Events in Russia

So, this warning was shared and not confined to US embassy notifying Americans and yet, no heightened security measures at potential targets?

Shared or not shared? From unz:
On the other hand, if the information was not in great detail, but did come from a credible source, then we would take the time to put together a public warning. That is what happened when the US Embassy Moscow issued the warning on 7 March. They had information they thought was credible, but not terribly specific. This raises a key question — did the United States warn Russian authorities? Normally, when I was doing the job, we would share the information with the appropriate government and law enforcement authorities, in order to try to prevent the attack. Based on public comments by Maria Zakharova and Dimitri Medvedev, following the March 7, warning, and following today’s attack, it appears that the United States did not share any of its information with Russia. I would note there is a Wall Street Journal report tonight, stating that the United States did warn, but Russian authorities insist that they were not provided with an Intel heads up.

What makes the entire situation so bizarre and questionable in terms of what the United States knew, and when it knew it, is that the State Department issued a statement within two hours of the bombing — remember, we still did not know how many attackers, what kind of weapons, how many casualties, and whether or not, they were hostages — declaring that Ukraine was not responsible for this attack. How did State Department know that? It’s strongly suggests that the United States had intelligence, which did not share with Moscow.

Article goes on to note:
Then we have this very unusual X message (formerly Twitter) that was posted at 3:30 AM this morning, 22 March, by OSINTdefender (which I think of has a CIA front for spreading messages the CIA wants out there):
Members of U.S. National Security Council and the White House have reportedly started to become Increasingly Frustrated by “Unauthorized Brazen Actions” taken by Ukraine against Russia, including their recent Campaign of Long-Range Drone Strikes having Targeted at least 25 Oil Refineries, Terminals, Depots and Storage Facilities across Western Russia; with some Biden Administration Officials believing these Strikes will cause a Spike in Global Oil Prices as well as Significant Escalation and Retaliation against Ukraine like was seen during tonight’s Large-Scale Missile Attack.
Do you think that is just a happy coincidence that the Biden White House is bemoaning Ukraine taking “unauthorized brazen actions” on the same day there is a massive terrorist attack in Moscow? I don’t believe in coincidence. I think the Biden ministration was trying to get out ahead of an attack that they knew was coming.

Some claims have emerged late in the day with ISIS, allegedly, taking credit for the attack. What makes that interesting is that we have evidence that some members of ISIS have been fighting in Ukraine against Russia, so this does not necessarily exonerate, either Ukraine or the United States.

More, including 3 videos:
In the Polish media and online portals, mainly the narrative suggests that this is a false flag attack organized by Putin.
Anti-system bloggers also softly suggest this.
It is generally said that after winning the elections Putin feels confident and that this false flag is to be used to justify the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine up to and including the use of nuclear weapons.
Of course I am not surprised by this.
It proves that there is no longer any conscience or humanity among the politicians of the European Union. There is no compassion. Russians are not human. That's the message these scoundrels are sending through the MSM, which is absolutely disgusting. This tragedy is therefore a good excuse to talk about the evil Putin. And that he's so evil that he's the one responsible for this tragedy. No love for the sufferance of the noble and beautiful people of Russia. We're in the middle of 1984 and when you read the news about the MSM it's like the "minute of hate" in Orwell's novel. Because if you look at the news clearly, it's news to make people hate Putin.

We are in 1984 because 1984 shows us a totalitarian society where people have forgotten that they are human, in fact they have accepted that they no longer have a soul or humanity in themselves. So you can do whatever you want with them. They're empty people. That's what's happening today. To send cannon fodder to the battlefields, they have to have lost all humanity. It's coming, it's being prepared. It's social engineering. This tragedy didn't happen, and Putin is the big bad. The Russians aren't human, so we can go and kill them without any problem and lose our skins too. But we will die to save freedom and democracy.

Fascinating, isn't it? Here in Spain, we're starting to talk like this, as if nothing... about how the constitution is designed to send Spaniards off to war, the conscription. We're going to have to be very firm if we are to remain human.

I think that the people here, in this amazing forum, are firm, human, we have a soul. It's paradise here. And if it wasn't for this little space of paradise, I wonder what I'd be like. I don't even want to think about it!
That's the solution. I do not know what is right руку. Of course, it is necessary to react somehow, but on the other hand, some kind of injustice turns out. Civilians are dying everyday in Donetsk. The recent mass death of people in Belgorod, as a result of rocket fire. Are they worse than Muscovites? I repeat once again that I am not against this decision, but I am not sure of its correctness. I don't know.
In Russia, March 24 has been declared a day of mourning in connection with the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall.

This was stated by Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

On the evening of March 22, a shooting and a fire occurred in the Crocus City Hall before the concert of the Picnic group.

The number of victims of the attack now stands at 115.
В России 24 марта объявлено днём траура в связи с терактом в «Крокусе»

Not everyone just started hiding. Some people took effective measures and succeeded.

A spectator of the Crocus City Hall told how he defused the terrorist

According to him, he pushed his wife away, ran around the militant, grabbed the machine gun, pulled him down and started hitting him on the head.

"I looked at my wife and... saw wild horror in her eyes and realized that I had to do something," the man said in an interview with Rossiya 24 TV channel.

Then another man ran up to him and helped knock out the attacker.

According to the latest data, the death toll from the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall has increased to 133.
Зритель «Крокус Сити Холла» рассказал, как обезвредил террориста

Such is the tragic "cherry" on the tragic "cake". It didn't see enough to these bloodthirsty reptiles.
The terrorists, leaving the Crocus, hit an eight-year-old boy with a car

The father of the injured child, Igor, told RT that they went to the concert with the whole family — he, his wife, daughter (11 years old) and son Ilya.

According to him, when the shooting started, they managed to quickly get out of the hall.

"At first they wanted to hide in the toilet, but changed their mind at the last second. Now we understand that it was the right decision. I carefully took the family out of the building, we ran outside," the man said.

He added that as soon as the thought appeared in his head that the family was safe, they saw a Renault car rushing at them at full speed, which deliberately hits his son.

The daughter and the man were hit by the car tangentially, they have small bruises. His son suffered a traumatic brain injury, a fractured collarbone and a fractured hip.

"Doctors are not making predictions yet. We just ask everyone to pray for him," Igor said.
Террористы, уезжая из «Крокуса», сбили на машине восьмилетнего мальчика

Вот такое решение. Я не знаю, что здесь правильно. Безусловно как то реагировать надо обязательно, но с другой стороны получается какая то несправедливость. В Донецке мирные люди гибнут ежедневно. Недавняя массовая гибель людей в Белгороде, в результате ракетного обстрела. Они что, все хуже москвичей? Еще раз повторю, что я не против этого решения, но не уверен в его правильности. Не знаю.
Не все стали просто прятаться. Кое кто предпринял действенные меры и преуспел.
Такая вот трагическая "вишенка" на трагическом "тортике". Этим кровожадным гадам показалось мало.
So, this warning was shared and not confined to US embassy notifying Americans and yet, no heightened security measures at potential targets?
Maybe the Deep State waited for Russia to "loosen its grip" and not take all US threats seriously before unleashing cold-blooded lunatics from its "mind control" factory. I think there are many Deep State terror attacks in the making in case a nation, like Russia, deviates from the "master plan." It's going to be interesting (and probably terrifying!) to see how Russia deals with the "big boss of the world."
(Pierre) I have a few questions. In one of the last sessions, it was mentioned an "irresistible force" and an "immovable object", remember? What was the irresistible force, and what was the immovable object?

A: Deep State vs. Russia
Maybe the Deep State waited for Russia to "loosen its grip" and not take all US threats seriously before unleashing cold-blooded lunatics from its "mind control" factory. I think there are many Deep State terror attacks in the making in case a nation, like Russia, deviates from the "master plan." It's going to be interesting (and probably terrifying!) to see how Russia deals with the "big boss of the world."
In this sense, it is very important for us here in Russia not to relax, not to snot ahead of time. Although we live in 1984, as it was rightly notes above, the further it gets, the cleaner it becomes that the matter will not be limited to Ukraine.

В этом смысле нам тут в России очень важно не расслабляться, не распускать сопли раньше времени. Хотя мы и живем в 1984, как тут, чуть выше было справедливо отмечено, чем дальше тем понятнее становится, что Украиной дело не ограничится.
Shades of 911 and the alleged muslim plane hijackers who were determined to be alive despite no survivors of the four flights:

The large terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall in Moscow was accompanied by large media campaign. Likely Ukrainian/NATO PSYOP forces shared numerous fake reports aimed to hide the culprits.

The main goal of the ongoing informational operation is to assure the Russians that the attackers were muslims. For example, the photos of several natives of Ingushetia who are allegedly being searched by the Russian special services. It turned out that the photos showed terrorists liquidated in recent Russian anti-terrorist operations in early March.


Meanwhile, Ukrainians began phone terror. They are using fake numbers to call the 112 hotline number in order to sow panic. Mass fake calls claim alleged shootings and armed attacks in different public places, including shopping centers, schools etc.

If that last part is true, that could have thrown Russia off its game?
From Veterans Today:


The Russian Investigative Committee has announced that the death toll from the terrorist attack on Friday night at the Crocus municipality, on the outskirts of Moscow, is 133 victims, including three children. The bodies of 41 people identified. 121 people are hospitalized, of which 60 are in serious condition.

The Islamic State have claimed responsibility for the attack on the Crocus City Hall on the outskirts of Moscow which caused at least 60 deaths and 145 injured, but the casualties number may rise because there are many person hospitalized in serious conditions to whom Russian President Vladimir Putin wished for a speedy recovery.

The Guardian writes this, reporting the complete statement published on the Islamic State’s Telegram account:
«Islamic State fighters attacked a large gathering of Christians in the city of Krasnogorsk on the outskirts of the Russian capital, Moscow, killing and wounding hundreds and causing great destruction to the place before they withdrew to their bases safely».
The news was supported by American intelligence and by the discovery of a customized Kalashnikov assault rifle in the Crocus City Hall, the concert venue where the massacre took place, in the north-west of Moscow.

So, the attackers didn't conveniently leave passports behind - only a customized Kalashnikov assault rifle? Waiting for the definitive muslim terrorist identifying symbols on the weapon.

In May 2019, former KGB official Alexander Bortnikov, director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation FSB, raised the alarm about the transfer of a large number of ISIS terrorists to the Muslim countries of the former Soviet Union bordering the Russia and Afghanistan.

In August 2021, CIA director William Burns went to Kabul to form mysterious alliances with the Taliban government that came to power after the US military withdrawal and with who knows what other entities operating in the region.

In February 2023, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service reported that the USA had recruited at least 60 jihadist fighters, ISIS or Al Qaeda, to prepare terrorist attacks in Russia and neighboring countries of the former Soviet Union.
For all these reasons, the Islamic origin of the attack on the Crocus City Hall not only does not exclude a hidden role for Ukraine but makes it even more probable, also raising serious doubts about possible direction of the CIA which already contributed to arming the jihadists in Syria, to orchestrating the 2014 coup in Kiev to oust pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and planning the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

Will "the muslims did it" prevail again, or have enough people wised up to the lies and deceptions?
Will "the muslims did it" prevail again, or have enough people wised up to the lies and deceptions?
Let's see...
Were there any terrorists? Yes.✔️
Was there a building? Yes.✔️
Was the building on fire? Yes.✔️
Did the building collapse? Yes.✔️
Did a lot of innocent people die? Yes. ✔️
Were there any planes? No. ❌

The PTB didn't want to risk their puppets dying in a Boeing 737 MAX crash before reaching Moscow, so they opted for a Renault car. Big mistake. The awakening has begun. 😉
By the way, what is called "strokes for a portrait". This Crocus complex itself was built and its first owner was Azerbaijani Agalarov. His son Emin has been trying to promote himself as a popular singer for some time. Now apparently the complex has been destroyed. It was a pity, it was a good place.
I found the following article about Agalarov whom was born in Azerbaijan but is a Russian citizen, and has, according to this article some links to Trump. I put in bold things that could be relevant, or not. At this point I put it here for the record.

Crocus City Hall: The Trump-linked venue that's now the scene of a deadly IS attack
The venue was built by real estate developer Aras Agalarov, a well-known and influential figure in Russia who has links to Donald Trump.

Three people posing for the camera

Russian businessman Aras Agalarov (left) Miss Universe 2013 Gabriela Isler and Donald Trump seen on the red carpet after attending the final of the 2013 Miss Universe pageant at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow, Russia. Source: AP / Irina Bujor

Crocus Сity Hall in the Moscow region, the scene of a deadly shooting and fire, is a plush concert venue where former US president Donald Trump once held a "Miss Universe" contest.

It is a short walk from a Moscow Metro station and just next to Moscow city ring road, although formally it is outside the city limits.

The complex which also includes a shopping centre and conference centre holds events such as car shows.

The relatively intimate concert venue has attracted a range of Russian and international stars.

British comedian-turned-politician Eddie Izzard performed a solo show in English there in 2013.

Piknik, who were set to perform on Friday, are a popular rock group dating back to the Soviet era.

The venue was built by real estate developer Aras Agalarov, who is extremely well-known and influential in Russia and has links to Trump.

Agalarov, 68, was born in Azerbaijan but is a Russian citizen.

He was listed as worth $1.2 billion by Forbes in 2021. His company Crocus Group specialises in luxury retail and leisure developments.

Forbes Russia reported last week that Agalarov and his business partner and son, Emin Agalarov, had taken out personal loans to save the business, however.

The father and son came to the scene of the attack and fire on Friday night, Russian news agencies reported.

Soldiers stand in the foreground of a building on fire

Gunmen opened fire at the Crocus concert hall in Moscow leaving dozens dead and scores wounded before a major fire spread through the building. Source: Getty / Stringer/AFP

Emin Agalarov is also a pop singer and has given concerts at the venue. He is the former husband of the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

The Crocus City Hall venue opened in 2009 and was dedicated to Muslim Magomayev, a pop singer famous in the Soviet era who also came from Azerbaijan.

US entrepreneur Trump held the Miss Universe beauty contest there in 2013, telling media he had invited President Vladimir Putin, who did not show up.

Three men sitting at a desk

Emin Agalarov (left) with Donald Trump and Aras Agalarov at a press conference before the final show of the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. Source: EPA / Sergei Ilnitsky

Trump soon afterwards appeared in one of Emin Agalarov's pop videos and his connection to the family became a matter of public interest a few years later when he stood for president against Hillary Clinton.

Emin Agalarov in June 2016 arranged for Donald Trump Jr, Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and campaign chair Paul Manafort to meet a Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, who had offered damaging information on Clinton.

Agalarov told Britain's The Daily Mail that the meeting, which he helped set up at his father's request, was "unproductive and useless", however.

As often with the PTB, they are use to kill two (or three or four or more) birds with one stone: If the opportunity arises to send warnings to several people/groups and punish others in addition to the more direct intentions noted in other messages before this one, they do not hesitate.
It looks like people have already figured out who was behind the terrorist attack on Russian Citizens in the Moscow Crocus City Hall.
the death toll is currently 133. Ukraine was already losing the fight badly, not sure how spitting in the opponent's face would work at this juncture. Bad advice no doubt, but from where ya reckon? :huh:

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