Events in Russia

Claims on Telegram that four of the terrorists have now been identified. All alledgedly from Tajikistan.

It's the usual phony terrorism that was visited on Europe and the USA since 911 using nut-job/mind programmed guns for hire with vague associations with Islam. The goal being to terrorize, cow the govt. and sow racial and ethnic discord (if possible). It's not gonna have much success in that respect in Russia I think.

When you're desperate, and all you have is a hammer...
The number of people "who really get it" might always be pretty small anyway, but there might be a certain "threshold" of people who can be "awaken" by a more official declaration of what is going on. With (potentially) disproportionately positive effects on "followers" of those people, which might result in some effects globally.
We can but pray this is the case. It does feel hopeless at times. The deep state need disposing of but they have been in power for so long it does seem unlikely.
Who knows what the future may bring though.
By the way, what is called "strokes for a portrait". This Crocus complex itself was built and its first owner was Azerbaijani Agalarov. His son Emin has been trying to promote himself as a popular singer for some time. Now apparently the complex has been destroyed. It was a pity, it was a good place.
A video has appeared of the detention of suspects in the terrorist attack in the Crocus
WarGonzo showed a video of the detention of alleged terrorists from Crocus

The Telegram channel WarGonzo published footage of the detention of suspects in a terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall concert hall near Moscow. It is noted that the special forces of the Central Security Service, the FSB, Akhmat and military personnel of the Leningrad Military District participated in the operation.

The video shows how one of the alleged terrorists is first wrung, then put in a company car. The other is being held by the security forces by the hair while he gives information about himself.

Earlier, the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin about the detention of 11 people, including all four terrorists who were directly involved in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall. It is noted that the agency is working to identify the accomplice base of criminals.

According to the FSB Public Relations Center, the suspects had contacts with the Ukrainian side. After the attack, the criminals planned to cross the border of Russia with Ukraine to their accomplices.

According to the latest information, 115 people were killed in the terrorist attack. The figure may increase. Some of the victims died from poisoning by gorenje products as a result of a large fire that engulfed the building after the shooting. According to the Ministry of Health of the Moscow region, a total of 121 people were injured.

Кстати, то что называется "штрихи к портрету". Сам этот комплекс Крокус строился и первым владельцем его был азербайджанец Агаларов. Его сын Эмин некоторое время пытался продвигаться, как популярный певец. Сейчас видимо комплекс уничтожен. Жаль, хорошее было место.
From @youlik

The death toll in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall has risen to 93

MOSCOW, March 23rd. /tass/. The death toll from the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall has risen to 93. As reported in the press service of the Russian IC, the causes of death were gunshot wounds and poisoning by gorenje products.

"At the moment, it has been established that the death toll is 93 people. The death toll will rise further. According to preliminary data, the causes of death were gunshot wounds and poisoning by gorenje products," they said.

What strange information. I look what is this gorenje product? Is this important? Here are some information:

Gorenje is part of Gorenje Group​

About Gorenje Group​

Gorenje Group is one of the leading European home appliance manufacturers with a history spanning more than 60 years. Our global presence is built on two brands: Gorenje, which includes the entire range of home products of the upper-mid price range, and Asko, which is positioned as a global premium brand. In addition, Gorenje Group has six regional or local brands covering all price ranges. Technologically perfected, superiorly designed and energy-efficient home appliances elevate the quality of living for the users of our products in ninety countries around the world.

And here from Wikipedia:

Gorenje (Slovene pronunciation: [ɡɔˈrɛ̀ːnjɛ]); stylized as gorenje), is a Slovenian major appliance manufacturer, founded in 1950 by Ivan Atelšek. It is based in Velenje, Slovenia.It is the fourth largest manufacturer of household appliances in Europe.[4] Appliances are sold under the company's own brands Gorenje, Asko, Mora, Atag, Pelgrim, Etna, Körting and Sidex, and are produced in the main production facility in Velenje as well as at the cooking appliances plant Mora Moravia in Mariánské Údolí (Czech Republic) and at the fridge-freezer plant in Valjevo (Serbia).

For me, this information is strange. I've never heard of kitchen products being used in a terrorist attack! Is this a joke or what? Or is it good information? :huh:
What strange information. I look what is this gorenje product? Is this important? Here are some information:
I'm sorry, this is an automatic translator. But I didn't keep up. Gorenje: In this case, we are talking about combustion products. In case of fires, this is the most common cause of death of victims.
Incidentally, Gorenje name itself is Slavic and has the same semantic root - burning

Я прошу прощения, это автоматический переводчик. А я не уследил. В данном случае идет разговор о продуктах горения. При пожарах это самая частая причина гибели жертв.
Кстати само название Горенье славянское и имеет тот же смысловой корень- горение
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There is still a lot of confusion.
In Tajikistan, they said that the three citizens about whom the media wrote were not involved in the terrorist attack
Two of them are in the republic, one works in Samara, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic reported
DUSHANBE, March 23. /tass/. Three Tajik citizens, copies of the alleged orientations on which were distributed in Telegram channels after the terrorist attack in the Moscow region, are not involved in the commission of crimes in Russia. Two of them are in the republic, one works in Russia in Samara. This was reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan.

According to the ministry, Rivojiddin Islamov and Mahmadrasul Nasriddinov "arrived from the Russian Federation to the Republic of Tajikistan on November 26, 2023 and are staying at their place of residence." The agency also published their photos. Another citizen, Rustam Nazarov, "currently works as a taxi driver in Samara," the Interior Ministry said.
I'm sorry, this is an automatic translator. But I didn't keep up. Gorenje: In this case, we are talking about combustion products. In case of fires, this is the most common cause of death of victims.
Incidentally, Gorenje name itself is Slavic and has the same semantic root - burning

Я прошу прощения, это автоматический переводчик. А я не уследил. В данном случае идет разговор о продуктах горения. При пожарах это самая частая причина гибели жертв.
Кстати само название Горенье славянское и имеет тот же смысловой корень- горение
Ok, thanks for the information. :-)
There are live updates and analyzes on RT

Also interesting information from one of the arrested terrorists about how was he selected to commit this atrocity
See more on this Link
The man says that before committing Friday’s atrocity, he had been to Türkiye. When asked what he did at the Crocus City concert venue on Friday evening, he replied: “I shot down... people.” The suspect added that he had committed the crime “for money,” detailing that he had been promised 500,000 rubles ($5,418).

The alleged perpetrator claimed that half the sum had already been transferred to his debit card.

The man also said that the curators, whom he supposedly does not know personally, had contacted him via Telegram messaging app, and arranged an arms cache for the assailants.

According to the suspect, he had been “listening to sermons… by a preacher” on Telegram for some time before being approached by the supposed masterminds of Friday’s attack “around a month ago.”
In the Polish media and online portals, mainly the narrative suggests that this is a false flag attack organized by Putin.
Anti-system bloggers also softly suggest this.
It is generally said that after winning the elections Putin feels confident and that this false flag is to be used to justify the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine up to and including the use of nuclear weapons.
Of course I am not surprised by this.
From SPUTNIK - excerpt:

Retired FSB Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Filatov has told Sputnik he is certain of who is behind the attack on Crocus City Hall, and commented on the responsible course Western countries could now take to deescalate the situation.

“This was clearly an act of terrorism, a prepared terrorist act. The Ukrainian Security Service is behind it. I am 100 percent certain,” Filatov said, commenting on the incident.

“What can be seen from the organization, from the forces and means used, is that everything was planned in advance. That is, it was not some kind of stunt of semi-criminal elements. Furthermore, I see that one group ‘worked’ on targeting people around the hall, while the second set fire to the roof, which seems to have now collapsed, in order to make the terror attack look ‘very effective’ in the media,” with the image seen round the world being of “practically the best concert venue in Russia” on fire.

From Tass:
In March, the United States shared information with Russian authorities about a terrorist attack being planned in Moscow, spokesperson for the White House National Security Council Adrienne Watson told Reuters.

"Earlier this month, the US government had information about a planned terrorist attack in Moscow - potentially targeting large gatherings, to include concerts - which prompted the State Department to issue a public advisory to Americans in Russia. The US government also shared this information with Russian authorities in accordance with its longstanding ‘duty to warn’ policy," Watson said.

So, this warning was shared and not confined to US embassy notifying Americans and yet, no heightened security measures at potential targets?
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