Search results for query: sargon

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  1. M

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...comes in to play. To complicate matters further, the Akkadian Empire referred to above was a Semitic dominated empire, whose first ruler was Sargon the Great. The C's confirmed that Sargon was a Scythian, who were originally Caucasians (Aryans) who had migrated from the Caucasus to China...
  2. T

    Vladimir Putin in the Cassiopaean transcripts

    Excerpts about Russia and Vladimir Putin, May to July 2023 Since the last post, there have been three more sessions. Below are excerpts relating to Russia, (mostly) and President Vladimir Putin (some). In May, there was a question about the karmic role of Russia, while the discussion in the...
  3. wodasi

    Session 29 July 2023

    it seems to me this guy would be an ideal candidate to be from underground /hybred city .. THE MAUI POLICE CHIEF WAS THE POLICE COMMANDER DURING THE LAS VEGAS SHOOTING FALSE FLAG... I’m sure it’s just another coincidence. John Pelletier, the police...
  4. DrD

    Session 29 July 2023

    This was an Extremely Enlightening Session, Thanks to All who participated. I really Enjoyed it.
  5. tschai

    Session 29 July 2023

    I am wondering if the whole “grow your own” totally controlled hybrids is what the Nazis had in mind. Genetically modified, tech enhanced, super powered whatevers…seems the undergrounders have got this sorted and in play. Does not bode well for us, that’s for sure.
  6. Laurs

    Sessie van 29 juli 2023

    ...op deze manier met menselijke aangelegenheden? A: Duizenden jaren. V: (L) Dat herinnert me eraan, weet je nog dat ik een vraag stelde over Sargon van Akkad? En ze noemden hem een ontwrichter van een diepgaand niveau. [NvV: in de Engelse tekst wordt de term ‘deep level punctuator’ gebruikt]...
  7. D

    Session 29 July 2023

    The whole thing about underground human workers sounds very similar to what David M Jacobs refers to as "hubrids" in his books such Walking Among Us. I had been wondering if his claims were true ever since I read the book and now it seems like that the "hubrids" may in fact be getting trained to...
  8. iamthatis

    Session 29 July 2023

    From the session it sounds like the underground control tech has evolved since the Sargon days to the point where there is little to no Free Will. The undergrounders seem like the hidden ace up the sleeve of 4D STS, and so I think they'd want to have pretty much unbreakable influence down there...
  9. Jacques

    📚 Séance du 29 juillet 2023

    ...ça dans les affaires humaines ? R : Des milliers d’années. Q : (L) Ça me rappelle… vous vous souvenez quand j’ai posé cette question sur Sargon d’Akkad ? Et ils l’ont qualifié de ponctuateur des profondeurs. Est-ce que c’est ça un ponctuateur des profondeurs ? Quelqu’un qui surgit et fait...
  10. avivalevy3

    Session 29 July 2023

    Thank you and question for C's: where is Gonzalo Lira now? Alive/Dead?
  11. Quadriad

    Session 29 July 2023

    Absolutely loved this session! It felt incredibly enlightening and yet humorous at the same time. Certainly one of a few things that prompted me to cease lurking and open an account a few days ago. Sincerest thanks to Laura, Andromeda, Joe, Niall, and the rest of the crew, Quadriad
  12. iscreamsandwish

    Sesión: 29 de julio de 2023

    Fecha de la sesión: 29 de julio de 2023 Laura y Andrómeda en el tablero Pierre, Joe, Niall, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being, Chu, Scottie, el gato Pikabu, Falcor, Bella Miembros de la FOTCM que participan a través de Zoom: 3DStudent, 987baz, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming, Alana...
  13. Jtucker

    Session 29 July 2023

    Amazing compilation, @Approaching Infinity! Thank you!
  14. Approaching Infinity

    Session 29 July 2023

    ...for the purpose of "transfer of enlightenment frequency graduation" as part of "Project Awaken" (9/21/96). “Deep-level punctuators,” like Sargon of Akkad (6/21/97), Helen of Troy, and the original Rothschild(s), emerge from this civilization “from seeming obscurity to ‘make a mark’ on...
  15. M

    Session 29 July 2023

    The C's mention of genetically tweaked human hybrids and the references to Sargon the Great and Amschel Moses Rothschild (c. 1710 – 6 October 1755) the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty as 'deep level punctuators', makes me think of another such underground hybrid who may ultimately have...
  16. tschai

    Session 29 July 2023

    Thank you for the session everyone! So the video alien is the real deal- I just had the feeling for some reason it was. Confirmation from a higher source- and Grusch- makes one wonder how much of the other stuff is also real? We have crash materials, we have bodies- but at the same time comes...
  17. Ghazi18

    Session 29 July 2023

    Holy moly this session is packed! Very good info on the undergrounders and how they operate. It’s interesting how Sargon, Nefertiti, Rothschilds, etc all have their origins underground. Even if it’s true that the STS side has tried to steer humanity one way, time and time again there’s always...
  18. Corvus

    Session 29 July 2023

    ...probably they can not have them under full control like they have those hybrids. At least that is their plan. Did they also not said like for Sargon that templars went underground and also that rotschilds came from there in other older sessions if I am not wrong. And i remember one older...
  19. verdad

    Session 29 July 2023

    wow incredible much to review thanks for the session
  20. Laura

    Session 29 July 2023

    ...been interfering with human affairs in this way? A: Thousands of years. Q: (L) That reminds me, remember when I asked the question about Sargon of Akkad? And they called him a deep level punctuator. Is that what a deep level punctuator is? Somebody who comes up and does stuff? A: Yes Q...
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