Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Sure, it has some advantages. Without the ability to integrate it into a well equipped and trained air force, army and navy, to then conduct large scale combined armed ops, it will achieve nothing. It will be an annoyance, hitting strategic Russian targets sporadically for media victories. An annoyance at very high risk of becoming a very expensive, and embarrassing, flaming wreck.

I think that the positive side for the US would be that it wouldn't embarrass the US. And they would get to replace it in NATO countries with an F-16.
The human resource was not infinite. For some reason, the "comic" authorities of Ukraine thought differently.
Conditions are being created in Ukraine to send children to the counteroffensive
The Kiev regime decided to make up for the losses in manpower not only by trapping those mobilized on the streets of the city, but also by submitting to the Verkhovna Rada a bill on restricting the travel abroad of teenagers from 16 to 18 years old, including girls. People's deputies are hiding behind a truly noble goal — to eliminate situations when European juvenile services take away minor children from refugees, but the age close to adulthood speaks for itself.

And it's not about the difference in the laws of Ukraine and Europe, which unscrupulously goes to any lengths to destroy the majority of traditional families and take away their children. It has been mentioned more than once that Ukraine uses even children — there are cases at the border when, due to the profitable exploitation of 18-year-old young people, border guards did not let them go abroad, and parents were persistently asked not to ask unnecessary questions. The bill will help to legalize the ban on the departure of teenagers, who can be thrown into the slaughterhouse instead of adult men when they get older.
На Украине создают условия для отправки детей в контрнаступление

Here it is necessary to explain where this magic word "nahryuk" came from. The word is definitely invented by some Russian propagandist. The origin is as follows: offensive in Ukrainian-NAstup; sounds produced by a pig in Russian- HRYUK. We connect one with the other and have the desired "nahryuk".
The fact that Yermak uses this word is quite significant, because it means that he is familiar with Russian propaganda, and in Ukraine it is taboo and, of course, for Ukrainians such a name for their offensive actions is offensive.
The head of the Office of the President Yermak called the APU offensive a "nahryuk"
The statement of the head of the Office of the President offended Ukrainians - Andriy Yermak called the APU offensive a "nahryuk".

"There are certain active nahryuks being recorded now. Wait for more accurate information," he wrote on Twitter.

The statement of the head of the President's Office offended his Ukrainian subscribers. They pointed out to Ermak that this primarily offends the Ukrainians themselves. One of the "patriots" called him an idiot.

On July 4, the AFU launched an offensive in the Zaporozhye, South Donetsk and Artemivsk directions, throwing into battle brigades trained by NATO and armed with Western equipment. At none of the sites did they achieve the goals set by the West, suffering huge losses in manpower and equipment. The head of the Kiev regime Zelensky said that "the offensive is going slower than we would like."

The partners of the Kiev regime, on the one hand, recognize the failure of the Ukrainian offensive, on the other — continue to insist on its continuation.

"Now Ukraine can move on to the third stage of the counteroffensive. <...> Their attack will soon reach a climax when heavy mechanized brigades prepared by the West will enter the battle," writes Tom Watling, a columnist for the British Express newspaper.

According to today's summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, more than 800 AFU soldiers and several dozen Western equipment were destroyed in the past day alone.
Глава ОП Ермак назвал наступление ВСУ «нахрюком»

This is also quite a significant event. Nothing like this has happened for 70 years and it happened here. Once again, Victor Chernomyrdin's brilliant aphorism comes to mind: there has never been such a thing and here it is again. Of course, it's a pity for the woman, most likely she will remain disabled if she survives. But you can be happy for the shark, she aimed very accurately. If you believe the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, which declare anyone who does not agree with the authorities as Russian spies and Putin's agents, then this shark, in addition to 9 kg of Ukrainian meat, received an extraordinary military rank. An FSB captain? Maybe a major or maybe a whole FSB colonel?
A shark in New York bit a Ukrainian nationalist (PHOTO, VIDEO 18+)

On the beach of New York, a shark attacked a Ukrainian Russophobe from Odessa. Such an incident is here for the first time in 70 years, The New York Post reports.

Recently, the whole of Ukraine was laughing at the death of a guy from Russia from the teeth of a shark, now a Ukrainian woman is in critical condition.

Tatiana Koltunyuk conducted anti-Russian actions in the United States until she ran into a representative of the local fauna.

A shark attacked a 65-year-old woman swimming on a beach in Queens yesterday, biting off part of her leg. 65-year-old Tatiana lost "approximately 9 kg of flesh." She was hospitalized in critical condition.

Teeth marks, according to experts, indicate that it was a hammerhead shark or a white shark.

This is the first shark attack on Rockaway Beach since 1953.

Человеческий ресурс оказался не бесконечен. "Комические" власти Украины почему то думали по другому.
Здесь надо пояснить откуда взялось это волшебное слово "нахрюк". Слово это однозначно выдумано каким то российским пропагандистом. Происхождение следующее: наступление по украински-наступ; звуки производимые свиньей в русском языке- хрюк. Соединяем одно с другим и имеем искомый "нахрюк".
То что Ермак использует это слово достаточно знаково, ведь это говорит о том, что он знаком с российской пропагандой, а на Украине это табу и, конечно же, для украинцев такое название их наступательных действий оскорбительно.
Вот это тоже довольно знаковое событие. 70 лет ничего подобного не происходило и тут произошло. В очередной раз вспоминается гениальный афоризм Виктора Черномырдина: никогда такого не было и вот опять. Женщину конечно жаль, скорее всего останется инвалидом, если выживет. А вот за акулу можно порадоваться, она прицелилась очень точно. Если верить украинским силовым структурам, которые объявляют российскими шпионами и агентами Путина любого, кто не согласен в властью, то эта акула помимо 9 кг украинского мяса получила внеочередное воинское звание. Капитан ФСБ? Может майор а может и целый полковник ФСБ?
It's not a matter of judging, just being really conscious that we are kind of trapped in this so called 21st century.
We have a choice : pro this, against that. Or beyond...
I do not know what is meant by "beyond". In my understanding, one meaning is quite tempting. Fully focus on the upcoming changes, prepare, try to comply with 4D STO. However, there is a "really conscious" that at the moment, if you distract yourself from the current 3D affairs, then the opponents will come and send you to this "beyond" in a completely different sense without asking you at all and possibly in a very "unpleasant" way.

The Ukrainian defense in the Kupyansk direction has been completely destroyed - the evacuation of 12 thousand people has been announced
Ukraine has begun a large-scale evacuation from 53 settlements of the Kharkiv region against the background of an intensive offensive by the Russian Armed Forces in the Kupyansk area. The official evacuation order was distributed to the Kupyan Military Administration.

This measure was taken in connection with the increased threat to the life and health of citizens. The authorities are trying to minimize possible human losses in the conditions of escalation of hostilities.

At the moment, it is not specified where exactly the population of the evacuated areas will be sent. Nevertheless, according to various sources, we are talking about the evacuation of almost 12 thousand people.

Given the announced plans, it is obvious that the Ukrainian defense line in the Kupyan direction has simply crumbled and Ukrainian troops can no longer restrain the Russian army.
Украинская оборона на Купянском направлении полностью уничтожена - объявлена эвакуация 12 тысяч человек

At night in Kupyansk, the AFU headquarters, where an emergency meeting was held, was destroyed
Tonight, an air bomb hit the headquarters of the Ukrainian troops in Kupyansk.

The emergency meeting held at the headquarters was connected with the active offensive of the Russian army. After dozens of officers and military advisers gathered on the territory of the city Council, the headquarters was hit by a FAB-250 high-explosive aircraft bomb. As a result of the impact, there is serious destruction. At the same time, sources report that a large number of ambulances were seen at the site of the explosion, which indicates that there were military personnel on the territory of the facility at the time of the strikes.

One of the reasons for holding the meeting in Kupyansk is the plight of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this direction of the front line, in particular, earlier journalists of Avia.about reported that the authorities of the region are preparing a large-scale evacuation of citizens.

Earlier, there was information that the Russian military could already storm the locality of Sinkovka, located only 5 kilometers from Kupyansk, but there are no official statements on this matter from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation so far.
Ночью в Купянске уничтожен штаб ВСУ, в котором проходило экстренное заседание

The Russian army is preparing for a counterattack - the troops are fully ready for a full-fledged offensive
The Russian army is preparing to deliver a crushing blow to the last forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Against the background of the fact that for almost two and a half months the Ukrainian army has not been able to demonstrate success in its counteroffensive, it became known that Russian troops are ready for a full-fledged offensive. A blow to the Ukrainian forces can be decisive in the liberation of the territories of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.

The information that the Russian troops are ready for a full-fledged offensive was published by Pushilin's assistant Yan Gagin. Gagin did not give any details on this, but recently there has been a noticeable strengthening of the Russian advanced positions, while most of the reserve forces of the Ukrainian army have been defeated, which creates favorable conditions for the beginning of offensive actions.

It is more than likely that the key emphasis will be placed on taking control of the territory of the DPR and the LPR, as this will prevent regular shelling of large cities of these republics. Nevertheless, for obvious reasons, the details of the offensive will not be announced.
Российская армия готовится к контрудару - войска полностью готовы к полноценному наступлению

They tweeted about the negotiations. Here I am a supporter of the "iron Dimon", who said that they "should crawl on their knees."
Ukraine is ready to start negotiations with Russia through an intermediary, — Kuleba

Ukraine is ready to start negotiations with Russia through an intermediary, the country's Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said in an interview with the Italian edition of Corriere della Sera.

At the same time, he claims that before that, Russian troops should withdraw "from Ukrainian lands."

"We can negotiate with Russia after the withdrawal of their troops from our lands, but not with Putin… It is clear to us that we will never be able to see Putin and Zelensky at the same table.

The task of our generals is to push the Russians to retreat and understand that it is better to talk than to fight. I take care of diplomacy and dialogue whenever possible," says Kuleba.

The Ukrainian minister explained that "mediation by a third party is possible, provided that the Russians are ready to leave."

When asked by an Italian journalist whether negotiations can begin "before the complete withdrawal of Russian troops," Kuleba clarified that it "depends on the circumstances."

"I understand these questions and their logic, but I cannot give unambiguous answers, because they do not exist, the lives of millions of people are at stake," he added.

Recall that the Kremlin has repeatedly stressed that the issue of belonging to the new subjects of the Russian Federation is closed once and for all, and there is currently no space for starting a peaceful negotiation process with the Kiev regime, and it will continue.

Я не знаю, что имеется ввиду- "beyond". В моем понимании одно значение довольно заманчиво. Целиком и полностью сосредоточиться на грядущих изменениях, готовиться, стараться соответствовать 4D STO. Однако есть "полное осознание" того, что в данный момент, если через чур отвлечься от текущих дел 3D, то противники придут и отправят тебя в этот "beyond" уже совсем в другом смысле совсем не спрашивая тебя и возможно весьма "неприятным" способом. Зачирикали о переговорах. Здесь я сторонник "железного Димона", который сказал, что они "должны приползти на коленях".
Unlike the usual news, now I want to give a couple of articles. The articles, in my opinion, are not indisputable and are written quite sharply.
Ukraine and Ukrainians: sin and shame

What does the disease of Nazism lead to at the state level

A recent photo of the commander of the Ground Forces of Ukraine, General Syrsky, at the headquarters with the red and black flag of the UPA on the wall makes us recognize the unpleasant fact of the ideological kinship of the Ukrainian nationality with Nazism.

Nazism in Ukraine appeared in its western, most Ukrainian part, in the 1930s, when it was part of Poland, and reached the peak of its influence in the form of the OUN-UPA, the SS division "Galicia" and other mass pro-Hitler organizations and formations after Hitler's attack on the USSR.

Since the pro-Hitler organizations in Western Ukraine were massive, it means that there is something in the collective ethnic consciousness of Western Ukrainians that makes them akin to Nazism and fascism. This cannot be denied, because after the self-dissolution of the Soviet Union, Nazism, only with the prefix "neo-", again flourished not somewhere, but again in Western Ukraine. Western Ukrainian Nazism is not a historical accident, it is an immanent feature of this part of the population of Ukraine.

But is it just her? Ukrainian neo-Nazism quickly spread throughout Ukraine and firmly took the place of the state ideology. Bandera torchlight processions take place thousands of kilometers from Lviv and Ternopil - in Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Kirovograd, Poltava. Would the rest of Ukraine have easily accepted the Western Ukrainian version of Nazism if it itself had not been involved in it to some extent? The oil does not dissolve in water and stays on the surface. Ukrainian nationality dissolves in neo-Nazism and is unable to keep apart from it.

Consequently, there is a moral and ideological point of contact between Nazism (in the broadest sense, i.e. with the inclusion of its various ethnic versions, such as German, Finnish, Hungarian, Romanian, Slovak Nazism) and Ukrainian nationality. German Nazism of the 1930s and 1940s serves as the rest of the ethnic versions of Nazism, including Ukrainian, as a classic model. Modern users adapt it to the current reality, refract it through Ukrainian ethnic meanings and get what is called Bandera.

If there was nothing in common between the Bandera version of neo-Nazism and the Ukrainian nationality, then the Bandera ideology would cause nothing but disgust among the inhabitants of this post-Soviet republic. We can see that it causes many people a feeling of sympathy.

It is no coincidence that the Western Ukrainian version of Ukrainians (I apologize for the pun) is taken by post-Soviet Ukraine as the basic and reference version of Ukrainians as such. How Ukrainian you are is measured by the coincidence of your ideological views with the system of ideological beliefs adopted in Western Ukraine. If your ideology does not fully correspond to them, then you are not fully Ukrainian. Therefore, in the desire to prove their Ukrainianness, many residents of the regions located far from Lviv and Ternopil are in a hurry to adopt the political beliefs that are the standard of Bandera.

The further away from Western Ukraine, i.e. from the center of the reference Ukrainians, a particular Ukrainian region is located, the less Nazism there is in it. In other words, the further a citizen of Ukraine lives from exemplary Ukrainians, the less chance he has of becoming a Nazi. Would it have been possible if the Ukrainian nationality had not come into contact with Nazism in some way?

If Nazism were internally alien to the Ukrainian nationality, then the most exemplary part of Ukrainians, i.e. Western Ukrainians, would be ardent anti-fascists, and the further away from them, the degree of anti-fascist beliefs would be lower. We see the opposite situation: the further away from the reference Ukrainians, the less Nazism, the closer to them, the more.

But what about those Ukrainians who sincerely do not accept Bandera and Nazism? These are those who at least partially consider themselves Russians. After all, Ukrainians-anti-fascists almost universally advocate friendship with Russia and appreciate Russian culture. Hence the thesis is born: the closer a Ukrainian is to Russianness, the more anti-fascism there is in him. The rejection of Russianness immediately turns a Ukrainian into a fan of Bandera and Shukhevych.

Ukraine is the only one of the three East Slavic republics that has fallen ill with Nazism at the state level. This is her moral shame and historical sin. As Lev Gumilev said, when a Ukrainian gets smarter, he becomes Russian.

Vladislav Gulevich
Украина и украинцы: грех и позор

Why did they start talking about "Russian subhumans" again in Ukraine

In recent weeks, unable to show at least a simulacrum of success on the military or diplomatic front, the Kiev regime has been flattering itself with peremogami on the ideological front. The main one of them is, of course, the successful modernization of the monument of the Motherland, looking at the capital of fascist Ukraine: "successful" in the sense that the zhovto-blakite cultural traitors who reached the statue at least did not destroy it with their playful little hands.

On August 6, after a number of scandals (including, of course, about the money spent on the production of new decor), the coat of arms of the USSR on the shield of the figure was replaced by the Ukrainian trident. Victory? What else, more powerful can only be the organization under the feet of the now "Ukraine-mother" of one of the branches of the military memorial cemetery promised by Zelensky, which relatives of the destroyed fascists insist on opening as soon as possible.

However, it was not without zrada here either: now active "patriots" have the eyes of the stars on the sword of the statue, an attempt to replace which carries the risk of breaking off this very sword altogether. Therefore, the sword was decided to be considered a trophy – unofficially, true, but knowing the degree of inadequacy bubbling in the minds of Ukrainian lawmakers, I would not be surprised if after some time the Rada would adopt such a resolution.

However, even if not, there are enough specialists in Ukraine who will make everyone blush in other ways. For example, on August 8, a strong statement was made by the newly appointed press secretary of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ashton-Cirillo: the sexual transformer declared that Russians are not people, but "they" are. By "them" a man in a woman's dress meant, of course, not only and not so much his own kind, and not even just Ukrainians, into whom he so successfully fit, but the West as a whole.

Russian Russian propaganda publication New Eastern Europe published an article a day earlier, on August 7, by a Ukrainian journalist with the name Ogryzko, which is cute to the Russian ear, entitled "Why is it not only Putin's War: the collective Responsibility of Russians". For obvious reasons (not television after all), it passed almost unnoticed, although the concentration of brain juice in it is much higher.

In short, the text compares Russians with Germans under Hitler... in favor of the latter. They say they didn't have any alternative sources of information, only the "Felkisher Beobachter" and a receiver with one wave - but the Russians have the opportunity to see the "truth" about the "crimes" of their army on the Internet, but they still continue to support it and Putin. Moreover, mothers and wives call their "orcs" at the front and purposefully incite them to even greater cruelty to poor Ukrainians, especially to rape and kill Ukrainian women.

In short, the already well-known thesis "Russians are worse than Hitlerites" in this opus is spoken directly. This, to put it mildly, is also not a novelty, as is the rigid fixation of Ukrainian "autorocks" on the topic of sexual violence. But there is something unusual about the new wave of propaganda about the "atrocities of the Russians" – this is the context in which it rises.

Not having achieved the desired, covet the unattainable

Yes, it's all about the same "sobering up", in the words of the Western media, about the "successes" of the APU in the summer offensive and their future prospects. If this word itself and other epithets such as "eyes have opened" and "the terrible truth" cause Kiev only a burning sensation in various tender places, then the following theses about the need for a contractual solution and a possible reduction in foreign aid are already pulling for a reason for a heart attack.

Hence the desire to somehow kill all these "dangerous free-thinking" somehow. Since it is impossible to come up with something new after last year's flow of fanatical fantasies, the same conjectures about the "animal grin of the orcs" are being used, only now they are not aimed at demonizing Russia (there is nowhere else to go), but at provoking shame among Western "allies".

Characteristic in this regard is a short cartoon about lost time, thrown by Ukrainian Disney on social networks the other day: they say, "it's not us who are advancing badly – it's you who gave us few weapons and it's too late, and now we have to shed extra blood." And the emphasis on the "subhuman" nature of Russians in the latest products of Ukrainian propaganda is designed to emphasize once again that the "allies" so framed the APU during not just "some kind of" war, but in the midst of the struggle against chthonic, universal evil.

By the way, the special piquancy of the article in NEE is also given by the fact that all these comparisons with Hitler's Germany are made by a Ukrainian journalist, including with Polish money: the publication is financed mainly from the budget of the Ministry of Culture of Poland, which, as you know, is with the Germans in larger and larger contours. Well, that in the background the Ukrainian "envious" paint Wehrmacht crosses on the donated armored boxes – of course, they tactfully try not to remind once again.

In the near future, we should expect a whole wave of similar publications from Ukrainian and Kiev–affiliated Western media - however, they are unlikely to achieve the desired effect. After all, this kind of propaganda is designed for the grassroots, and in this environment in the West there is already a fairly persistent rejection of further assistance to Ukraine: everyone has caught a direct link between it and the crisis jumping across Europe, and the "refrigerator" is decisively defeating the "TV".

The Western establishment also has its own stable point of view on the topic – "we didn't give you enough, you (to put it mildly) squandered it," and it won't work out to shake it with cartoons and articles. But it will be fun to watch this "boxing by correspondence".

Our response to Chirillam

Here we should not forget that historical parallels with the Nazis are a game that can be played together, and in which the Kiev regime has a purely negative handicap. No wonder the hit of Western social networks was a video (as evil tongues say, made on RT) about how the apartment of conditional burghers is being robbed in favor of Ukraine with shouts of "heil Zelensky!" Well, now the insidious Russians are preparing a very mean reception.

On August 14-20, the annual Army Forum will be held in Moscow in Patriot Park, which usually serves as an exhibition-fair of the domestic military-industrial complex. Of course, this year its main function has not changed, but the highlight of the program and a magnet for foreign media promises to be the exposition of captured NATO equipment, recaptured by our soldiers from the Ukrainian fascists. Although this has not yet been officially confirmed, photos of enemy cars being taken to the Patriot are walking on social networks.

Here, direct analogies with the times of the Great Patriotic War, with exhibitions of captured and burnt Hitler's panzers, which were arranged regularly following the results of successful battles, suggest themselves. Of course, we can say that the Ukrainian side took advantage of this "know-how" much earlier, dragging destroyed Russian tanks under the walls of our embassies in Europe – but, as we remember, this move turned against the fascists themselves: the skeletons became monuments to our fighters, to whom candles and flowers were carried.

In Moscow, there will be a "menagerie" and a dead-end station, to which strict adherence to "NATO standards" leads. It is very curious how the organizers of the forum will approach the design of the exposition, because there will be defeated military equipment not so much of Ukraine itself, but of the whole West – it is a sin not to take advantage of the opportunity to humiliate the beaten enemy even more. At least passages to the equipment of such and such a country should be made on foot mats in the form of an appropriate flag, and large screens on which the hottest moments will constantly be spinning (like attempts by fascists to get out of a damaged Bradley BMP) will not hurt.

This may seem like something frivolous, inappropriate clowning, and although the word "clowning" is quite in the box office here, I would argue about the inappropriateness. Practice shows that the proud bearers of the burden of the whites really, really do not like it when their Western majesty is treated the same way as it is itself – with all sorts of "untermenschami"; and this applies to the bearers of the burden of the yellow-blue to an even greater extent. So it is necessary to poke their noses at their "successes" in every case and without any sentiment: it will definitely never overflow.
Mikhail Tokmakov
Зачем на Украине снова заговорили о «русских недочеловеках»

В отличие от обычных новостей, сейчас я хочу привести пару статей. Статьи, на мой взгляд, не бесспорные и написаны достаточно остро.
I do not know what is meant by "beyond". In my understanding, one meaning is quite tempting. Fully focus on the upcoming changes, prepare, try to comply with 4D STO. However, there is a "really conscious" that at the moment, if you distract yourself from the current 3D affairs, then the opponents will come and send you to this "beyond" in a completely different sense without asking you at all and possibly in a very "unpleasant" way.
You are right, youlik, beyond doesn't mean outside.
It means, in my own interpretation, something like being in a state of an observer, alike in the Gurdjieff's Fourth Way...

The liberal elite is trying to destroy Russia from within​

August 10, 2023 Editor Editor 8

Usual scene in “Yeltsin's Russia”
The situation in the country, to say the least, is not encouraging. The ruble is falling rapidly and is about to break through the psychological mark of 100 rubles per 1 dollar, inflation is breaking all records, and all this is happening against the background of low incomes of Russians. At the same time, our country's financial stability officials are keeping quiet and pretending nothing is happening.
Economist Mikhail Khazin spoke about the situation in the country. According to him, the following thing is happening: the liberal group in power, whose representatives signed an agreement with the security forces at the turn of the 2000s, is now questioning the president. Vladimir Putin has always adhered to the agreements and has never threatened the existence of the liberal bloc. It lasted about 20 years. But by 2022, the liberal wing of the elite was threatening the socio-economic stability of the entire country.
They staged a sabotage on the direct instructions of our president. Moreover, the liberal elite began to openly worsen such important economic indicators as GDP growth, inflation and the national currency exchange rate, as well as the budget deficit.
The case went so far that a parallel governing body was created, in the form of a coordination centre, headed by Prime Minister Mishustin.
But the liberal elite did not calm down and this year, after publicly declaring the need for further privatization, they began to devalue the rouble. In other words, she issued an open challenge to Putin.
Events unfolding around the ruble exchange rate amaze the expert community. According to Sergey Suverov, investment strategist of Arikapital Management Company, the weakening of the national currency brings certain advantages for budgets. In particular, oil and gas revenues have met their targets, which we can thank the devaluation of the ruble. And it really helps the budget.
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One can wonder about the mental state of this "strategist" since if, in fact, the budget reaps more rubles, these are strongly devalued and in view of the galloping inflation, one does not see the benefit for consumers.
Liberals behave so arrogantly and defiantly for one simple reason: they still believe they are under the reliable protection of their Western handlers. He also takes advantage of the fact that the President of Russia is a man of his word and it is not in his nature to violate agreements. But it can't go on like this any longer, and something has to be done with all that bunch of watering cans.
Otherwise, the liberals will pull the country so far that the 90s will seem like a fun stage. It is now urgent to act decisively and to carry out a large-scale cleaning up of the corridors of power, failing which the presidential election of 2024, if it takes place, could give rise to very serious problems.
Boris Genadevich Karpov
RT and Sputnik in the EU
After a summer where there were holes in the fence when it came to accessing Sputniknews and rt.com, there is now a message when trying Sputnik:
This website is blocked.
Based on Council Regulation (EU) 2022/350 of 1 March 2022, the telecommunications companies are required to block access to this website.
The regulation can be seen here https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32022R0350
And at the end of the document:
Russia Today English
RT- Russia Today UK
RT - Russia Today Germany
RT - Russia Today France
RT- Russia Today Spanish
I don't know what the situation is in other areas of the EU, maybe the situation will relax again. In the meantime, this might work for RT and this for Sputnik.

Using the RT option, an article made me wonder if the Polish president is walking down the same path as Zelensky. Will he be scheduled to travel around begging for support and sympathy just the same?

Ukrainian lives cheaper than American – Polish president

Andrzej Duda has claimed Russia must be stopped before the lives of US soldiers are sacrificed
In an interview with the Washington Post published on Thursday, the Polish leader was asked to respond to American conservatives who oppose sending additional military and financial aid to Ukraine.

“It is very simple,” Duda said. “Right now, Russian imperialism can be stopped cheaply, because American soldiers are not dying.” Unless “Russian aggression” is halted now, “there will be a very high price to be paid,” the Polish president added.

President Putin is seeking to restore “czarist territory,” Duda claimed. He said the West needed to stop Russia now, before “American soldiers have to shed their blood and to lose their lives in Europe to restore peace and liberty to the world.”

Duda suggested accepting Ukraine into NATO as the best way to thwart the Kremlin. He admitted that he was disappointed that Kiev did not receive a formal invitation to the US-led bloc during last month’s NATO summit in Lithuania. He also said he plans to push the Biden administration to make sure Kiev receives an invitation next year.
He is saying what he has to say in order to keep the show going, lift the spirit of his countrymen and women to step in. By insisting on Ukraine into NATO he makes common front with Zelensky's clique and Ukrainian nationalists, it is the right thing to say in that company.

Meanwhile, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu stated on Wednesday that Moscow would bolster its forces along its western borders in response to what he called a growing threat from the US and its allies in Europe, which are increasing their own military presence in the region.

The minister pointed to the recent accession of Finland into NATO and the potential joining of Sweden, as well as the increasing militarization of Poland, which he claimed “has become the main instrument of the anti-Russian policies of the US.”

Shoigu also alleged that Warsaw is actively seeking to take over parts of Ukraine by forming a so-called Polish-Ukrainian military unit, whose official purpose will be defending Western Ukraine, but will in fact serve to occupy it.
He is relying on the idea that if Poland involves itself, all of NATO including the US will be involved. It may happen eventually, but in this case, seeing is believing.
The defense minister also stressed that Russia needs to come up with a timely and adequate response to the increasing size of NATO forces in the immediate vicinity of the borders of the Union State of Russia and Belarus.
Continued conflict is what NATO and their handlers want, the concept being "OTAN sans frontières", or should it be "Militaires sans frontières", professing peace and liberty but aiming at global dominion.
Using the RT option, an article made me wonder if the Polish president is walking down the same path as Zelensky. Will he be scheduled to travel around begging for support and sympathy just the same?
Sputnik has an article looking at the Polish situation in regards to Ukraine. I will post it in full since a number of members don't have access to Sputnik.

What is Poland's Role in Ukraine and Could Warsaw Go Through With Plans to Invade?​

14 hours ago (Updated: 14 hours ago)
Polish Army soldiers salute as tanks roll on one of the city's main streets during a yearly military parade celebrating the Polish Army Day, in Warsaw, Poland. File photo. - Sputnik International, 1920, 11.08.2023

© AP Photo / Alik Keplicz

Ilya Tsukanov

Russian officials have expressed growing concern about suspected plans by Poland to seize western Ukraine, either to turn it into a NATO protectorate or outright annex it. What are the chances of this happening? What’s the current state of Polish-Ukrainian relations? And how has Poland been affected by the Ukrainian crisis? Sputnik explains.
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu accused Warsaw of harboring ambitions to establish a permanent military presence in western Ukraine on Wednesday, saying Polish troops could be dispatched to the country, "ostensibly to ensure…security,” but “in fact – for the subsequent occupation of this territory."
Shoigu’s comments come in the wake of warnings by President Putin last month calling on Warsaw not to follow through with any “revanchist plans” to seize Ukrainian lands, with Putin recalling that Poland surrendered its claims to western Ukraine at the end of the Second World War after receiving German lands as “a gift from Stalin to the Poles.”

"Have our friends in Warsaw have forgotten about this?" Putin asked.
Putin and Shoigu’s concerns were recently echoed by Russian Foreign Intelligence chief Sergei Naryshkin, who similarly said that Russia has picked up on chatter within the Polish leadership about efforts to “introduce control” in western Ukraine.
Polish officials have dismissed Russian concerns about Warsaw’s intentions, or refused to comment. However, former NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen may have let the cat out of the bag in June when he said that “some countries,” including Poland, might “individually take action” and assemble a new “coalition of the willing” to deploy troops in Ukraine.

What are Poland’s Historical Claims in Ukraine?​

Poland’s claims to large swathes of Ukraine go back to the era of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - the long-defunct Eastern European super-state which once controlled vast territories in present-day Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, parts of northwestern Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and a piece of Estonia between the 16thto the 18th centuries. The commonwealth disappeared from the map of Europe in the late 1700s after being partitioned by the Russian Empire, Prussia and Austria, with Poland only reemerging as an independent state in 1918, as Russia was engulfed in internal strife following the February and October Revolutions of 1917.
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1619) - Sputnik International, 1920, 11.08.2023

Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1619)
CC BY 3.0 / /
Almost immediately after its statehood was reestablished, Poland’s nationalist authorities sought to take advantage of the chaos and civil war in Russia to mount an invasion of territories in what is today western Ukraine and Belarus, which Warsaw claimed as part of Poland. The bitter Polish-Soviet conflict lasted until March 1921, with Poland capturing over 201,000 square kilometers of western Ukrainian and Belarusian territory, inhabited by over 12 million people, mostly ethnic Ukrainians and Belarusians, but also Poles, Russians and Jews.
In 1939, with its efforts to prevent a new war in Europe rebuffed by Britain and France, Moscow signed a non-aggression pact with Germany, and on September 17, 1939, as the Polish government fled to Romania after the Nazi invasion, Soviet troops marched into Ukrainian and Belarusian territories captured by Warsaw during the Polish-Soviet War, plus the city of Lvov (now also part of Ukraine). After the Second World War, these borders became the internationally recognized frontier between Poland and the USSR. As compensation, Moscow agreed to the transfer of 101,000 square km of German lands, including major farming and industrial centers in Stettin, Liegnitz, Breslau and Oppeln, to Poland.
Poland's borders after World War II - Sputnik International, 1920, 11.08.2023

Poland's borders after World War II
© Wikipedia / radek.s
After the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991, the frontier established following WWII became accepted as the border between Poland and independent Ukraine, but many Poles, particularly those who fled western Ukraine after the war, continued to refer their lost ancestral homelands as the Kresy, or ‘Borderlands’, and hoping for their reabsorption into Poland.

Do Poland and Ukraine Get Along?​

Culturally, Poles and Ukrainians share similarities common to all Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe, although the Poles are West Slavs (along with the Czechs and Slovaks) while Ukrainians are East Slavs (together with Russians and Belarusians). Religiously, most Poles are Catholics, while the majority of Ukrainians are Eastern Orthodox. Linguistically, Ukrainian is grammatically far closer to Russian than Polish, although lexically, it’s closer to Polish.
A difficult history has complicated ties between Poland and Ukraine.
On one hand, as a key US ally in Eastern Europe, Warsaw has spent decades advocating for and advancing the pro-Western, pro-European Union and pro-NATO sentiments of part of Ukraine’s political and economic elites going back to the first color revolution in Kiev in 2004/2005, trying to pull Kiev out of the pro-Russian orbit and toward the EU. In 2014, Poland played a major behind-the-scenes role in negotiating an agreement between Ukraine’s opposition and President Viktor Yanukovych at resolving the Euromaidan crisis, before walking away from the agreement as the opposition seized power.
On the other hand, there are a number of historical issues between the Ukrainian and Polish peoples that have soured Warsaw, Brussels and Washington’s geopolitical plans. For one thing, there is historical bad blood caused by the Polish nobility’s exploitation of Ukrainian peasants during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth era, a factor which contributed to Ukrainian Cossack commander Bohdan Khmelnytsky’s 1648 uprising and appeal to the Russian czar for assistance, an event which culminated in the unification of Russia and Ukraine in a union that would last over 300 years.
Entrance of Bohdan Khmelnytsky to Kyiv - Sputnik International, 1920, 11.08.2023

Entrance of Bohdan Khmelnytsky to Kyiv
CC BY-SA 3.0 / Mykola Ivasiuk (1865–1937) / Entrance of Bohdan Khmelnytsky to Kyiv

More recently, many Poles have expressed discomfort over Warsaw’s rabidly pro-Ukrainian policy, pointing to the modern-day Ukrainian government’s glorification of Stepan Bandera, Roman Shukhevych and other Ukrainian Nazi collaborators, whose Ukrainian Insurgent Army (Ukrainian acronym UPA) militias murdered up to 200,000 Poles, as well as anti-fascist Ukrainians, Russians and Jews in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia during WWII. Ukraine’s refusal to apologize for these crimes, the erection of monuments to UPA leaders, and their lionization in textbooks for Ukrainian schoolchildren, have irked Poles, especially those whose families were affected by the UPA’s genocidal actions.

Economic Ties: Why Has Poland Banned Ukrainian Grain?​

On the economic front too, things are not as peachy as politicians in Warsaw and Kiev might like, with Poland imposing a ban on Ukrainian grain amid concerns from Polish farmers warning that the glut of Ukrainian foodstuffs has driven down prices to unsustainable levels. The grain ban sparked a major diplomatic spat earlier this month after an assistant to Poland’s president slammed Kiev for its lack of “gratitude” to Warsaw for its substantial support, prompting a senior aide to President Zelensky to attack the Polish official over his “opportunistic, “manipulative” and “treacherous” remarks, and to label him a Russian “tool.”
Poland, like most other Western powers, has faced a rocky economic situation thanks to the Ukrainian crisis, balancing on the brink of recession in the second and fourth quarters of 2022 with -2.6 and -2.3 percent growth. Like other European countries, Warsaw has faced major difficulties stemming from the loss of cheap Russian energy supplies, resulting in higher energy costs, higher production costs, and galloping inflation (which hit a record 24 percent in February 2023).

How Many Ukrainian Refugees are in Poland?​

Complicating things further is the refugee crisis, with millions of Ukrainians fleeing west to Poland over the past year-and-a-half. According to UN data, the country now hosts close to one million refugees, with some 1.6 million Ukrainians applying for asylum.
Poland has complained to EU institutions about the spiraling costs of hosting Ukrainian refugees. At the same time, many Ukrainians have struggled to adapt to life in the country, and facing falling sympathy from Poles, with sentiments for supporting refugees dropping from 84 percent to 50 percent over the past year, in what Polish researchers have dubbed “compassion fatigue.”

How Has Poland’s Security Been Impacted by Ukrainian Crisis?​

Poland is one of the top donors of military assistance to Ukraine, fourth overall only behind the US, Germany and Britain (not counting EU institutions). Poland’s contributions have included some €3 billion ($3.2 billion) in military aid, including dozens of fighter jets and helicopters left over from its Soviet-era armories, over 300 T-72s (including the local Polish PT-91 variant), hundreds of armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery and multiple rocket launchers, anti-aircraft guns, surface-to-air missile systems, trucks, drones, mortars, small arms and ammunition. Poland has also committed 14 of its German-made Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks, probably the newest and costliest equipment Warsaw has sent to date. NATO has also put pressure on Warsaw to transfer its F-16s to Ukraine, but Polish authorities have rejected the idea, saying it had “too few aircrafts” to give away without affecting national security.
Like other NATO nations, Poland has depleted its armories sending arms to Ukraine, to the point where Warsaw has complained about its European alliance member neighbors’ lack of “generosity” by comparison.
Polish officials and media have remained tight-lipped about the impact the delivery of billions of dollars in weapons to Ukraine have had on their own security. However, many of their European neighbors have openly admitted that their armed forces now have enough arms and ammunition to last as little as a few days in an emergency. In any case, Poland’s willing donation of large quantities of weapons to Ukraine shows that its authorities’ long-stated claims about Russia’s “aggressive” intentions to attack Poland have nothing to do with reality.

Did Ukraine Accidentally Bomb Poland?​

The Ukrainian crisis did almost drag Poland into a World War III scenario with Russia in November 2022, when an errant Ukrainian air defense missile landed in a village in eastern Poland, killing two farmers. Zelensky immediately blamed Moscow and urged Poland and NATO to take action to put Russia “in its place.” Later, even after Polish, US and NATO officials confirmed that the missile was in fact Ukrainian, Zelensky refused to admit Kiev’s responsibility, prompting NATO diplomats to accuse him of “openly lying” about the incident.

Is Poland Engaged in a Military Buildup?​

As the outpost of NATO on the alliance’s eastern flank, Poland has had plans to increase the size and capabilities of its armed forces going back to long before the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis, and welcomed plans to station more US forces on the country’s territory (including Aegis Ashore missile defense capabilities fitted with MK-41 launchers which could be easily converted to fire nuclear-tipped Tomahawk cruise missiles at Russia).
Poland, one of the few countries to have met the 2014 NATO commitment to spend two percent or more of its GDP on defense, recently announced plans to increase defense spending to 4 percent of GDP, and to more than double the size of the military to 300,000 troops. Poland’s 2023 defense budget is expected to reach in excess of 130 billion zloty (€27.7 billion or $30.4 billion).

Are Polish Soldiers Already Fighting in Ukraine?​

Officially, Poland has not admitted to sending troops to Ukraine to take part in the proxy war against Russia. However, hundreds or even thousands of mercenaries from Poland may have traveled to the country over the past year-and-a-half to join the fight.
Sputnik has reported on Russian forces’ close encounters with Polish-speaking mercs, and late last year, Polish media estimated that as many as 1,200 Polish nationals fighting in Ukraine had already been killed, and that a special 1,700-space “American-style” cemetery had been created in a settlement in northeastern Poland.

So Will Poland Invade Ukraine?​

Ultimately, whether or not the Polish government will ignore Russian warnings and move forward with plans to try to establish a NATO protectorate in western Ukraine, or outright annex a piece of the country, is unknown. Doing so would obviously threaten to turn the Ukrainian conflict into full-blown World War III scenario.
“The secession of western Ukraine, the fragmentation of Ukraine and the transfer of land to Poland are unacceptable," Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in talks with President Putin last month. “And if the population of western Ukraine needs this, we will, of course, support them,” he added.
In other words, in addition to be highly dangerous, a Polish invasion of western Ukraine could fundamentally transform the Ukrainian crisis in ways which may up to now have seemed unimaginable.
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