Search results for query: holocaust

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  1. Benjamin

    From the Kremlin

    Here is the Q&A section with "The End of History" author Fyodor Lukyanov as moderator. I've removed some sections to keep it under the 64,000 character limit. Here is the entire 4:24:01 video. ... A comparison between political changes and earthquakes. There was a larger summery of the...
  2. JEEP

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...because of today’s Hitler – Vladimir Putin. They want us terrified that we’ve reached the end – Code Red Def Con 1 status, and that nuclear holocaust is imminent. As long as the elites’ deceitfully wage war for our mind, manipulating and instilling in us feelings of doom and gloom defeatism...
  3. Elisasheva

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    I think there's a probability of Russia using some tactical nukes on Ukrainian territory, if that's necessary and if the safety of their country would be threatened. But at the same time I highly believe that Putin is not heartless enough to do that to innocent residents. And if he does that, I...
  4. Neil

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...kind of choices we make without us simply reacting to anticipated predictions. Maybe, maybe not. If there is a nuclear war, it won't be the global holocaust that is the stuff of many sci-fi plots, however the probability of some kind of "dirty bomb" or overt clash of some sort seems to be rising.
  5. S

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...there is no way NATO can have a direct conflict with Russia because then that's essentially them sacrificing Western Europe to a nuclear holocaust. If NATO could attack Russia directly and win, I believe they would have done so already. So the announcement must be more games I assume. I hope!
  6. JEEP

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    A timely topic to come up posted on whatreallyhappened: Nazi war criminals became high ranking commanders in NATO after WW2
  7. M

    THE ONCE AND FUTURE SKY GOD? – From Göbekli Tepe to The Zodiac – and Beyond…

    ...ideas that had already begun to germinate out of deep cave complexes and other enclosed environments where survivors of the climate holocaust previously gathered for safety. Beneath all this and driving changes in human thought and practice, the long ecological fall out from repetitive...
  8. JEEP

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine the nuclear war reality. Paul Craig Roberts: And I think that bolded part is what Putin thought could prevent an eventual nuclear holocaust of the entire planet and not just Mother Russia. Has he come to the realization that the insane Satanic controllers will not stop no matter what...
  9. T

    Vladimir Putin in the Cassiopaean transcripts

    2015 - Year One In February 2015 the Minsk II agreement regarding the conflict between postcoup Ukraine and the two break away areas in Ukraine, LNR and DNR, were signed. Later in September, Russia was invited by Syria and its President Bashar al-Assad to join forces with the Syrian Arab Army...
  10. T

    Session 17 July 2022

    Level playing field Maybe we can get closer on our own by defining what a level playing field is, and have an idea of what to look for. At the moment, it is clear that there is no a level playing field, with the US assisted by...
  11. Puma

    Cover of The Economist for the UK - September 2022

    ...Disaster card? What we see on the cover is undoubtedly a series of disasters ranging from health emergency, energy crisis to a human holocaust. Coincidentally both on the cover and on the playing card there are "shadow people". Shadow people appear to be sick (crawling on all fours) on the...
  12. T

    The Situation In Germany

    ...performance led to newspaper articles meant to scare people away like: Dee Ex und die Nazi-Rocker from June 3, 2011 Neonazi-Duo rappt auf Holocaust-Mahnmal from March 6, 2015, though the clip is from in October 2012, and states the law was not broken. After finding such headlines, the search...
  13. Voyageur

    THE ONCE AND FUTURE SKY GOD? – From Göbekli Tepe to The Zodiac – and Beyond…

    ...Which lines up with this article: This area and history, all so strangely unknown.
  14. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...civilization, which he wrote about in his book Life and Death on Mars (2010). See:Physicist Says ‘Mars Was Nuked’ By Global Nuclear Holocaust From the map above, you will note that the largest nuclear explosion was close to the Cydonia region where the Face on Mars is to be found along with...
  15. Voyageur

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...Cold War article looked into Black Ribbon Day with Canadian parliamentary clapping (even ex-leader Jason Kenny of Alberta joined the chorus) : Continuing the article...
  16. hollenoaea

    Possible war between Kosovo and Serbia?

    ...robust and even almost look like Saruman orcas, after 30 years, they didn't just expel Serbs from Croatia and Herzegovina, but they also "holocaust" normal Croats from Croatia, especially those who had human potential and intuitive genius inside of them and were capable of surviving in any...
  17. Palinurus

    Anne Frank's Diary - A Hoax?

    Source (Dutch only): „Fout notaris misleidde coldcaseteam Anne Frank”
  18. T

    Travelling in the transition period from the COVID19 lockdown to new normal they say: Well, some people do not seem to have much of a conscience. Regarding the history of the White Rose group in Munich, The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust has an article about how the group worked, and how they were caught. The about page continues: While the above...
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