Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine


This headline gets my Oscar nomination for 'Best Revelation of the True Nature of the War by a Western Mindset'. Its not about winning on the battlefield - its about control of The Narrative. Losing control of same would spell disaster - because that would mean - God forbid - reality is breaking through. And we can't have that, can we?

Hence the fact that their spin is getting more and more desperate and contorted.
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This headline gets my Oscar nomination for 'Best Revelation of the True Nature of the War by a Western Mindset'. Its not about winning on the battlefield - its about control of The Narrative. Losing control of same would spell disaster - because that would mean - God forbid - reality is breaking through. And we can't have that, can we?

Hence the fact that their spin is getting more and more desperate and contorted.
War Propaganda at its best!
Here is an article that tries to explain why the West is so incompetent.

It is becoming increasingly clear to more and more people in the West that something has gone terribly wrong with the Ukraine project. Predictions and projections didn’t pan out and the West doesn’t seem to know what to do. The Russian economy wasn’t a house of cards as predicted, Russian weapons weren’t inferior as predicted, Russian soldiers and commanders weren’t incompetent as predicted, and Russian technology wasn‘t inferior as predicted.

In some respects the Russians even seem to be superior to the West. Their weapons are effective and in many cases outright technologically superior, as clearly demonstrated by their hypersonic missiles, SAM systems and electronic warfare systems. Their economy appears to be surprisingly advanced and diversified and based on real wealth creation rather than financialization and debt like the West’s. Their strategic and tactical thinking also seems to work, while the West‘s clearly doesn‘t.

The whole mess is often explained as a result of a miscalculation by the western elites – they underestimated Russia and overestimated the West. The situation, however, is far worse than that. Every day that passes reveals the impotence of the West more and more and the situation is becoming outright humiliating. At this point the rest of the world either shakes their heads or simply laughs at the West and its politicians and diplomats – not to mention its crazed populations.

The dysfunction of the West is far deeper than just the situation around the Ukraine project. It’s absolutely everywhere. The West can’t do diplomacy in general, it can’t run its cities or countries except into the ground, its high-tech projects fail almost as a rule, its infrastructure is crumbling, its economies are crumbling, and all public policies seem to have a civilizational suicide as a final goal. The West’s control mechanisms over the rest of the world are also crumbling, including the dollar, sanctions, color revolutions, military interventions and threats. Nothing seems to work and everything the West does seems to make things worse.

Any rational person upon hearing a western leader, diplomat or “expert” speak, asks himself this question: “Are they just lying or are they really this incompetent and delusional?” The answer is “both” but the incompetence factor is far greater than most people can imagine.

Why has this happened? It’s clear that the cause is far deeper than the deindustrialization of the West or economic problems in general. The economy doesn’t explain the incredible incompetence shown by the West before and during the war in Ukraine.

I suggest that the cause of this unfolding disaster is a serious structural problem in the West – which Russia seems to have largely avoided. This structural problem is a necessary condition for the current western system and has been purposely created to bring it about and maintain it. This problem is the subject of this article – as well as the “mechanism” behind it. This is unfortunately a long article, but the subject matter demands it.

Par Viktor Imantovitch Alksnis

L’Ukraine a de nouveau lancé aujourd’hui plusieurs frappes avec des missiles de croisière de fabrication britannique ou française (Storm Shadow ou Skalp) sur le pont de Chongar qui relie la Crimée à la région de Kherson. Le pont a été légèrement endommagé.

L’Ukraine mène des attaques ciblées sur les ponts de Crimée et de Chongarsky afin de laisser la Crimée sans liaison de transport avec le continent et de rendre aussi difficile que possible l’approvisionnement de notre groupe sur le front sud par la Crimée. À l’automne, il a réussi en ce qui concerne notre regroupement sur la rive droite du Dniepr dans la région de Kherson. Ensuite, les forces armées ukrainiennes, utilisant le HIMARS MLRS, ont détruit quatre ponts sur le Dniepr avec des munitions à guidage de précision, nous ont forcés à nous retirer de Kherson et à déplacer notre groupe de la rive droite vers la rive gauche du Dniepr. Maintenant, un scénario similaire est mis en œuvre avec la Crimée. En même temps, nos réponses soulèvent, c’est le moins que l’on puisse dire, de nombreuses questions.

Les seuls porteurs de ces missiles de croisière très efficaces sont des bombardiers ukrainiens Su-24M de première ligne. Premièrement, l’Ukraine en a très peu. Et à propos, le Su-24M soviétique amélioré pour les missiles étrangers Storm Shadow ou Skalp est encore moins courant dans les forces armées ukrainiennes, seulement quelques pièces. Afin d’arrêter les frappes avec ces missiles, il est nécessaire de combattre non seulement les systèmes de défense aérienne avec des missiles, mais tout d’abord avec plusieurs avions porte-avions. En les détruisant ou même simplement en les endommageant, il sera possible de réduire considérablement les dégâts causés par ces missiles. Jusqu’à récemment, les Su-24M ukrainiens étaient basés à l’aérodrome de Starokonstantinov dans la région de Khmelnytsky.

Au cours des dernières semaines, nos troupes ont lancé régulièrement des frappes de missiles de croisière contre cet aérodrome, mais jusqu’à présent, aucun résultat significatif n’a été observé à partir de ces frappes. Évidemment, le problème est que l’aérodrome de Starokonstantinov était équipé d’abris voûtés en béton armé dans les années 70, et il semble que les Su-24 s’y réfugient après leurs sorties. La puissance des missiles de croisière pour détruire ces abris ne suffit pas. Les « poignards » hypersoniques pourraient évidemment aider, avec leur puissante ogive et leur énorme énergie cinétique de quatre tonnes de TNT, mais il semble, à en juger par leur utilisation limitée en Ukraine, que nous en ayons un nombre limité. De plus, on ne sait pas dans lequel des 30 abris voûtés sont les avions améliorés pour tirer le Storm Shadow et le Skalp.

À mon avis, ce problème pourrait être résolu par l’utilisation massive de bombes perforantes, qui, simultanément à la destruction des abris voûtés, pourraient complètement désactiver l’ensemble de l’aérodrome, détruisant la piste, à la fois principale et alternative, ainsi que les voies de circulation. Cela nécessite des avions d’attaque tels que le Su-34 et le même Su-24M pour de nombreuses sorties. Mais notre aviation d’attaque ne vole pas dans la profondeur opérationnelle de l’ennemi à Starokonstantinov à une distance de 700 à 800 km en raison de la défense aérienne toujours non supprimée de l’Ukraine, limitée à des sorties en profondeur tactique dans la zone de la ligne de contact.

Nous voyons ici l’erreur commise en n’ayant pas supprimé la défense aérienne de l’Ukraine dès le lancement de l’opération militaire spéciale. À ce moment-là, il y avait une réelle opportunité. Maintenant, avec l’approvisionnement en systèmes de défense aérienne occidentaux, cela nous coûtera beaucoup plus cher et causera de nombreuses victimes.

Victor Имантович Алкснис

[Boris Karpov]: En discutant de cela avec une source militaire de haut rang, la réponse a été « une frappe nucléaire tactique sur l’aérodrome résoudrait ce problème en un rien de temps ».

Les Occidentaux «vont tuer ou éliminer Zelensky», affirme l'ancien analyste de la CIA Larry Johnson
«Ses jours sont comptés», insiste-t-il.
Selon Larry Johnson, la presse est en train de préparer les esprits à cette éventualité et les chancelleries occidentales n'ont évidemment pas l'intention d'assumer «la responsabilité de ce qu'elles vont faire»:
«Ils voudraient donc, si possible, rejeter la faute sur la Russie.»
Piégé par l'Oncle Sam dans l'affaire NordStream puis rembarré par l'OTAN, le président comédien n'est pas dupe de la précarité de sa position.
Ce qui explique peut-être son zèle à envoyer son peuple à l'abattoir, dans le mince espoir que ses marionnettistes ne coupent pas son fil
Westerners 'will kill or eliminate Zelensky', claims former CIA analyst Larry Johnson
“His days are numbered,” he insists.
According to Larry Johnson, the press is preparing minds for this eventuality and Western chancelleries obviously have no intention of taking "responsibility for what they are going to do":
“So they would like, if possible, to put the blame on Russia.”
Trapped by Uncle Sam in the NordStream affair and then rebuffed by NATO, the comedian president is not fooled by the precariousness of his position.
Which perhaps explains his zeal to send his people to the slaughterhouse, in the slim hope that his puppeteers do not cut his thread.
'There is no peace in Zelensky's ''peace plan'', but just a justification for prolonging the conflict.'

7 Aug, 2023
The talks, to which Russia was not invited, did not appear to accomplish anything. However, the Journal quoted “a senior European official” and two diplomats to report that Ukraine “didn’t push again for its peace plan to be accepted” and “didn’t press the point” about the demand for Russian withdrawal.

7 Aug, 2023

Large explosion hits Turkish port (VIDEOS)​

"The blast injured 10 people and destroyed a bank of grain silos"

"it originated at a block of government-owned grain silos and felt “like a violent earthquake.” Kocaeli Governor Seddar Yavuz said"

"Derince is one of the few seaports in Türkiye wholly operated by the government. Derince is a grain transportation hub, and received regular shipments of grain from Ukraine,"

13 out of 16 silos at the port were damaged in the blast, provincial authorities said.

Might weather weapons and psychotronic weapons also be tested in Ukraine?
From a page with mainly weather patents, there were some that indicate what might be possible:
  • 20220357482 – November 10, 2022 – Method and System of Analyzing Ingredients of Artificial Rainfall for Verification of Cloud Seeding Effect
  • 20230050373 – February 16, 2023 – Electromagnetic System to Modify Weather
  • 20230075132 – March 9, 2023 – System for Moderating Energy Absorption at the Earth’s Surface with a Programmable Forcing Network of Climate Control Panels
  • 20230117390 – April 20, 2023 – System and Method for Proactive and Reversible Mitigation of Storm/Hurricane/Typhoon/Cyclone
  • [...]
  • 20230141493 – May 11, 2023 – Device for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Deploy a Rainfall Catalytic Bomb
And what about weapons of psychotronics. On the same page, there was a patent with a title that revealed some possibilities:
  • 5800481 – September 1, 1998 – Thermal excitation of sensory resonances
  • Thermal excitation of sensory resonances
    In man, autonomic and cortical resonances of the nervous system can be excited by inducing subliminal heat pulses in the skin by means of a resistive heat patch, laser, heat lamp, or microwave radiation, or through a slow air jet that carries a small periodic fluctuation in temperature. Deeply subliminal skin temperature oscillations of frequency near 1/2 Hz induced in a subject by any of these means cause sleepiness, drowziness, relaxation, a tonic smile, ptosis of the eyelids, a tense feeling, sudden loose stool, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise pulse frequency used. For certain higher frequencies, the induced subliminal skin temperature oscillations cause fractured thought and a slowing of certain cortical processes. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of tremors, seizures, and emotional disorders. There is further application in the form of nonlethal weapons, involving a pulsed infrared laser or a pulsed microwave beam, tuned to a sensory resonance pulse frequency.
From SOTT, though much older:
There was also an article, Psychotronic weapons. It gives a glimpse of what was studied in China and the USSR, and similar knowledge was probably available in the West. Today, it is possible that the old discoveries have become redundant, or reserved for special operations, and have been replaced by 24/7 mobile phone connections, with individualized news feeds and distraction apps, all under tight digital surveillance.

It would be interesting to know to which extent, if at all, weather and psychotronic weapons are used in Ukraine. The above links shows that the technology exists, so it is at least a possibility.
I don't think this has popped up here before; anyway, for those who haven't come across SHAMAN ak Yaroslav Yuryevich Dronov, Russia has found its young voice:

I breathe in this air The sun in the sky is looking upon me
Above me a wind is blowing free It is just as I am
I simply want to love and to breathe I don't need anything else
This is the way I am You can't break me

I'm Russian, until the end, I go
I'm Russian, my blood comes from my father
I'm Russian, I've been fortunate
I'm Russian, in spite of the entire world
I'm Russian

This song soars into the sky And calls me to come along
Within me, my heart is ablaze Illuminating the way home
Where I want to simply love and to breathe I don't need anything else
This is just who I am You can't break me

I'm Russian, until the end, I go
I'm Russian, my blood comes from my father
I'm Russian, I've been fortunate
I'm Russian, in spite of the entire world
I'm Russian
I'm Russian, until the end, I go
I'm Russian, my blood comes from my father
I'm Russian, I've been fortunate
I'm Russian, in spite of the entire world
I'm Russian

Its been taken up by the multitude of ethic nations that make up the Russian Federation and is being sung from west to east:

Here are a couple more. A very Russian talent with the voice and spirit to match.

Встанем (Let's Rise)

Let's rise
As long as we're still living and the truth is on our side
From up beyond someone is watching us with the eyes we love
They smiled like children and marched into the skies
Let's rise
And get closer to them

Let's rise
As long as God and the truth are on our side
We'll say thanks for granting us victory
To those who found their heavens and are not with us any more
Let's rise
And singsong

Let's rise
Our eternal memory beats harder in our chest, among ourselves
Let's rise
The heroes of Russia will remain in our hearts
Till the end

Let's rise
And remember all those we have lost in this fire
Those who were off to die for freedom, not medals
I know we will definitely meet
Let's rise
And singsong anew

Let's rise
Our eternal memory beats harder in our chest, among ourselves
Let's rise
The heroes of Russia will remain in our hearts
Till the end
We'll rise
Let's rise
Our eternal memory beats harder in our chest, among ourselves
Let's rise
The heroes of Russia will remain in our hearts
Till the end

This is my fight…
My fight!
Who says that love is dead in this world,
That there's no honor, that the truth has burned to a cinder?
Even if there's only hell surrounding,
I will not give up!
Onwards, not a single step back.
Every day I'm shot in the heart with rising pain,
But these wounds only make me stronger.
I return home victorious,
I return to remain at your side.

This is my fight —
Until my final breath!
My fight —
Even if I feel bad!
My fight —
While the fire is burning, my heart is beating
And I'm alive!
This is my fight —
The line is blazing through!
My fight —
Until the end, that's it!
My fight —
While the fire is burning, my heart is beating
And I'm alive…

Who says that the stars burned out long ago,
That there's no friendship, that money is more important than anything else?
Even if the fire turns into ice,
Gritting my teeth, I'll say to myself, "Only onwards!"
Every day I'm shot in the heart with rising pain,
But these wounds only make me stronger.
And I hear the hearts of others echoing with mine:
"I'm Russian, I drive on, until the end!"

This is my fight —
Until my final breath!
My fight —
Even if I feel bad!
My fight —
While the fire is burning, my heart is beating
And I'm alive!
This is my fight —
The line is blazing through!
My fight —
Until the end, that's it!
My fight —
While the fire is burning, my heart is beating
And I'm alive…
This is my fight…
My fight!
This is my fight —

We are all Russian now...
I don't think this has popped up here before; anyway, for those who haven't come across SHAMAN ak Yaroslav Yuryevich Dronov, Russia has found its young voice:

Its been taken up by the multitude of ethic nations that make up the Russian Federation and is being sung from west to east:

Here are a couple more. A very Russian talent with the voice and spirit to match.

We are all Russian now...

These are excellent! Thank you for sharing 😊
I don't think this has popped up here before; anyway, for those who haven't come across SHAMAN ak Yaroslav Yuryevich Dronov, Russia has found its young voice:

Its been taken up by the multitude of ethic nations that make up the Russian Federation and is being sung from west to east:

Here are a couple more. A very Russian talent with the voice and spirit to match.

We are all Russian now...

My father was a Russian classical pianist (and astrophysicist). These are the melodies that I was raised hearing in my childhood. I’m brought to tears by them even without following the words. They’re etched into my heart. When I write songs on the guitar, even though they are 70s style hard rock in intent and beat, the underlying chords and melodies are always something like these. These are my heart. Thank you B-C for sharing this!❤️
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