Session 29 July 2023

Really interesting remote viewing video. Jon Stewart hired a remote viewing team to RV the video. They nailed it. (Dolan participates in the conversation.)

It's mind-blowing how much data they got and how coherent they were as a group. Here's a summary of the data they got, if someone doesn't want to invest 2 hours in the video:​


The remote viewer is to move to the optimum position at the target location to describe the filming
event of this video and all the life involved in the filming.
All tasker intent, rumours, theories, speculation and social constructs will be ignored and ONLY the
actual REAL/Physical filming event will be described in full.

Summary of viewers data:​


 Coral details a curved vehicle or structure in movement (flight) (a craft)
 Four biological inside the structure
 The biological are involved with ‘data’ and claim to be ‘injected into the network of
 The craft and the biologicals are all sentient – they have a reptile feel to them.
 The target is an event, a telling of truth and evolution through disclosure.
 Multiple biological involved
 One is smaller, scare, anxious, uncomfortable.
 Communication felt difficult like two different radio stations with static.
 They were here to plug something into the ground, which would broadcast.
 They are thin, bony, flexible, fast and strong. The skin is leathery, tough and thick.
 They have long arms with three or four jointed shoulder, with a backwards thumb and three
fingers ending in a pad.
 The have large eyes and a small vertical mouth.
 The forehead is domed, high on top.
 They claim to NOT be predators.
 Multiple players involved in the target
 Two groups, one human, one non human.
 The humans are huddles around something or in a circle, they are controlling.
 They respond to an outside higher power, although are autonomous.
 One group have large eyes and heads and wear similar clothing a dark coloured suit.
 This feels very ‘star wars’ but retro and underground.


 The target consists of land, biologicls, structures.
 There is involvement of a structure in the air, AOL of Vimana.
 The purpose is establishing an agreement between two different parties.
 One side is Human and military, representing a powerful country.
 The other side is non human.
 There is some deceiving going on.
 This all revolves around a structure.
 Two separate meetings one upstairs the other the focus of the target took place in a hidden
space, underground.
 The structure, feels stony, big/massive, half in and half out of the land. The land around is
natural with hills in the background.
 Within the structure there is a central ‘object’ curved on a platform.
 The Biological were: wrinkled skin, thick, looks old.
 Grey or dark grey, AOL Strieber’s aliens. It looks like an elephants skin.
 They don’t look friendly, on a mission, emotionless.
 Uniformed, militaristic biological, a negotiations/meeting.
 One side is human: uniformed, camouflaged, serious, hopeful. High ranked.
 The other is masked (intentions), ugly! It moves sluggishly, its non human. Feels like a
puppet, this feels very deceiving.
 An agreement or’ cold exchange’ in exchange for weapons, tools or energy.


 A slivery, metallic, curved vehicle is involved at the target.
 The target event feels like night time involving the vehicle.
 A feel of ‘something lost’ and ‘appropriated’.
 Data indicates an object not running smoothly – failing.
 A sense of something hitting a man made vehicle. AOL ricochet.
 Multiple biological converging on something on the land. Moving as a group.
 The vehicle has a pilot. A feel that something has happened to the pilot?
 The biological wears a uniform, this feels like a past era.
A biological feels fit/well, assertive, confident in uniform, intelligent, polite, smiling.
 There is a man made structure with corridors, Biologicals work here, in departments, all
official, lots of files and records.
 There is a sound or hum, a low monotonous hum. And auditory energy? A repetitive
sound. AOL: like a radar? Green illuminated.
 A military aspect, a male in uniform. An odd feeling in the chest associated with this.
With facial hair, brown hair, slim physique, serious, a bit gruff. In charge, humourless,
irritable? 40+, AOL: commander.
 This is inside a building.
 A biological with fine energetic, like pulsing, a signal. A low continuous drone sound.
 Bios running across a natural terrain, scrambling to get somewhere quickly, undetected.
Moving from concealed positions, a military team, physicially fit, strong, stealth. Closing
in, co ordinate awaiting orders. A special forces vibe.
 They are watching a structure for movement. A recovery.
 There are biologicals inside, they are cautious, laying low, hiding.
 Biological in a group surrounding an important Bio, moving and protecting them. They
males are wearing black. Moving with alertness and urgency.
 A sense of opposing side’s pitted against each other.
 A scenario like the taking away of a downed pilot. A bio is taken captive.
 A reference to fictional, legendary, actual film, projecting film, old style projector.


 An unconventional non surface structure that floats in the air.
 Oval, smooth and pewter coloured.
 Has an electrical charge that makes your hair stand-up.
 Its dark in the environment.
 Possibly more than one object in the air
 A typical grey alien.
 Cause very strong emotions within the viewer.
 An alien in captivity.
 The alien was sick and resigned to its fate.
 The alien was; tan/brown, smart, advanced, mission orientated. Which was recon, scouting,
 A lone survivor, mad, upset, cornered, resigned.
 A feel that a human had also died – welt or rash on skin causing illness.
 A strong smell of ammonia.
 There is an inside location, sterile/medical. The bio is expiring, sick, despair.​
It's mind-blowing how much data they got and how coherent they were as a group.

Yeah, can see why Dolan/Stewart et al. were so blown away.

A few of the viewers could sense an entity behind the entity (Coral I think), although none seemed to directly say that the ones crashed might be organic probe/interfaces, and not true representatives.

Demi was close: "Feels like a puppet, this feels very deceiving."

Thanks AI for featuring.
Q: (L) Yeah. So in other words, following that line of questioning is not useful. Is it dangerous?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) I promised we wouldn't say anything! [laughter]

(L) Yeah, but they know what we're saying all the time anyway.

Q: (Possibility of Being) I have a question. I'm not going to ask what it is, but if there is anything specific about them that is possible to recognize?

A: They are "human" in appearance, but the energy is different to those who are sensitive.

Q: (Joe) They're just weirdos.

(Possibility of Being) Do they recognize each other?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is Mark Zuckerberg one of them?

[Planchette moves towards "yes", then moves away.]

(L) Oh!

(Andromeda) He should be one of those cyborgs, actually!

(L) They stopped. [laughter]

(Andromeda) They were moving toward the "Yes"!

(Niall) Okay, say no more!

(Joe) Alright. We're not gonna ask about that anymore. See how confidential we are? I'm not going to ask, I'm just gonna take it as a "Yes". [laughter]

(Niall) Everyone knows there's something...

(L) There's something really wrong with that guy. Yeah.

(Caesarea) Were the underground mountain structures remote viewed by Pat Price and Joe McMoneagle for Stargate associated with the underground people being discussed?

A: Partly but distorted.
Pat Price's viewings got finally published fully:
This is the full 47 pages of text and drawings that Pat Price put on Hal Puthoff’s desk at Stanford Research Institute in 1973. Price had produced these materials on his own, not as part of his assignments at SRI. The document is a startling one about alien bases inside four mountains on planet earth: Mt. Hayes in Alaska, Mt. Perdido in Spain, Mt. Inyangani [now Nyangani] in Zimbabwe, and Mt. Zeil in Australia.

Coordinates for Underground UFO Bases:

Mount Perdido – Spain 42° 40´ N 0° 02´ E
Mount Inyangani – Zimbabwe 18° 18´ S 32° 54´ E
Mount Hayes – Alaska 63° 39´ N 146° 45´ W
Mount Ziel – Australia 23° 30´ S 132° 24´ E

The document describes and illustrates the mountain sites, the nature of the bases, the administration of the bases by aliens, their “ships” and other technology, their agents and their infiltration of human society, and a renegade group which is at war with them. There are also pages about a major storm and Price’s claim that he could, and did, manipulate the weather.

Hal Puthoff passed on the documents to Skip Atwater, who held on to them for many years. Skip Atwater used about 20 of the 47 pages from Price’s original document in his Project 8200. The remainder have not been published previously.
It's also worth noting that Price was probably assassinated two years after:
On 13 July 1975 he flew from West Virginia to Washington, DC, where he had met with people from the Office of Naval Intelligence and the National Security Agency that were involved in the work he was doing at SRI. He did not reveal the scope nor the content of the meetings to his friend, but he did say he was bringing documents with him and should anything happen to him while he was in Las Vegas, Nevada, his friend was to secure the material and forward it to Puthoff before the local police took possession of it.

The same day, he flew from Washington, DC to Salt Lake City where he met with his son who interestingly enough had a position on President Gerald Ford’s White House Staff. He spent two or three hours with his son and then flew on to Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

His friend picked him up at the airport and they went to the Stardust Hotel. On the way to the registration desk, a man accidently bumped into Price. Whether or not this bump was in any way significant is open only to conjecture. But shortly thereafter, Pat “began to feel lousy”. Throughout the night he suffered some pain and was having trouble breathing. At 5 am he called his friend for help. Pat was coherent and not complaining of any pain in his arms nor in his chest area. But his [he] witnessed Pat convulsing repeatedly. When the paramedics arrived they shocked him without success. Pat died on 14 Jul 1975 in a Stardust Hotel room in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, USA, supposedly of a heart attack, but under suspicious circumstances. Some suspect he was murdered by the KGB or a Russian double-agent.

What is interesting is that they contain a list of Undergrounders—people who, according to his data, are operating the bases, are different from us, and have infiltrated our government and societal structures:
These individuals can best be detected by the
Following lines -
(1) Very pragmatic & authoritarian
(2) Sources of 3rd party activity

SCN field
(1) Most renowned physicist
(1) Published works used in advanced physic
fields used in major university’s etc.:
(2) Set selves up as coordinators of field
(3) Rhodes scholars
(4) Work under grants of
(1) Rockefeller Foundation
(2) Ford “
(3) International Science Foundation
(4) World. Fed. Mental. Health

Space Fields -
I 1. U.S. Chairman U.S. Senate (Space) Comm.
(2) Chairman House (Space) Comm.
(3) Director Space Center (Houston) NASA
(4) Director - Computer Center (Space) NASA
(5) Advisor To The Pres. (Space)
II Soviet Bloc.
(1) Chairman - Scientific Space Research. Cosmic Research
(2) Science Advisor To Supreme Soviet Presidium - Gorki
(3) Dep. Director Internal Security USSR.
(4) Chairman Department Physical Sciences. Moscow Uni-
(5) Secretary To Chairman (Presidium)

1st Energy Fields
(1) Chairman Sierra Club U.S.
(2) Space Advisor To Pres Energy Resources U.S.
(3) Chairman International Energy Comm - US
(4) Director New Energy Resources U.S.
Ford & Rockefeller Foundations U.S.
(5) Chairman Board Socony Vacuum (Mobile) U.S.
(6) Dep Director Nuclear Energy Comm. U.S.

1 Church
(1) Archbishop Of Canterbury (Eng)
(2) Presiding Chairman College Of Cardinals - Rome
(3) Grand Master (Masonic)
(4) Assistant To Council Of 12 (LDS)
(5) Pres. World Federation Of Church’s

V Education
(1) Chairman Selection Comm for Rhodes Scholars
(2) Director Of Physical Sciences (Harvard)
(3) Dean, School Of Law (Harvard)
(4) Dean Of Business (Yale)
(5) Coordinator Advisor on Education H.E.W.
(6) Dean Of Social Scns - (Columbia U)
(7) Director of Education - Advisor To B.S. of A.
(8) Pres. Teachers of America

VI Financial
(1) Chairman of Board - U.S. Reserve Bank
(2) “ “ “ World Bank
(3) “ “ “ Soviet Monetary Bank
(4) “ “ “ Bank of China
(5) Finance Minister France
(6) Chancellor of Exchequer Bank Of England
(7) Chairman of Board Rockefeller Found
(8) “ “ “ Ford Found
(9) “ “ “ Bank of Tokyo (Mitsubishi)
(10) “ “ “ Banko de Mexico
(11) Finance Director Argentina

I went through the list and checked out some of the positions in 1972-1973, when he did those viewings, and some of the persons are:
Dolan had Jon Stewart on to talk about the alien interview film investigation. Some very interesting updates in there:

He tracked down the widow of one of the doctors who was listed on a DIA document leaked to him. She watched the video and told him that her husband was the man to the alien's right. Also told him that the idea that her husband was working with aliens made sense: he was extremely secretive about his time with the USAF Medical Corps.
Here are the more unredacted names from that list. The black felt pen didn't cover all / the paper did not drink in the all ink, so I recovered it as much as possible.

Captain Lowell E. Jacoby Naval Intelligence
00:00:37,079 --> 00:00:42,000
video uh recorded we are told in 1991
From wikipedia:
In July 1989 Jacoby returned to Washington as the head of the Intelligence Assignment and Placement Branch at the Naval Military Personnel Command. He was promoted to captain in September 1989.
(Bio page saved, zipped + attached to this post to preserve its ATM unedited form)
So he checks out OK from this list for having participated / watched the Sectoid Lizard Drone "interrogation". The Lizard Operator of this Sectoid drone "confesses" that "I'm from Tau Ceti." Which is visually near in the sky to Lizzie-Land Zeta Reticuli.

Colonel R.........
Dr. Wil................n
Dr. Craig MCPL....
First Mack from C or,
Second M....................ery, M........

etc.....etc... Native English US speakers will have lots more expert guesses. BTW this was only redacted after consultation by lawyers.

NAMEREVEAL_Revisiting the Alien Interview Video Richard Dolan Show - Richard Dolan Intelligent...png


Pat Price's viewings got finally published fully:

It's also worth noting that Price was probably assassinated two years after:

What is interesting is that they contain a list of Undergrounders—people who, according to his data, are operating the bases, are different from us, and have infiltrated our government and societal structures:

I went through the list and checked out some of the positions in 1972-1973, when he did those viewings, and some of the persons are:
I asked ChatGPT who the first person might be:
Based on the description, it sounds like you're describing J. Robert Oppenheimer, the renowned physicist often associated with the Manhattan Project and significant contributions to theoretical physics.

Here’s how the clues align:
  • Most renowned physicist: Oppenheimer is one of the most iconic figures in physics.
  • Published works used in advanced physics fields: His work on quantum mechanics and quantum field theory is highly regarded.
  • Set selves up as coordinators of field: He was a key figure in organizing the Manhattan Project and was instrumental in the development of atomic theory.
  • Rhodes Scholar: Oppenheimer was a Rhodes Scholar, studying at the University of Cambridge.
  • Grants from Rockefeller and Ford Foundations: These organizations supported significant research efforts in the sciences during Oppenheimer's career.
  • World Federation for Mental Health: Though not directly linked to Oppenheimer, his later concerns about ethics, war, and humanity's future align with the broader humanistic concerns tied to organizations like this.
It couldn't find any physicists associated with the World Federation for Mental Health.
I used ChatGPT to find out the rest of them. It couldn't find some, and hallucinated others, but of the ones I verified, I recognized two:

Chairman - World Bank (Robert McNamara)
Chairman - Ford Foundation (McGeorge Bundy)

Pregledi Pat Pricea konačno su u cijelosti objavljeni:

Također je vrijedno napomenuti da je Price vjerojatno ubijen dvije godine nakon:

Ono što je zanimljivo jest da sadrže popis Undergroundera—ljudi koji, prema njegovim podacima, upravljaju bazama, drugačiji su od nas i infiltrirali su se u naše vladine i društvene strukture:

Pregledao sam popis i provjerio neke od pozicija 1972.-1973., kada je on vršio te preglede, a neke od osoba su:
Pat Price's viewings got finally published fully:

It's also worth noting that Price was probably assassinated two years after:

What is interesting is that they contain a list of Undergrounders—people who, according to his data, are operating the bases, are different from us, and have infiltrated our government and societal structures:

I went through the list and checked out some of the positions in 1972-1973, when he did those viewings, and some of the persons are:
I may be wrong, but Mark and an unspecified number of those listed, are not necessarily subterrestrials, maybe they were taken over? And Greenbaum programming is probably easier to download than 4D STS

Možda se varam, ali Mark i neodređeni broj navedenih, ne moraju nužno biti podzemaljci, možda su preuzeti? A i Greenbaum programiranje vjerojatno služi lakšem preuzimanju od 4D OPS
Last edited:

I may be wrong, but Mark and an unspecified number of those listed, are not necessarily subterrestrials, maybe they were taken over? And Greenbaum programming is probably easier to download than 4D STS

Možda se varam, ali Mark i neodređeni broj navedenih, ne moraju nužno biti podzemaljci, možda su preuzeti? A i Greenbaum programiranje vjerojatno služi lakšem preuzimanju od 4D OPS
Yeah, there are a number of options: "native" undergrounder/deep-level punctuator, "reanimated" after a terrestrial death and then programmed, body-replacement, modified in utero and born naturally on the surface.
I may be wrong, but Mark and an unspecified number of those listed, are not necessarily subterrestrials, maybe they were taken over? And Greenbaum programming is probably easier to download than 4D STS
Im also not sure about the list. It's just a list of positions, but when reading all of his notes, it might be interpreted this way. Also, SCN most probably stands for Scientology, as both Price and Puthoff were Scientologists. That's maybe from where this "distortion" came from? In the end, the list hasn't changed anything, and Price mysteriously died two years after. But it’s interesting to speculate, as some of the persons on the lived longer than usual and were deeply involved in a globalist agenda.
II Soviet Bloc.
(1) Chairman - Scientific Space Research. Cosmic Research

Here's a possible hit or hits. It's borderline.



The first director of the Space Research Institute, a mechanical scientist, whose name is associated with many outstanding achievements of domestic rocket and space technology in the second half of the twentieth century.

In 1953 he was elected a corresponding member, in 1958, on the recommendation of M. V. Keldysh and S. P. Korolev, - a full member of the Academy of Sciences. P. Korolev, - a full member of the Academy of Sciences.

Г. I. Petrov was an extraordinary personality, combining in himself a broad and at the same time deep view of the processes and phenomena under consideration, which allowed him to grasp their essence and create a mathematical model for qualitative description. He was equally characterized as a theoretician and an experimentalist. He was one of the first to evaluate the prospects of fast-acting computers for solving problems of mechanics, made a huge contribution to the development of aeromechanics of high speeds, solving the problem of heat protection of spacecraft entering the atmosphere at supersonic speeds close to the first space speed.

Georgy Ivanovich died on May 13, 1987. He was 74 years old.

He definitely looks weird in the picture. 😅

But the next description also fits. That's why it's borderline. The name is also very non-Russian.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. In 1964 he was elected a corresponding member and in 1968 a full member of the Academy of Sciences. He worked at the Kurchatov Institute and the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch, where he became one of the founders of modern plasma physics. From 1973 to 1988 R. 3. Sagdeev was Director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics. Then he headed the scientific and methodological center for analytical research of the Institute.

He has written numerous works on plasma physics (shock waves, transport processes, instabilities) and space physics. Especially famous is his theory of non-stochastic shock waves, without which neither modern space physics, nor the solution of the fusion problem, nor many other things are unthinkable. He was awarded the Lenin Prize for creating the neoclassical theory of transport processes in toroidal plasma. He founded a school of physics that has dozens of Ph.D.s and is internationally recognized.

Р. 3. Sagdeev is a foreign member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Im also not sure about the list. It's just a list of positions, but when reading all of his notes, it might be interpreted this way. Also, SCN most probably stands for Scientology, as both Price and Puthoff were Scientologists. That's maybe from where this "distortion" came from? In the end, the list hasn't changed anything, and Price mysteriously died two years after. But it’s interesting to speculate, as some of the persons on the lived longer than usual and were deeply involved in a globalist agenda.
Here's the bit in the RV sessions themselves that refers to the list:
It comes to mind that these “people” have infiltrated
all Govts in sensitive positions
, in positions of power
to stop politically any activity that may produce
a result that could cause discovery.
Particularly - Scientific fields - Space fields
Energy fields - Church - Education - Financial
So even if the text looks like SCN (it's a fuzzy scan), it's a reference to science.
When it emerged in late July that the Obamas' long-time chef, Tafari Campbell, had drowned nearby their oceanfront mansion in Martha's Vineyard, questions were naturally asked. Firstly, how does a "proficient swimmer" drown while paddle-boarding in calm, shallow water? The toxicology report might tell us why, but it's being withheld from the public:

Daily Mail, 26 Aug 2023

Secondly, who was "the second paddle-boarder" who was with Campbell, and who first alerted Secret Service personnel that he had drowned? And why has their initial 911 call not been made public? It has since been revealed (same DM report as above) that this second paddle-boarder was a "26-year-old woman, and a staffer to the Obamas," although her name also remains withheld.

Now, this is close in age to the Obamas' eldest daughter, Malia, whose official date of birth means that she is currently 25 years old. Incidentally, the Daily Mail published another report, shortly after the drowning in late July, in which its author mentioned, in passing, that the Obama sisters departed from the Martha's Vineyard airport the day after Campbell's body was fished out of the water.

Later, in August, and separately, rumors about Barack Obama's 'unique' sexuality resurfaced following the publication of correspondence between him and a former girlfriend about his "fantasies" with men. When you put this together with footage over the years that clearly shows Michelle Obama is herself 'bi-gender', let's say, one wonders whether the Obama daughters are in fact adopted.

Dates of birth can become forgotten or 'amended' during the adoption process, so much so that the US government in 2014, during Obama's second term - coincidentally! - passed the Accuracy for Adoptees Act in an attempt to remedy the problem. The Obamas and suspicions of amended or duplicate birth certificates - it's funny how such have clung to them all these years, like a bad odor.

Anyway, "Drugs, daughter involved" looks like another hit for the Cs.
Another data point in favor of the possibility that the Obamas' daughters were in fact adopted: Malia Obama has changed her last name to 'Ann'.

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