Events in Russia

The USA warned Americans an attack will happen on russian soil. Unsurprisingly this horrific attack took place. It's seems so obvious who's behind this attack.
Four Tajik nationals fleeing in a wanted Renault Logan toward the Ukrainian border have been detained.
Don't think the Russians necessarily needed a reason to escalate the conflict but here it is! I suppose it's what action is taken now by Russia,. Up to now the Russians have been measured, methodical and restrained in their actions. For me the Russians don't want to escalate the Ukrainian conflict to a world war. Even though without western involvement the war would be over.
Christ, its not a secret now to Russia/China and other countries who's behind the terrorism everywhere in the world. Sometimes you think it can't get worse but the evil puppet master's continue on there psychopathic journey. All pre-planned and I'm sure these monsters think they know where they're taking us. All the while things get worse for innocent people, everywhere.
I ask him how can these horrors continue but they do, daily. It's only going to get worse and it's difficult to get the popcorn and enjoy the show. God help us all
It will be interesting to see how Putin, Medvedev and co. will handle/communicate what has just happened to the public in the coming days. I think there is a fair chance that they will, for the first time, explain the truth more bluntly/directly to people: That ISIS and similar "Islamic terrorists" groups are essentially a creation, funded, trained, financed and ordered to act by the "collective west", and more specifically, the US and its satellites, like Ukraine. Nothing really new to informed observers all over the world, but it would be a new more or less official declaration by the Russian government to expose that truth to the broader and less informed public.
It looks like the organizer has already shown up. Look, it's not over yet, but these people already know everything.

Белый дом не нашел признаков причастности Украины к теракту в Москве

Что то похоже, что организатор уже проявился. Посмотрите, еще ничего не закончилось, а эти уже все знают.
Zakharova's response to US cynical statement that Ukraine is not involved in the terrorist attack in Moscow.

Video shows terrorists are armed with AKM assault rifles. Some have stockpiles of various ammunition on them. At least two of attackers have backpacks, possibly with inflammatory mixtures. More videos can be seen here.

(Translated by Google)

A visitor to Crocus City Hall attacked a terrorist and saved dozens of people

It will be interesting to see how Putin, Medvedev and co. will handle/communicate what has just happened to the public in the coming days. I think there is a fair chance that they will, for the first time, explain the truth more bluntly/directly to people: That ISIS and similar "Islamic terrorists" groups are essentially a creation, funded, trained, financed and ordered to act by the "collective west", and more specifically, the US and its satellites, like Ukraine. Nothing really new to informed observers all over the world, but it would be a new more or less official declaration by the Russian government to expose that truth to the broader and less informed public.
I've was thinking along these lines aswell. Can they expose them? Though due to the western propaganda machine it probably won't make any difference.
The more I think about it it seems unlikely we'll have any form of mass awakening here. The people who have an idea that things are not as they seem and others who are not prepared to even look.
Our western leaders continue on a path of destruction. Thinking about it they must know something wicked this way comes. I assume they think they'll be safe.
I'm thinking that the push to pin this on Muslim terrorists may be aimed at either disrupting Russia's good relations with the Muslim world (maybe hoping Russia will overreact) or possibly getting Russia more involved militarily elsewhere, for example against ISIS in Syria.

Though I really doubt that this will work, especially if the reports that the terrorists were caught close to the border to Ukraine are true.
I've was thinking along these lines aswell. Can they expose them? Though due to the western propaganda machine it probably won't make any difference.
The more I think about it it seems unlikely we'll have any form of mass awakening here. The people who have an idea that things are not as they seem and others who are not prepared to even look.
Our western leaders continue on a path of destruction. Thinking about it they must know something wicked this way comes. I assume they think they'll be safe.

Well, sadly, many if not most westerners won't "get anything" anyway, unless, maybe, when they have to learn things the hard way. The point isn't really about "mass awakening" anyway, IMO, but more about a continuation of a natural expansion of the number of people that have "eyes to see and ears to hear" not only in the west but also in the east and south parts of the world. The number of people "who really get it" might always be pretty small anyway, but there might be a certain "threshold" of people who can be "awaken" by a more official declaration of what is going on. With (potentially) disproportionately positive effects on "followers" of those people, which might result in some effects globally.
The death toll in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall has risen to 93

MOSCOW, March 23rd. /tass/. The death toll from the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall has risen to 93. As reported in the press service of the Russian IC, the causes of death were gunshot wounds and poisoning by gorenje products.

"At the moment, it has been established that the death toll is 93 people. The death toll will rise further. According to preliminary data, the causes of death were gunshot wounds and poisoning by gorenje products," they said.

It will be interesting to see how Putin, Medvedev and co. will handle/communicate what has just happened to the public in the coming days. I think there is a fair chance that they will, for the first time, explain the truth more bluntly/directly to people: That ISIS and similar "Islamic terrorists" groups are essentially a creation, funded, trained, financed and ordered to act by the "collective west", and more specifically, the US and its satellites, like Ukraine. Nothing really new to informed observers all over the world, but it would be a new more or less official declaration by the Russian government to expose that truth to the broader and less informed public.
Yes, of course it is interesting to see the reaction of the authorities. It is very good that the suspects were quickly detained, this will not allow this tragedy to take on a large scale. We are more or less used to the death of people as such. Anyway, people die every day and this is not the first such manifestation, including in Moscow, and only those who live in their personal bubble will be shocked by this. We have such people, but after such events there are fewer of them.
Да, конечно интересно посмотреть на реакцию властей. Очень хорошо, что быстро задержали подозреваемых, это не позволит этой трагедии принять большие масштабы. К гибели людей как таковой у нас все таки более или менее привыкли. Так или иначе люди гибнут каждый день и это совсем не первое подобное проявление в том числе и в Москве и вот этим будут шокированы только те, кто живет в своем персональном пузыре. Такие люди у нас есть, но после подобных событий их становится меньше.
Could Israel be behind this terrorist attack? Then Putin had, I think, a meeting with Hamas if you remember.

When I heard the news of the attack I made the connection, unwittingly, in my head with the attack in Israel when Hamas attacked a music festival, too. We now know that Israel was complicit or totally responsible for the deaths at the party. But there's a resemblance, in my opinion.
From recent chat

(Keit) The US issued an "imminent terror attack" warning regarding Moscow for the next 48 hours, though it's not clear when exactly the warning was given. This warning was repeated by many other Western consulates. They warned their citizens not to come to Russia because apparently "extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow". Why was this warning given and what is really going on?

A: Attempts to frighten and disrupt. Also letting Russia know that the "deep state" is in charge. Wait for interesting developments.

I'd call that a hit.
This is what Pepe Escobar says about the idea that these terrorists were from Tajikistan:

I'm absolutely floored that the usual suspects used Tajiks for this ultra dirty op. Tajikistan is mesmerizing, and Tajiks are the kindest, most gracious people. For these toxic purposes, they might as well have been Uzbeks. This is part of a vicious strategy of destabilising the Central Asian "stans" from the inside and propel them against Russia - and also China. Young Tajiks are easy prey for MI6 and Co. Add to it the drive to invite racism, especially in Moscow, against Central Asians. It's always Plan A: vicious Divide and Rule, by any means available. There's no Plan B.​

Pic: during my epic Pamir Highway journey, immediately before Covid.​

I absolutely agree with Escobar. Tajiks are really good people... In Tajikistan. As well as Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, etc. Unfortunately, the authorities of all Central Asian countries have been "flirting" with nationalist movements for a long time. This is happening under the leadership of well-known Western structures, and since the goal of all these efforts is Russia in the end, then in Russia we have what we have. To put it simply, Tajiks in Tajikistan and Tajiks in Russia are not the same thing at all and this must be understood.
The Tajik Foreign Ministry called fake information about the involvement of citizens of the republic in the terrorist attack in the Moscow region
In connection with the tragic events that took place at the Crocus City Hall concert Hall in Moscow, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan issued an official statement calling on the media to responsibly cover information about the incident. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan emphasizes that the information disseminated about the alleged participation of Tajik citizens in a terrorist act has not been confirmed by official sources of the Russian Federation.

The Agency urges to focus exclusively on reliable information provided by Russian government agencies, and expresses concern about the potential damage that may be caused to citizens of Tajikistan due to the dissemination of unverified data. The country's Foreign Ministry calls for compliance with the principles of accuracy and objectivity in reporting on events related to the tragedy in Moscow, emphasizing the importance of a responsible approach to the dissemination of information in sensitive issues.
МИД Таджикистана назвал фейком информацию о причастности граждан республики к теракту в Подмосковье

A visitor to Crocus City Hall attacked a terrorist and saved dozens of people
On the evening of March 22, an emergency occurred at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow, a famous venue for large-scale cultural and entertainment events, which caused a wide public outcry and left a deep mark on the hearts of many people. Just before the start of the concert of the popular band "Picnic", the hall was attacked by unknown persons. According to reports from the operational services and a number of publications in the media, an explosion first occurred in the building, after which automatic weapons were fired. Eyewitness accounts and video footage distributed on social media show plumes of smoke rising above the building.

It is reported that one of the visitors attacked a terrorist and thus saved dozens of people.

"A young man jumped on him. I didn't see how he jumped, I just saw how he had already taken the machine gun from him and was beating him with the butt <...> He just gave us the opportunity to all go out through the stage, through the emergency exit we all ran out into the street," said Elena, who witnessed the terrorist attack.

The situation that developed as a result of these actions turned out to be extremely tense. According to sources, several dozen people were killed and injured in the incident, including visitors to the event and concert hall staff.
Посетитель "Крокус Сити Холл" напал на террориста и спас десятки людей

Я абсолютно согласен с Эскобаром. Таджики действительно хорошие люди... В Таджикистане. Также как и Узбеки, Киргизы и пр. К сожалению власти всех среднеазиатских стран уже долгое время "заигрывают" с националистическими движениями. Это происходит под руководством всем нам известных западных структур и так как целью всех этих усилий является Россия в конце концов, то вот в России мы имеем то, что имеем. По простому говоря таджики в таджикистане и таджики в России это совсем не одно и то же и это надо понимать.
It will be interesting to see how Putin, Medvedev and co. will handle/communicate what has just happened to the public in the coming days. I think there is a fair chance that they will, for the first time, explain the truth more bluntly/directly to people: That ISIS and similar "Islamic terrorists" groups are essentially a creation, funded, trained, financed and ordered to act by the "collective west", and more specifically, the US and its satellites, like Ukraine. Nothing really new to informed observers all over the world, but it would be a new more or less official declaration by the Russian government to expose that truth to the broader and less informed public.
This statement by Peskov is probably around the same time as the terrorist attack happened. I think it was the same day or maybe before it happened. I am not sure.

“We are in a state of war. Yes, it started out as a special military operation, but as soon as this group was formed, when the collective West became a participant in this on the side of Ukraine, it became a war for us,” Kremlin spokesperson Dimitry Peskov told Arguments and Facts, a weekly newspaper based in the country.

“I am convinced of that. And everyone should understand this, for their internal motivation.”

If the "Special military operation" now becomes a war for Russia, and if we add to the account the latest terrorist attack, then the whole situation may escalate quite a bit.
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