Session 29 July 2023

Merci pour tous vos partages et recherches de vidéos sur les sujets "Extraterrestres" et "Horreurs sur les enfants"...
Je ne les regarderai pas, pour moi, c'est trop insupportable...
Je vous crois mais suis trop sensible et mon corps se révulse juste le fait d'y penser, c'est comme tout le mal qui est fait aux animaux...
Mettre de l'énergie pour voir ces horreurs ne m'intéresse pas, mon âme me dit que ce n'est pas nécessaire de me torturer car ce ne serait que donner de 'énergie aux forces du mal... Donc je l'écoute et préfère me réfugier dans la prière et rester dans la lumière et l'amour du Divin Esprit Cosmique... Serait ce des voeux pieux ?...
Je lis actuellement "Le Paradis et l'enfer" d'Emanuel Swedenborg (en Français) qui recoupe tout ce qui est dit dans le livre approuvé par les Cassiopéens, ce qui me réconforte, pardon mais je préfère mettre mon énergie dans ma lecture et mes prières...

Thank you for all your sharing and research of videos on the subjects "Extraterrestrials" and "Horrors on children"...
I won't watch them, for me, it's too unbearable...
I believe you but I'm too sensitive and my body revolts just thinking about it, it's like all the harm that is done to animals...
Putting energy into seeing these horrors does not interest me, my soul tells me that it is not necessary to torture myself because it would only give energy to the forces of evil... So I listen to it and prefer to take refuge in prayer and stay in the light and the love of the Divine Cosmic Spirit... Could this be pious wishes?...
I am currently reading "Le Paradis et l'enfer" by Emanuel Swedenborg (in French) which overlaps with everything said in the Cassiopaean-approved book, which comforts me, sorry but I prefer to put my energy into my reading and my prayers...
It's like gluten, everyone has a threshold they can't reach, otherwise they won't function normally.

So I don't think that's just pious wishes, but rather knowing yourself and your limits, and making a wise decision in full awareness of your battle against the darkness.

And in this context the following passage is worth remembering:
Being attentive to 'negative' forces does NOT make them stronger, as long as the intention is to weaken them. And you can only learn to 'weaken' darkness by learning exactly what it IS.
This means, as we have already said, learning to identify our reality through its symbols, and to give everything its 'due'.
On the other hand, focusing on 'love and light' can, in certain cases, be a sign of a secret 'fear' of darkness. This fear will then attract unpleasant experiences and events into the life of the person concerned.
Only knowledge can exorcise this fear.
Merci ZAC...
Je ne refuse pas de savoir ce qu’est « l’obscurité » et ici, nous sommes à bonne école pour la connaître...
Je reconnais avoir peur des ténèbres et ne les recherche en aucun cas...
Cependant, j'apprends ici sur ce forum, ente autres, toutes leurs atrocités qui ne m'enchantent guère mais que je laisse à distance pour ne pas me noyer dans leur profondeur...

Thank you ZAC...
I don't refuse to know what "darkness" is and here, we are at a good school to know it...
I admit to being afraid of darkness and in no way seek it...
However, I learn here on this forum, among others, all their atrocities which do not enchant me but which I leave at a distance so as not to drown myself in their depth...
There is a victorian-era book called Etidorhpa about hollow cavities within the earth, and this book makes an interesting claim that the interior of the earth is not in fact filled with magma. Rather it claims that the earth contains gigantic oceans of water, and during certain internal upheavals and pressures, the waters of these oceans reach incredible temperatures and race toward the surface, melting solid rock along the way. When we see lava erupting from volcanoes on the surface of the earth, what we are seeing is in fact rock from within the earth that has been melted by superheated and super-pressurized water from oceans deep within the earth.

The interesting thing about this idea is that under this model, cities could conceivably exist far below the earth, where conventional theories suppose only red-hot layers of magma exist.
I find it very interesting that in the same session whe have both topics regarding Underground cities (leading to the @BrandonD post above) and Hermaphroditism.

When the title of this book, the word Etidorhpa, is read backwards, it becomes Aphrodite.
And in Greek mythology, Hermaphroditus was born of the love between Hermes, messenger of the gods, and Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, and those two names were combined to form Hermaphroditus.

About the Overlord being far more virile than Palpatine, from Star Wars, the third meaning of the word "virile" in the Free Dictionnary is:
Energetic or forceful.
And energetic, according to the same Website means "possessing or exhibiting energy, especially in abundance".
This might well fit here with the idea that we may have about this "virile" Overlord.

An excellent video below by Hammerson Peters on the history of adrenochrome use dating back through the MK-Ultra program all the way to the 17th century in fur trade North America.

That video is awesome! Thank you for sharing, because it contains informations I didn't know about the period when the English and the French were at war to take (the English) the territories (from the French) situated north of the Ohio.

In this war, each of the opposing forces (English and French) had requested the help of certain tribes who were often already enemies of the tribes that the other camp had managed to get on its side.

I knew about some of them in North America that sued to consume their ennemies in order to absorb their energy, their power, even sometimes their courage facing death. What was also interesting is that the video also mentions that these tribes (many, some, all of them? I'm not sure I got this detail) believe in the existence of the Wetiko, the 'spirit virus' described by Paul Levy, topic that have several articles on

This "absorb energy" thing reminds me a little of the theme of the Highlander films and TV shows, with Christophe Lambert for the movies and Adrian Paul for the TV shows, who play the characters of MacLeod, an immortal who is over four hundred years old. Duncan MacLeod's daily life is punctuated by sword duels with other immortals who want to eliminate him. Each immortal who decapitates another releases his "quickening" (powerful energy), thus appropriating his knowledge and powers. MacLeod have to face increasingly powerful enemies, many of whom he has known for centuries. And in the end, only one will remain, who will become all-powerful.
Merci ZAC...
Je ne refuse pas de savoir ce qu’est « l’obscurité » et ici, nous sommes à bonne école pour la connaître...
Je reconnais avoir peur des ténèbres et ne les recherche en aucun cas...
Cependant, j'apprends ici sur ce forum, ente autres, toutes leurs atrocités qui ne m'enchantent guère mais que je laisse à distance pour ne pas me noyer dans leur profondeur...

Thank you ZAC...
I don't refuse to know what "darkness" is and here, we are at a good school to know it...
I admit to being afraid of darkness and in no way seek it...
However, I learn here on this forum, among others, all their atrocities which do not enchant me but which I leave at a distance so as not to drown myself in their depth...
Oui, PERLOU, c'est ce que j'avais compris dans ton premier poste, que tu confirmes parfaitement dans ce dernier, et dans ma réponse je suis d'accord avec toi.
Je m'excuse bien bas, si tu avais compris le contraire.

Et la citation de Laura est un rappel général, alors ne le prend pas trop personnellement.
__ __ __

Yes, PERLOU, that's what I understood in your first post, which you confirm perfectly in this latest one, and in my response I agree with you.
I apologise profusely if you understood otherwise.

And Laura's quote is a general reminder, so don't take it too personally.
About predictions

The curious case of Terry A. Davis, the programmer genius, resurfaced in my mind.

In his videos, he regularly accused the CIA of causing him trouble. He once said they brought him into a room and wanted him to crack popular cryptographic algorithms, which he always refused. His mysterious death took the community by surprise. When the plandemic hit, someone reviewing his videos found that Terry predicted the Covid drama years before it actually happened!
View attachment 79108
In the directory listing, just after "China" and "Virus," there is "Election," possibly referring to the stolen 2020 U.S. Elections. After that, there is "Diet Shasta," (the actual product is Diet Dr. Shasta!) which can be thought of as the "Kool-Aid" (vaxx) that people were forced to "drink" in 2021, following the mass vaxx campaign.
View attachment 79112
These events would then have made people "Dumb" (more obedient?) and a real fight between Good and Evil would unfold (à la Star Wars). "Putin" is mentioned twice, before and after the "Virus." We now know 2022 was the year of "The Return of Putin."
Next, there is the TSA... hinting at more travel restrictions?

Finally, there is "Tax," and "FBI." Increased, law-enforced taxation and domestic terror?
If there is any truth in all this, disinfo or not, it's a very crafty way of laying up the future!

I noticed that in the directory listing, there is "light saber" between "Hymn" and "may the 4th be with you:


First, "may the 4th be with you" sounds like, when saying it, "May the Force be with you"...
Second, I wonder why some words start with a capital letter and others with a lower case letter. Does anyone know if is it random or if there is any reason that I cannot conceive of, not being myself a programmer genius, I am even light years away?
Third, in the Imminent Alien Disclosure? thread, @Ben wrote:
I found it interesting how John Stewart summarised the findings of the government studying 'grays' for decades - they are "some sort of half synthetic robot and biological being with tissues". Very close to 'cybergenetic probes'. He claims that the new government program designation will be 'SABER' - standing for 'synthetic astro biological extra terrestrial races'. We'll have to look out for that. Otherwise he correctly predicts a soft, limited disclosure resulting from the congress hearings. He doesn't seem to have much understanding of the extent of disinformation, anything suggesting this is hyperdimensional in nature, or the complexity of the situation regarding the military and various levels of secret government.
I don't know if it is related in any way, just thought I should share it FWIW.
Session Date: July 29th 2023

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Pierre, Joe, Niall, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being, Chu, Scottie, Pikabu the Cat, Falcor, Bella

FOTCM Members participating via Zoom: 3DStudent, 987baz, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, annp, Ant22, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Aya, bjorb, Bluefyre, Bo, brandon, Breton, Chad, Cosmos, Deliverance, dirgni, dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, fabric, Faith, Fallen_735, finduilas495, France, Gawan, genero81, Glenn, goyacobol, Harmony99, herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, iamthatis, IrjO, Jacques, JEEP, Jenn, jess, Josi, kenlee, keyhole, KJN, Korzik18, Laurentien2, Laurs, Learner, Lilou, logos5x5, Loreta, LQB, m, Maat, Manitoban, marek760, Mari, Mariama, Mark7, Mike, Mikkael, Mililea, Theodor, mkrnhr, Mrs. Peel, Neema, NewEnglandSeeker, Nicholas, nicklebleu&his wife, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, OrangeScorpion, Oxajil, Pecha, PERLOU, RedFox, Redrock12, rrraven, Ryan, rylek, Saman, seek10, seeker2seer, Sinapi, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, Summerlite, Temperance, thorbiorn, Timótheos, Tristan, Tuatha de Danaan, Turgon, Ursus Minor, Voyageur, whitecoast, will01, williamsj, Ysus, Z

Q: (L) Well, hello, is anyone there?

A: Thought you would never ask! Furriaea of Cassiopaea at your service.

Q: (L) Okay, let's go to the top of the questions. So the first one is at the bottom?

(Chu) The first one is this one.

(Caesarea) An alleged interview with an alien has been circulating on video since 1997. "Redacted" recently did a video on it, alleging it is real based on the guest's investigation. Is the video legit?

A: Perhaps you should describe it a bit more as a courtesy to others?

Q: (L) Alright. Describe the video. Where are they? There they are.

(Caesarea) The interview was supposedly with a gray alien at Area 51, a special area where they housed aliens that had crashed. They interviewed them once every month. So in the interview there were a couple doctors with flashlights and it was kind of dark and, you know, a lot of people said the alien looks real and that to have it be fake, it would be too expensive. So that was kind of the gist of it. There was no audio either.

(Joe) What year was it meant to be?

(Niall) 97.

(Caesarea) Yeah. The video came out in 97, but it was supposed to have been filmed in, I think, 1991.

(L) Okay. And what was the gist of the conversation? Was there a transcript?

(Caesarea) The original guy that was narrating the video had his face hidden and he called himself Victor. The details of the conversation weren't really the focus. It was that the alien was having a medical problem, like he couldn't breathe, and there was a device showing that he was in some sort of distress. And so that's what Mike was saying, they had flashlights and they were looking at him and like checking his throat and his pulse or something. And was there anything else? They said that they had psychics there, that they would telepathically communicate with the alien for the interrogation/interview.

(L) And in no place does it reveal what the alien said at any point?

(Caesarea) I think the guy in the original video that was kind of describing it might have mentioned some things he said. They didn't have it in the Redacted interview what the alien might have said. The video itself wasn't a conversation. It was just like a two-minute clip of them kind of interacting, but there was no audio, so no real way of knowing what, if anything, was discussed at that particular conversation.

(Ark) The alien was very dark. You couldn't recognize anything. It was in the dark. And there was implications that the alien was communicating telepathically.

(Joe) And he said, "I like strawberry jam." [laughter]

(L) No, raaasberry! Okay. That's the sum and substance of this video they have shared of a real alien, supposedly. Was it a real alien in the video?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Follow up question?

(Caesarea) No.

(L) No. Okay.

(Ze Germans) Are there any conflicting 4D STS groups or races operating on the Earth at the moment or all of them are more or less cooperating with each other?

A: Not cooperating with each other. That is the wrong concept. They operate under the control of an hierarchical system with an overlord pulling the strings or levers as the case may be.

Q: (L) So they don't play nicely with each other unless they're overseen by a dictatorial being who commands their obedience. Is that it more or less?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And who's the overlord?

(L) Who's the overlord? Oh...

(Andromeda) Slip that one in...

A: You don't want to know!

Q: (Possibility of Being) I want to know.

(Joe) I don't want to know, but PoB does. [laughter]

(L) You think that's gonna fly?

(Joe) I'll cover my ears...

A: Science fiction is often inspired. Think of someone similar to the emperor, but far more virile.

Q: (Andromeda) Palpatine. From Star Wars.

(Joe) But not as old and decrepit. Does this person say "Mwahaha!" quite a lot? [laughter]

(L) I'm not gonna...

(Joe) I'm joking. I’m just gonna assume he does.

(L) Far more virile.

(Andromeda) I guess he sucks a lot of energy, huh?

(L) Sucks a lot of energy. Yeah. 'cause that emperor looks like he's starving. I mean, ugh... Okay.

(Ze Germans) How many humans/humanoids from the underground civilization are on the surface of the Earth at the moment?

(L) Who asked this question?

(Chu) The Germans.

(L) Germans. They ask weird stuff like that. How many humans/humanoids from the underground? So, how many?

A: Varies with circumstances, but average is about 2 to 2.5 million.

Q: (Andromeda) Walking around up top.

(Joe) And do these people know who they are? I mean...

A: Of course!

Q: (Joe) Okay. And do they have a mission that they're aware of? Do they know why they're walking around?

A: Indeed. Usually acting as "handlers" or agents provocateur.

Q: (Joe) So from our perspective, their mission, it would be nefarious?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them running that show over there in Ukraine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are there any of them handling members of the US government?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling high-level members of other governments?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Handling leaders of different types of, like, media or whatever, like influencers and such?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (Joe) Are any of them on YouTube?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) With large-follower channels?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Give us one name. [laughter]

A: No

Q: (Joe) Please. [laughter] Is part of their mission or agenda to prepare the global population for revelation of aliens?

A: Partly, but also involved with depopulation agenda.

Q: (Joe) So these people were born underground?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) And raised underground?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And then appeared as adults on the surface, got a job...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And who made them?

A: Lizards in cahoots with STS Orions.

Q: (Joe) So these are human beings. They're functionally the same, as human as other human beings? Like biologically the same as other human beings, or not?

A: Some genetic tweaks. Most were harvested from human mothers and incubated.

Q: (Gaby) So this is part of the hybridization program that some experiencers or abductees recall?

A: Yes

Q: (Possibility of Being) Do they know good and evil the same way as we would understand it?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Are they - from our perspective - very much like mind-controlled beings in that sense? They don't have much free will?

A: Yes. And much like very efficient psychopaths.

Q: (L) Well.

(Joe) 2.5 million. They pop up and down.

(L) That's friendly.

(Joe) Where do they live normally when they're not on the surface? Where did they grow up and stuff?

A: Underground bases.

Q: (L) And they've described those.

(Ursus Minor) Who or what is making Netanyahu push Israel to the brink?

(L) I think we have that answer! [laughter] Already answered there! Is that something along the line of what these underground handlers would be doing?

A: Yes and also mind manipulation.

Q: (L) Well, some of these people, I swear, you know, I mean, I listen to some of these people, these crazy lefties or these governments, like the Schwab and Trudeau and Al Gore and John Kerry and all of these other people, you know, talking... And if they believe what they're saying, then they don't have enough intelligence to come in out of the rain. If they know that what they're saying is bullshit, then they are super, super evil.

(Andromeda) They're either super evil and lying, or super stupid and mind controlled.

(Joe) How long have these underground psychos been interfering with human affairs in this way?

A: Thousands of years.

Q: (L) That reminds me, remember when I asked the question about Sargon of Akkad? And they called him a deep level punctuator. Is that what a deep level punctuator is? Somebody who comes up and does stuff?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, I mean, 'does stuff' is pretty vague, but you... [laughter]

(Joe) Makes an impact.

(L) Yeah. Makes an impact on human society stuff.

(Niall) Did someone like him, Sargon of Akkad, thousands of years ago, emerge from a high-tech base and play a consciously evil role on the surface where he pretended to be an ancient?

A: They would be educated and trained in congruence with the society of the time. Memory wipe before implantation of mission. However, in earlier times the tech was not adequate so that the outcome was not always certain.

Q: (L) So you're saying that when they would take people and they would have them in underground bases or whatever, they would behave and dress and converse and everything, and the environment was matched to the environment on the surface more or less?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And before they would send somebody out and in some situations they would wipe their memories or, I mean... Are we talking about something that they would do when they were children and then send them to be raised in some way?

A: Some

Q: (L) And then you say that the outcome wasn't always certain because the tech wasn't adequate. You mean the manipulation tech, the hybridization tech?

A: Yes

Q: (L) The controlling of them kind of tech?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Why was that tech not adequate? I suppose maybe you had to have a certain infrastructure on the planet of technology in order to control them on the planet...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. And then there's the other thing... Was it also partly because the bloodline had not been purified enough?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And you say the outcome wasn't certain. What do you mean by the outcome of their plan? What do you mean that it wasn't always certain?

A: Some of the subjects were not sufficiently "evil".

Q: (L) So in other words, they would maybe turn good and turn on their creators and masters?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Influenced by normal human society.

(L) Maybe they fell in love. [laughter] Romance novel!

(Niall) The vampire really was saved! [laughter]

(L) Oh, it could have happened, right?

(Joe) "Seven nights in a humanoid's bed." [laughter]

(Niall) So you're saying there's a chance... [laughter]

(L) Okay, next question:

(Mrs. Peel) Does having all the people present via Zoom interfere with the answers?

A: No!

Q: (L) Okay.

(Mrs. Peel) ...i.e. not wanting to answer, giving vague answers, because some of us may have strong beliefs one way or another, and they don't want to violate free will.

(L) Well, I wouldn't call that an interference with the answer. That's just courtesy. And we do that anyway because you know what? If you're not here, they know I'm gonna publish it. So it's going to be the same thing whether you're here or whether you're not. The only exception, of course, would be our personal private questions that they know are never gonna get published.

(PERLOU) This book, "Tales of Eternal Life,” is the French translation of four authors, Charlotte E. Dresser, Robert J. Lees, George V. Owen and James E. Pagett, it concerns the different places and occupations of the souls of the deceased. Can we trust him?

A: Generally.

Q: (PERLOU) What is the percentage of truth?

A: 62

Q: (Andromeda) That's pretty high.

(L) Okay, next:

(Ze Germans) If Russia's karmic role is an adversary of Atlantis, who was playing this role back then before the final destruction of Atlantis?

A: Same locale, different names. Read The Iliad and Odyssey for clues.

Q: (L) Well, supposedly, according to Plato, it was the Athenians against Atlantis. But there were no Athenians until late in modern history. So maybe that name was carried forward from an even more ancient history that was further north. I hope y'all are following my little excerpts from “Horns of Moses” that I've been putting on Ark's blog because I kind of talk about that a little bit. Okay.

(Ze Germans) To what extent, in general, is our linear perception of time determined by social and cultural influence?

(L) To what extent? It's not a very precise question.

(Andromeda) Yeah.

(L) I mean, what are they gonna say? "To a great extent”?

(Andromeda) Right.

(L) You know, what does that mean?

(Joe) They spoke about time and perception, illusion.

(L) They've talked a lot about time. Look it up. Who was asking that?

(Chu) The Germans.

(L) Germans? Read the sessions for crying all night! [laughter]

(Eboard10) Is there a Laura/FOTCM equivalent in the East?

A: Unfortunately, no.

Q: (Ursus Minor) According to the US Geological Survey, there are dozens of mountains in Western Antarctica called pyramids. How many of them are actually pyramids?

A: 0

Q: (L) Okay.

(Fallen_735) Is it likely that Cuba will find a way around the US embargo with the current and upcoming geopolitics and economic landscape changing?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Probably already in process. They just won't be trading with the USA.

(IrjO) The majority of ancient megalithic structures around the world have little nubs on random pieces of rocks that compose the overall structures. Nobody can find a concrete answer to the why of these nubs. What was the purpose of those nubs? Or did it have any importance to ancient buildings?

A: The stones were surfaced by a facade.

Q: (Ellipse) Is there such a thing as an alien race completely directed by A.I.?

A: No

Q: (L) Okay.

(thorbiorn) Where was that alien [in the video] from, inner Earth, other density or dimension?

A: Sometimes they are the same.

Q: (Ursus Minor) Allegedly there was a UFO crash in northern Italy in 1933. Were there any similar incidents in Europe before that?

A: Not in modern times.

Q: (L) But maybe before modern times?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What about this Grusch guy that's been testifying in front of Congress?

(L) What about him?

(Joe) Is he legit in what he's saying?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) It seems there's two factions. You might call...

A: More than...

Q: (Joe) Well, there seems to be a movement to kind of like - in Congress at least - to be open to the possibility of disclosure and investigating blah, blah, blah, blah. But then recently, I think it was the Pentagon, who have kind of come out and said that nothing he says is true. So there seems to be a pushback from the deep state, Pentagon, whatever... trying to prevent this move towards disclosure by whistleblowers.

A: Indeed!

Q: (Joe) So it'll just be drawn out, I suppose, like they said last time.

A: Yes

Q: (Farmies) Previously, the Cs said Michelle Obama isn't a man. Was Michelle Obama born a biological female?

(L) Clever! [laughter]

A: No

Q: (L) But you said she wasn't a man.

(Chu) Anymore...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What? That's confusing. You have to explain that.

(Niall) Hermaphrodite.

(Joe) What was she born? I mean, what's the deal?

(L) Could Michelle Obama be a hermaphrodite?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is she one of those underground people?

A: No

Q: (L) Well, hermaphrodite is, as I understand it - and some of you people can correct me if I'm wrong - is an individual born with both sets of sexual organs. It can be an individual who has both a penis and a vagina.

(Gaby) But usually they will be XY or XX even though they're hermaphrodites. There's like a medical anomaly. You know, one gender will predominate.

(L) Is that what we're looking at here?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So I bet Barry was glad, huh? [laughter]

(Niall) So the rumors are true-ISH!

(Joe) What? Well, hang on. I still dunno what's going on! [laughter] What's the deal? Does she...

(Niall) She has junk in the trunk. [laughter]

(Joe) Does she have a...

(Andromeda) Is she still fully equipped on both sides?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) That's what people in these videos see, kind of like protruding or swinging under her dresses?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So why would... Obama thought that was attractive?

A: Best of both worlds for a sick person like him.

Q: (L) Is that a value judgment?

A: No. Clinical diagnosis.

Q: (L) So you're saying Barry Obama is a sick person. Sick in what way?

A: Psychopath.

Q: (Joe) Is he an underground person?

A: No, not smart enough.

Q: (Niall) What happened to their chef last week? He was found dead in the house.

A: Drugs. Daughter involved.

Q: (Joe) Obama's daughter?

A: Yes

Q: (L) His fake daughter.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Where did he get them daughters from?

(L) Well, they know, I mean, that's been put up on the web before, the parents of those girls that have been photographed with them and with the Obamas.

(Joe) They don't recognize them as being adopted.

(L) Right.

(Joe) It's not officially recognized.

(L) No.

(Joe) They claim that it's Michelle and Barry's daughters.

(L) Right. It's a big fake.

(seek10): How many people are like that in the world currently? Like Michelle Obama?

(L) You mean hermaphrodites?

(seek10) Right.

(L) What's the... It's very small.

(Gaby) It's very, very rare.

A: Less than 5K.

Q: (Andromeda) Very rare.

(Joe) And then becoming the First Lady. What are the odds?

(Andromeda) But it does explain a lot.

(Alejo) What did they ask the alien?

(L) What did they ask the alien?

(Andromeda) From the interview.

(L) Oh, we're back to the alien video again.

A: Trying to get him to explain purpose of aliens in general.

Q: (Alejo) Why did it choke?

A: Wrong atmosphere, pressure, etc.

Q: (Joe) Gray aliens don't know much anyway, do they?

A: No

Q: (Farmies) Was Michel Trudeau's death an accident? [Justin Trudeau's brother]

(Niall) He died in the early nineties in an avalanche.

(L) Okay. What was his death, an accident?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is Trudeau's father Fidel Castro?

A: No

Q: (Keyhole) Are there members of the elite who consume the bodily fluids and or body parts of other humans?

A: Yes

Q: (Keyhole) If so, why do they do this?

A: Sickness.

Q: (Keyhole) Is there any truth to the theory that human blood is consumed for adrenochrome?

A: Not exactly. It is extracted from the blood first.

Q: (Joe) And it's created in the way that people claim it's created...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Remember they described that to us. Remember I asked about a painful and torturous death, and they said it produces chemicals that they like to consume? And if that happens for aliens, then the possibility that they're alien hybrids...

(Pierre) What are the properties of adrenochrome?

A: Anti-aging, sexual potency, energy and somewhat psychedelic.

Q: (Niall) So it's a drug.

(Joe) When you say anti-aging, is it a pronounced anti-aging effect? We're not talking about rejuvenation in any literal sense, are we?

A: Temporary or Hillary and George would look younger.

Q: (Joe) So that suggested Hillary Clinton, George Bush...

(L) I don't think you're talking about George Bush.

(Joe) George Soros. Are they aware that they seek out adrenochrome, and take it actively? They have done?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And they know where it comes from?

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) Jesus!

(Chu) When they mention sickness above, it is the same as Obama, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) Not that they're sick, but they are.

(Joe) And is it done via blood transfusion?

A: No

Q: (L) They said they extract it from the blood. And give it to them as a drug.

(Joe) Oh, yes, it's injected as a drug.

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) So basically, they torture people so that there's more of this in the blood.

(L) Children.

(Andromeda) They take the blood...

(L) Yeah.

(Gaby) That's very sick.

Q: (Oxajil) Is the Dutch political party, the "Farmer Citizen Movement", controlled opposition?

A: Not yet.

[L reading the next question:]

Q: (L) Does... It should say "Do"... Do cyborgs i.e. human beings, grown artificially and programmed [exist on Earth]?

(Chu) Are they grown artificially?

(L) Is a cyborg technically an artificially grown human? I don't think so. A cyborg would have to be part human, part machine. So, I don't think that... because we already know that there are human beings grown artificially on Earth and programmed. So no, Ellipse, a cyborg is a creature that is human with mechanical parts.

(Joe) RoboCop.

(Andromeda) Right, Terminator.

(Ze Germans) What is the nature of the power center in Russia, which is symbolized by a bear as described previously?

A: Partly dismantled. Now in opposition to NWO.

Q: (Joe) Do Putin and the members of the Russian government know the extent of the depravity of their Western "partners", as we were just talking about?

A: They can hardly believe it.

Q: (L) Alright. Yeah, because when we asked that question, it seems to me that they were saying that there was something in Russia that was part of this beast empire thing, and that would be, I think, the Westerners who were... Maybe the oligarchs who were Western leaning and so forth, and they were very powerful at the time.

(Niall) So, I guess it's Putin who has partly dismantled it...

(L) Yeah. And, and Putin has dismantled that structure?

A: Yes

Q: (L) At least partly, I'm sure.

(Mrs. Peel) Since [forum member] isn't here to ask, and if appropriate, what happened when his son's car flipped over? He described the accident on the forum as very strange.

A: All should be aware and cautious as these energies can develop like mini-tornadoes due to differential between the individual and the environment.

Q: (L) So if you're going along through an environment that, at that moment, for example, is very thick with certain energies, maybe because of, you know, the planet or because it's being beamed or because of surrounding people and whatever, and your energy is so different, it can be like the differential between hot and cold air that creates storms. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Or lightning.

(Neema) What happened to Mitch McConnell the other day when he froze during a press conference?

A: TIA. [Transient Ischemic Attack]

Q: (Pecha) Do these undergrounders have more advanced psychic powers compared to the surface population?

A: Usually, yes.

Q: (thorbiorn) What languages do the undergrounders speak?

A: Different based on where they are assigned.

Q: (Aiming) Are there individuals in the underground race who have the potential to wake up and follow their own free will?

A: At this point, hardly at all.

Q: (Joe) On that topic, how many are there in total? Two point up to 2.5 million are on the surface at any time. How many are there in total?

(L) Didn't we already ask those questions?

(Joe) In this session?

(L) Not in this session, but at other sessions.

[Falcor chewing on Laura's flip flop.]

(Andromeda) Sweetie, would you save mom's flip flop there before it becomes...

(L) Somebody stole my shoe? [laughter] Give up my flip flop! Those are my favorite flip flops. Now they're all wet and slimy! [laughter]

(Josi) What did the woman see, who made a scene while getting off a plane in Dallas by saying "That MFer is not real"?

A: Flipped out from the energy of one of the hybrids.

Q: (thorbiorn) Is there a way of discovering these types of undergrounders from studying their biographies if they are public people?

A: Not likely, but tiny details might give clues, but never enough to make a convincing case.

Q: (Joe) Would it be true to say that none of them, these hybrids/underground people, are notable public figures?

A: No

Q: (Possibility of Being) Do they span the different races?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So some of them we would know if they were to tell us that one of them was such a hybrid person.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) But they're not going to.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Why? We won't tell anyone!

A: No!

Q: (Joe) If we come up with a list of possible candidates, would they tell us if we were right or wrong?

A: No

Q: (Niall) But this woman on the plane saw something, and she happened to see one of them. What did she see that made her go...?

(Joe) They said the energy flipped something.

(L) The energy flipped her out. And then she saw whatever she saw and that...

(Niall) He shapeshifted or something...

(L) No...

(Joe) No, she just said, "that guy isn't real".

(L) It was the energy.

(Andromeda) Are there any clues that we can look for?

A: Not a useful path.

Q: (L) Yeah. So in other words, following that line of questioning is not useful. Is it dangerous?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) I promised we wouldn't say anything! [laughter]

(L) Yeah, but they know what we're saying all the time anyway.

Q: (Possibility of Being) I have a question. I'm not going to ask what it is, but if there is anything specific about them that is possible to recognize?

A: They are "human" in appearance, but the energy is different to those who are sensitive.

Q: (Joe) They're just weirdos.

(Possibility of Being) Do they recognize each other?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is Mark Zuckerberg one of them?

[Planchette moves towards "yes", then moves away.]

(L) Oh!

(Andromeda) He should be one of those cyborgs, actually!

(L) They stopped. [laughter]

(Andromeda) They were moving toward the "Yes"!

(Niall) Okay, say no more!

(Joe) Alright. We're not gonna ask about that anymore. See how confidential we are? I'm not going to ask, I'm just gonna take it as a "Yes". [laughter]

(Niall) Everyone knows there's something...

(L) There's something really wrong with that guy. Yeah.

(Caesarea) Were the underground mountain structures remote viewed by Pat Price and Joe McMoneagle for Stargate associated with the underground people being discussed?

A: Partly but distorted.

(Ze Germans) Are Rothschilds undergrounders as well?

A: Not at present.

Q: (L) Was the original...

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Are there some of them who don't know who they are? Like their memories have been wiped and new ones implanted?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They are just useful idiots, for some point...

(L) I guess it depends on the kind of mission they're assigned to, what their parameters are. Every situation is probably different.

Q: (Neema) How much control do these underground "handlers" have in Russia?

A: Much less.

Q: (Neema) Is Vladimir Putin aware of them?

A: No

Q: (RedFox) Do Earth changes (sinkholes, volcanoes, earthquakes) effect the underground bases?

(L) That should be "affect", A-F-F-E-C-T, RedFox, you should know better than that. [laughter]

A: No

Q: (L) I think that that question has been discussed in a previous session and they said that they were deeper than earthquakes.

(Chu) That's what IrjO just said on the chat.

(L) Okay. Thank you, IrjO.

(Ursus Minor) Do people like Kissinger only make it to 100 by consuming adrenochrome?

A: Or something similar.

Q: (L) How old is George Soros?

(Pierre) 99?

(Niall) No, he is in his nineties. Early or mid nineties.

(Joe) Yeah, past his nineties.

(L) Yeah, I mean, look at him, and Hillary, and Kissinger. I mean, they look like they're siblings.

(Niall) George Soros is younger than Kissinger, but he's in his nineties.

(Adobe) You know that our understanding of time is so-so at best, yet you answer "at times" from our point of reference and it of course rarely works to our understanding of time. So why do you answer us with our time references?

(L) I think that's fairly obvious. Because they're talking to us and they want to communicate. I mean...

(Adobe) Is there a lesson we are supposed to be getting from this? Or is it just noise/static?

(L) I don't understand your question.

(Joe) What do you mean?

(Adobe) Okay. On that question, they often answer, and I'm thinking specifically right now of... It was asked, "is the next real pandemic possibly gonna happen in two months?" The answer was no. "Is it going to happen within two years?" "Yes." And two years passed, so somebody brought it up, and there is regularly something like that, where the Cs will answer with a time reference that we understand (like "within two years") and then, it doesn't happen. So if they know our time reference, why would they even answer that? Why wouldn't they just allude from it and say, you know, wait and see? But they say, like that last time, "within two years", and it doesn't happen within two years. I'm kind of left with "wait for the other shoe to drop." Is there something we should be learning here?

(L) Well, I don't know which specific reference you're talking about. Do you, Niall?

(Niall) Yes. We asked about the likelihood of a plague, in the sense of the Black Death. And it was sometime in the mid-teens, they said "in 18 months to two years" or something like that. Well, there has not been a Black Death in that time period.

(L) Right. I don't know! Okay. What's the answer to that?

A: Reality is open and plans change. Sometimes we give answers to prevent calamity. The PTB would not allow such a prediction to manifest as it would draw positive attention to this source and they wish to avoid that at all costs. In the case of the COVID fake pandemic it was already in motion and major plans were in place.

Q: (L) So you're saying that sometimes you tell us some things just to prevent it from happening, because you know they won't let it happen if you say it?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) There have been some things that they've said that have happened in the timeframe too, right?

(L) Yeah, there have been.

(Joe) There have been cases in the internet era that got a lot of attention when someone... There haven't been many, but there have been a few over the past 20 years... where someone predicted something. It wasn't like a major event, a plane crash or so something like that. Someone predicted and it got a lot of traction on the internet after the fact. They used a timestamp and they showed that some person had actually predicted some kind of an event, you know? So I think it's true that that would be something they'd want to avoid, you know?

(L) Well, they've also said... remember that time when they said that the PTB, you know, they change plans and change everything around just to fool and throw people off.

(Joe) Yeah. They have an eye on... There's a lot of people, especially now, watching what's going on and trying to kind of predict and talk about what is actually going on, what's behind the scenes, what the plan is, for example, global warming scam, and how they're going to try and kill everybody.... Jordan Peterson is basically talking about that, their plan is to basically starve the entire population, and kill off half of them. You know what I mean? So, when you have that level of exposure on that kind of a plan, it's understandable that they would want to divert that. So there is a feedback from the population, at least the part of the population that's half aware and watching, and trying to figure things out. That's a feedback that the powers that be are getting and they're watching that, they're paying attention to that. And if a certain idea gains some traction, a certain idea as a prediction that is actually part of their plans, they're probably going to change those plans because they don't want to validate anything that anybody has said in terms of prediction. Because most of the people predicting things these days are saying that these people are up to no good. They're nefarious, they're evil powers that be, they're doing this and that, and they don't ever want to give any credence to that.

(L) I think that's one of the reasons why the Cs are very reluctant to give timeframes, unless it's for a definite reason.

(Joe) I'm not saying this to be facetious, but Adobe, pick one of your family members or a friend, and predict what they're going to do tomorrow in the details. Where they're going to go, what time do they get up, when they're gonna go to their work, when they're coming home, you know, in broad strokes, but being fairly specific. I'm just saying that because it's obviously... it's changeable as much as you know someone's agenda...

(Andromeda) About probability and possibilities and all of that stuff...

(Joe) There are so many different things can come into play that can just divert someone's usual course.

(L) We don't have a fixed future except that broad general ideas and things, and repeating cycles are there. But I don't think you can very often... until just before the event, when the realities have converged, and then things are more or less set in stone, and then you can predict.

(Joe) Yeah, we can never really predict.

(L) And it's like... in a sense it's like playing dice, if you have a bunch of different people making predictions about something and everybody is making a different prediction, one of them is going to be right.

(Joe) The Cs have given a general trajectory for the future.

(L) Yeah.

(Joe) But in terms of the details and specifics of when certain events happen...You know, specific events like COVID or a pandemic, or a major volcano or the descent of America into civil war, or any number of these things. I mean, you can't lock that down, you know? Because it's a dynamic situation.

(L) Well, I think that there is another thing about it, and that is that if they make predictions... I don't know how to say this...

(Pierre) In some cases it's a breach of free will.

(L) Yeah. It violates free will. Well, look at what they did about the COVID thing. I mean, on the end of January 31st, 2019... The Cs talked about chills and all that kind of stuff. They didn't say that there was going to be a fixed.... They gave, you know, "you're gonna get chills", and all these kind of things. All of which were pretty exact descriptions of what this thing was that was coming.

(Andromeda) Yeah. In retrospect you can look back and say, that was it.

(L) Yeah, but we couldn't tell in advance. So, a lot of what they give us is along that line. Clues about things like that.

(Niall) Yeah. I think they actually said that in December, on New Year's Eve.

(Joe) Yeah, in December.

(L) It was December 31st, wasn't it?

(Joe) And that had already begun. That was locked in. That was an event that was going to happen. And they're not going to tell us, "Listen, here is what is going to happen over the next two years. They're gonna lock down, they're gonna kill people off..."

(Gaby) There were already COVID cases by December.

(Joe) They weren't going to tell us all the details of what was going on because...

(Andromeda) ...because those can change as well.

(Joe) Well no, that's a learning experience.

(Andromeda) Yeah, as well.

(Joe) That would be a violation of your...

(L) Free will learning directive.

(Niall) Well, what is important in what they're saying is that that is a relatively safe learning experience. But they did forestall, it seems, an actual plague event. Because that is a learning experience they didn't want us to go through. Not yet. Is that all right? Years earlier.

(L) Yeah. Alright. Next question:

(Ryan) Are the underground psychos responsible for all the historically high-level STS secret societies?

A: No

Q: (L) I don't think you need underground psychos for that. Normal human psychos will do quite well.

(thorbiorn) Digitalization makes knowledge formerly written in books more accessible, but also more controllable and volatile, since digital storage mediums are more sensitive to electromagnetic disturbances and digital editing. How important is it for the preservation of knowledge to make efforts to preserve knowledge in books and printed matter?

A: Very!

Q: (L) So it's very important.

(thorbiorn) What is the most reliable way to preserve knowledge?

A: Carved in stone or written on wet clay and then baked.

Q: (Chu) Does anybody feel like transcribing "From Paul to Mark" on stone? Right. [laughter]

(Andromeda) Somewhere in a cave, or a cave wall!

(Scottie) "Secret History"! We're gonna need a big rock.

(L) Yeeeah.... [laughter] Well, it is true that those are the things that have survived for thousands of years.

(Andromeda) Yeah, the only things.

(L) And I guess the second would be the other method, which is writing on paper-like surfaces, you know, like vellum or sheep skin or whatever. And then recopying it at regular intervals. Carefully, because errors always come in when you copy.

(Andromeda) Yeah, so you have to have a trustworthy line of people to do that.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Well, I'm sure there's probably some modern kind of laser inscribing on stone.

(L) Well, that might work.

(Joe) We could have that done, you know, do one of your books or something.

(L) Yeah, just do it with lasers.

(Joe) That would be a lot of stone, though.

(L) Yeah.

(Bo) I am actually curious if there is any of the underground people that have managed to join the FOTCM group? [laughter]

(Chu) Confess!

A: No

Q: (Bo) Have they tried?

A: Yes

Q: (Bo) I would assume they would try, to cause chaos maybe, or for some other purpose.

A: Yes

Q: (thorbiorn) These Nephalim on the way, will they use some of these portals like in Ukraine, Middle East, et cetera, as their preferred landing spots?

A: Yes

Q: [Laura senses something.] There's something about that. What is it?

A: But not necessary.

Q: (L) So it's not necessary for them to use those portals?

A: Yes

Q: (L) They come in anyways, in other ways.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright.

(Ze Germans) Who is the STS Overlord on the top of the hierarchy who is "in charge" of the Earth?

(Chu) They said we wouldn't want to know.

(L) Altair, didn't you hear them when they said they're not gonna answer that? But they DID say something about who the Lizzies worship. What did they say?

(Joe) Ormethion?

(Andromeda) Yeah. And the one who's in charge of the Earth might not necessarily be the one at the very top, right?

(L) Right.

(Gaby) There are many worlds.

(L) Right. And they named a couple, if I remember correctly. At one point we were asking about the flood in Poland, and they named them.

(Josi) Is Chelsea Clinton the daughter of Hubbell, Bill Clinton?

(L) Hubbell Bill... Who is Hubbell Bill Clinton?

(Niall) It was another lawyer who worked with Hillary Clinton.

(L) Somebody named Hubbell Bill Clinton?

(Niall) No, no. There's name mixed up there, I think.

(Ryan) I think that's a typo. I think that's meant to be "hubby".

(L) Okay. Is Chelsea the daughter of Hubby, Bill Clinton?

A: No

Q: (Andromeda) Is it the other guy?

(L) Well, they've put it on the net many times, the guy who was working with Hillary, and who looks exactly like Chelsea, or vice versa.

(Niall) But again, it's not official. That's the conspiracy theory.

(L) Well, of course it's not official, and it doesn't matter what the Cs say about it, it's not official.

(Niall) Okay.

(Joe) What about Prince Harry? is James Hewitt his biological father?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Is Charles?

A: Yes. He checked!

Q: (Joe) Can I just ask, Laura, on that topic, from the archives, just for clarity... Was Princess Diana, her car crash in which she died, in some way deliberately caused by powerful forces in the British establishment, or...?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Because it was never actually said in that...

(L) Well, they didn't say it at that time. It was a volatile time.

(Whitecoast) Adrenochrome could be theoretically synthesized by genetically modified bacteria without the elites drawing attention to themselves via torture and harvesting of humans. Why don't they do that, or do they?

(L) Do they?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why do they do this other stuff?

A: Sickness.

Q: (L) Because they like to.

(Obi) My father passed away at the end of June. I would like to know if his transition was smooth and what he is doing now. Is he alright?

A: He is alright.

Q: (IrjO) Following to the question regarding the woman on the plane, is that the reason of why she cannot be found after that incident? Like, is she being silenced?

A: No

Q: (IrjO) A lot a people were trying to contact her after the video went viral, for her to explain exactly what she saw, but it seems no one can really find her.

A: Not true.

Q: (L) So that's just a conspiracy theory forming around her?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) She's probably embarrassed, she doesn't want to...

(L) Yeah.

(Andromeda) She probably doesn't even know what happened herself.

(L) Or maybe she flipped out so completely, she got hospitalized. Medicated.

(Andromeda) Maybe.

(Caesarea) Are some of the hybrids re-inserted into women on the surface, so they are born "normally"?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, that's pleasant...

(Ryan) Is the story about Paul Dienach time travelling in a coma, discussed on the Forum, accurate in a general way?

A: Yes

Q: (Ryan) If so, was my assessment of what happened close to what actually happened?

A: Yes

Q: (IrjO) So it is true, the saying that says: "The one who keeps his secret; gets his desire,” meaning if you tell your plans, most likely they won't become a reality?

A: Yes!

Q: (Chu) That's it. Oh no, one more.

(Ant22) What happened to the Skripals? The Russian spy who crossed over the UK side, and his daughter? They've been gone from the media since shortly after the Salisbury incident.

A: Kept silent since they figured out what happened to them.

Q: (L) All right. Is there anything we haven't asked that we should have asked or any last minute advice you have to give us? Because I'm really whooped!

A: Get your rest. You are all doing well. Goodbye.

Thank you for the session everyone! So the video alien is the real deal- I just had the feeling for some reason it was. Confirmation from a higher source- and Grusch- makes one wonder how much of the other stuff is also real? We have crash materials, we have bodies- but at the same time comes the realization, OMG this stuff IS real!
Lots of great stuff, with humor as well ( gotta have comic relief with the grim)
Keep it coming!
Thanks for sharing so fast. I think it was a very funny session, for example, how you tried getting some names of the undergrounders. And the moving of the C's to the yes – when it came to Zuckerberg – could also be interpreted as a joke, or maybe not.

And the ilk about Obama is just flabbergasting.

It must have been a cute one, with that name ;-).
Yeah, the bit about M Obama- I will cringe now every time I see her- er- him?
Thank you so much to C's ,Laura and every FOTCM for Amazing Session!!

Interesting tht C's mention of science fiction and called the "emperor" for those who are familiar with Warhammer 40000 (also known colloquially as Warhammer 40k) is a miniatures strategy game set in a dystopian future, mixing elements of science fiction with elements of heroic fantasy. One of the main figures is the "emperor" here some introduction of this fiction character:

Having existed for tens of thousands of years, the Emperor has guided humanity since the dawn of its history and has become its greatest protector and hope ever since against the seemingly limitless threats that threaten it within the galaxy. As such, he has earned the animosity of the Chaos Gods, powerful psychic beings that exist in the Immaterium, due to his being seen as the embodiment of order and stability, as well as his constant efforts to thwart their evil plans. Eventually, the four Gods conspired against him by corrupting his favorite son Horus into rebelling against him, igniting a galaxy-spanning civil war. Although Horus was eventually killed by the Emperor's hand, the Empire was left in ruins and the Emperor was fatally wounded; Being forced to be confined to the Golden Throne to put it in suspended animation where every day 1000 people have to be sacrificed to keep it alive in such state.

Whether it's the Emperor from Star Wars or some other fantasy tale, I find it hard to believe that such an entity could exist in our reality. mmm...
Perhaps the Overlord doesn’t exist in our reality, but can influence our reality all the same by one means or another? A being with such power surely would have the resources to do so- or be able to act in multiple realities with ease.
Yes, I have come to accept all types of evils that plague our world as a tool for growth and learning, but from a 3D human being point of view it is very difficult to understand that children are allowed this torture. What lesson do these children have to learn? And seeing that it is a massive practice that spans millennia, one assumes that we all have gone or will go through this horrible experience.

Yes, and yes to what @Carl wrote and you quoted. It sure is difficult to understand. One can only hope that there IS a reason, and that one day we'll understand. :-(

An excellent video below by Hammerson Peters on the history of adrenochrome use dating back through the MK-Ultra program all the way to the 17th century in fur trade North America.

Thanks for sharing that. Interesting! (And with the creepy implications we all understand.)
I am “hypothesizing” in an effort to better understand, I am not saying this “is”.

Making a separation between TPTB (3/4DSTS, humans, and underground agents working here on earth) and the STS&STO counsels that are trying to keep proper balance, and karma in our little corner of the universe.

Group one: (upper level) The STS&STO counsel upholds that it’s time for the end, the balancing, the clean sweep, so put on your big boy paints and deal with it. As ugly as it is, its necessary and don’t be so body-centric. After the rough ride, your spirt will return home, so try to enjoy the great harvest, and take notes! That is to say: “we’re not going to fix this”. Human beings in a state of rot, and that have been driven mad, together with the natural cycles of nature will perform this work.

Group two: (lower level) The TPTB are somewhat aware of these natural calamities coming, and are under orders from STS4D to push-faster to depopulate! Why? I suspect by rushing the deaths of millions if not billions of people they are absconding with souls that would “if given a little more time” may choose not to follow lies, and their soul’s trajectory would be “different”. Each time we have one of these “issues” like covid, gender, Ukraine the LIE becomes more and more obvious, and yet, good people fall into the wasteland of souls (children of the lie). So, I’m hypothesizing that TPTB/4DSTS team is cheating, and capturing souls that are hanging in the balance. Straining, if not outright breaking the free will rules of the upper counsel. Are are cheating…the DCM?

Q: If STS is cheating by rushing the harvest in order to steal a portion of the harvest that is not rightfully theirs, are the C’s allowed to intervene? (Perhaps it's not karma, not balance but low level criminality)The C’s have mentioned that STS were preparing to capture us at the turning point to 4D. And maybe that coincides with the grand cycle closing time (now). Is this their capturing of souls plan in action? If so, it "does" seem to be working.

@T. C. Brought up a good point. What if it was a question from the humans, in this case one of “us” that allowed the C’s to get involved? If that’s so, then more thought is required on this subject.

Ruffly speaking, I think 70% took the vaxx. And now ruffly speaking 70% have stopped after one two or three injections, that is to say, there could now be 70% that are saying “hey wait a minute! Does that represent a group that is wavering on their decision to become children of the lie?

Could it be that through the human-cosmic connection that the C’s intervened (not to stop the horror show that must continue, the karma and the balance) but to buy more time for the harvest and the souls that may just need a little more time.

FWIW: from Revelations 6:9 (when the saints were asking the lord: come on! can we get on with this already?) The reference was of the final harvest and those still living on the earth that needed so more time to “complete”.

“told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothersc should be complete,”
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First, "may the 4th be with you" sounds like, when saying it, "May the Force be with you"...
Interesting that it appears to be a "grassroots" phenomenon:
Star Wars Day is an informal commemorative day observed annually on May 4 to celebrate the Star Wars media franchise created by filmmaker George Lucas. Observance of the day spread quickly through media and grassroots celebrations since the franchise began in 1977.

The date originated from the pun "May the Fourth be with you", a variant of the Star Wars catchphrase "May the Force be with you". Even though the holiday was not created or declared by Lucasfilm, many Star Wars fans have chosen to celebrate the holiday. It has since been embraced by Lucasfilm and the Walt Disney Company as an annual celebration of Star Wars.
Will people finally unite against the invaders?
A: Ileaghona of Cassiopaea source present. Energies are difficult due to global EM patternings at this "time".
Q: (L) I guess the obvious question is to ask: Why?
A: Widespread suffering prewave approaches.
Q: (Pierre) So it's the suffering of human beings that has an influence on the global EM pattern?
A: Yes. When the levels rise, balancing will begin in earnest.
Q: (L) Are you saying that it's almost necessary for suffering to be even more widespread than it is for the changes to come?
A: Indeed, humanity will finally be united.
Q: (Perceval) Finally united in suffering?
A: Yes.
Q: (Perceval) That's the only kind of unity possible? Great!
A: No, not the only kind possible.

Second, I wonder why some words start with a capital letter and others with a lower case letter. Does anyone know if is it random or if there is any reason that I cannot conceive of, not being myself a programmer genius, I am even light years away?
I don't see any hidden meaning. The naming of files and directories is up to the user of system. I don't recall anybody else using Terry's machine.
Third, in the Imminent Alien Disclosure? thread, @Ben wrote: [...] 'SABER' - standing for 'synthetic astro biological extra terrestrial races'. [...]
Hmm... Light Saber... synthetic aliens passing as saviors?

In Terry's directory list there is also "Jon Snow" from Game of Thrones.
Jon Snow is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones, in which he was portrayed by English actor Kit Harington. In the novels, he is a prominent point of view character. He is one of the most popular characters in the series, and The New York Times cites him as one of the author's finest creations.[1][2]
Let's take a look at upcoming novels of author George R. R. Martin in the series A Song of Ice and Fire:
A Game of Thrones (1996)
A Clash of Kings (1998)
A Storm of Swords (2000)
A Feast for Crows (2005)
A Dance with Dragons (2011)
The Winds of Winter (forthcoming)
A Dream of Spring (planned)
At Guadalajara International Book Fair 2016, Martin gave some clues about the dark nature of The Winds of Winter: "I've been telling you for 20 years that winter was coming. Winter is the time when things die, and cold and ice and darkness fill the world, so this is not going to be the happy feel-good that people may be hoping for. Some of the characters [are] in very dark places. .... Things get worse before they get better, so things are getting worse for a lot of people."[8]
Hmm... isn't that what the C's have been warning about?
(L) Is there anything we need to know or ask? Consider it asked to help us out through this turmoil...
A: Things will get worse before they get better. Stay alert and use knowledge!!! Goodbye.
Incoming Ice Age!

About predictions (continued)
(Adobe) Okay. On that question, they often answer, and I'm thinking specifically right now of... It was asked, "is the next real pandemic possibly gonna happen in two months?" The answer was no. "Is it going to happen within two years?" "Yes." And two years passed, so somebody brought it up, and there is regularly something like that, where the Cs will answer with a time reference that we understand (like "within two years") and then, it doesn't happen. So if they know our time reference, why would they even answer that? Why wouldn't they just allude from it and say, you know, wait and see? But they say, like that last time, "within two years", and it doesn't happen within two years. I'm kind of left with "wait for the other shoe to drop." Is there something we should be learning here?
And now suddenly we are in the process of revisiting every "prediction." 😅
There was another prediction (from 2015) about when "help" was going to come. Basically, the first answer was "wait and see" and when we insisted on a timeframe, we got: before 2025!
A: Help is on the way!
Q: (Galatea) Did you ever ask them when it's going to come? When?!
A: Wait and see!
Q: [laughter] (Galatea) Can we get a small time frame? Like, within less than 10 years?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Oh, great! Yeah, before 2025. Woohoo! [laughter]

(Chu) Help as in comets? People?
(L) I have the feeling that it's comets...
A: Close!
Q: (L) Well, there were two things that actually have been said in previous sessions. One thing was when we were talking about volcanic eruptions, and the remark was made that what happens if all the volcanoes go off at once. Is this something like what's coming up?
A: Very warm! [Ha-ha!]
'Buggy' 🐜Schwab is aiming for 2030, and in the middle of all this, "planetary alignments are ominous for 2021-2024."

Remember how Agenda 21 became Agenda 2030 in September 2015.
Sustainable Development Summit (2015)

Agenda 2030, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals, was a set of goals decided upon at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015.[4] It takes all of the goals set by Agenda 21 and re-asserts them as the basis for sustainable development, saying, "We reaffirm all the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development…"[5] Adding onto those goals from the original Rio document, a total of 17 goals have been agreed on, revolving around the same concepts of Agenda 21; people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership.[6]
The C's said "Yes" to "within less than 10 years" in January 2015, postponing "ze bugs" for another 15 years! 😅
Ok, maybe I'm going too far, but it's an attempt to spot the "change of plans" of TPTB.
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