Search results for query: holocaust

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  1. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Interesting that you bring up Zhirinovsky, as I watched a lecture with Q and A he gave to some students at the time he was a Presidential candidate in 2012: В.В.Жириновский в МГИМО How he interacts with the students is interesting. In the beginning he learns many are standing outside, some...
  2. Voyageur

    Fires around the world

    ...a few of their videos (first video is on Rumble as like others, this news group has trouble with YT): Wildfires 'looked like a nuclear holocaust' – Lahaina combat vet's first-hand experience A US combat veteran involved in clean-up operations criticizes authorities' response to the...
  3. Kay Kim

    Who needs bird flu when we can have leprosy?

    ...The only thing that changed over all those years as the introduction of COVID injections via Operation Warp Speed, which unleashed a global holocaust that has only just begun Interestingly he had a third dose of BNT162b2 vaccine six months after the second dose having started anti-bacterial...
  4. Ryan

    Holocaust question.

    Hi SlavaOn, These session excerpts may be relevant to your question. You can search the transcripts in a convenient and easy way here.
  5. SlavaOn

    Holocaust question.

    I am browsing Holocaust Handbooks and started reading book, that was referenced in the new article on - Hitler, Churchill, the Holocaust, and the War in Ukraine This narrative is in a direct opposition to what is called the Holocaust of Jews...
  6. M

    Session 24 June 2023

    ...of this book when I was 11 years old, and the material we have received through this source? A: Open. Q: (L) You have said that the Holocaust was basically a 'practice run' for the ultimate space invasion. Is this invasion supposed to take place as an actual 'aliens invading the planet'...
  7. Ca.

    Questions about celebrity deaths

    Vaxed or not Arkin had a full life and was a great actor! Jo Lindner passes at the age of 30 years. Saturday 1 July 2023 23:14, UK

    Actualités du jour en France

    ... L'interview oubliée de Soros sur sa collaboration avec les nazis et le vol des Juifs pendant l'Holocauste Maintenant, cette vidéo est assez difficile à trouver, l'interview a été enregistrée en 1998. Le plus choquant dans les révélations de ce...
  9. L

    Lithuanian Articles

    This reminded me of a book I read long time ago - Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein. I still consider it a brave book because it was written by a Jew whose parents went through the Holocaust. It was condemned because it talks about exploitation of the tragedy of millions of Jews through...
  10. T

    Depopulation of a Planet

    ...rare term and only 7 articles showed up when doing a search in text, including besides those mentioned: JFK: The Bushes and the Lost King Holocaust 2.0: Eugenics and the War on Terror Connecting the Dots: Fireballs, mass vaccinations and CIA-inspired revolutions Immigration: Ignota nulla...
  11. wodasi

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    7 doctors hanged in 1947 for violating informed consent: Now COVID has broken the Nuremberg code 32 min.. june 5th 2023 .. DarkHorse Podcast mp3...
  12. Adobe

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...of the Third Reich.Senator Graham definitely has some material to draw comparisons. One of their investments led to World War II and the Holocaust. Now, billions of US dollars are pouring into the insatiable throat of the neo-Nazi Kiev regime. In this regard, I would like to remind the...
  13. Ben

    Is Roger Waters becoming the new troll of the radical left?

    Roger Waters is being investigated by German police after the aforementioned Nazi style costume incident. It's so obviously a reference to the Wall, and anybody who doesn't understand that can just look it up. But no, they want to cancel the...
  14. PERLOU

    Actualités du jour en France

    ...Le professeur Sucharit #Bhakdi acquitté! Il était accusé lors d'un procès pour "incitation à la haine" et "banalisation de l'holocauste" pour avoir critiqué la campagne de #vaccination en Israël. Plus de 300 personnes étaient venues le soutenir devant le palais de justice. C'est un professeur...
  15. PERLOU

    Actualités du jour en France

  16. H

    Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

    this post is long and i did not read all in detail. but it appears sensible to me.
  17. Global Warning

    Alien Interview by Spencer and Law Of One by Ra

    ...people farm chickens? Yeah, but is it all that happens on this planet? Not really. And as human you can resist, so it's not entirely like a holocaust, which according to the transcripts would fail. Because, as I guess, of humans resisting and the free will. Sure, you can talk about free will...
  18. solarmind

    Session 8 April 2023

    A: Yes. We do not want any of you to worry as it can change outcome. Q: (L) Worry changes outcome? A: Often, yes. ( *So, sorry didn't merge those replays earlier, I come back to late to read so here it is :) Yes it is one level of how Tesla Mind Projector Concept now works. But we can't say...
  19. solarmind

    Session 8 April 2023

    ...will be projected into the outside world through our behaviors, eyes and hearts like Jung detected it with dreams of his patient before Holocaust. That is indeed the general atmosphere of this time - worrying - and it is produced and used and abused to make that frequency of emotions of fear...
  20. anartist

    Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

    ...of tens of thousands of children maybe should have—if we are invoking the “Alex Jones” standard—his Twitter account suspended. But “nuclear holocaust” denier Antony Blinken still tweets using his @SecBlinken handle. Double standard? Hypocrisy? You better believe it. F**k you, Elon. I’m...
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