Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Can anyone explain me in ELI5 style why this war started? Point by point with causes and reasoning?

Wow!!! That's the question! That is, the question itself is not surprising, well, a person wants to figure out something, what is it here? Another thing is surprising, this war has been going on for almost 10 years, why now? What happened?
I can only explain in a nutshell and I wonder if someone will undertake to explain how it is required here with all possible chewing.
In a nutshell: The West, led by the United States, seeks to finish off Russia, and Russia is trying to prevent this from happening.

Ничего себе!!! Вот это вопрос! Т.е. сам по себе вопрос неудивителен, ну хочет человек разобраться в чем то, чего же здесь такого? Удивительно другое, война эта идет уже почти 10 лет, почему сейчас? Что такого случилось?
Я могу объяснить только в двух словах и мне интересно возьмётся ли кто то объяснять как тут требуется со всеми возможными разжевываниями.
В двух словах: Запад во главе с США стремится прикончить Россию, а Россия пытается не дать этому случиться.
This is also in a nutshell from Minister Lavrov, as for Ukraine.
Lavrov told how dangerous the "Zelensky formula" is
Lavrov warned the countries courted by the West about the danger of Zelensky's formula

MOSCOW, Aug 4 - RIA Novosti. Everyone who is courted by the West to adopt the "Zelensky formula" should understand that the fate of millions of Russians, whom Kiev promises to destroy, is at stake, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with International Life magazine. "

"Everyone who is courted by the West in order to push through the "Zelensky formula" must be aware that the fate of these people, whom the Kiev regime openly promises to destroy, is at stake," he said.
According to the minister, "the Anglo-Saxons and their allies stood up for the Nazis in Kiev, suppressing, or even justifying their actions that trample on human rights and the rights of national minorities
"Instead of a serious conversation based on the recognition of the evolution of realities "on earth" over the past ten years, staged forums are being convened with the sole purpose of luring as many countries as possible into at least some semblance of a discussion of the "Zelensky formula", requiring nothing less than Russia to completely capitulate, agree to infringe on its security and throw at millions of Russians, whose ancestors lived on these lands for centuries, settled them, creating cities, roads, ports," he stressed.
Лавров рассказал, чем опасна "формула Зеленского"
About the night attack on Novorossiysk. It turns out that not everything is as rosy as we were informed in the morning. One of the ships was damaged. Somewhere the guys clapped their ears.
BDK "Olenegorsky miner" was damaged during the repulse of an attack by marine drones
As a result of a night attack by Ukrainian surface attack drones on the port of Novorossiysk, the large landing ship (BDK) "Olenegorsky Miner" was damaged. Information on this subject is provided by the newspaper "Reporter".

Last night, Ukrainian forces tried to carry out an attack on the facilities of the Russian Black Sea Fleet located near Novorossiysk. Despite the attack, enemy actions were successfully repelled by warships, and the port infrastructure remained intact.

"During the repulse of the attack, the unmanned boats were visually detected and destroyed by fire from the standard armament of Russian ships guarding the outer raid of the naval base," the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reports.

The head of Novorossiysk, Andrey Kravchenko, clarified that two ships were involved in repelling the attack of Ukrainian surface drones: the large amphibious ship of project 775 "Olenegorsky Miner" and the anti-sabotage boat P-349 "Suvorovets".

Photos and videos that appeared on the web show that the BDK "Olenegorsky Miner" acquired a roll to the left side. Presumably, one of the interior spaces of the ship was filled with water due to the resulting hole.
БДК «Оленегорский горняк» получил повреждения в ходе отражения атаки морских дронов

По поводу ночной атаки на Новороссийск. Оказывается не все так радужно, как нам сообщали с утра. Один из кораблей получил повреждения. Где то ребята прохлопали ушами.
Can anyone explain me in ELI5 style why this war started? Point by point with causes and reasoning?

This war started because it had been planned and intended to start at around this time for many many years. The culmination of over 100 years of 'get Russia' at all costs. One can also see it as a necessary distraction post COVID to make sure the growing unease about its origins and purpose becomes buried in the 'fog of war' (plus of course use as further cover for huge financial skulduggery and the need to hide certain 'financial iregularities' going on in Ukraine for an age but particularly since before 2016).

Just a few of the bullet point examples of the methodical build up would go something like this:

NATO Long Planned a War

NATO's Stoltenberg has publicly admitted the alliance has been preparing for conflict with Russia since 2014.

The CIA began widespread training of Ukrainian military in insurgency tactics the same year, preparing the forces for becoming the new Al-Qaeda post an anticipated war with Russia.

The Rise as Puppet of the West of actor/comedian Zelensky.

Zelensky wins a landslide victory in the April 2019 presidential election with an overwhelming mandate to lead Ukraine to a peaceful settlement with Russia. However a collection of Ukrainian 'civil society' groups backed by the US/NATO, issued a lengthy list of "red lines not to be crossed" by the new president, lest he risk provoking a new wave of political instability - that they would presumably instigate. So begins the Zelensky ‘change of heart’ into a rabid anti-Russian, leading to increasing attacks on Russian culture within Ukraine and the targeting of Russian minorities.

Sinking the Minsk Accords:

Ex-Chancellor Merkel, and Presidents Poroshenko and Zelensky, have all now bragged in public that they had no intention of implementing the UN agreed and binding Minsk agreements that guaranteed peace and security for all parties and that their sole purpose of signing was to buy Ukraine time to prepare to make war with Russia.

NATO pulls out of Afghanistan

The April 2021 decision to pull out all troops within months and the August debacle that followed can now been seen through a different prism, in that plans to shift attention to a direct conformation with Russia via Ukraine were coming to a head with the US military needing to redirect and focus all resources.

Abrupt end to COVID Pandemic

After nearly two years of unrelenting pressure, come mid-January 2022 the breaks start to come off as governments unexpectedly begin the process of reversing COVID restrictions. The speed of the change catches most by surprise. In the light of events brewing in the East of Europe, this can now be seen as a clearing of the narrative space for the next world psyop – the long prepared Ukraine war.

Ukraine Military Build Up:

By end of January 2022 it was being reported widely in the international media – and confirmed by Russian authorities - that 120,000 Ukrainian troops were massing at the contact line in Donbas

Ukrainian Attacks on the Donbas Accelerate:

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) had to acknowledge that the Ukrainian bombardment of the line of contact dramatically intensified week commencing 14th February reaching a high point of 2,026 artillery strikes by February 19

Sanction Plans:

Ursula von der Leyen publically stated at the February 2023 Munich conference that the EU was planning and coordinating with the Biden White House the entire sanctions package against Russia back in December 2021.

Destruction of Nord Steam:

Seymour Hersh has revealed that the Biden White House was already planning to blow up Nord Stream by November/December 2021. This goes along with President Biden's statement to the press that it would never open, British Prime minister Liz Truss texting 'it's done' to Secretary Blinken and the former Polish Foreign Minister thanking the USA for its destruction via Twitter.
The wishful thinking of desperation mounts as the pressure increases to escalate further.... (though the headlines hide the fact that 69% are not in favour!)


Meanwhile, the Brits come up with the best excuse for failure yet... talk about 'intelligence'...

'It's because of the height of the grass, man, don't you get it...!?'
'Yes, but doesn't the undergrowth normally grow taller in the summer? I mean surely that happens every year? Didn't you factor that into your planning, I mean...'
'Can it, conspiracy theorist!'


'I am not buying it, because it is very profitable for the US military-industrial complex.'

02 August 2023

'Maybe opening "another account" at Office of Management and Budget for money laundering through Foreign Military Financing scheme which is funded by American taxpayers?'

2 Aug, 2023
Can anyone explain me in ELI5 style why this war started? Point by point with causes and reasoning?

You can also read quite a number of Putin‘s big speeches shortly before and after the war started. He provides a pretty comprehensive and accurate history of it. That should bring you up to speed. Listening to what Lavrov and Zakharova have explained helps as well.
Personally, nothing surprises me about this event. The Ukroterrorists have already committed almost all possible actions to justify such a status. There have been no attacks on civilian aircraft yet, and everything else has already happened. In my opinion, such things are a good reason not to leave a single meter of the seashore under the power of the ukrohunta. In other words, the Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odessa regions in their entirety should be cleared of the Ukrainian authorities.
In the Black Sea explosion damaged the Russian tanker Sig
At night there was an attack on the Russian tanker Sig in the Black Sea, committed by Ukrainian unmanned vehicles. Information about this incident was confirmed by Vladimir Rogov.

According to the latest data, all crew members of the civilian tanker remained alive, but the vessel itself was seriously damaged. The engine room was particularly affected, which is completely flooded at the moment. Therefore, the command of the tanker Sig requested assistance to eliminate the consequences of the attack and prevent the threat of complete sinking of the vessel.

It is known that the tanker was included in the US sanctions list, while the ship was moving from the territorial waters of Turkey, but, apparently, did not carry any cargo.

So far, it remains unknown whether the attack on the tanker was targeted or whether we are talking about an unsuccessful attempt to attack other targets and objects.
В Чёрном море взрывом повреждён российский танкер Sig

Лично меня в этом событии не удивляет ничто. Укротеррористы совершили уже почти все возможные действия для оправдания подобного статуса. Пока еще не было атак на гражданские самолеты, а все остальное уже было. По моему подобные вещи являются веским поводом не оставлять под властью укрохунты ни одного метра морского побережья. Другими словами Херсонская, Николаевская, Одесская области в полном составе должны быть очищены от украинской власти.
Flashback to 1997
A little curiosity, which indicates that some areas of Europe knowingly walked into the situation they are in now, at least some people raised the alarm bell.

In the 1990ies there were people aware of the problems, the NATO expansion could create in Europe. I encountered a forgotten copy of a press release from Forth International Convention of the Leaders of the Natural Law Parties, issued from the office in Vlodrop in The Netherlands. Along with the press release there was a short article from Reuters, by Emma Thomasson from 18.07.97 17:47 which included:
"He said NATO and the European Union were making grave error with plans to absorb members from the former communist East.
"Russia feels cornered and pushed back. We know that the expansion will just increase tensions,"Borowitz said"

While the Natural Law Party had a platform to promote, including a Vedic Peace Corps, and used the analysis of the geopolitical situation in Europe to promote it, like in an appeal to urgency argument, the analysis itself seems largely to have withstood the test of time. Here are a few lines:

News Release,
Natural Law Parties Speak Out Against EU and NATO Expansion
Bonn, 18 July 1997
In the context of NATO's recent moves towards enlargement into Eastern Europe, Dr Paterson said the simple and profound approach of the Vedic Peace Corps makes a "laughing stock" of the military's attempt to keep the peace through its weapons, artillery and other equipment. "In fact, while NATO expands into Poland and other countries, supposedly to help keep the peace in Europe, Russia is increasingly cornered and far worse tensions could soon flare up," he said. "Governments are living in a fool's paradise if they think that they can rely solely on the military for defence."

EU taken over by a military power

Dr. Reinhard Borowitz, Secretary General of the Maharishi International Council of Natural Law Parties, made scathing remarks about this week's announcement of the enlargement of the European Union.

"This shows that the European Union has gone into the pocket of a military power,"
Dr. Borowitz said. The announcement by the President of the EU that negotiations are starting for East European nations to join the Union shows that the EU is just following in the steps of NATO. This is a blatant sign of slavery. American troops are no longer in Europe. But, if Germany and its neighbours don't wake up, we don't know how much time there is before NATO takes over completely."
Actually, American troops were and are still in Europe! I think many people understood that quite clearly also then. But what is also a possible interpretation is that the troops were there but not engaged. This has happened since, think Yugoslavia 1999, the Nord Stream sabotage, 2022, and NATO work in Ukraine 2014 to present, with Ukrainians being trained in European NATO countries, but is more to come? With so many US bases in former Warsaw pact countries, what can prevent it?
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Are there references for that?
This article from April 2022 by Jacques Baud might answer your question as to how this war started. It is at least a good starting point and from a Swiss retired intelligence officer.
A video of this heroic battle has already been published here. Now here is a natural result - the tank crew is presented to the highest Russian military award - the title of Heroes of Russia.
The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu presented the military personnel of the tank crew "Alyosha", who repelled the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye direction, to be awarded the title Hero of Russia.
The Russian tank single-handedly gave battle to a column of 7 armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, tankers under the command of Senior Lieutenant Rasim Baksikov came under fire, the driver was wounded.

Then the commander evacuated the wounded man, gave him first aid, handed him over to the medics, then took his place. Lieutenant Alexander Levakov took the place of the tank commander.

Having found eight Ukrainian armored vehicles, including two tanks, the crew immediately joined the battle. It is noted that this was a complete surprise for the APU.

In the first minutes of the battle, both T-72B APU tanks were destroyed, in the next half hour - the M113 armored personnel carrier and five American MaxxPro vehicles along with the troops. During the battle, in addition to equipment, more than 100 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.
Шойгу представил экипаж танка "Алеша" к званию Герой России - Российская газета

This Vasya Malyuk could have not worked for recognizing obvious things, and so no one, in my opinion, had any doubts about whose hands it was.
The head of the SBU, Vasily Malyuk, confirmed that the drone attack against a Russian tanker in the Kerch Strait area was organized by Ukraine. About this writes "Country.ua".
According to him, this is "an absolutely logical and effective step."

The publication writes that, according to Western media, the attack on the tanker is a joint operation of the SBU and the Ukrainian Navy.

The surface drone that damaged the Russian tanker was carrying 450 kilograms of TNT, the publication says.

The tanker "Sig" (Sig) under the Russian flag received a hole in the evening of August 4 south of the Kerch Strait as a result of an attack by a naval drone of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

There were 11 people on board.

According to preliminary data, the damage did not affect the viability of the vessel, the fuel did not spill into the Black Sea.
Глава СБУ Малюк подтвердил причастность к атаке на российский танкер - Российская газета

In my opinion, a useless gathering. I recently wrote in a thread about Africa, about the case scenario, which has been repeatedly encountered recently. In this case, it is an attempt to legitimize unacceptable decisions through artificially created "world public opinion". I would really like to hope that such things will no longer work with Russia.
Negotiations on Ukraine have begun in Saudi Arabia
Negotiations with the participation of representatives of 30 countries on the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine have begun in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, which will last until August 6. This is reported by Reuters.

It is noted that the two-day meeting is "part of Ukraine's diplomatic desire to enlist the support not only of its Western countries, but also of the countries of the Global South, which are reluctant to take sides in the conflict."

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that negotiations in Saudi Arabia on Ukraine without Russia's participation would be useful if they could help the West see a deadlock in the "formula of President Vladimir Zelensky."

Earlier, a senior official of the European Commission told the Financial Times newspaper that the decision to hold a summit on Ukraine would be the main success of the negotiations in Saudi Arabia. According to him, the value of the negotiations is to push the countries of the Global South and Europe to search for some basic agreements.
В Саудовской Аравии начались переговоры по Украине

Здесь уже публиковали видео этого героического боя. Теперь вот закономерный результат- экипаж танка представлен к высшей Российской воинской награде- званию Героев России.
Этот Вася Малюк мог и не трудиться чего то там признавая, и так ни у кого по моему не было сомнений в том, чьих рук это дело.
По моему бесполезное сборище. Недавно я писал в ветке про Африку, про тот же самый сценарий, уже неоднократно встречавшийся в последнее время. В данном случае это попытка легитимизировать неприемлемые решения через искусственно созданное "мировое общественное мнение". Очень хотелось бы надеяться, что с Россией такие штуки больше не будут получаться.
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