Search results for query: propaganda

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  1. XPan

    Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Crashes in Ukraine

    You mean if AfD would know, or have known, that vitamin supplementations are sold with political propaganda, by sponsoring CORRECT!V ? I am not sure if they know or not - but it will surely come to their attention now that the cat is out of the bag. But what are they gonna do about it ...
  2. taratai

    Session 9 March 2024

    ...I'm getting an impression that this event is being pushed into a 9/11 situation, except in reverse. When 9/11 happened, there was intense propaganda push with songs similar to this one trying to unify americans, the media saying that Middle East (Talibans) is responsible, and alt-media...
  3. XPan

    Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Crashes in Ukraine

    ...met with the German Government 11 times before they made the "reportage" about AfD in Potsdam. Here it goes: Supplements with political propaganda (in Germany) + sponsoring CORRECT!V** Can't make that 💩 up. "For cultural diversity", "Standing firm against right-wing violence", and...
  4. XPan

    The Situation In Germany

    Supplements with political propaganda (in Germany) + sponsoring CORRECT!V** **known for piece of s**t reportages such as (Russians Downing Malaysia Airlines MH17 over Ukraine reportage which they called "The Search for the Truth"), ("2023 AfD Wannsee Final Solution conference" reportage)...
  5. Benjamin

    Theodore Illion: Darkness Over Tibet

    Thanks Altair! I probably never would have found those. These are some serious articles that Illion wrote between 1960-1973. Die Furche List: 1960 Feb. 10 - “Dangerous vacuum” 1967 Oct. 25 - “Fear of Formosa” 1968 Feb. 14 - ““Between Hong Kong and Macao” Apr. 17 - “Where are you going...
  6. Cosmos

    Events in Russia

    Well, sadly, many if not most westerners won't "get anything" anyway, unless, maybe, when they have to learn things the hard way. The point isn't really about "mass awakening" anyway, IMO, but more about a continuation of a natural expansion of the number of people that have "eyes to see and...
  7. Thebull

    Events in Russia

    I've was thinking along these lines aswell. Can they expose them? Though due to the western propaganda machine it probably won't make any difference. The more I think about it it seems unlikely we'll have any form of mass awakening here. The people who have an idea that things are not as they...
  8. Alma.Innovadora

    Session 9 March 2024 be just the base mixture for the coming binder. How interesting it would be to see the return of Flight 19. Yes, it's just tabloid propaganda against Maduro offering the "Perfect Country". Typical egocentrism. Every time right-wing politics wins in another Latin country, the opposition...
  9. KaWaiAwaAwa

    Session 9 March 2024

    I take about 2 mg per day. I don't know that this dose is effective, but it hasn't caused any problems that I can see for the moment. Perhaps a larger dose is OK, I don't know.
  10. neema

    Session 9 March 2024

    ...about Ivermectin. I can get the 6mg pills here very easily. What would be the amount to take? How long? Are there any side effects? Searching for info on the internet about it is so confusing, because of so much propaganda. Do we have a thread on an Ivermectin protocol for parasite removal?
  11. Liliea

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide protect Gaza aid, sources say
  12. Liliea

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...information and of course the dissent in social networks (X ?). So we also see the beginning the witch hunt or dissidents who do not pass jump through hoops for the single thought and propaganda. We are approaching the legality of the "Ministry of Truth".
  13. Benjamin

    Theodore Illion: Darkness Over Tibet

    I have to make two quick corrections: 90 ⌹ 8 = 11.25 km/h April 1934, England: That he never went to Tibet suggests this photoshoot is propaganda? Did he know he wasn't planning on going to Tibet? Was this a publicity stunt to help set up a cover story?
  14. Ellipse

    Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

    Well, this is information coming through unofficial channels, no the mass media and so it's very confidential. Perhaps I missed something?
  15. loreta

    Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

    ...or Gladio-style attack, it comes as a surprise, and the aim is to create a mental shock in the population. In my opinion, it's all about propaganda now, which is also a kind of distraction from the upcoming elections, not looking too much at the malefic clown Biden and keeping an eye on a...
  16. Laurs

    Sessie van 9 maart 2024

    ...Dat zou niet moeten... (Niall) Als dat zo is, heb je niet goed opgelet... (irjO) Niet echt. Een beetje, maar niet echt. Maar er is veel propaganda, dus... (Joe) Ik heb een vraag. Was Biden aan de drugs gisteravond tijdens zijn State of the Union-toespraak? A: Ja. V: (Joe) Aan welke drugs...
  17. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    I'm watching some kind of broken record in the Orwellian style, which jumps off to the same place over and over again. Here the French "peacemaker" plans to propose a cease-fire, promising at the same time to send troops (let's keep silent now that they are already there, so far unofficially)...
  18. iscreamsandwish

    Sesión: 9 de marzo de 2024

    ...Si lo estás, es porque no has estado prestando atención... (irjO) En realidad no. Un poco, pero no realmente. Pero hay un montón de propaganda, así que ... (Joe) Tengo una pregunta. ¿Biden estaba drogado la otra noche en su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión? R: Sí. P: (Joe) ¿Qué droga...
  19. susy7

    Session 9 March 2024

    Thank you, so cosmic string theory is something to look into, since we've been talking about Brane.
  20. I

    Session 9 March 2024

    Thank you for the latest session. Read few of the comments all ready (page 3 ongoing....) and wanted toshare some ideas since there is others also wondering programchanges, our lives and all the happenings. Lot of ifs, bare with me. If UniversalMind / Logos is one original thought; one...
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