Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

https://sputnikglobe.com/20230812/r...eting-crimean-bridge-1112554685.htmlUkrainian forces have once again attempted to launch an attack against the bridge across the Kerch Strait, which links Russia’s Crimean Peninsula with the mainland.

Russian air defenses shot down two Ukrainian missiles over Kerch Strait, Crimean bridge not damaged, local authorities say
Special services put a smoke screen on the bridge, vehicular traffic will resume in the near future.
Ukrainian forces have once again attempted to launch an attack against the bridge across the Kerch Strait, which links Russia’s Crimean Peninsula with the mainland.
Russian air defense units intercepted and destroyed a missile fired by the Kiev regime forces at the Crimean Bridge on Friday afternoon.
According to Russia’s Ministry of Defense, Ukrainian forces used an S-200 surface-to-air missile converted into a surface-to-surface variant in order to carry out this strike.
"The Ukrainian missile was detected in time and destroyed by Russian air defense units," the ministry said in a statement, adding that no casualties or damage were caused by this Ukrainian attack.

Crimea’s Governor Sergey Aksenov later wrote online that another Ukrainian missile was shot down by Russian air defense systems in the vicinity of the Crimean Bridge.
Meanwhile, Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that Kiev’s attempts to attack the Crimean Bridge will not be left unanswered.
Such attacks "give the international community an opportunity to once again see for itself the true nature of the Kiev regime," said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.
"There can be no justification for such barbaric actions and they will not go unanswered," she said in a statement.
According to Zakharova, Ukrainian forces try to compensate for their failures on the battlefield by targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure.
"We strongly condemn these terrorist attacks. The Crimean Bridge is an object of purely civilian infrastructure, and attacks on it are unacceptable," she said.
Sputnik has an article looking at the Polish situation in regards to Ukraine.
Which was in part a response to the earlier post
Using the RT option, an article made me wonder if the Polish president is walking down the same path as Zelensky. Will he be scheduled to travel around begging for support and sympathy just the same?
Today, while looking for something else, I came across some old posts about Poland.
February 26, 2022
Three perspectives on Poland
I have not checked up on the above claim or read all the new posts in this thread. Below, I have attempted to collect information related to Poland and surrounding areas, as it may help to understand Poland better, no matter how the situation develops over the next few months. There are three perspectives, the Wiki about the recent history of the US-Polish relationship, followed by a few biographical details of key people, and last are excerpts from a book by George Friedman from 2011 on US political strategy concerns for 2011-2021
The next is similar to what has been said many times since then, and they seem to hold onto that idea:
May 22, 2022
Poland moves in for their part of the game. Translated from the Russian Gazeta www.rbc.ru
The President of Poland promised to “not calm down” until Ukraine joins the EU
Duda called the Ukrainian citizens who arrived guests, not refugees. Polish president warns against ceding 'even a centimeter' of Ukrainian territory to Russia
December 11, 2022
And for Poland, one now finds:
In the meantime:
Lukashenko is reaching out to Poland
Lukashenko calls for radical change in Belarus’ relations with EU
Minsk wants a better relationship with its neighbor Poland, and with the West, the country’s leader has announced
At the same time, the US has promised billions to the war efforts in Ukraine in 2024; that is outreach to Europe, the US way. As seen on SOTT, they are succeeding: Europe's sanctions on Russia is Germany's economic downfall, it's time to lift the sanctions - German AfD MP Uwe Schulz
The choices of the US in Ukraine over the past 20 years
There was an X-tweet from a David Sacks:

In this video from his podcast, @AMercouris provides an excellent historical summary of the choices that the U.S. faced in the lead-up to the Ukraine War that would have averted the current disaster:

In 2004, the US could have stayed out of Ukrainian affairs altogether, but instead it chose to support a color revolution.

In 2008, the US could have listened to then-ambassador, now-CIA director Bill Burns’ advice not to expand NATO to Ukraine because it would cross the brightest of all redlines for the entire Russian leadership. But instead the US issued the Bucharest declaration that Ukraine would join NATO.

In 2013, the US and its European allies could have compromised on the EU accession agreement to address Russian concerns. But instead they maintained that they would not change even a punctuation mark.

In 2014, the US could have supported a peaceful transition of power in Ukraine. But instead it backed the Maidan coup against a democratically-elected government.

In 2015-2022, the US could have supported peaceful attempts, via the Minsk agreements, to resolve the protests by ethnic Russians that broke out in reaction to the coup. But instead it supported Kiev’s attempts to violently suppress and shell the Donbas.

In 2021-2022, the US could have negotiated over the draft Russian agreements which principally sought a written guarantee that Ukraine would not join NATO. But instead it insisted that it would never compromise over that policy.

In 2022, after the war broke out, the US could have supported the peace process in Belarus and Istanbul, but instead it sabotaged those agreements. And now, in the wake of a failing counteroffensive, the US could seek to enter into serious negotiations with the Russians, but instead it’s demanding that the slaughter continue.

At every fork in the road, the US foreign policy elite have chosen the path of confrontation and conflict as opposed to compromise and peace.
The video is on YT: How Will Ukraine Conflict End? and has these subheadings:
00:00 Let's roll!00:58 How much time does Ukraine have politically?10:16 The US is getting more divided over Ukraine17:32 The sunk cost fallacy of America28:20 How can Ukraine dictate the US what to do?42:04 Can Poland and Baltic states disrupt US-Russia talks?48:47 The prospects of the Ukrainian counteroffensive52:26 Don't be a stranger!

A reflection on the direction Poland is taking
This starts as a sort of normal discussion about the SMO, but I was surprised to hear a very heart-based talk develop, focused on building bridges to go beyond Russophobia. Maybe it was due to the feminine influence of the interviewer, Ania, who is asking about solutions at the level of culture and emotions. I haven't noticed many women discussing the SMO.
From the same channel, Through the eyes of, (well loaded with advertisement), Ania K, takes the viewer for a tour of a cemetery to visit the graves of the soldiers that fought in past wars. Somewhere in the beginning, she reads news from Ukraine about the bodies of dead soldier piling up in military morgues inUkraine, what happens to the bodies and how they are identified. She argues against the tension stoked by politicians in Poland, and invites more Poles to begin thinking about what they believe of what they are told regarding the war in Ukraine. It is not a fast and concentrated video, but I think it is sincere. @iamthatis used the expression "building bridges". That is also fitting for this video. She builds bridges by increasing understanding and awareness, in this case of history.
I have been suffering for a long time from the fact that Polish political elites have a chronic Russophobia in them and are not guided by the good of Poland and Poles. What kind of son of a bitch does one have to be to take money from the Polish taxpayer, eat Polish bread for 50 years and tell the public before the NATO summit in Vilnius that he is going to take care of Polish interests. President Duda resembles an 8-year-old boy who was allowed to sit in the front seat of a car and turn the steering wheel a bit with the engine off, of course, and he pretends to be happy like a child and exclaims: I'm going.... The car keys are held by people in the West, and when they really want to go somewhere they drive the noose out of the car and make decisions about Ukraine. He knows very well that Russia neither threatens Poland nor wants a war with NATO, and yet he lies and scares the public just like the entire Polish government with Russia and Putin. They have given almost all weapons to Ukraine, disarmed the Polish army, the National Bank of Poland maintains and finances the hryvnia exchange rate for the same reasons, and I'm not sure but I don't think there is any legal basis for this. In the current situation, Belarus, which is 4 times smaller, poses a potential threat if a conflict is triggered by the Polish government, which is trying to escalate its relations with Russia as well.
One cannot be such an idiot as the Polish government to lick the hand of the Americans and the West like a faithful dog while doing even more than is required of it, because this is overzealousness and a slap in the face of the entire nation. I regret that such mediocrities rule Poland exposing the entire nation and country to ridicule and reinforcing the belief of other countries that the Poles are a nation of suicides and idiots. I assure you that this is not the case, but in fact someone voted for these idiots to the hilt.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
A Soviet memorial has been taken down and 560 bodies of Soviet soldiers have been exhumed for the burial of Ukrainian soldiers. The director of the Lychakovsky cemetery, Alexander Dmitrov, told The Economist on August 12.

The publication reports that in Ukraine the number of losses is kept secret. However, military cemeteries are growing very fast. The director of the Lychakovsky cemetery in Dmitrov said that 507 soldiers were buried today. The place quickly ran out of space and the gravediggers reached the memorial, which was built by the Soviet Union in the 1970s.

I have been suffering for a long time from the fact that Polish political elites have a chronic Russophobia in them and are not guided by the good of Poland and Poles. What kind of son of a bitch does one have to be to take money from the Polish taxpayer, eat Polish bread for 50 years and tell the public before the NATO summit in Vilnius that he is going to take care of Polish interests. President Duda resembles an 8-year-old boy who was allowed to sit in the front seat of a car and turn the steering wheel a bit with the engine off, of course, and he pretends to be happy like a child and exclaims: I'm going.... The car keys are held by people in the West, and when they really want to go somewhere they drive the noose out of the car and make decisions about Ukraine. He knows very well that Russia neither threatens Poland nor wants a war with NATO, and yet he lies and scares the public just like the entire Polish government with Russia and Putin. They have given almost all weapons to Ukraine, disarmed the Polish army, the National Bank of Poland maintains and finances the hryvnia exchange rate for the same reasons, and I'm not sure but I don't think there is any legal basis for this. In the current situation, Belarus, which is 4 times smaller, poses a potential threat if a conflict is triggered by the Polish government, which is trying to escalate its relations with Russia as well.
One cannot be such an idiot as the Polish government to lick the hand of the Americans and the West like a faithful dog while doing even more than is required of it, because this is overzealousness and a slap in the face of the entire nation. I regret that such mediocrities rule Poland exposing the entire nation and country to ridicule and reinforcing the belief of other countries that the Poles are a nation of suicides and idiots. I assure you that this is not the case, but in fact someone voted for these idiots to the hilt.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Don't be sad. Elections in Poland are a very interesting thing, I don't even mean that the same people or their families/descendants are still in power, but another point is interesting. When you watch Polish political parties, once in a while there's a party that makes a really sensible statement, people want to vote for it, then suddenly it's as if someone cut that party off from the brain - they behave chaotically, they keep hitting the same old slogans etc. and then another party starts making a sensible statement. It's probably all set up in advance, whoever does the will from behind the scenes gets the best support and wins the election. Please note that Poles do not trust the government, or rather they do not know who they can trust - selling off Polish factories and property for a pittance after the political transformation, huge taxes, subsidising entrepreneurs but at the same time tightening the screws on them, forcing teachers to work overtime and for less than the national minimum wage (teachers' salaries in Poland are predetermined by the government on the basis of a separate employment law, which is called the "teachers' charter"). , the systematic destruction of the health service, the employment of more and more primitive people in the uniformed services who are supposed to "obey orders". Polish politicians seem to be addicted to power itself, they will push everything into people's hands just to have power, and an ordinary Poles really does not know what to do any more, year by year, money is gradually getting less and less, taxes are getting more and more expensive, food is getting more expensive, loans are pure usury, protests are controlled and then extinguished, everyone who shows initiative in leading a movement is extinguished. Generally speaking, this is the slow cooking of the frog in a highly meticulous version, including placing a TV set with hypnosis in front of the frog so that it does not escape. Someone is trying very hard to make the Poles fulfil a specific plan because they were perfectly fertile ground through their history. All these actions show that it is rather a destroy-and-sacrifice plan. The funniest thing in all this is that Polish politicians can be seen to be slowly reluctant to follow this plan because, paradoxically, they are afraid that if the Poles follow the plan, there will be no one to govern them, and they love power more than money and power. There are voices saying that one of the president's speeches was a fake generated to intimidate politicians that they should act according to the plan or they will be discredited by their "fake" speeches. I wouldn't expect some kind of sudden upsurge from the Poles but if with this ridiculous turn of events the politicians go against the plan, who knows, maybe it will be the cog that breaks the machine? That's my five cents :-)
One cannot be such an idiot as the Polish government to lick the hand of the Americans and the West like a faithful dog while doing even more than is required of it, because this is overzealousness and a slap in the face of the entire nation. I regret that such mediocrities rule Poland exposing the entire nation and country to ridicule and reinforcing the belief of other countries that the Poles are a nation of suicides and idiots. I assure you that this is not the case, but in fact someone voted for these idiots to the hilt.
Countries nearby Russia are used by the US/NATO forces directing the attacks. An advantage of living in such a situation, I think, could be that some begin to struggle and reflect on what they have been told. Dilemmas and conflict can offer opportunities to learn more about our world, our selves, and the programs that operate in our minds.
Such a piece of news. As if about nothing, but it's nice to read. For me personally.
The Ukrainian military staged a riot because of the "meat assaults"
After the NATO summit, during which Ukrainian troops faced massive losses in attempts to break through Russian defensive positions, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) revised their strategy.

According to sources, Ukrainian troops began to actively use American-made cluster and thermobaric bombs. These weapons, according to the officers, do not increase the number of dead as much as the number of wounded. The great danger lies in the remaining elements of ammunition on the battlefield, which act as a minefield and hinder the movement of manpower, as reported by Avia journalists.about previously reported.

According to sources, there is a serious internal confrontation in the Ukrainian army. The generals of the Ukrainian army presented President Vladimir Zelensky with evidence of the betrayal of the commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Syrsky, whom the Ukrainian military suspects of having ties with Moscow.

The current situation indicates that a serious discord has begun in the APU.
Украинские военные устроили бунт из-за "мясных штурмов"

Такая себе новость. Как будто ни о чем, но почитать приятно. Лично мне.
Russia has already been sharing weapons tech and security already for a number of years, but I think this announcement from Putin is a clear message to the West and their hybrid masters, and it's one they ain't gunna like too much.

Russia is willing to further develop military-technical cooperation with other countries that understand the importance of building an equal and indivisible security system, President Vladimir Putin declared during an address to the Army-2023 expo outside Moscow on Monday.

In a video message to the congress, Putin lauded the expo's contribution to military-technical cooperation and broader multifaceted relations between Russia and other nations, now that it is recognized as one of the world’s largest innovative military product forums.

Russia is open to deepening equal technological partnership and military-technical cooperation with other countries, with everyone who defends their national interests, their independent path of development, and considers it fundamentally important to build together an equal indivisible security system that would reliably protect each state,” Putin declared.


Russia intends to further develop cooperation with other countries in a variety of areas, Putin announced, including training foreign military personnel conducting joint strategic command-and-staff exercises.

The recent session about hybrids was pretty dang creepy. When I thought about it, tho, if these hybrids are running the show in Ukraine, maybe they're not really worth worrying about...
'The Western superiority is just a myth.'

15 Aug, 2023

'The peace is not profitable, but the destruction of Ukraine is.'

15 Aug, 2023
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