Session 29 July 2023

Merci pour tous vos partages et recherches de vidéos sur les sujets "Extraterrestres" et "Horreurs sur les enfants"...
Je ne les regarderai pas, pour moi, c'est trop insupportable...
Je vous crois mais suis trop sensible et mon corps se révulse juste le fait d'y penser, c'est comme tout le mal qui est fait aux animaux...
Mettre de l'énergie pour voir ces horreurs ne m'intéresse pas, mon âme me dit que ce n'est pas nécessaire de me torturer car ce ne serait que donner de 'énergie aux forces du mal... Donc je l'écoute et préfère me réfugier dans la prière et rester dans la lumière et l'amour du Divin Esprit Cosmique... Serait ce des voeux pieux ?...
Je lis actuellement "Le Paradis et l'enfer" d'Emanuel Swedenborg (en Français) qui recoupe tout ce qui est dit dans le livre approuvé par les Cassiopéens, ce qui me réconforte, pardon mais je préfère mettre mon énergie dans ma lecture et mes prières...

Thank you for all your sharing and research of videos on the subjects "Extraterrestrials" and "Horrors on children"...
I won't watch them, for me, it's too unbearable...
I believe you but I'm too sensitive and my body revolts just thinking about it, it's like all the harm that is done to animals...
Putting energy into seeing these horrors does not interest me, my soul tells me that it is not necessary to torture myself because it would only give energy to the forces of evil... So I listen to it and prefer to take refuge in prayer and stay in the light and the love of the Divine Cosmic Spirit... Could this be pious wishes?...
I am currently reading "Le Paradis et l'enfer" by Emanuel Swedenborg (in French) which overlaps with everything said in the Cassiopaean-approved book, which comforts me, sorry but I prefer to put my energy into my reading and my prayers...
Thank you Furriaea, Laura and the Chateau Crew for the long informative session. I just shudder when I read what these so-called elites are doing. I've read about the adrenochrome thing before, but didn't find it very believable. Now I am taught better. There's probably no mess these guys skip.
friendly greetings to everyone
Thank you to the Ladies at the board, Laura and Andromeda, Chateau Crew, everyone attended, and those involved in making possible this so wild session. :flowers:

I have not read all the answers, yet, so I'm sorry if part of what is below have already been said by someone else.

(L) Could Michelle Obama be a hermaphrodite?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, hermaphrodite is, as I understand it - and some of you people can correct me if I'm wrong - is an individual born with both sets of sexual organs. It can be an individual who has both a penis and a vagina.

(Gaby) But usually they will be XY or XX even though they're hermaphrodites. There's like a medical anomaly. You know, one gender will predominate.

(L) Is that what we're looking at here?

A: Yes


Q: (L) So you're saying Barry Obama is a sick person. Sick in what way?

A: Psychopath.

Q: (Joe) Is he an underground person?

A: No, not smart enough.

I'll be back about hermaphroditism below, but I was wondering about Barry being "not smart enough" to be an underground being.

Not that I know the degree of his cleverness, or even if he is smart in the strict sense of the word, but it does raise the question of how far intelligent (as cold as it can be, I guess) these beings born or raised in these underground cities far below the Earth's surface really are.

Whether they surpass us in sheer cleverness and/or whether the possible total absence of emotions (which again I'm assuming, considering the fact that they're totally driven by 4th STS) gives them an advantage over us, in some way. I suppose that this advantage might be pretty obvious, I am just wondering to which extent, exactly.

I guess an entire session could be devoted to the hybrids/underground people topic alone, in addition to the occurrences that already exist in previous sessions.

The attempts to get names of some of them that are with us here on the ground were very funny, so thank you for the humorous atmosphere, which considerably lightens the seriousness of the subjects discussed and the so sick side of our reality.

(seek10): How many people are like that in the world currently? Like Michelle Obama?

(L) You mean hermaphrodites?

(seek10) Right.

(L) What's the... It's very small.

(Gaby) It's very, very rare.

A: Less than 5K.

Q: (Andromeda) Very rare.

(Joe) And then becoming the First Lady. What are the odds?
People like Michelle Obama, meaning (at least to me) adults that have kept both male and female sexual organs, would then be less than 5K. However, I don't think this means that hermaphroditic births aren't more numerous.

I found an oral question/answer put in the French Senate. The oral question was put on 8th October 2015 and published in the Journal Officiel the same day (page 2345).
They use the term intersexuation to refer to hermaphroditism, and here's what I found interesting.

The issue of intersex is still largely misunderstood: intersex people are not born with specific sexual characteristics (fully male or female). Around 2% of intersex children are born each year in France, leaving parents at a loss to decide which sex they want their child to be.
with the advice of doctors. These surgical practices are a real form of violence against these children. Painful and often very numerous, they often lead to post-operative difficulties and identity disorders. The United Nations Organization (UNO) recognizes these medical practices as veritable mutilations.

She therefore asks what measures can be taken to better understand this situation, to protect intersex children and guarantee their right to physical integrity.

The oral answer was given on 2nd February 2016 and published the day after (page 2485). I only put here what is interesting regarding what I want to highlight about hermaphroditism, in France:
Poorly informed, parents have three years to decide which sex they want their child to be registered as, according to the binary gender classification.

The resulting acts of corrective surgery are described as veritable mutilation and torture by United Nations institutions and by the Council of Europe, in its 2013 report on children's rights to physical integrity.
Fortunately, these situations are extremely rare: the incidence at birth is poorly known, but is thought to be of the order of one in 5,000 births, or probably around 160 per year.

So, first, French parents have three years to decide what their child be, a girl or a boy. This suggests that many of these children undergo so-called corrective surgeries (not one, but many) from an early age, and in fact, from what I've read here and there (mostly in French), it often takes well into their entire childhood. What a hell for them!

It seems (from this oral question/answer) that other countries gives a far more long delay to parents (up to the child's 15th birthday like Germany for example).

Second, we can read in the oral question above: Around 2% of intersex childs are born each year in France. I looked for the number of births in France each year, it is 753,000 for 2019. And 2% of 753,000 is 15,060, not 160 as this figure is given in the oral answer above. Does it mean that they are not all reported (if I'm not mistaken, numbers aren't really my thing)? I wonder.

I also learned that there can be many forms and variations of hermaphroditism, but that only three types are distinguised today:

  • true hermaphroditism, a very rare form characterized by the simultaneous development of ovarian and testicular tissue;

  • pseudo-hermaphroditism in men, or male pseudo-hermaphroditism, which is associated with individuals with an XY karyotype (defining a male individual) presenting ambiguous genital tracts and external genitalia;

  • pseudo-hermaphroditism in women, or pseudo female hermaphroditism, which is associated with individuals with an XX karyotype (defining a female subject) possessing ovaries but ambiguous external genitalia.

So three forms of hermaphroditism are distinguished, but we can guess that many others are not, yet, due to the many variations that exist.

According to the Intersexuation page of Wikipédia (in French, as I did not found statistics in the English one):
The organization Intersex International Europe estimates that at least one person in two hundred is intersex and, according to some sources, up to 1.7% of the population has a variation in sexual characteristics.

To compare with the year 2019 used above in my calculation for France, I took the world population figure for 2019: 7,743,000,000.
7 743 000 000 - 1,7 % = 131 631 000. That's huge!

But this figure is certainly lower when we're talking only about "true hermaphroditism", cases where the double gender of organs is not ambiguous (as most of the cases in the world might be), i.e. the simultaneous and unambiguous presence of male and female genitalia, which could be the case for Michelle Obama, the figure given by the Cs for cases like her being 5K.

Things are really getting more and more interesting! 🍿
There is a horror show on Netflix called "The Watcher" apparently about adrenochrome. I only know about it through vigilant citizen; I don't care to watch it. In it, a family is stalked by their neighbors and have to go through weird and frightening experiences. One character acts out sucking blood from the finger of another after instilling fear into them somehow. The daughter is taken in by some dumb lefty propaganda and accuses her father of being racist (very rare to see that sort of cultural commentary from TV these days). It seems to be a toned down sort of disclosure, and it is much more literal than they've been up to now.

As for this emperor, when I think about what I most "don't want to know," it is the ending of the Prisoner, where the villain happens to be
and nothing makes sense. But my mind also went to The Master from Doctor Who, who was kind of a (perhaps lamer) predecessor of Darth Vader, as well as the demon of fear from Charmed. I wouldn't want to find the devil, so to speak, to be cool as well as intelligent. I also used to think of it as a giant black hole, though. But I suppose it must have personality and charisma.
Huge thanks for that incredible session to Laura, Andromeda, Team and somebody’s higher self messenger from 6d😉🙏

A lot of hard homework, deep questions, good humor along the way)) 👍

Would like to share similar sort of experience as @MMS posted in #146.

A: They are "human" in appearance, but the energy is different to those who are sensitive.

That was another case of my ‘Highstrangness’ encounter.
It was Sunday (around 13 years ago), my relative and i were searching for a new refrigerator for home in electronics supermarket. As long as we had little time, we were moving rather fast between the rows Z-like manner looking for a suitable one. One moment i looked back (i was in front and my relative - a step behind) and noticed 2 weird looking guys following/copying exactly our path at some not a long distance behind (it is like when you look at the back of the train which is sharply turning from the front wagons). It continued for several minutes or so. On the closest point of our proximity - exactly overlooking the top of one low row-i noticed sort of a notch on their foreheads - looking like a third eye. Other unexplainable thing to me was - the way they moved. As if the ping lagged in the 3d shooter game on an old computer/or poor network speed, for example - not a smooth drawing of the movement, but as if the step-disappeared-appeared-step, though fast manner ‘glitches’.
Then they suddenly disappeared the next time i looked back. Could it be system/matrix glitches and/or was i supposed Not to see them in the first place, not sure. But i was certain - sort of felt, that they were not usual ‘humans’ so to say. (It was around 6 months-1 year before i found Cass material). So later i read about Nation of the 3rd eye (also from underground) - and it was whoa flashback. But now as i reread the material-they differ from those discussed in this session.
Latter analyzing, it reminded me of the case with Terry in a bar with drunkard and the Cs replied - that ‘masked’ alien was reading his aura/FRV profile. So could those guys have had similar mission?🧐

Would like to add one more comment on the following excerpt.

(Ze Germans) What is the nature of the power center in Russia, which is symbolized by a bear as described previously?

A: Partly dismantled. Now in opposition to NWO.

Q: (Joe) Do Putin and the members of the Russian government know the extent of the depravity of their Western "partners", as we were just talking about?

A: They can hardly believe it.

Q: (L) Alright. Yeah, because when we asked that question, it seems to me that they were saying that there was something in Russia that was part of this beast empire thing, and that would be, I think, the Westerners who were... Maybe the oligarchs who were Western leaning and so forth, and they were very powerful at the time.

(Niall) So, I guess it's Putin who has partly dismantled it...

(L) Yeah. And, and Putin has dismantled that structure?

A: Yes

Interesting, to what extent it is being dismantled by him, when Russia despite of the direct confrontation (masks off?) with the western PTB-continues to steadily follow/comply with most of the WEF/Schwabs/IMF/WB narratives - from CBDC, biometry, 15 min cities, to insect factories for future food etc. Most of the oligarchs are still here and flourishing over the top 💁‍♂️, including continuing not public negotiations with Ukraine etc.
Could it be like in a saying - if you can’t control it, join and head it , to create good-NWO?!🤔😉

P.s. about anticipation and telling about your plan’s passage. Took a note as well)
Reminded me of another saying: If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans (c)
Assumption that thry don
Thank you all very much for sharing the session, very interesting.

As above, so below, the interactions between them should look like between corrupt politicians fighting for power, pulling dirt, defamation, blackmail, abuse and so on.
And the overlord is watching, and as long as the set goals are realized by the puppets, such a fight is as much in his favor as possible.

I wonder what the food pyramid of the underground civilization looks like, there are millions of them living underground and they are unlikely to depend on supplies from the surface
Assumption that they don't generate their own "products".
And, I'm sure there is more than one version of the food pyramid down yonder....
Vampires are required to ask permission toenter your
The topic of announcing one’s plans being a prerequisite for failure has me thinking.

I can’t help but notice that the WEF and others in the game of world conquest seem delighted as if bragging about their plans “You vill eat ze bugs and own nothing” and so on. My hope is that these plan failures are not just for regular people trying to fulfill modest objectives but also for these psychopaths and their stooges. If so, I can see this as an avenue of wishful thinking failing and ironically at their own hands.
Vampires are required to ask for permission to enter Your house.

Some of them take the fact that nobody says No as a yes.
I feel like a dump truck load of knowledge was just dumped on me and I am buried in it, somehow it feels good to be at the bottom of the pile here. I compiled many items here into this post.

Alien in video; this Alien in the video is a reality to me as I encountered them many years ago as a child. I saw three of them through a portal of a ship, close up. There were two short Orion’s and one taller one that I saw. The short one on the right had normal eyes, tapered and large. The small one on the left had eyes more like the guy in the video, wider as if someone was looking through them. And I think that this is the item here. I understand that these shorter Orion’s are like drones for the for the STS higher-ups. I believe that this Orion in the video was being monitored remotely by a higher STS entity because of the eye openings as they were and may have cause the breathing issue with the short Orion, an immolation action in case it was going to spill knowledge. In my UFO adventure the one Orion with the enlarged eyes had an observer and was using it to look between the taller Orion and me. And they don’t blink, they are plants not animals.

The Overlord; I wouldn’t go looking for them but if you must then look for the darkest black hole available because that is all that we will see of them here in 3D.

Right now, the depopulation agenda is all that is on the minds of all the other STS in this reality. Why, because they have been ordered to by someone higher up the ladder. STS can only function in a master slave environment. You do nothing unless ordered to, you do not pass along knowledge unless it helps your STS position and then you do not give all of it, maybe 50%. You do not go against orders that you have been given by a higher STS entity.

Underground Cites; I’ve wrote about them in my books, but it is far from the actual reality. There may be more underground cities in this reality than we have on the surface, and by a major factor.

Michelle Obama; I am not touching this, literally. But I do have to wonder about the stories of the Amazon women, were they all similar?

Adrenochrome; this is an all around ugly subject and how they acquire it. but I have to wonder just how much of the synthetic version is in our society today in creams, foods and drugs. Now I am going to think about this whenever I hear of some new breakthrough in anti-aging.

McConnell; My wife picked up on this, the minute it happened she said it was a soft heart attack and she is just a pharmacy clerk, not any kind of a doctor. the fact that he was not investigating this further is very STS like.

‘That MFer is not real’; I like to think of it like the Mongloid in the movie ‘Fifth Element’, as he could take off his human face anytime it was needed. But for real, I suspect that as we get closer to the harvest here, these revealing’s may become more and more common. And we may be more sensitive to this as we are more awake than the majority of this reality.

‘Reality is open and plans change’; if the STS have a course of action, of course they keep it to themselves. Why, because the action of us thinking about it is applying positive energy to the thought, essentially killing the action from happening. By the C’s informing us about it killed the action of even happening because we screwed it up for them and they will not get the results that planed on, pretty cool isn’t it.

Saving knowledge on a hardened media; let's take Laura’s book ‘From Paul to Mark’, it is 626 pages in length. I am thinking about a device that can laser etch something onto rock. There are many available for less than $10K that have a fairly good miniature size output. One I was looking at could print text at 1mm tall. If you were to reduce all the text in the book to this size, you could print the whole book on an 18” square tile and mount it on a wall somewhere. I would etch it as deep as you could and not seal it as that might hide what is written. If you could get these planted all over the world with hundreds of copies, one or more will make it to the next reality here on this world. Although I believe that this was done with the New Testament and the POB found them all and destroyed them, just food for thought.

Incredible session (and all the replies) by all, keep it up. Haiku …
Thanks Laura and Andromeda for the work and energy that you put in at the board, to those at the chateau, and everyone who participated and asked great questions.

I’ve been thinking about the part where the C’s said sometimes they say things to prevent them from happening.

It seems to me to be a can of worms and raises a lot of questions, but I’m really struggling to get my head around them. Issues of STO, non-interference, lesson plans. Is it because they were asked and so it’s actually the questioner, who has done their research, who’s effecting the change? But then, the C’s don’t have to answer. If they can prevent things from happening by predicting them, then is that what all of their predictions do? Why couldn’t they prevent so many of the negative things that have happened since they were first contacted, and who’s to say exactly what is negative and positive? 9/11 for example. So, are there things that seem negative to us that must absolutely be allowed to play out in order for a potentially positive outcome at the close of the grand cycle?

I tried to think of analogies here in 3D around the idea of saying something in order to prevent it from happening. The most recent one that comes to mind is Shoigu informing western alphabet agencies about the dirty bomb intelligence that the Russians acquired. I don’t know if we can use that example as a springboard for discussion, but it seems to have prevented said dirty bomb attack.

I’m both surprised and confused by what they said on this topic. Can they only prevent things that are orchestrated by human beings, or can this be spun out into earth changes and cosmic events too? I mean, the human cosmic connection would mean that any catastrophes could also be averted by humanity making different choices.

Sorry for rambling on about this, but it’s the only way I can get these thoughts written out.
Perhaps the answer is in the mirror.

The proposition came in answer to "Who's the Overlord?" and I thought it was very interesting. Despite our present sense of disconnectedness I think that, due to our actual multidimensional nature, we are connected to everything, including the "dark" centers of power, Archons, negative archetypes or however you care to call them, but that our particular Resonance Vibration Frequency determines which channels prevail and serve as our main source of energy. The extent of my connection to this Overlord might simply be an intelectual awareness of his nature and existence, if there is no strong sympathetic connection, but on the other hand, if a predominant part of my being responds to the "sound" emanating from the Overlord by resonating with it, due to a simiraity in frequency, then I'm literally being moved by the connection with the Overlord, effectively receiving his energy. So, yes, the Overlord is as much within us as is the Merciful Lord, or the Nurturing Goddess, or any other archetype.

I recently saw an American pastor warning that the recreation in New York (and later London too) of the destroyed Archway of Baal from the Syrian city of Palmyra, under the pretense that it behooved us as westeners to rescue an architectural work of art destroyed by Isis, was an actual ruse to have people literally walk into the presence of Baal and subconsciously pledge allegiance to him. He was most adamant that this would bring dire consequences to our civilization and his message and deliverance had a powerful fear-charge. I thought that the pastor's god, which he constantly touted as the enemy of the evil being, as far as I know, had never gone out in full force to destroy this Baal entity, nor Satan or any other Dark Archon, thereby acknowledging that they not only had a natural right to exist, but that very likely too, they have an important role to play in the scheme of things.
Perhaps the answer is in the mirror.
I've been thinking along similar lines lately. In familiarizing myself with other channeled material just to see what else is coming through out there I came across one of Barbara Marciniak's sessions where a participant asked "Why don't you just communicate with the oversoul of the Anunnaki and ask it for help in showing them the error of their ways?"

Instead of coming straight out and saying that that's exactly what they're doing, the P's said something along the lines of "Here's a fun thought experiment: imagine that you ARE the Anunnaki" and then quickly changed the subject.

So, given all the other things that we know about, but don't fully understand the implications of yet: there is no time, all of our incarnations are simultaneous, 4D STS entities don't die but are rather "degaussed", I think that the picture of what's going on here becomes a lot clearer even if it's not so easy to put into words that will satisfy the linear, 3D STS mind.
Thanks to Laura and Andromeda and everyone for the session.
Another session to remind us how truly weird the world is. We have to live in this somewhat storybook reality, driven by concerns that are largely false and trivial. Oh, if people knew the actual scheme of things. But it's the only reality we can currently be 'trusted' with perhaps.
First, we come to the conclusion that we are not in Kansas anymore. Then we realize that 'Kansas' has been replaced with a simulacrum a long time ago. Then we realize that there never really was a 'Kansas' except in our aspirations. Still, some part of me balks at the incredulity of what 'real reality', at least a glimpse of it, looks like through my programmed and propaganda-weary eyes.

So there are millions of people 'from underground' running around, doing God knows what... At least we know about it.
Thank you very much Laura, Andromeda, C's and all the members with the contributions of super interesting questions.
I’ve been thinking about the part where the C’s said sometimes they say things to prevent them from happening.

It seems to me to be a can of worms and raises a lot of questions, but I’m really struggling to get my head around them. Issues of STO, non-interference, lesson plans. Is it because they were asked and so it’s actually the questioner, who has done their research, who’s effecting the change? But then, the C’s don’t have to answer. If they can prevent things from happening by predicting them, then is that what all of their predictions do? Why couldn’t they prevent so many of the negative things that have happened since they were first contacted, and who’s to say exactly what is negative and positive? 9/11 for example. So, are there things that seem negative to us that must absolutely be allowed to play out in order for a potentially positive outcome at the close of the grand cycle?
I have also thought a lot about something similar, wondering if experiencing all that chaos and shock of this current moment in the experience of living that moment as consciously as possible, does something that engraves or imprints in the soul the lesson, there is the individual lesson, but I wonder if there is also the group lesson? that is as humanity, how in some way or another without knowing it completely we are in such a rotten society. That is to say I suppose that from the destruction by natural forces of the technological infrastructure of the STS, it comes to me to say thank you. Also what I have felt is that by knowing more, I have felt a kind of liberation, less stress.
Well, what will be, will be. Wait and see, as the C's say.

The oral answer was given on 2nd February 2016 and published the day after (page 2485). I only put here what is interesting regarding what I want to highlight about hermaphroditism, in France:

So, first, French parents have three years to decide what their child be, a girl or a boy. This suggests that many of these children undergo so-called corrective surgeries (not one, but many) from an early age, and in fact, from what I've read here and there (mostly in French), it often takes well into their entire childhood. What a hell for them!

It seems (from this oral question/answer) that other countries gives a far more long delay to parents (up to the child's 15th birthday like Germany for example).

Second, we can read in the oral question above: Around 2% of intersex childs are born each year in France. I looked for the number of births in France each year, it is 753,000 for 2019. And 2% of 753,000 is 15,060, not 160 as this figure is given in the oral answer above. Does it mean that they are not all reported (if I'm not mistaken, numbers aren't really my thing)? I wonder.
I'm skeptical of the 2% figure in the question. It looks like this might be the source for it:
Anne Fausto-Sterling and her co-authors broadly said in 2000 that "[a]dding the estimates of all known causes of nondimorphic sexual development suggests that approximately 1.7% of all live births do not conform to a Platonic ideal of absolute sex chromosome, gonadal, genital, and hormonal dimorphism";[10][9] these publications have been widely quoted by intersex activists.[65][66][67] Of the 1.7%, 1.5% points (88% of those considered "nondimorphic sexual development" in this figure) consist of individuals with late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia (LOCAH) which may be asymptomatic but can present after puberty and cause infertility.[68]
But this figure is certainly lower when we're talking only about "true hermaphroditism", cases where the double gender of organs is not ambiguous (as most of the cases in the world might be), i.e. the simultaneous and unambiguous presence of male and female genitalia, which could be the case for Michelle Obama, the figure given by the Cs for cases like her being 5K.

Things are really getting more and more interesting! 🍿
Yeah, true hermaphroditism is very rare. From Wikipedia:
True hermaphroditism represents 5% of all sex disorder differentiations.[15]

The exact number of confirmed cases is uncertain, but by 1991 approximately 500 cases had been confirmed.[16]

It has also been estimated that more than 525 have been documented.[9]
Also, the intersex entry lists the prevalence of true hermaphroditism as "One in 20,000 births (0.005%)[88]", which means rougly 400,000 for the world population, assuming the rate is accurate and similar in all geographic regions.
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