Session 17 July 2022

Q: (Ursus Minor) If there's a 'World Government' - is Putin still on board?

A: No.

"No" is short, simple, clear, and affirmatively negative, or maybe not.
I don't know where I read that in addition to being polymath, Caesar was held to be a living god in the sense of accomplishment, his opponents not only hated him, but worse jealous of him for being what he was Caesar, Caius Iulius Caesar.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, is a truly great politician, compared to the likes of Biden, Johnson, Trudeau, Scholz, Sanchez, Macron and company, it's hard to even compare them directly to Putin.
That he is of the same gang as them: No.
That he shares the same ideology as them: No.

Pierre Hillard has written some interesting things, but in the face of the current situation, I'd like to know if he still persists in thinking that Putin is part of the New World Order, and that he would therefore be a kind of controlled opposition.

This "No", in light of what we are going through, could have been a "Yes" that basically wouldn't make much difference to us, except for Putin who in this case would be dragging a ball and chain and carrying the cross, because the fruits are ripe, and we have started to taste them whether we like it or not to know who is who, just to see and hear and of course connect the dots for those who are not yet "zombified".

Laura had compared a virus to a psychopath who would ultimately kill his host and at the same time himself, the virus/psychopath who would destroy the world.
In the light of the last sessions in relation to the virus, if I compare Putin to a virus in balance with the psychopath one, as everything that has followed since Russia's intervention in Ukraine, there has been a positive change on most nations that have had another option than the default.
Even if in the sphere of "physicality" much suffering is created by these "infections", more through ignorance, laziness, obedience and comfortability, programs...
The Putin virus has awakened in the bodies and minds of nations another choice, more just, more in tune with our human nature not ponerized, not tranhumanized, it's just a matter of being what that beautiful quote from Joe speaks to:
"It is important for us all to remember that our goal in this life is not to become 'super' men or women, but to relearn how to become normally functioning human beings."
— Joe

Thank you all for the session!
. It is well worth watching in full.

Great to view her describing this work, and she was right, the google view is excellent.

That painting is also pregnant with meaning that she only scratched the surface of - much masonic meaning, perhaps double and triple meanings. She did a good job though, and what a detailed painting at that.

Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the session!
Laura said:
Q: (Joe) Does that mean there won't be a presidential election in 2024?

A: Not exactly. Wait and see!
This one sparked my curiosity!
Great session!

You can check this out, Piotr:

Why assume there will be another election? The 1934 US Bankers Coup revisited --

However, with the recent images/voice of Biden on his Red stage-prop with strings attached 'speaking' to American's of "why they need us," it seemed not so dissimilar to this:

and one does wonder.

"Not exactly" opens it up to many possibilities - of the human kind, plague kind, earth kind, cosmic kind, even the hyperdimensional kind (possibly all mixed together).

That said, the sense of desperation of our leaders matched by their actions, as if a clock is quickly running down, seems rather palpable, osit. Will enough people notice the strings?

From Eric Clapton (thank you Eric):


Q: (Joe) Does that mean there won't be a presidential election in 2024?

A: Not exactly. Wait and see!
Here’s my experience about recent voting. On August 9, primary elections were held in my state.

This year there was no information of any kind leading up to the primary. Had I not overheard an interview with one of the candidates on a small radio station in a nearby town, I would not have even known about the primary. The local NPR station (the only other local radio station that presents “news” instead of “music”) said nothing about the primary. There were no “Get Out and Vote” signs strewn all over town for a week before the election as there had been for the past few decades. There was only one “Vote Today” sign with the time and location was posted – and only on the morning of the vote.

The local newspaper used to profile candidates, print interviews, and provide their endorsements. Not this year. They used to post voting locations for all the local towns. Not this year. There was one article on the last page about two blue party secretary and treasurer candidates, but (again) only on the morning of the vote.

Usually, on the day after a vote, the town by town results are printed in the newspaper. Not this year. This time, nothing. I had to look up the results on the internet a few days later to find out what happened.

This year, when I went to vote, I was the only one in the polling place except for the poll workers. It was all rather surreal.
Thank you, zak for that quote. Do you remember where does it come from?
It's from a post on the FOTCM private board, so I can't link to it. But I think it's okay if I share the following paragraph. I find it a helpful reminder and hope it may help others too:

Joe said:
It is important for us all to remember that our goal in this life is not to be become 'super' men or women, but to relearn how to become NORMALLY functioning human beings. 'Normal' in this case doesn't mean 'normal' as it is defined in this world, but in the sense of having our emotional and intellectual functions operating as they CAN and SHOULD operate. Beginning the Work, we are all very far from this because of the ponerizing and distorting influences of this world, through past lives and present. But getting to this truly NORMAL state is really the entirety of the Work that we are following. It is, in the end, much more simple than we often imagine it to be, but also much more difficult than we imagine it to be, because it involves dealing with a lot of trauma and hurt, done to us and that we have done to others.
Level playing field
Q: (Ryu) The C's said that level playing field would happen soon. Is it possible to give a time frame?

A: No.
Maybe we can get closer on our own by defining what a level playing field is, and have an idea of what to look for.
In commerce, a level playing field is a concept about fairness, not that each player has an equal chance to succeed, but that they all play by the same set of rules.[1]

In a game played on a playing field, such as rugby, one team would have an unfair advantage if the field had a slope. Since some real-life playing fields do in fact have slopes, it is customary for teams to swap ends of the playing field at half time.

A metaphorical playing field is said to be level if no external interference affects the ability of the players to compete fairly.

Some government regulations are intended to provide such fairness, since all participants must abide by the same rules. However, they can have the opposite effect, for example if larger firms find it easier to pay for fixed costs of regulation. It may be added that if the rules affect different participants differently, then they are not actually the same.[citation needed]

Handicapping might be thought of as the opposite concept, of unequal rules designed to make the outcome of play more equal.
At the moment, it is clear that there is no a level playing field, with the US assisted by allies when convenient enforcing rules for others to play by. If others do not do as desired, it is sanctions, political black mail, economic hitmen, sponsored revolutions and military coups, or military invasions. In a level playing field situation, the world economy would not be dominated by the USD.

The movement from a Unipolar to a multipolar world is a step in the direction of a level playing field. From a hyperdimensional perspective, the world would not be in the grip of 4D STS.

Projects with digital control, vax campaigns with gene modifying components, and many others projects are attempts to perpetuate the imbalanced playing field, with handicaps for most other countries.

A few excerpts with context
Q: (L) Let me try this: the "buckets of love and light" group say that it is going to be balanced because everyone is going to think nice thoughts, and all of their buckets of love and light are going to eventually reach a critical mass and spill over onto all the rest of humanity and all of the bad guys are going to be transformed into good guys. This is the standard version. Is this what you mean?

A: No.

Q: (L) Swell! Is the energy that is being manifested in the positive, on and around the planet, is it going to reduce the level of negativity in the beings existing on the planet?

A: This is not the point. When "Earth" becomes a 4th density realm, all the forces, both STS and STO shall be in direct contact with one another... It will be a "level playing field," thus, balanced.

Q: (V) I am wondering about the significance of the quoted words. Is it some kind of code?

A: Maybe you should go back to the beginning, and arrange all our quoted statements in sequential order?

Q: (L) Do you mean ALL the transcripts?

A: Yup!

Q: (L) Then let's start with some basic things. First of all, I have had some contact with a physicist who is interested in the material. And, because of this, I was motivated to pick up a book I had read many years ago about the German occupation of Poland, {The Story of a Secret State by Jan Karski} and there were some very strange things said in this book, and some funny synchronous numbers... It just seemed to be a prototype of the present reality in global terms. My question is: is there some synchronous implication between this contact, the reading of this book when I was 11 years old, and the material we have received through this source?

A: Open.

Q: (L) You have said that the Holocaust was basically a 'practice run' for the ultimate space invasion. Is this invasion supposed to take place as an actual 'aliens invading the planet' scenario, or...

A: Too many thought patterns at once. Step by step, please.

Q: (L) Let's boil it down. Was Hitler's agenda a practice run for a future scenario?

A: Close. Was a "testing" of the will.

Q: (L) Whose will was being tested?

A: Yours.

Q: (L) Me specifically, or the planet?

A: Latter.

Q: (L) In terms of this scenario, is there some lesson that we can learn about what may or may not occur through this book I have mentioned?

A: Maybe, but suggest you learn to blend mosaic consciousness.

Q: (L) What is mosaic consciousness?

A: Thinking in internally spherical terms, rather than using linear "point blank" approach. The whole picture is seen by seeing the whole scene.

Q: (L) Well, I guess that is why I get into so many thought patterns...

A: Picture yourself as being at the center of a mosaic.

Q: (L) Okay, I know what you are saying, but I just don't think that there is any way I can DO this!

A: Yes you can!

Q: (L) Okay. Okay. This whole situation, this Polish connection, this German connection, the American and alien things, the soldier/Nephilim thing, these are all manifestations of a Realm Border Crossing, am I correct?

A: Close.

Q: (L) And some of the manifestations of a Realm Border Crossing are that some people graduate or transition to 4th density, that their awareness changes, everything changes, the playing field is leveled. So, what happened in Germany was a 'practice run' but what is going to happen is that the 'playing field' is going to be leveled, so it will not be exactly the same scenario, is this a correct assessment?

A: Maybe. Alright, my dear, you want the facts, so we will give them to you, and hopefully you will comprehend. If not now, then when necessary maybe... Fact number one: All there is is lessons. Fact two: this is one big school. Fact three: Timing as you perceive it, is never, NEVER definite. Fact four: What is to happen, as you state it, is a ways off, and will not occur until you have reached that point on the learning cycle, and you are not close yet. Now ponder before more facts are given!!

Q: (L) Okay, this being one infinite school, and we all seem to be wandering around in the darkness...

A: Fact five: The learning cycle is variable, and progress along it is determined by events and circumstances as they unfold.

Q: (L) So, the events and circumstances of our lives, individually and collectively, can indicate where we are on this learning cycle? And we are asking to have things told to us, or revealed to us about things which are, in themselves, the necessary lessons? And it would be virtually useless to be told about them since they must be experienced?

A: Partly correct. If you want hints, then hints shall we give. But, if you are looking for a "road map?," forgetitski!!

Q: (L) Okay, we want some hints. And [the physicist] Ark wants some hints, too! He wants to know if we can invent a tool that enhances free will?

A: No tool is needed because of facts 3, 4, and 5.

Q: (L) Ummm... So, when a person is being hypnotized and controlled from outside, because that is the matter of concern we were discussing earlier, they are hypnotized and controlled until they learn to stop it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, using the analogy of the pig sty, they just have to wallow in it and suffer until they have had enough?

A: Using your analogy of the bicycle: Is there a tool which makes it unnecessary for the child to learn how to ride the bicycle in order to know how to ride it?!?

Q: (MM) Don't you get more free will by assimilating knowledge?

A: Yes!! Yes!!

Q: (L) So, in other words, knowledge and awareness makes you aware that you have free will, and also makes you aware of what actions actually ARE acts of free will, and therefore, when you know or suspect the difference between the lies and deception and truth, then you are in a position to be in control of your life?

A: Yes.
(L) What about next year? For us, for the group?

A: You are on the way! Keep the faith in your abilities and the reality of higher densities and energies relating to both. You will receive dramatic demonstrations of the efficacy of the approach. The playing field is in the process of being leveled. And... Help is on the way!

Q: (L) You said that before... years ago! (laughter)

A: Build it...

Q: (Joe) ...and they will come!

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it was up to us to take steps to make it possible for help to come. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see. So there has to be a matching frequency.

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see.

(Scottie) And we don't have very long to do it.

A: There is no "time"!

Q: (laughter) (Scottie) Yeah, yeah...

(L) We've heard that, too! (laughter)

(Scottie) 5D city on a hill, 8 months until international travel stops... oh, and there's no time!!

A: It will not be total shutdown and it will not be long lasting either.

Q: (L) So in other words, they'll do it. They'll try it, and something will happen and there'll be a reaction.

(P*****) Why they will shut down the airports?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) You thought you were gonna be sneaky and slide that in there! You know better than that. You know they're not gonna make a prediction! (laughter)

Q: (L) Well, I was just reading that the Earth's magnetic shield has dropped even lower, and it's causing problems with satellites. Is that going to be a big issue in the days to come?

A: Oh indeed. Best laid plans fail?

Q: (L) So in other words, the powers that be that are running the show aren't really as smart as they think they are...

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) They never counted on their satellites getting fried.

(Pierre) And other electronic equipment through which they monitor, control, and influence populations. It's a failing of the electronic control system.

A: Level playing field eventually. Just wait for the current to begin to flow!

Q: (L) So in other words, we're all going to get electrocuted!

(Pierre) That might be due to the fact that the magnetosphere protects the planet from most high-energy cosmic rays and other radiations. If you have no magnetic shield, the planet is open to any such radiation.

(Joe) Does that refer back to astronomical phenomena and the close passage of a large body that will cause the current to flow?

(Chu) Well, they said phenomena...

A: Close! Think of the grooves on Malta.

Q: (Pierre) They're talking of electromachining of the surface of the planet...

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Electromachining means basically arcing...

(Joe) Moving lightning along the ground.

(Pierre) Long-lasting moving lightning.

(Joe) Chasing people!

(Andromeda) That's coming soon?

A: Soon enough.

Q: (L) Soon enough, but not right away.

(Pierre) Usually this electromachining occurs between our planet and a highly charge body like a comet. Will a comet be the source of these discharges?

(Joe) That's what I just asked.

A: Wait and see. That is not the only source of such phenomena!

Q: (Andromeda) So with all that stuff going on up in the sky it's probably a good thing there aren't so many people up in airplanes.

(Pierre) For all we know, the source might be even a craft. A big craft.

Q: (L) Okay, so was this crop circle that appeared that looked like it was shaped kind of like the Cassiopaea star formation, was it genuine or was it man-made?

A: Genuine! It was us sending message. Playing field will be leveled soon.

Q: (L) Well, I dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing!

(Chu) Well, it's very uneven right now, no?

(Artemis) Do what you've gotta do before it's too late!

A: Nothing lasts forever.
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If it's true that Freud only befriended the McCanns after Madeleine's murder, then it probably wasn't this guy specifically, but someone he knew, and someone he knew they knew, thus he was possibly 'coaching' them to protect them and the perpetrator, thus directing investigations away from them. As the above article explains, Freud certainly knew other pedophiles in power, so his involvement at all in this case pretty much gives away 'whodunnit'.

Speaking of the McCanns, on September 20th, 2022 the:

European court rules against parents of missing Madeleine McCann​

By Juliette Jabkhiro
and Patricia Vicente rua

The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Tuesday against the parents of missing British toddler Madeleine McCann, saying that Portugal had given them a fair hearing in their libel battle against a former Portuguese policeman.

The police officer, Goncalo Amaral, who worked on the investigation into Madeleine's disappearance in 2007 on a family holiday in Portugal, suggested in a book he authored, "Truth of the Lie", that the youngster's parents had been involved.

Kate and Gerry McCann sued Amaral for libel. In 2015, a Portuguese court ruled in their favour, ordering Amaral to pay them damages. Two years later the ruling was reversed by Portugal's highest court.

The parents then appealed to the European court, arguing that their right to a fair trial, right to private family life and freedom of expression had not been upheld by Portugal.

The ECHR ruling said the Portuguese judiciary had not failed in its duty to protect the rights of the McCanns and that their arguments concerning presumption of innocence were ill-founded.

"Even assuming that the applicants' reputation had been damaged, this was not on account of the argument put forward by the book's author but rather as a result of the suspicions expressed against them," the ECHR ruled.

Amaral told Reuters the decision was "a victory for justice and the Portuguese justice system and for all those who fight for freedom of expression and opinion."

Kate and Gerry McCann said they were "disappointed" with the decision in a statement via lawyer, Ricardo Correia Afonso, but added that "much has changed" since they started the proceedings. The lawyer said they would not appeal.

"We took action for one and only one reason: Mr Amaral's unfounded claims were having a detrimental impact on the search for Madeleine," the statement said.

"The focus is now rightly on the search for Madeleine and her abductor(s). We are grateful for the ongoing work by the British, German and Portuguese police."

Madeleine McCann was three-years-old when she vanished in May 2007 from her bedroom in the Algarve apartment her family were staying in. read more

The parents were questioned by police as formal suspects that autumn. The following July, the Portuguese police dropped their investigation citing a lack of evidence, and cleared them of any involvement.

They have campaigned tirelessly to draw attention to their daughter's disappearance, and British public figures from business tycoons to authors and soccer stars have made appeals for information.

In May, the German prosecutor investigating the case since 2020 said new evidence potentially incriminating a convicted child abuser, who is imprisoned for raping a woman in the same area when Madeleine went missing, had been found.
Q: (Temperance) NYC government put out a video with instructions on what to do in case of a nuclear attack. Is this baseless fear mongering, foreboding an actual threat, a false flag attack, something coming from space, or another possibility?

A: Mostly fear mongering. But be aware that there are many surprises in store. Remember "celestial intentions" and all that.

Q: (Nathan) Will Dmitry Medvedev be the next Russian President?

Clarke is a definite warmonger and dedicated to the fear-pron for the manipulation of the masses. And regular on CNN. Enough said.

Level playing field

Maybe we can get closer on our own by defining what a level playing field is, and have an idea of what to look for.

At the moment, it is clear that there is no a level playing field, with the US assisted by allies when convenient enforcing rules for others to play by. If others do not do as desired, it is sanctions, political black mail, economic hitmen, sponsored revolutions and military coups, or military invasions. In a level playing field situation, the world economy would not be dominated by the USD.

The movement from a Unipolar to a multipolar world is a step in the direction of a level playing field. From a hyperdimensional perspective, the world would not be in the grip of 4D STS.

Projects with digital control, vax campaigns with gene modifying components, and many others projects are attempts to perpetuate the imbalanced playing field, with handicaps for most other countries.

A few excerpts with context

Guessing we will be able to perceive, and respond to fourth dencity beings on same level playing field soon (apocalypse = unveiling ).
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