Search results for query: Khazars

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  1. M

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    ...II of Aragon expelled them from Spain in the late 15th century. Some scholars claim that the Ashkenazi are primarily descended from the Khazars who were a multi-ethnic conglomerate of mostly Turkic peoples who formed a semi-nomadic kingdom in and around the northern and central Caucasus...
  2. onemen

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Dunno about the Chineses but Douglas Reed in his "Controversy of Zion" book does refer to the talmudic governement, Khazars several times as "Asians": asians conspirators, asian beneficiaries, asian instigators, racially of barbaric asian origins
  3. A

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    ...meeting and invoking "Russia’s battles with invading Turkic nomads in the 11th and 12th centuries - the Pechenegs and the Cumans, (and the Khazars?)? Putin is giving a time line, "in the next two-three weeks?" I may be bias - for I sensed "War Drums" from the beginning, when Countries...
  4. Gruchaa

    Session 10 Aug 2019

    I have found article like this on the topic: The majority of Ashkenazi Jews are descended from prehistoric European women, according to study published today (October 8) in Nature Communications. While the Jewish religion...
  5. Lamp of Orion

    Session 10 Aug 2019

    There are generally three types of Jews, Mizrahi, Sephardic and Ashkenazi. Ashkenazis may be the descendants of Khazars.
  6. Laura

    Jewish History, Jewish Religion - Israel Shahak's shocking revelations

    ...peasants? Perhaps Cabbalism grew and developed in Alexandria and from there, made its way to Spain, and was transferred from Spain to the Khazars and then "Classical Judaism" was developed? Meanwhile, the rank and file of Jews either remained in Palestine, later to convert to Islam, or...
  7. Laura

    The Hungarian Language: One of the true wonder of the Earth since ancient times Magyar. The early Magyars arrived in the land of Hungary from the east in the 9th century. At one time they were in alliance with the Khazars. The original Magyar genetic contributions have become very diluted over the centuries due in large part to intermarriage with European tribes...
  8. BlackCartouche

    Session 10 February 2018

    ...IQ and subsequent success. Anyone studying Jewish-diaspora ethnicity will quickly find it a right can o'worms - Semite Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Khazars, Mizrahi... Where does one become another - and where do any stated retain from non-Jewish neighbors? The cultural habits and traits trickled...
  9. Altair

    History of Russia - История России

    By the way, I finished watching the documentaries about Peter the Great and Napoleon Concerning Peter the Great, I'm not sure whether the evidence they present in the film are sufficient enough to come to conclusion that he was simply replaced by another person. After 2 years of visiting...
  10. whitecoast

    The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority

    I thought this article would be SOTT-worthy, because it dicusses many interesting historical cases where stubborn preferences from a small minority of people can spread to an entire population quite predictably. It has implications for how certain pathological phenomena can spread also, I think...
  11. A

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    ...regularly stage open public challenges to Poroshenko. They conduct marches extolling the virtues of ancient Rus princes who conquered the Khazars, a code word for Jews. Other rightist factions have been less creative, simply bombing Roshen candy shops owned by the president. Poroshenko is...
  12. Eboard10

    Book suggestions for recent history of Eurasia

    ...Tribe: Khazar Empire and Its Heritage gives a good understanding of the origin of the people from the Steppes which later became known as the Khazars and how the Khazarian empire influenced the whole East European region and beyond (think US and Israel) from a cultural perspective up to the...
  13. Maat

    Séance du 21 novembre 2015 des Musulmans. Ils se sont débarrassés des Juifs Sémites lors de l’holocauste et la plus grande partie de ce qui reste ce sont des Juifs Khazars. Maintenant, ils s’en prennent aux Arabes sémites. (Chu) Et ils veulent faire des « camps de rétention », ou camps de concentration. (L) Ouais...
  14. Sol Logos

    Who controls the BIS?

    ...connect and are complicit in this psychopathology is vital. So to ask who controls the BIS and answer Rome, the Venetians, the Mossad, the Khazars, the Jesuits, the Kabbalists etc. is not really answering anything actually. We could say for example, who controls the Mossad and say it's the...
  15. Sol Logos

    Who controls the BIS?

    ...are found can be equally a distraction? This is a strange idea, its basically trying to make a point that it all comes down to these nasty Khazars, but couldn't you equally make another conclusion there, or in fact wouldn't it be more prudent instead to say Constantine V being from a direct...
  16. A

    Who controls the BIS?

    ...and their son became Emperor Leo IV, also known as “Leo the Khazar”. The Medeci popes, Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli), and John Paul II were Khazars.. Not all Black Nobility are royal houses, and many of the royal families no longer have kingdoms. According to researcher and author Dr. John...
  17. Altair

    Forced Christianization of Russia and Tartaria Magna

    ...conquered the capital of Khazar kaganat - Itil (Итиль) in 969. After that the Khazar empire officially ceased to exists and many Khazars, who by that time had Jewish religion, fled to Kiev (Arthur Koestler suggests in his book The Thirteenth Tribe that Kiev was actually founded by Khazars...
  18. Altair

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    Found an interesting article about Ukrainian oligarchs (_ In this article the author writes about Zionists which is a pretty general term. In reality, allmost all Ukranian oligarchs are memebers of the judeofashist sect Chabad. What is Chabad? Source...
  19. G

    The Hungarian Language: One of the true wonder of the Earth since ancient times

    ...canyon in Arizona & eventually hijacked the bloodlines & identity of the existing human bloodlines on this earth. They include the Hyksos Khazars & Hibiru Hebrews & the Chinese. There was also a second homosapien seeding after the flood that were also Enlil fake tree of life human seedings...
  20. Altair

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    Today I stumbled upon a speech by Menachem Mendel Schneerson aka Chabad "Messiah". This speech was originally published and many times republished on Russian Internet. Here is a pretty accurate translation into English which I found at...
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