Events in Russia

Serbian President Vucic calls out the US & UK (Inessa S ️️) - why didn't they share intelligence that they had? Perhaps because they're in on it...

I'm not a cynic - it's just that they had covertly done the same in the 1990s.

Pepe Escobar is saying that the ISIS claim maybe fake news.

It could be! As he put it: "Handlers seem to be in total Dazed and Confused mode."

Something to consider:

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov indirectly confirmed involvement in the terrorist attack in Crocus.

On Ukrainian television, he said that “we will give them this kind of fun more often.”

In the end, I don't think this operation could have been carried out without the help of American-Israeli intelligence - regardless of who claims "responsibility."

In the end, I don't think this operation could have been carried out without the help of American-Israeli intelligence - regardless of who claims "responsibility."

That above quote from Pepe Escobar came from The Islander which is now reporting that, that video of Danilov was faked!

❌🇺🇦FAKE: Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov confirmed Ukraine’s involvement in the terrorist attack in Crocus

🔻The video was posted by journalists from the Kremlin pool and federal media.

🔻But the video is not on Ukrainian resources, and experts claim that it is a deepfake created by a neural network.

🔻Nazi Danilov’s speech does not match his lip movements.

Via RVvoenkor

🎙Subscribe @TheIslanderNews

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov indirectly confirmed involvement in the terrorist attack in Crocus.
I'll remind you, and if anyone else doesn't know, then let them know who we're dealing with. Danilov belonged to a gang in the city of Lugansk in the 90s. He had the nickname Myachik (Ball). And this is not a fake, but the harsh truth of life. Such are the statesmen in modern Ukraine.

Я напомню, а если кто еще не знает, то пусть знает с кем мы имеем дело. Данилов в 90 годы принадлежал к банде в городе Луганске. Имел кличку Мячик. И это не фейк, а суровая правда жизни. Такие вот государственные деятели в современной украине.
What a tragedy.

I saw this post (below), and wonder if the SMO will continue on its trend, which was moving towards escalation. Maybe it will jump to a new track of even more escalation. I have seen that Russian strategic bombers are in the air again.

As usual Ukrainian junta of @ZelenskyyUa declaring that horrible act of terror in Crocus Hall false flag operation by Putin's specnaz. What I can say??

Vladimir Putin know how to deal with terrorism-if somebody forget - I will remind Long quote: “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA,” “If the CIA have Russian blood on their hands, they will forever regret stirring the Russian bear from its peaceful slumber.”

When questioned by a top aide as to whether the 95% figure was accurate, Putin sighed heavily and fixed the assembled group with his trademark stare before explaining that in regards to how the world is run, all is not how it seems.Putin affirms that the CIA is a rogue element of the Deep State, and “an expression of the will of world oligarchy and their vision for a New World Order.

“He claimes that CIA exists today as part of America – but it is certainly not American. “The CIA does not work on behalf of the American people or act in their interests.”

There is also a post attributed to Medvedev, but it's not verified. The post says that if Kiev actors were involved in this attack, they must be hunted down and destroyed without mercy, including officials of state.


Edit: seems that yes, these are his words:

That above quote from Pepe Escobar came from The Islander which is now reporting that, that video of Danilov was faked!

Interesting. There's still a lot of speculation about the perpetrators, yet:

US Intelligence Says It Knew ISIS-K Was Planning Terror Attack On Moscow

The initial reports that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the terror attack in Moscow appeared rumor at first, and has still been subject of widespread scrutiny and debate, however, US media and government officials are saying that the Islamic State (or ISIS-K) statement is authentic. "A branch of the Islamic State claimed responsibility on Friday for the attack in Moscow that killed at least 40 people and injured about 100 others, and U.S. officials confirmed the claim shortly afterward," The New York Times writes late in the day.

What's more is that US intelligence knew there was to be an imminent attack on Moscow: "The United States collected intelligence in March that Islamic State-Khorasan, known as ISIS-K, the branch of the group based in Afghanistan, had been planning an attack on Moscow, according to officials. ISIS members have been active in Russia, one U.S. official said," according to more from NYT.

The Kremlin had earlier in the day demanded answers of Washington explaining why the US Embassy in Moscow issued an alert earlier this month for all US nationals to avoid public venues and be extra vigilant. We previously reported on that early March embassy notification here. NY Times continues, citing US officials: "After a period of relative quiet, the Islamic State has been trying to increase its external attacks, according to U.S. counterterrorism officials. Most of those plots in Europe have been thwarted, prompting assessments that the group had diminished capabilities."


Zelensky's Advisor: 'Let's Be Honest, Ukraine Has Nothing to Do with the Attack'

Zelensky's advisor Mykhailo Podolyak assures that Ukraine certainly has nothing to do with it.

In an interview given just a few minutes ago, the advisor states:

"Let's be honest. Ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with these events."

"We are in full-scale war against the Russian army and Russia as a country. Regardless, everything is decided on the battlefield," the advisor says according to Sky News.

Yeah, right :rolleyes:

Let's not forget ISIS working on Ukraine:

Screenshot 2024-03-22 181741.png

I'm also surprised by the number of people on social media blaming Mossad and the CIA.
On Thursday, just yesterday, the FSB prevented a terrorist attack targeting a Russian synagogue. Shoigu had mentioned previously that terrorism is on the rise in Eurasia, with a 15% increase in activity.

The FSB busted a branch of the Afghan-based ISIS-K terrorist cell on Thursday that was plotting to attack a Moscow synagogue, which could have triggered inter-religious discord had the attack not been thwarted. Russia is an historically cosmopolitan civilization-state whose people have a strong sense of national unity, but there’s always the chance that provocations of this kind could exacerbate preexisting divisions by lending false credence to Islamophobic radicals that want a so-called “Russia for Russians”.

The late Navalny had at one time embraced that toxic ideology, which is strictly suppressed by the security services per Article 282 of the Russian Criminal Code, but it regrettably continues to circulate among some fringe elements of society. Last October’s incident at the Makhachkala Airport in Russia’s autonomous Muslim-majority Republic of Dagestan, which readers can learn more about here if they hadn’t followed it at the time, threatened to breathe fresh life into this fascist movement.

The optics were such that it appeared as though some local Russian Muslims had embraced extremist views, the impression of which lent false credence to the previously mentioned Islamophobic radicals that want a so-called “Russia for Russians” by allowing the separation of its majority-Muslim regions. The authorities quickly clarified that foreign social media channels operated by intelligence agencies were responsible for manipulating these people, but some damage was still done to perceptions about them.

Had ISIS-K’s latest plot not been stopped, and Jews were slaughtered in their synagogue like some of the aforesaid manipulated locals implied an intent to slaughter rumored Jewish arrivals at the airport several months back, then reactionary Islamophobic sentiment could have spiked among some in society. The incident could also have upset Russia’s delicate Israeli-Hamas balancing act if Tel Aviv exploited it as the pretext to send lethal arms to Ukraine on the false basis that Moscow isn’t dong enough to protect Jews.

Unlike in late October, this thwarted attack in early March is connected with a foreign terrorist group, and it came less than two weeks after Defense Minister Shoigu warned about Afghan-emanating terrorist threats. ISIS-K had already bombed the Russian Embassy in Kabul in September 2022, but this month’s attempted attack in Moscow is the first time that it targeted that country’s soil directly, and it might not be the last time either.

Nevertheless, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid rebuked Shoigu by claiming that “Two and a half years of Taliban rule has proven that no threat from Afghanistan targets anyone”, but now he has egg on his face after the FSB claimed that the terrorists were linked to an Afghan-based ISIS-K cell. This shows that Afghanistan is still a safe haven for international terrorism despite the Taliban’s best efforts to stamp out these threats. If it wasn’t for America’s sanctions, then they might have been more successful.

Altogether, the takeaways from this incident are that: 1) continued US sanctions impede the Taliban’s anti-terrorist efforts; 2) which in turn lead to Afghanistan continuing to pose a threat to everyone; 3) ISIS-K is now refocusing on Russia; and 4) it’s planning attacks that are designed to maximally trigger inter-religious discord; but 5) the latest was stopped due to the FSB’s diligence. Looking forward, more threats are expected to materialize, and those that aren’t stopped might have an outsized political impact.
Claims on Telegram that four of the terrorists have now been identified. All alledgedly from Tajikistan.

It's interesting that the shooters didn't even try to conceal their faces, they must've known that the security cameras would identify them in no time. Is that a clue of sloppiness or something else? From what I remember, in those 'Gladio' type terror attacks the pepetrators are always dressed in whole black outfits and balaclavas. And that they (or some of them) apparently drove away with the same car that they came with suggests that these dudes were no hard core professional assassins. Smells like a bunch of idealist useful idiots from the CIA's 'ISIS recruitment pool' were brain washed, bribed or 'mkultrad' to do this.
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