Search results for query: poetry

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  1. Sybil

    Another piece of poetry

    I know you beautiful soul I knew you before this life We met many times before Your eyes haven’t changed I’m watching you bleeding Those wounds won't heal This lifetime hurt you so bad, it won’t heal I sit next to you and watch You do this every day Change the dressing on your wounds...
  2. Hi_Henry

    "Der Naturen Bloeme" (1270) by the pioneer of the didactic poetry Jacob van Maerlant, (born 1225, Vrije van Brugge [Damme?] in illustrated form do ?" The image is from an illustrated book published much later of the poem "Der Naturen Bloeme" (1270) by the pioneer of the didactic poetry Jacob van Maerlant, (born 1225, Vrije van Brugge [Damme?]. So what is the lesson is being taught in that image ? I for one have no clue, but...
  3. C

    Wonder about poetry...

    (Just thought, funny "wonder" means both "ask oneself" and "amazement"... I'm not an native english speaker :p ) I've always written poetry. I'm not very "productive", I only write when a strong necessity is felt, but I can say it is the activity that suits me most deeply. But, roughly, since...
  4. S

    Sharing poetry...

    If the world was a movie...
  5. RedFox


    I have not written any for probably 15 years, so I'm a little rusty. This seemed to mostly flow ok though and felt like it wanted to rhyme. The News Chinese whispers on the news Chinese whispers do confuse Tribal war years in the making Pumped through the TV, your brain its baking Ill winds...
  6. SlavaOn

    First Covid-19 inspired poetry

    It is a new rhyming form that I have never used before. I do not know if it even exists "officially". The poem is as close to facts as I could make it. Louis Pasteur Was the guy who came up with germ theory His fellow scientists were not clearly They thought it was a conspiracy But we all paid...
  7. M

    Poetry, Petrarch and ‘Shake-speare’ – essential precursors to The Wave and Laura..???

    ...before I get to ‘Shakes-peare’ and the suspected connection to Laura’s work, I’ll speak briefly of the poets Ovid and Petrarch, and even of poetry itself… for it’s at the very heart of the matter. Not poetry - as in the dull, limp, often superficially pleasing (if usually forgettable)...
  8. liam1310

    spoken word poetry

    Some of my writings that I have done over the past few years, that I put music to, just me playing the guitar and posted on Facebook. My aim was to get people to at least think and I found it helped me a lot too. This one is called "it is what it is". Went of track came back stronger than...
  9. Ryan

    Beautiful Poem and Picture

    Hi All, Was browsing WikiQuote and they had this on their home page: it really made an impression on me, so I took a screenshot of it and thought I'd post it here for y'all to enjoy. The sculpture is called "The Fountain of Eternal Life", and resides in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Cheers!
  10. L

    Poetry by Little Beaver

    when i look wonderffull planet earth, i dont know is it real or is it a dream? so geourgeous,so vivid, so fluid,so full of life at the same time so fragile but strong so suffering but brave oh,what a little man i am its not real its not a dream its just a real dream that we can all dream...
  11. SlavaOn

    Political poetry

    This poem was written 4 year ago, when I still had some unspent poetic gift in me. I wish, I had something left now to write about Trump's win :( That event would worth commemorating. *** Political circus of two thousand twelfth Business as usual, the show of wealth A race to grab the...
  12. mimimari

    Paul Laurence Dunbar Poetry

    ...I think he has written many great poems. One of my favorites so far, is called "The Seedling" from his book: "Lyrics Of A Lowely Life" (1913) I am excited to learn about poetry and find new poets to check out! Thanks for reading.
  13. SlavaOn

    unfinished poetry

    Hi. I was flipping through the pages of one of my old notebooks and came across that unfinished poem. It has a date 2-6-13 I do not exactly remember the events that inspired it - either 1%er movement in NYC or something was happening in Gaza... I decided to post it here since there may be no...
  14. Weontv

    Decided to try poetry to stimulate creativity.

    Well, I have never really done this kind of thing before, it's obviously not professional, but I'd like to share. When Gemini shows its face in the sky, It will all begin. Tensions high, Dont know why? Shouldn't have paid attention. Planes dissapearing, and the media's smearing, any...
  15. D

    JFK on Poetry, Power, and the Artist’s Role in Society

    As been one Artist by myself since ever, this speech made me cry .... and gave me strength to continue to believe in who I am, even in hard times when you get knocked down by those to whom you are trusting most ... “If art is to...
  16. SolarSoul

    Poetry, Silence, Mystery!

    If you want to stop and listen… visit: Expand in SILENCIO
  17. United Gnosis

    Poetry of a Cartesian Mind

    ...In the last few years I did realize the importance of re-integrating these aspects together, which resulted in a few excursions into poetry. I wrote this one slightly more than a year ago; what do you think? Although I'd like to discuss it, I'll avoid providing my own meaning, to avoid...
  18. Fifeseebong_27

    Various [middling] works of poetry...

    I say middling because, well... continue reading and you'll see. Work In Progress Blinded by a thousand points of light The beast is bound and caged Poked and prodded, so coolly engaged Degraded and deprived in an attempt at training Until the handlers think there's no fight remaining...
  19. Soluna


    ...I find it difficult to title my poems. I only came up with a couple of titles when I 'had' to - when I submitted a couple to the former '', which they published in a couple of their books, asking for me to buy one of course! =D I understand that's one way for them to make their...
  20. Novelis

    Some Oriental Poetry

    ...Lo and behold, still couldn't sleep... It's 6:45am now, so I'm up anyway. I thought I'd take this chance to just share a piece of poetry with you all. I've been learning Chinese calligraphy, and I found this piece in a book about alchemy that drew particular interest...
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