Search results for query: propaganda

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  1. Y

    The European Union: Glorious New 'Holy Roman Empire', Anglo-American Trojan Horse, or Left-Liberal Globalist Nightmare?

    The half-witted Portuguese grandfather rated himself "unsatisfactory". In the end, he talks about observing some principles. I wonder which ones, if the only unshakable principle that is visible is the desire to rob, by any, the most unscrupulous methods? Неудачная внешняя политика дорого...
  2. Nević Nenad

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    So, Iran saved its face, Israel remained "strong", Americans preparing for election in piece, scores settled. I guess Iran and everyone would be happy if all stays silent from now on. Which, knowing psychopaths in Israel will not. Psychopaths doesn't have ability to learn, they can only be...
  3. Joe

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...govt. is happy that the people are happy. Israelis are happy their air defense kept them safe. Israeli govt. is happy it got more propaganda material and support from the world, especially the US in the form of more money. American govt. is happy to distract Americans from the problems in...
  4. mxwlll0

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    Agreed. Expect a barrage of propaganda shortly after a barrage drones and ballistic missiles… I think it’s started or over already? 🤔 There are aftermath videos showing up in the TG threads I follow. Here’s one from Intel Slava Z forward by Middle East Spectator:
  5. Nević Nenad

    Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

    Even if he is not clairvoyant, by some chance, he is great military analyst.
  6. K

    Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

    ...than the one before. This attack was just a substitute. The attack that will take place at night will be a reason for Israel to spread propaganda. This is precisely what Israel wants to provoke Iran into such actions. When it starts in the Middle East, the tactics in Europe towards Ukraine...
  7. Benjamin

    Theodore Illion: Darkness Over Tibet

    Just a clarification that those results for 'Iljin' had many different first names of which 'Feodor' constituted a handful by comparison. Not knowing where else to go, I returned to the Die Furche newspaper list. With my free time-limited membership, I translated all 42 of Illion's articles...
  8. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Since I have already started covering the topic of mogilization today, it is necessary to finish it to the end. There is news that in Ukraine, in the current rage of mogilization, they decided to take on university students. Getting a higher education has so far been one of the most popular way...
  9. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    This post is all about mogilization. About what terrible and ugly forms this process takes in Ukraine. The second article is quite long, but if you open the spoiler, you will see a highlighted paragraph in the middle, which partly explains the reasons for this whole nightmare and you will...
  10. Liliea

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    I understand and we see how at this moment the forces are changing with this Israel-Palestine war and in fact this is what I try to say when I find a position of equals between Germany and Nicaragua something that a few years ago diplomatically would not have been possible For me it is not about...
  11. iamthatis

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    I think the whole 'Ortega is a dictator' narrative is deep state propaganda. Check out the SOTT articles on Ortega, and you'll find he's nothing like Somoza - in the same way Nicaragua is nothing like Germany. It's pretty off-base to make the comparison IMO...
  12. D

    What's going on with Brazil - Lula, PT and Sao Paulo Forum open letter to the evangelists supporting them. This was probably a necessity, since many were told by their pastors and the web of propaganda that Lula planned to (which I assume is a plain lie) and could (which I’m certain is not the case with the strong “bible bench” in house of...
  13. Yossarian

    Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

    ...just- Michael Nehls [00:05:14] It's physical. Tucker [00:05:15] Exactly. It's physical. This is not emotional. This is not the product of propaganda. You're saying that the way that your brain functions as a physical matter can be changed to make you more controllable. Michael Nehls...
  14. JEEP

    The Great Reset

    Two worth noting: Biden regime just proved once and for all that the US government is the most corrupt organization in the world, and it’s not even close… And let's not forget the others arrested and convicted for "illegal" praying...
  15. T

    Session 12 July 2014

    The influence of the Carolingians In this Session 12 July 2014 If there are any villains it would be the Flavians and the Carolingians. A search on the Forum reveals many mentions of the Carolingians In July 2006, Laura wrote about the Franks in the thread, looking for an article about the...
  16. Keit

    Events in Russia

    Yes indeed, SITE and Rita Katz are in-famous. For example this editorial comment from one of the articles on SOTT: And here's a Flashback about her:
  17. Bluegazer

    Events in Russia

    ...selective treatment. All of this, I repeat, was prompted by my concern that Russia is being pulled into this trap. We already know how the propaganda will do whatever it takes to give Russia a bad image. But it is also worrying, as others have already pointed out, that if they go down the...
  18. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    In this article: NATO's illegal 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia 'a huge tragedy' - Putin there are some links in the comment section that taken together give additional background for the current conflict between Russia and NATO. It is rather remarkable that about nine months after the bombing of...
  19. Ruth

    April Drop Dead Date

    They won't need to push another deadly vaxx if a virus will do the job. It's just my guess, but they won't be 'pushing' the lockdowns and masks as hard this time. They're not there to 'help' people, or for their protection, just the opposite.
  20. T

    Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Crashes in Ukraine

    Not the vitamin sales part per say but the people who are backing the Government attacks on the party itself.
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