Session 18 May 2024

Well, your last sentence says a lot about it.
Yes and the fact that he was physically and emotionally drained from the effects of his Benzo's. That's what they like to do, weaken you to the point where you become vulnerable.

Even after his return to America he was so emotionally shaky he would cry on many of his interviews. His trauma was so apparent.
(Beau) Did Michael Jackson ever have any sexual activity with minors?

A: Minor.

(Beau) Were there efforts to falsely accuse him as a pedophile?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But if he had minor sexual interactions with minors, then he was a pedophile.

A: Not exactly. Just confused.

Q: (L) So, he wasn't a true pedophile, he was just confused. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Why was this done? Why were these accusations made?

A: Because his confusion was clearing and he was growing stronger.

Q: (L) So, he might have become a force against them?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was he manipulated into these situations with children?

A: Yes

Q: (L) He was practically a child himself...

A: Yes
Funny thing, Krzysztof Jackowski sometimes does videos of famous deceased people (trying to contact them to get an impression of what is it like "out there", after death), and recently he did that with Michael Jackson (even more funny: he did it on 18th of May!). What he said there aligns closely with the image of Jackson that the C's presented here.

I won't be doing the full transcript of that video here (maybe someone else wants to do it...), i'll only mention what i think are the most important things.
  • Here we are a representation of what we are in our own worlds. And every world has its own music. <meaning that our 3th density existence is a reflection of our 5th density world, but Jackowski doesn't use the density terminology, he's unfamiliar with it>
  • After success, everyone gets a specific image of an artist, and they expect the artist to be that at all times. That's where artist's freedom to be truly creative is lost.
  • He wants to return to this world, because this world is full of hungry people, and he wants to satiate them. <this is clearly meant in the musical/artistic sense, a hunger for art, for beauty>
  • He didn't accept himself since childhood. He was often waking up in the middle of the night and wanted to stop being himself. He didn't accept himself, he didn't identify with himself, he didn't feel free in his body. <the way Jackowski was describing it, what comes to mind is the quote of Jesus: "he was not of this world">

This last one is especially important, because it relates to the rampant spread of body dysphorias nowadays.

It's creative people like Michael Jackson that are the prime targets of them, because they "do not fit" in this world. The feeling of their body limiting them, or even the feeling of repulsion for the physical existence itself, is used to create hatred for their bodies and for themselves, and to make them sabotage and destroy their destinies.
It is a hook to entrap them within a system that feeds 4D STS, and it works precisely because they are not of this world. Any truly STO entity that will enter this world (creativity = STO), will not fit in it, and through that feeling, it can be captured. That's why coming "here" is so dangerous (but also necessary if this realm is to be changed...).

Of course, there are also OPs and narcissists/psychopaths that will succumb to the body dysphoria pandemic, but they aren't the primary targets. They are the tool used to go for the truly, truly tasty morsels - the creative souls - and the more OPs and psychopaths succumbs to this, the higher the social pressure will become.
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Wow! Sooo much to unpack in this session! Thank you to everyone involved for the time and energy spent on such an endeavour ❤️

Are coronal mass ejections significant in some way, in a more than just, you know, ‘exploding thing’ sense?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And what are they exactly?

A: Surges in heliogap field.

This brings to mind the tendrils of plasma that can be seen in images like the one below and how a “heliogap field” is analogous to the glass on a toy plasma ball:



It’s easy to think of the Sun just spewing out this plasma, but how much of that is related to transfers of energy from outside the Solar System? As we enter new regions of space who knows what effects we will see on this heliogap!

(seek10) Can I ask one question on the anti-vaccine protocol?

(L) Yes

(seek10) How often should we do that protocol?

A: Every day for at least 6 months.

😟 we have a lot of work ahead of us.. it’s saddening that even shedding can affect our physiology at such a fundamental level.
Thank you for another information packed session :wizard: :flowers:

This was quite a shocker, I will admit that I was taken in by the “testimonials” of his alleged “victims” in Leaving Neverland. Sweet heaven, they really put the narrative together well - and the boys' parents complied with the lies! And it must have been lies, none of what they said in the documentary could be considered “minor”.

And speaking of experts, I am now wondering about the motivations of specialists who cast the 'guilty' verdict, such as Jim Clemente for example. I'm not suggesting that Clemente was a part of the spear campaign, but I'll take this as a reminder that some narratives are better stitched than others and caution is needed at all times before believing anything, including so-called experts.

I have bumped into a few interviews like the one below, where Michael talked about the general population being lied to. Apparently, this was recorded not too long before his death. I now beat myself up for not putting that together with the alleged pedophilia. Manufacturing those kinds of accusations is the PTB’s modus operandi, and yet I got fooled so easily by a well-concocted lie. In the end, if not by those lies, they neutralised him with medication dependancy and heaven knows what else.

Poor Michael, such a lonely soul. It must have been a tough life to live. He paid one heck of a price for his fame and fortune.

It`s That's what I assumed
Thank you to all for adding your energies and questions to this session.

I wonder what else could cause dense heavy energies in a certain locator. The consciousness of the people that live there comes to mind as one cause and I have assumed that where I live (Canberra Aus), after seeing a golden dome encompassing the whole area, is a frequency fenced area that keeps people very sleepy.

If I leave the locale I feel a lightness, a relief.
Then upon returning the heavy, semi depressed state returns. I can even feel it’s pull to sleep, be stupid and do nothing. It can be difficult to not fall into its energy trap and I have many many times… May be I should move.

Anyway, again, gratitude to all.. a little birdie told me (literally, it was a black and white kingfisher) this session was taking place over in France, it was Sunday morning around 8am here.
I’m happy that the bird wasn’t lying to me, now I will have more faith next time birds tell me things
Thanks so much to Laura and all her great team for this magnificent session!

Q: Okay. So, what is the window at the center of the Sun an opening to, or a window to?

A: Antiuniverse object.

Q: (L) Okay. So, the center of the Sun opens to an antiuniverse object. Is that antiuniverse object like an anti-Sun?

A: Close.

Antiuniverse object...This call my attention, i think in the series of The Wave was mentioned something related with tht subject.

Session 29 June 1996

Q: (L) So, if all that exists were like a blown up balloon, and the surface of the balloon represents the static state of gravity, 7th density maybe... and it begins to bump out in different places... and all these little bumps are loci of manifestation of various densities - and this is very simplified, I am just trying to get an image - is this getting, even very simplistically, an idea that I can work with?

A: As long as you have an "anti-balloon" too.

Q: (L) So, can we make the outer surface of the balloon a balloon, and the inner surface or the air the "anti-balloon?"

A: No.

Q: (L) Two balloons next to one another?

A: No. A non-balloon.

Q: (L) A non-balloon? You are making me CRAZY! You are saying that NOTHING exists! We are just not even HERE!

A: No.

Session 15 June 1996

Q: (L) I was evaluating by electric flow and consumption... and I was thinking that electricity was evidence of some sort of consciousness, and that gravity was evidence that a planet that had it, had life...

A: We have told you before that planets and stars are windows. And where does it go?

Q: (L) The windows?

A: The gravity.

Q: (L) Oh. Gravity must go into the ethereal dimensions or densities. I mean, you have my head going in so many different directions that I feel like I have popcorn in there.

A: Good!

Q: (L) Well, where does gravity go. The sun is a window. Even our planet must be a window!

A: You have it too!!

Q: (L) So, gravity is the unifying principle... the thing that keeps things together, like the way all the fat pulls together in a bowl of soup.

A: Gravity is all there is.
Thank you Laura and Andromeda and all for another great session and special thank Laura for asking about the window of the sun and the following questions. I assumed that it wasn’t a permanent one as in a portal which is crafted and window that the C’s said was a naturally occurring portal. But still as you said, we never asked to where this window opening to. Well, I could never add anticipate the answer, I was more thinking other realm but certainly not an antiuniverse. At the very least, we now know where and why there is an influx of energy in the solar system and a probable contributor in extra energy needed when the flow is activated. An example of surge of cosmic flow bellow, only in part they say as there are many other sources as we learned.

Session Date: October 22nd 2022

seeker2seer) On Oct. 9, 2022 Earth-orbiting satellites detected the strongest gamma-ray burst (GRB) in modern history: GRB221009A. It caused electrical currents to flow through the surface of our planet. Is this event related to what the Cs mean when the "current begins to flow" disrupting TPTB electronic control system?

A: Yes part of it.

What to make of this information, I hope that I didn’t open a can of worm, as Laura humorously like to say and what I thought I did during the session. For me it shows how everything is interconnected in the universe, a network at a macrocosmic level and how all seems to be self regulating.
I really appreciated to witness the aurora on the 10-11 of May and if this was but a fraction of what we may witness in a near future, what a show the cosmos will offer us.

Q: (Laurentien2) Was the HAARP experiment at the same time as the solar storm a coincidence, or was it deliberate?

A: Coincidence. Interfered with HAARP activity.

Another proof that they are not omnipotent (smart) after all, they have limit and miscalculate and don’t seem to see what is coming our way or if they know, how their plan may all fall apart as the C’s told us in a previous session.

Session Date: May 23rd 2020

Q: (L) So in other words, the powers that be that are running the show aren't really as smart as they think they are...

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) They never counted on their satellites getting fried.

(Pierre) And other electronic equipment through which they monitor, control, and influence populations. It's a failing of the electronic control system.

Thank again for the session, stay vigilant everyone.
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Thanks for the great session! I certainly thought MJ was guilty. He really did need to grow up because he certainly put himself into vulnerable situations. You build a Neverland amusement park for kids in this day and age and one wonders…I certainly wondered what happened to JP, so the C’s answer fits.
Sorry to hear about Joe’s Mom, but she certainly sounds happy. The other info is interesting and of course the warning at the end. Interesting times ahead. I’ll still be here with the rest of you watching this craziness!
On the subject of Peterson, his over-emotional tendencies have turned out to be his fatal flaw, a weakness to be sculpted and contoured by forces he would ordinarily abhor. It just goes to show that while having a great intelligence is a handy talent to have, it's not the whole deal. You also need that ruthless tenacity to constantly search and question. The judeo clique that he moves with already think their cups are full, so I expect little from them. One thing for sure is it's really sad to have seen this new "self" of his emerge. Zionism is the hill he has chosen to die on. It will be very interesting looking at how Israel concludes its affairs in Gaza. May the DCM bless the peacemakers in this benighted region.

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