Search results for query: Russophobia

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  1. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...some of which are willing while others less? Are their certain demands from a curriculum, that offer limits? Below are some topics. Russophobia etc in the transcripts In the thread about Vladimir Putin, there is something about, Better educated in general, Russophobia, The Russian area vs...
  2. Benjamin

    From the Kremlin

    ...relations: On Evan Gershkovich and Paul Whelan: On vaccines and the increase in measles: On anti-semitism, Islamophobia and Russophobia: On Putin's relationship with Macron: Putin and Macron haven't spoken since Sept. 11, 2022, according to the Kremlin Events list. ... On...
  3. mabar

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    My question would be if it is the first time they light the candles or the first time they put them out with disdain? Usages and customs are not so? - perhaps, comparable to what is done politically between countries, they go beyond that. I do not know the case of Poland, in Mexico...
  4. Y

    Events in Russia

    The event turned out to be a long one, there is a lot of information and the format is such that you need to read from below
  5. Possibility of Being


    ...cousins sitting on comfy armchairs with his own. As for me personally, the only thing Tusk could surprise me with is if he calls off Russophobia and becomes friends with Mishustin. Anyway, as far as Poland is concerned, what comes to my mind again and again, are the final words from Thomas...
  6. Y

    Events in Russia

    Об этом боялись даже молчать: Речь Путина открывает новую реальность
  7. Benjamin

    From the Kremlin

    This is just a report on training exercises designed to "check the level of preparedness". Video's have already been posted in the War in Israel thread showing the Yars missile flight and the Tu-95MS flight. Was this message heard by the right people or does it just not matter? Here is the...
  8. JEEP

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    Oh my - reading the non-MSM article headlines makes it clear that the likelihood of enormous catastrophe is all but certain. And it is as the Cs said, "they" are being driven by forces they don't understand. That my own country is actively and aggressively fueling this fire is sickening...
  9. Puma

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...voted AGAINST it were permanent UNSC members US, UK, France, and neo-colony Japan. Translation: they SUPPORT the collective punishment of Palestinians. And Russophobia, once again, prevails. Brazil, which abstained, will now introduce its own resolution, which is quite similar to Russia's.
  10. Voyageur

    Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

    Maria Zakharova had also weighed in, although much more was said: Spot on, Maria.
  11. mkrnhr

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide have two choices: resign and die, or fight and die. Palestinians have been dehumanized for longer than Russians (if we exclude russophobia from the 19th century), just like Jews in the recent past but with more sophisticated propaganda. Hamas was created by Israel to weaken the PLO. Is it...
  12. L

    The Killers' irreligious experience in Georgia

    watching this authentically broke my heart. what a bad state we're in...
  13. Possibility of Being

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...a labour union. Never a 'radical' nor particularly pro-Russian: just supporting anti-globalism and political realism thus not supporting Russophobia, opting for a dialogue and cooperation. As a professor of political science, he was sometimes interviewed, by RT included, he still does talk to...
  14. Carl

    The Killers' irreligious experience in Georgia

    "cast pearls before swine" was the phrase that came to my mind long before finishing reading your post. As reasonable humans, with some emotion and moral endoskeleton, we often like to believe that others will naturally join us on the same wavelength, even if we only have a little in common...
  15. luc

    The Killers' irreligious experience in Georgia

    Damn, as in all totalitarianized psyches, eventually "staying neutral" is not an option amymore: if you don't actively affirm the party line, you're an enemy. That's a powerful text Niall, maybe you should send a version of it as a letter or email or something to Flowers...
  16. Niall

    The Killers' irreligious experience in Georgia

    ...covet Georgia for NATO, much (most?) of the population has been brainwashed by American and European NGOs into the same kind of vitriolic russophobia as Ukrainians, so when Flowers learns from the crowd member that he's Russian and, being vaguely aware that this might be problematic, asks the...
  17. K

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Don't be sad. Elections in Poland are a very interesting thing, I don't even mean that the same people or their families/descendants are still in power, but another point is interesting. When you watch Polish political parties, once in a while there's a party that makes a really sensible...
  18. 4d candidate

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    I have been suffering for a long time from the fact that Polish political elites have a chronic Russophobia in them and are not guided by the good of Poland and Poles. What kind of son of a bitch does one have to be to take money from the Polish taxpayer, eat Polish bread for 50 years and tell...
  19. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    The choices of the US in Ukraine over the past 20 years There was an X-tweet from a David Sacks: The video is on YT: How Will Ukraine Conflict End? and has these subheadings: A reflection on the direction Poland is taking From the same channel, Through the eyes of, (well loaded with...
  20. Y

    Events in Russia

    In the President's speech, I highlighted the words that have already offended. Although it is unclear why to be offended by the truth. Яндекс Посол РФ в Варшаве будет вызван в МИД из-за слов Путина о передаче Сталиным земель Польше
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