Session 29 July 2023

Thanks for the session! As others mentioned, wild stuff. And humour involved - that gift for humanity, made it a bit easier to read about such horrible things.

What comes to preserving knowledge, how about hand-cranked gramophone, made of granite, which uses/plays two-sided inscribed mono(stereo would be a nice plus) stone disks?

From my limited perspective, issues like recording such disks(or preserving knowledge in any enduring form) has probably never been of importance for past advanced civilizations, no matter how developed they were technologically.

Or maybe it's just that such civilizations had a wishful thinking: "this is going to last forever". So, why bother?
Interesting, I had something slightly different in mind. I was thinking he'd be quite well attuned to the physical world and so would be able to hold a physical form more-so than most others in 4D STS. My thinking is that he must be quite advanced in his 4D STS path and so the worship of physicality.
My understanding of the transition to 4D and how it progresses is that it moves from more physical to less physical. As one becomes less bound by physicality, one gains more powers to manipulate the surrounding physical environment. A 4D STS entity who has less physicality is freer to act and less subject to physical laws, making things such as quasi-immortality a legitimate possibility. Also, we know that the higher level 4D STS are deeply psychic, very aware of souls, know how to abduct them, interdict them, and artificially incarnate them into other bodies, so they are not ignorant of what we consider to be spiritual matters. Their understanding of materiality is radically different from our scientist understanding, and I've always thought that the hardcore materialism supported by science is more of a straightjacket encouraged by 4D STS to prevent humans from becoming troublesome by discovering the much broader materialism that 4D STS operates within, and is not necessarily reflective of the 4D STS understanding itself. They do however, eventually hit a wall based on how they relate others. In a purely spiritual universe, there is no time and no space, everyone and everything is amalgamated into the unity of the eternal now. Furthermore, in this environment there can be no overseer, all is all. This is actually an STO environment in which the STS polarity cannot function, and so the STS beings need some degree of physicality to maintain the illusion of separation and the status quo between the ruler and the ruled. I think this is why the Cassiopaens said they worship the physical universe and undergo a sort of existential collapse when they gain too much knowledge and try to maintain this contradiction beyond its practical limits.

So it is not that the emperor has trouble maintaining a physical form, it's that it introduces a degree of limitation and forces him to focus his awareness through a very narrow window, like zooming in on something far in the distance through a rifle scope at 50x magnification. The more power he can pack into his physical projection, the wider his field of view will be at that level of magnification, but everything has its limits, and it makes his body behave increasingly like energy instead of matter. On the other hand, his true form may be a field of highly concentrated energy, maybe something sort of like a sentient black hole, but the intensity of his emanations make it impossible for all but a few of his most powerful servants to stand in his presence when he is operating at full strength. At the grand scale on which he operates he is rather esoteric to most of his minions, who periodically get uppity and question their obedience to such far-fetched things so far beyond their normal understanding, sometimes going off on their own and interfering with his plans. In that case, a powerful humanoid figure glowing with unimaginable energy can demonstrate authority by making a mountain explode with the flick of a wrist, making their understanding much more...succinct. He probably does sit on some grand throne somewhere part of the time when interacting with his minions, but the part that most of them see is a lesser part used for the convenience of communicating.

Also, I should probably be careful with how I play with the terms physical, energy, matter, and nonmaterial. Energy is certainly part of the physical universe, it is just extremely amorphous and malleable if one can direct it as opposed to matter, which is more fixed and rigid. Both energy and matter are material and physical. Nonmaterial would be something outside of either of those things, pure consciousness basically. So I should say that the emperor prefers the energetic existence to one of rigid matter, and this gives him more power because he is closer to the realm of pure thought where all that is and is not can be conceived, but he is never quite able to reach it entirely.

Where I differ from Gene Roddenberry's depiction of "the big bad" is that I don't believe he is older than the physical universe and has been around since the beginning with a singular coherent lord of darkness identity. The real emperor may be able to travel to the beginning and end of time of the physical universe as we understand it, but he arose within it and is somewhat bounded by it. We would certainly perceive him as quite ancient, but ultimately he is born, rises to power, falls from power, and dies like any other king.
In regards to “undergrounders” as YT influencers:

Q: (L) Handling leaders of different types of, like, media or whatever, like influencers and such?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (Joe) Are any of them on YouTube?

A: Yes

This one that goes by the creator “Poppy” came to mind (she’s actually backed by a major label if I recall correctly). When I first watched these short videos they were very off putting, yet mesmerized many of my co-workers at the time. They still creep me out. With the context above the videos seem more like training videos made by non-humans for non-humans on how to be human.

Here’s a couple:

Holy moly this session is packed! Very good info on the undergrounders and how they operate. It’s interesting how Sargon, Nefertiti, Rothschilds, etc all have their origins underground. Even if it’s true that the STS side has tried to steer humanity one way, time and time again there’s always STO people who make sure to steer the other way. This would be the eternal battle of good vs evil.

I can’t wait to see what unfolds! The veil is dropping and more people are noticing the emperor does not have clothes. I know a lot of peoples realities is going to break but if they know how to surf they’ll be ok :).

Best of luck to everyone. Laura & Crew, FOTCM, much love to everyone and GOD BLESS!
That's some really dark stuff I don't even know what to say.
I first learned about adrenochrome from an episode of Lewis and Hathaway Detective show. I had no idea what that was. In the episode, a group of young college students form a group of elite by themselves and one night, they hire a prostitute for the purpose of collecting the hormone from her adrenal gland. She died that night. They buried her in the yard of one of the kid's mansion. Their group dissipate shortly after, each affected by the experience in very negative ways.
One of them has a terrible accident: becomes a paraplegic, an alcoholic and eventually marries a lovely young woman who puts up with all his tantrums. Eventually, one by one, those guys die. The paraplegic is the last one and that is when Lewis discovers who is doing the killings. It is about revenge and finding out where the lady was buried at the mansion. And of course, shortly after that, I learn about this potent hormone right here in this forum. The coincidences are amazing.

What i find fascinating about this video is that now I understand why the Natives were doing this. I could never get a satisfactory answer when I was a kid in school and learning this because the explanations was always that it was what they did. They were savages, nothing more, nothing less! It made no sense to me as i had a lot of empathy toward others and I thought; "there must be a reason, that makes no sense". Teachers induced into our brains and customs to exercise the enormous hatred and prejudice that people had at that time for anything Native. That is all that I'd learned in school. My further education was best served in learning by myself. Of that, I can attest as my library is pretty large and keeps on getting larger! 😘

Another thought that came to mind is that we know the North American Indians are descendants from the survivors of Atlantis. Remember that the Cs stated there were three tribes on the island: the Whites (Celts), the Paranas and another type that looked like Australoid, but paler in complexion.

It is almost certain that with all the genetics and DNA experiments they did then, the remnants of those survivors would have remembered that part of the genetics of the human body and knew how potent the drug being present while drinking the blood of enemies would affect another human. That knowledge was probably passed on from them. It makes sense when you consider that now we are reliving the Atlanteans time over again! And look at that trafficking's issue with young children from all over the world. Did the Atlanteans also pursued children for the same drug back then?

The effects of the drugs described by Dr. Osmond are quite revealing as well. He describes no empathy, did not care for another human being whether they lived or die, attention spans directed at other objects but not the people around them, the environment was more fascinating than what they were doing, etc.. The long lasting effect is surprising when the tester mentioned it as well.

I think we can all point a finger at many leaders right now without calling names. Just look at their actions and faces, we know they all do!
but he arose within it and is somewhat bounded by it. We would certainly perceive him as quite ancient, but ultimately he is born, rises to power, falls from power, and dies like any other king.

Very well explained Neil.

If I'm understanding the process correctly then, this being would have gone through the entirety of it's incarnational cycles throughout 1-4th densities. After aligning with 4D STS and upon graduating there, this being then would have to rise through the ranks and eventually over throw whomever was at the top of the STS hierarchy at that 'time'? Would this process just endlessly repeat? One being overthrowing another to rise to the top of the power structure? Am I on the right track here or has this being always been at the top?

If not, it makes me wonder if such a thing as the 'rule of two' exists at that level for this to dynamically play itself out? One to embody power, the other to crave it.
I agree for the moment with the assessment of Michelle Obama. I think I wrote a post saying that the C's did not say she was a woman either.

On the other hand, evil is evil regardless of your physical makeup.

And before anyone jumps on me for calling out evil because because . . . it is the word we use to describe what they do.
Thanks to Laura, Andromeda, the team, all the participants, Furriaea from Cassiopaea, and all the other Cas, for this great session.
It was really fascinating.
At times I felt a little scared by the information, but the great sense of humor you guys put into it, solved it quickly.
¡Thank you!:thup:
"Learning is fun". :flowers:
Or perhaps experiencing such a lifetime depends on the nature of the person involved. If deep down inside, there's a preference for STS, the experience will generate more entropy and will facilitate programming and descent towards STS.

In those whose inner nature tends towards STO, it might wake up the will to STO and to love based on true knowledge. Having experienced being invaded and raped by true evil might bring to light a choice that needs to be made, a point of no return in that being.

I have heard the comment that a soul can't recover from such an experience, but I differ.

Many years ago I got glimpses of such a past life. My cynical response was that it happens to everybody considering the circumstances of this reality, so move on. Later on, I was able to integrate that past life in a way that was very healing towards my soul. Several negative programs that were ruling my life receded naturally to the background instead of having them running the show. It was powerfully liberating. It was worth it. It might take more than a lifetime to recover from such an experience or reach such perspective, but as the Cs said, all there is is lessons.

My 2 cents.
This is a super challenging concept, this connection between innocence, suffering, and free will, that is. It reminds me of Peterson's perspective on the Jesus archetype, where the most good, selfless, and pure endure extreme violence and shame. It's like the epitome of injustice, yet it showcases the extent of free will in our lives.

On one hand, there are individuals who willingly embrace torment to uphold higher values, undeterred by the inevitable and excruciating suffering. On the other hand, there are those who inflict undeserved suffering on the innocent, driven by a extremely distorted perspective they might have, a deep clinical sickness of their minds and being as the Cs said.

This duality reflects this uncompromising nature of free will. Of course, children don't deserve such treatment, and it's far beyond being fair or just - the complete opposite. It’s awful and completely heartbreaking to even consider what’s been happening. It makes me wish for some other kind of reality. I can’t even imagine what this would be like for those children.

The question I’m left with too is - would free will truly exist if it were limited to only fair and just decisions? If that were the case, life would instead resemble an autocratic dictatorship, where this higher “good” dictates our every feeling, thought and action. In all respects that is the exact opposite of “good” as well.

It seems to me when it comes to free will there's a kind of a balance. We might have a certain buffer that allows free will to develop in this reality we experience, but the consequences of our choices still will always bear fruit—some good and nourishing, others rotten and poisonous.

Those that do such things to children will be left with their own rotten fruit to consume perhaps even beyond this “physical” life. Justice seems to be woven into our higher order system, and doesn't completely diminish free will at the same time. Anyway that’s how I’m making sense of it, as much as I can make sense of a senseless circumstance.
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After aligning with 4D STS and upon graduating there, this being then would have to rise through the ranks and eventually over throw whomever was at the top of the STS hierarchy at that 'time'? Would this process just endlessly repeat? One being overthrowing another to rise to the top of the power structure?
That's how I see it, assuming the real emperor is predominantly an energy being who occasionally condenses himself into a solid form whenever he feels like manipulating the physical environment directly. He must be extremely long-lived and can convince himself and others that he IS the empire, full stop. Therefore there is no need to plan for a successor because he will rule forever as the one supreme. When he starts making mistakes and others sense a weakness, infighting starts in the inner circles of power and one entity eventually rises above all the others to overthrow him and snag the top spot.

If on the other hand, he is more a long the lines of some kind of a supercharged human who can only prolong his life a few millennia despite being able to consume the energy of trillions of souls, it would make more sense to have some kind of "heir" to pass the torch to and maybe set up his prospects for reincarnation down the road. In that case, something more like a codified rule of two may exist.
Therefore there is no need to plan for a successor because he will rule forever as the one supreme. When he starts making mistakes and others sense a weakness, infighting starts in the inner circles of power and one entity eventually rises above all the others to overthrow him and snag the top spot.
This scenario reminds me of the Necromongers from the movie, 'The Chronicles of Riddick', who follow the "You Keep What You Kill" principle. The protagonist of the movie does just this by defeating the main antagonist, or 'Lord Marshall' of the Necromongers, just before another one of the Lord Marshalls men attempts to usurp him, and unwittingly becomes their new leader, displayed by their submission to him in the following clip:

Note, that the protagonist, Riddick, is the "Furyan," mentioned by Mr. Cyan here.

The term "Furriaea" also seems to be pronounced the same way as "Furya," which is the homeworld of the "Furyans" [a spiritual warrior race, kinda like this forum? 🤔] in the series.

The Furians were also the only race the Necromongers feared.

Coincidence? Probably.

But pretty neat to say the least.
Thank you so much for the fascinating session :flowers:
An emotional roller coaster ride with so much mind-blowing information interspersed with some humorous moments.

Regarding the question that if you tell your plans, they most likely won't come true. I have observed that whenever I tell my father about my plans, they almost never do work out. Especially the most important ones. It's interesting to see that there might be more to it than just my prejudice.
Kind of like when you tell your wife about your new business idea. It ain't gonna happen!
Thank you for another interesting session. Some of the alien race stuff goes over my head. Although I know things are going on I find it hard to develop theories so I'd rather not bother, preferring to focus on what's in front of me. I suppose sessions like this help me in that and it give us some comprehension of what is a unbelievable complex universe/planet we live in.
The child/adachrome stuff is truly, hideous and evil. Christ knows how this shit-show will play out but the financial collapse is certainly upon us and they're ready for the next stage of our subjugation.
I like everyone getting involved in the sessions, questions and participation. I think it's been beneficial for the group.
I do prefer though when the team direct the show, I feel the flow works better but that's just my opinion and it looks like the project has gone past that now.
It could be that I've found the information provided by the C's difficult to comprehend. When I've felt like this before. The thread has been really interesting like this one so things balance out.
Thanks you as ever for all your hard work. ❤️ to all.
That's how I see it, assuming the real emperor is predominantly an energy being who occasionally condenses himself into a solid form whenever he feels like manipulating the physical environment directly. He must be extremely long-lived and can convince himself and others that he IS the empire, full stop. Therefore there is no need to plan for a successor because he will rule forever as the one supreme. When he starts making mistakes and others sense a weakness, infighting starts in the inner circles of power and one entity eventually rises above all the others to overthrow him and snag the top spot.

If on the other hand, he is more a long the lines of some kind of a supercharged human who can only prolong his life a few millennia despite being able to consume the energy of trillions of souls, it would make more sense to have some kind of "heir" to pass the torch to and maybe set up his prospects for reincarnation down the road. In that case, something more like a codified rule of two may exist.
Brother Dusk, Brother Day, Brother Dawn
as in Foundation / Isaac Asimov

btw the two options:
namely 1 atop OR 2 in cycle
don't have to be mutually exclusive

Always enjoy your posts Neil
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