Search results for query: Ashkenazi

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  1. T

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Some pages back there were references to a video with a German doctor, a General Practitioner who spoke out against the Covid-19 measures. In the clip Dr Katrin Korb also mentions that there are controls in place, and if a practitioner does not follow an officially recommended procedure then...
  2. C

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    ...waves between 1348 and 1401). 1348 Espagne Massacre of Jews, accused of spreading the plague, in Navarre and Castile 1348 Allemagne Ashkenazi in Germany fall victim to pogroms 1348 Suisse The Jews of Chillon, on Lake Geneva, are tortured until they confess to poisoning the wells...
  3. T

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Whilst I thought I'd get away from all the talk on Covid-19 for a while, I thought I'd read up again on The Forgotten Exodus. The into Africa Theory of Human Revolution. I saw this particular article and wondered if maybe this might go some ways to explain the "hubris" the C's mentioned. Hope...
  4. A

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    When stupid becomes crazy! The World around me has suddenly changed. This morning I received a 4 page notice from management in my apartment complex - all about the Coronavirus, do's and don'ts and a link to a Coronavirus hot-line. Local media TV channels and radio stations are saturated with...
  5. Voyageur

    Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

    Looked/searched for the following interview between both these men on the forum and did not catch it (however was sure it was here minus the transcript). So here, possibly again, is the interview with the added transcript below (it is from September 2018):
  6. nature

    Freud a psychopath? Certainly!

    I watched the video, it's :scared: . Here some passages: - lots of people in the cinema, show biz etc, much more I imagined, are from jew families, and lived the incest, nearly all! He gives some examples. - At the end (31.37) , there is a show in english, where a woman explains how, as a...
  7. luc

    Freud a psychopath? Certainly!

    Yes, Laurent Guyénot wrote a long article exploring that angle and explaining why Freud became so influential: Well worth the read. Apart from this angle, a few more reasons come to mind: first, Freud was an extraordinary writer. His...
  8. onemen

    Freud a psychopath? Certainly!

    ...most of the time suggested in an ambiguous way, strongly suggesting that incest was widespread in jewish familly. Freud clients were mostly ashkenazi jews. No wonder his clients displayed degrees of hysteria of cosmic proportions. Basically the whole oedipus complex was just Freud projecting...
  9. Markus Brahmacharly

    Session 10 Aug 2019

    nice, but have you asked the C's about the strange flight routes on the southern hemisphere, cause can't find it in nowhere here. Thanks!
  10. Adaryn

    A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages

    ...anonymized DNA tests — the first of its kind in Jewish demography research — has revealed that the country with the highest proportion of Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity after Israel is Hungary, and not the United States as was previously believed. After Israel, the top countries in terms of...
  11. Hindsight Man

    Session 10 Aug 2019

    Thanks for the clarification
  12. Adaryn

    Session 10 Aug 2019

    The whole issue about the origins of the Ashkenazi is quite muddy, and the subject of controversy. The claim that they mostly descend from Khazarian converts was supposedly debunked a few years ago, following the latest DNA research into Ashkenazi genetics. Of course, it fits the Zionist agenda...
  13. Gruchaa

    Session 10 Aug 2019

    I have found article like this on the topic: The majority of Ashkenazi Jews are descended from prehistoric European women, according to study published today (October 8) in Nature Communications. While the Jewish religion...
  14. Lamp of Orion

    Session 10 Aug 2019

    There are generally three types of Jews, Mizrahi, Sephardic and Ashkenazi. Ashkenazis may be the descendants of Khazars.
  15. Laura

    Session 10 Aug 2019

    No, I think it is simply that current day Jews are not Semitic, they are Ashkenazi, combination of Eastern Europeans or Western Slavs and some small ME admixture.
  16. Laura

    Session 10 Aug 2019

    ...So it's kind of like the internet. When everyone's sleeping, the internet is faster! A: Yes Q: (Pierre) Is there such a thing as the Ashkenazi genetic profile? A: Yes, but it isn't Semitic. Q: (Pierre) Yes! What are the origins of this genetic profile? A: Ask another time after doing...
  17. Altair

    From Yahweh to Zion by Laurent Guyénot

    The Imperial Matrix The Birth Pangs Of Zion
  18. Altair

    From Yahweh to Zion by Laurent Guyénot

    Finished the book recently and I must say that in certain aspects it's a real eye-opener and at the same time very tragic. Here are some interesting quotes. The Theoclastic God The Prince Of This World The Last Hero The Wandering Crypto-Jew To be continued.
  19. hlat

    The Forgotten Exodus: The Into Africa Theory of Human Evolution

    I thought it was interesting that the genetic diseases of the Ashkenazi Jews are so well known that the matchmakers run genetic tests on the people and don't introduce pairs of people who tested positive for being genetic carriers. I guess this is a glimpse into 4D STS dying a genetic death...
  20. Evan

    Jewish History, Jewish Religion - Israel Shahak's shocking revelations

    ...She didn’t approve because my mother was a Polish Jew, and my father was a Russian Jew. Can you imagine that? All four great-grandparents Ashkenazi Jews whose parents came through Ellis Island fleeing from Eastern Europe, and “she’s not good enough”! On a side note, she and my great-aunt was...
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