian running. And she was X months or X years hospitalized, and during this time they mind programmed her to say what she said.
(Perceval) Maybe not directly. (L) Okay, we've got some questions we can get through pretty quickly. (Anart) Can I ask a clarification question on the tornado? If it's similar to ball lightning, does that mean they're both portals? Physical manifestations of portals?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) Do people ever disappear in tornadoes?

A: Yes.

Q: (Kniall) In Judy Wood's book, there were 6 or 7 eyewitness descriptions of people who were caught in the dust clouds. They said it was like being inside a tornado. (Perceval) And some of them were found very far away from where they started... (Kniall) Some of them had the sensation of being picked up...

A: Refer to our previous answers about the forces in play that day. Judy Wood, just like the "actors proponents" were sent to destroy information with the usual methodology.

Q: (L) So you are saying that Judy Wood, with her distracting info alongside a great collection of anomalies is programmed to destroy information? And the same is true about the people promoting the “actors scenario” or even the “no planes” nonsense on 9-11. (Perceval) Well, Judy Wood’s book actually contains some important information that according to the C's is true. But she is destroying information…

A: By pointing to wrong theoretical answers that are equivalent to the “actors scenario”, and by her behavior.

Q: (L) Her idea that it was strange and unknown is probably the one correct thing. But her answers, her Hutchison Effect and Zero Point stuff, that is just all her assumptions. It's allgiving the wrong answers. It's also giving the wrong answers for the alternative people who believe it, and causing them to lose information. It's driving away people who might be able to observe the problem and solve it by the absurdity of those answers and by her behavior. (Andromeda) Same thing with those actors people. There was a setup, and a drama, but they made it totally absurd. (L) It's what Jacques Vallée described as the Truth Train. If people are on a train headed for truth, the best way to divert them since you can't stop the train or you don’t want to be seen stopping the train, is you get there in the engine and you just start stoking up the fire until the train goes so fast that it runs off the track and they all get killed. (Perceval) The only thing I can think of is that somebody else was coming along parallel to Judy Wood who was going to go in that direction, and they got her in there first as their man. At such a late stage, it's better that her book is out there instead of nothing. (Anart) But you're reading it already informed. Other people aren't reading it with that same lens, so they're reading it and they just come to her conclusions. You never did that. You said there's great info here, BUT... (L) Did Hurricane Erin play a role in the 9/11 attacks?

A: Indeed: portal for the utilized energies.

Q: (L) Were the magnetic field changes part of the cause or a symptom of the technology used to destroy the WTC complex?

A: Symptom.
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