Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Just came across a video posted today on a YT channel belonging to a "news agency" that I failed to find any info about. If you think you know what fake news can be, you know very little. They took it to an utterly different level.
It was an easy investigation about this YouTube channel. At first, I read the comments under the video and concluded that the content on the channel is clearly Russophobic. I watched 5 minutes of subtitles in Russian and concluded that the author of the video is not sane. Then I read the description of the channel, which says that it contains news about political events in Israel, the USA, Turkey, France, England and China. I decided to look for a video about events in France or Israel and found this:
The channel was either bought or seized 2 months ago, all videos are anti-Russian propaganda. It seems like it was a Turkish handicraft channel, but these idiots didn't even bother to remove the video with the previous content. :lol:
Destroyed bridges, ammunition depots in the Crimea, field headquarters, civilian infrastructure in the DPR and LPR, locations of personnel and people killed in them, is it because they couldn’t hit airfields before? But yesterday, for some reason, they did. 🤷‍♂️
I was thinking about it as well. There could be several possible reasons:
  • there were no military jets there before (because they are constantly being relocated to different airfields)
  • there were not enough military jets/ammo depots there which would be worth a strike
  • the Russians really overlooked them (it's hard to believe, though, since the locations of all these military airfields must be well known)
Most of the Soviet type military jets actually don't need a proper airfield at all - they can start from any more or less good roads which are straight and long enough, and I saw some videos in the past showing that Ukies were doing exactly that.
'A fish stinks form the head: What a nice scheme for money laundering.'

27 Jul, 2023
State Department inspectors have flagged concerns about the billions sent to Kiev

The US is struggling to keep track of billions of dollars it has sent to Kiev since February 2022, the effectiveness of which may be reduced by government and private corruption in Ukraine. This was the most recent finding of the US State Department’s Office of the Inspector General.

The redacted version of the State Department OIG report, published this week, notes that “corruption in the Ukrainian government and private sector poses risks to the effectiveness of US foreign assistance over the longer run.”

Concerns about corruption are well-documented, the OIG adds, and the State Department “intends to develop a plan to address anti-corruption in connection with assistance to Ukraine, including for reconstruction.”

According to the report, the US Congress has appropriated more than $113.4 billion for Ukraine since the hostilities with Russia escalated last year. The State Department has been responsible for about $31 billion, of which $22.9 billion was marked “direct budget support” for the Ukrainian government. The OIG review focused on just these funds, administered by the Office of the Coordinator of US Assistance to Europe and Eurasia (EUR/ACE), and not the tens of billions in military aid that went through the Pentagon.

Among the report’s revelations was that “all foreign assistance” to Ukraine is ultimately channeled through the Assistance Coordinator (ACOORD) team at the US embassy in Kiev, which apparently consists of just two people – described as a “Senior Foreign Service officer and a locally employed staff member.”

The embassy’s Integrated Country Strategy (ICS) was last updated in 2018. To make up for it, the EUR/ACE has drafted several planning documents approved by the National Security Council. However, each of them “lacked some or all” of the elements required by internal rules, including goals and objectives “with clear desired results and associated performance indicators.”

The documents also “did not set forth an overarching strategy for Ukraine or assign responsibility for achieving goals.”

The limited number of embassy staff and Ukraine’s travel restrictions have created “significant challenges in monitoring programs,” the OIG said. Most of the monitoring is done remotely, using online protocols adopted during the Covid-19 pandemic. One office has created a smartphone app to do photo verification of equipment deliveries. Another contracted with an American NGO to “monitor and verify demining operations.”

The OIG inspectors “largely conducted the review remotely” between mid-October 2022 and early March 2023.

President Joe Biden’s administration has repeatedly pledged to support the government in Kiev “for as long as it takes” to win the “war” against Russia. Earlier this month, the White House opposed a proposal by congressional Republicans to set up an independent special inspector for Ukraine aid, arguing that the Pentagon inspector general and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) were already working to “ensure accountability.”

The Russian air defenses have shot down a Ukrainian drone that was heading towards Moscow, Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said.

28 Jul, 2023
Just In.

Explosion in Russian city center caused by missile – governor​

The Russian city of Taganrog has been hit by a missile, with multiple civilians injured, the local governor has said
Explosion in Russian city center caused by missile – governor

© Social networks
An explosion on Friday in the southwest Russian port city of Taganrog was caused by a missile strike, the governor of Rostov Region has said. The blast rocked the city center, damaging multiple buildings and vehicles.
Vasily Golubev said that at least 15 people received mild injuries from blast fragments, and are now being treated by medics.

“In the center of Taganrog… a supposed missile has exploded. Rescuers are at the scene. There are no fatalities, but there are several injured,” Golubev wrote on social media.
So far, there has been official information on the type of missile that struck the city. The projectile left a large crater, footage from the scene shows. Spherical pieces of shrapnel, believed to have been released by the missile, have been reportedly recovered from the scene.
28 Jul, 03:30 Updated at 04:55
No damage or casualties reported
MOSCOW, July 28. /TASS/. An attempted drone attack was thwarted early on Friday as the UAV was shot down by units of the Russian Defense Ministry, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said.

"This night, an enemy drone attempted to carry out an attack and was shot down by forces of the Defense Ministry," the official wrote on his Telegram channel. "No damage or casualties have been reported."

On July 24, Sobyanin reported that two drones attacked non-residential buildings in Moscow. One was shot down near Komsomolsky Avenue, 17; the other crashed into a building on Likhachev Avenue.

Russia’s National Guard servicemen down UAV with anti-drone gun
RTVK Eleven hours ago

MOSCOW, July 28. /TASS/. The deliveries of cluster munitions to Ukraine are dealing a blow to remnants of ties between Moscow and Washington, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said on Friday.

"As far as Russia-US relations are concerned, they are practically non-existent at this point," the diplomat told Russia’s Channel One. "Naturally, the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine deals a serious blow to those remains, or pieces, of the Russian-US times."
"I would like to tell you that we will certainly take this anti-Russian step on the part of [US President Joe Biden’s] administration into account when working with Washington," Antonov added.

US President Joe Biden told CNN on July 7 that his country decided to transfer cluster munitions to Ukraine due to shortages of conventional shells. On July 13, US Army Lieutenant General Douglas Sims, Director of Operations of the US Armed Forces Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that the Ukrainian armed forces had received cluster munitions from the United States.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said earlier that Moscow reserved the right to use cluster munitions in response to the use of such weapons by Ukraine. In his opinion, deliveries of this type of munitions and their use should be viewed as a crime.

Beware, propaganda!
Losses increased by 200%: The second stage of the AFU counteroffensive was marked by even greater losses
Kiev has launched a counteroffensive for the second time during the existing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. After the United States announced two days ago that Ukraine had launched the second stage of its counteroffensive, the number of victims increased, although the APU managed to achieve some success.

In Turkey, Ukraine's counteroffensive is called a failure. According to Turkish observers, the advance of the AFU is practically not fixed, while the losses have already become colossal - according to a number of sources, they increased by 200% on the first day.

"The second stage of the AFU counteroffensive was marked by hundreds of dead on the first day," the Turkish newspaper Milliyet reports.

Turkish media note that there is no real advancement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the existing successes are minimal, at least so far. Given this, it is likely that over the next two months, the Ukrainian troops will run out of steam, but they will not implement the conceived plan.
Потери возросли на 200%: Вторая стадия контрнаступления ВСУ ознаменовалась ещё большими потерями

The fields around Rabotino are littered with burnt military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
The fighting in the conflict zone continues to increase. Since the beginning of June, the Ukrainian army has been intensifying attacks on Russian defensive positions in the area of Zaporozhye. For almost two months, many offensives were carried out from Orekhov towards Rabotino, in which the Ukrainian armed forces lost a significant amount of equipment, including German Leopard 2 tanks.

According to Chinese analysts of the China Times, based on their own analysis, official data and open source data, China believes that starting this week, Ukraine has again increased the number of combat vehicles, attracting additional Leopard 2A6. It is noted that in the last two days, almost 30 armored vehicles were lost, destroyed by Russian UAVs.

"It seems that the tactics of the offensive were insufficiently thought out, as a result of which the Ukrainian troops were again subjected to brutal attacks by Russian forces. Heavy losses in manpower are reported," the publication reports.

The images taken from the UAV confirm the scale of the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces: the fields around Rabocino are littered with burnt military equipment, and the number of dead and wounded soldiers is growing every day.

In its latest attacks, the Ukrainian army has focused its efforts on a certain area, transferring spare units and putting additional forces into battle in Rabotino.
Поля вокруг Работино усеяны обгоревшей военной техникой ВСУ

The Russian military told how Ukrainian militants burned a mercenary alive

Ukrainian militants shot and set fire to a foreign mercenary on the battlefield in the Zaporozhye direction instead of evacuation because of the danger of capture, the commander of the intelligence unit of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with the call sign "Noise" told reporters.

"At the initial stage of the offensive, I identified an "event". They listened to the captured radio station and watched how (Ukrainian militants — ed.) shot their mercenary and set him on fire (in the Zaporozhye direction — ed.). The video of this was shot by me, my subgroup. He was burned alive.

The video clearly showed that he was pulling his arm. My unit was hit by an IFV, infantry dismounted from it. They started to move away... one of them was crawling.

They came up, shot at point-blank range, took out a canister with damaged equipment and set it on fire. Most likely, in order not to evacuate," said "Shuma".

To the journalist's clarifying question, could the Ukrainian militants have acted so that the mercenary was not captured, the commander of the intelligence unit "Noise" replied: "Yes, yes. Of course." In addition, he clarified that he heard the mercenary calling for help in English.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive in the South Donets, Artemivsk and, first of all, Zaporozhye directions began on June 4. Kiev threw into battle brigades trained by NATO and armed with Western equipment, including the widely advertised Leopard tanks — subsequently, shots of cars smoking on the battlefield caused a resonance in the West.
The fields around Rabotino are littered with burnt military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
In order not to be unfounded, here are a couple of supporting videos. It's really quite hot out there.

Fragments of yesterday's AFU counteroffensive. They burn for a sweet soul.

Three M2A2S and a couple of tanks blown up by mines in the area of Rabotino. The mines were laid by the sappers of the 71st regiment. Taken yesterday
Kyiv Goes Above And Beyond To Break The Russian Defense In Zaporozhye

Galloway on the #Biden Criminal Cartel

The British foreign policy establishment are suffering from severe intelligence failures. And the British media and intellectual community is failing to hold them to account. It’s an echo chamber fuelled by arrogance, racism and incompetence.

They are holding out all hope now of Russian internal collapse - the only chance of victory. In a desperate bid, on the back of the Wagner escapade, the MI6 chief recently openly called for Russian defectors. There will be nervousness but ultimately it will fail. And instead, will only debase their own reputation.

I consistently see ‘analysts’ on Twitter and in the mainstream, associated with think tanks, Oxford etc, who clearly have no understanding of the current reality in Ukraine, Russia and globally. My fear is that it is people like them who are advising the British government.

Or maybe this inept desperation is simply inevitable in a global shift of power…. And I should just chill out…

The sad thing is that the UK and Europe could be a major pillar of the multipolar world. Trade with Russia, China, Iran. Instead, merely, America’s lapdogs in a doomed attempt to retain hegemony.

French nationalists seem to be the only ones realizing it. And as I understand, some other powerful nationalists in Europe, media owners included. They need to act. And the people of course…

This war is not in Europes interests. It is as clear as day. We’re being played. Just like the Ukrainians.

Screenshot 2023-07-29 at 14-27-42 Spetsnaℤ 007 🇷🇺 on Twitter.png
As the unforgettable Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin said in such cases: there has never been such a thing and here it is again...
The moment of the drone's arrival at the Moscow City tower was caught on video

The moment of the drone's arrival at the Moscow City tower was captured on video, the footage was published by the Telegram channel 112.

The recording shows a powerful explosion that followed after the UAV cut into the building.

Earlier, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin confirmed the attack of Ukrainian drones on Moscow City. "There was an attack by Ukrainian drones tonight. Facades on two office towers of the City were slightly damaged," the head of the city said. According to Sobyanin, there are no victims or injured.

Prior to that, it became known that the tower of "Moscow City", previously, a drone flew in, an explosion occurred. According to the Telegram channel Mash, smoke is visible above the building, emergency services arrived at the scene.

It is noted that everything happened at three o'clock in the morning, the sound of the explosion woke up residents of neighboring houses on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The telegram channel SHOT reported that evacuation had begun in the 50-storey building.

It was also reported that air defense systems shot down several drones in the Moscow region near Odintsovo and Krasnogorsk.
Момент прилета беспилотника по башне «Москвы-Сити» попал на видео

In Crimea, it is somehow more successful to reflect than in Moscow.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced the suppression of Kiev's attempt to attack Crimean facilities with 25 drones

MOSCOW, July 30. /tass/. Ukraine tried to attack the objects of Crimea with 25 drones at night, 16 of them were destroyed by air defense, another 9 were suppressed by electronic warfare. This was stated in the Russian Defense Ministry.

"An attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack by 25 unmanned aerial vehicles of an airplane type on objects on the territory of the Crimean peninsula was stopped tonight. 16 Ukrainian UAVs were destroyed by air defense fire. Nine more Ukrainian drones were suppressed by means of electronic warfare and, failing to reach the target, crashed in the waters of the Black Sea and Cape Tarkhankut," the ministry said.

As specified in the Ministry, there are no casualties and destruction.
МО РФ заявило о пресечении попытки Киева атаковать объекты Крыма 25 беспилотниками

Как говорил в таких случаях незабвенный Виктор Степанович Черномырдин: никогда такого не было и вот опять...
В Крыму как то успешнее получается отражать, чем в Москве.
It was high time to do it.
Please note that they refer to "Magyar", and this same Magyar some time ago boasted in several videos of the use of chemical ammunition with copters.
The Russian army has learned how to jam Elon Musk's StarLink
As part of the combat and technical transformations, the Russian Armed Forces have learned to block the operation of the Starlink system. This was stated by the commander of the tactical air reconnaissance group of the AFU, Robert Brovdi, better known by the call sign "Madyar".

The Starlink system is a global satellite Internet network developed and put into operation by SpaceX. Initially, it was conceived to provide access to the Internet in remote and difficult to access areas, but its military application was soon discovered.

"The front without the Starlink is significantly more difficult than the front without the F-16. It goes blind and goes deaf," Brovdi stressed, noting the importance and impact of this system on modern military operations.

According to the commander, the Russian army is testing and preparing for industrial production systems capable of blocking the operation of Starlink. If these claims are confirmed, it could significantly change the balance of power on the modern battlefield, making fighting in areas under the influence of these systems much more difficult.
Российская армия научилась глушить StarLink Илона Маска

It seems that we have achieved something.
Where did Strom Shadow go? After strikes on key airfields of Ukraine, Kiev can no longer attack
The more successful strikes on the military airfields of Ukraine, where the Su-24M front-line bombers are based and the storage of British Storm Shadow cruise missiles was carried out, led to a significant result. According to sources, since the strikes, Kiev has never used these missiles again, which indicates that the Ukrainian military has lost such an opportunity.

It is known that the key targets of the strikes were military airfields in the Khmelnytsky and Zhytomyr regions of Ukraine. It was from here that the Storm Shadow cruise missiles were launched. According to a number of sources, 4 high-precision strikes with hypersonic missiles "Dagger" were inflicted on the military airfield in Starokonstantinov at all, which indicates enormous destruction, including underground structures for storing aircraft and missiles.

One way or another, the Russian military managed to find out exactly where the long-range weapons are being struck from and precisely destroy such targets.
Куда пропали Strom Shadow? После ударов по ключевым аэродромам Украины, Киев больше не может атаковать

About British participation
Pentapostagma: British SAS special forces took part in the fighting in Ukraine
The Royal Marines of Great Britain conduct secret operations in Ukraine.

Lieutenant General Robert Maguan initially confirmed the presence of Royal Navy Marines in Ukraine. Their task was to ensure the safe removal of the British Embassy staff from Kiev. According to the British general, British Marines were deployed in Ukraine even before the conflict began. This action was recognized by British Defense Minister Ben Wallace, who mentioned the deployment of "a small number of military personnel." The main purpose of their mission, as stated by the British minister, was "training and arming" Ukrainian soldiers.

However, there have been reports indicating the involvement of the British military in the conflict in Ukraine. The Ukrainian base from which the attack against Russia was carried out was recognized as a hub for British special forces, even before the conflict began. This is reported by the publication "Pentapostagma".

"The Ochakov base, located at a short distance from the Crimea and located at the mouth of the Southern Bug, west of Kherson, is the base of the 73rd Naval Special Operations Center. Until February, this base contained about 300 members of the British SAS special forces, officially called "instructors". This unofficial NATO base was founded in 2017. It is unlikely that all British military personnel were recalled in February. <...> It is more than likely that the UK participated in the conflict in Ukraine with the help of missions of its elite SAS troops," the article says.
Pentapostagma: Британский спецназ SAS принимал участие в боевых действиях на Украине

Britain trains Ukrainian special forces for the operation to seize Crimea — Sunday Express

An interesting propaganda article appeared in the British edition of Sunday Express

According to this material, Ukrainian special forces are being trained in Britain for the operation to seize Crimea. 2,000 fighters are being trained at Dartmoor. Of these, according to the publication, they will make "sharp spears" for entering the Crimea.

In total, three groups are planned to attack the peninsula. One of them is the special forces, which are now being prepared for the operation. The other two will carry out parallel attacks.

"Ukraine is going to return the peninsula before Christmas (that is, until the end of December)," the newspaper writes.

According to media reports, the operation will include air, land and sea strikes. Attacks with long-range missiles are also planned, the deliveries of which are expected from the UK, USA and Germany.

It is worth noting that all these plans are fantastic, and the only truth contained in the article is the training of Ukrainian soldiers in England, for future meat assaults somewhere in the Orekhov area.

Давно пора было это сделать.
Обратите внимание, что ссылаются на "Мадяра", а этот самый Мадьяр некоторое время назад хвастался в нескольких видео применением химических боеприпасов с коптерами.
Похоже, что кое чего добились.
Britain trains Ukrainian special forces for the operation to seize Crimea — Sunday Express

Charge of the Light Brigade 2! Seriously, don't take advice from these people.

From Wikipedia
The charge was the result of a misunderstood order from the commander in chief, Lord Raglan, who had intended the Light Brigade to attack a different objective for which light cavalry was better suited, to prevent the Russians from removing captured guns from overrun Turkish positions. The Light Brigade made its charge under withering direct fire and reached its target, scattered some of the gunners but was forced to retreat immediately.

The events were the subject of Alfred, Lord Tennyson's narrative poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade" (1854), published six weeks after the event. Its lines emphasise the valour of the cavalry in carrying out their orders regardless of the risk. Responsibility for the miscommunication has remained controversial, as the order was vague and Captain Louis Nolan, who delivered the written orders with some verbal interpretation, was killed in the first minute of the assault.
They say: be afraid of your desires. And then the desired ones can also wish for something. The video is called: I put on the wrong socks. At the beginning of the video, he has written on his sock in Ukrainian - I want 100 million dead Russians. At the end, showing his stump, he says that the orcs have found him.:evil:

Говорят: бойтесь своих желаний. А то желаемые тоже могут чего то пожелать. Видео называется: не те носки надел. В начале видео на носке у него написано по украински - хочу 100 млн. мертвых русских. В конце, показывая свой обрубок, он говорит, что орки нашли его.
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