Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

It seems that the promised second wave of the Ukrainian counteroffensive has begun. Heavy machinery went again. Only the results are still the same as in the first wave.
The Ministry of Defense reports the destruction of 22 APU tanks in the Orekhovsky direction in the morning
The Russian army successfully repelled a massive attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the Orekhovsky direction, as a result of which 22 tanks, 10 infantry fighting vehicles (infantry fighting vehicles) and more than 100 Ukrainian servicemen were destroyed. This was reported by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

"Since the morning of July 26, the enemy has resumed intensive offensive operations in the Orekhovsky direction. He carried out a massive attack by the forces of three battalions reinforced with tanks," the ministry said in a statement.

The units of the 810th Marine Brigade and the 71st Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 42nd Motorized Rifle Division, thanks to their courageous and professional actions, successfully repelled all the attacks of the AFU, holding their positions.

"During the battle, 22 enemy tanks, 10 infantry fighting vehicles, an armored combat vehicle, as well as more than 100 Ukrainian servicemen were destroyed," the ministry added.

This morning it became known that the AFU launched a powerful attack, involving almost 100 units of military equipment, however, apparently, they did not achieve any success.
Минобороны сообщает об уничтожении за утро 22 танков ВСУ на Ореховском направлении

On the Russian side, the systematic demilitarization of Ukraine continues.
Dozens of cruise missiles filled the sky of Ukraine: explosions in Vinnytsia, Khmelnytskyi and Lviv
Russian missiles were spotted in the Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukrainian media reported. An air alert was announced throughout Ukraine. It is not yet reported where exactly the missiles are going, however, according to local TV channels, they were also seen in Vinnitsa and Odessa.

On video frames. Filmed by residents of Ukraine, you can see a large number of cruise missiles heading deep into Ukraine. According to preliminary data, we are talking about either launches of Kalibr cruise missiles or launches of X-101 missiles.

Some sources report that part of the rocket is being sent to the western regions of the country. According to incoming reports, they are moving in the direction of Ternopil and Lviv.
At the moment, there are reports of explosions in Khmelnytskyi.
It is noteworthy that the strike is carried out in the evening, while previously most cruise missile strikes were carried out at night or in the morning.
Десятки крылатых ракет заполонили небо Украины: взрывы в Виннице, Хмельницком и Львове

A salvo of hypersonic missiles "Dagger" was fired at Ukraine
Multiple strikes are being carried out on Ukraine by hypersonic missiles "Dagger".

At these minutes, a massive missile strike is being carried out on the territory of Ukraine using not only Kalibr and X-101 cruise missiles, but also using Kinzhal hypersonic missiles.

According to Ukrainian information resources, at least one missile was seen moving in the direction of Kiev, and another in the direction of Khmelnitsky. In total, it is reported about the possible launch of 4 hypersonic missiles "Dagger".

Strikes using these weapons have not been inflicted for a very long time. At the same time, the attack itself is very unusual, since it is carried out in the evening.

At the moment, it is known that explosions thundered in Khmelnytskyi and in a number of western regions of Ukraine. According to preliminary data, the target was a new military cargo for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, however, there are no official statements on this matter from either Kiev or Moscow.
По Украине совершён залп гиперзвуковыми ракетами "Кинжал"

It seems that there is a new "wunderwaffe" for Ukrainians. How many have there been: javelin, himars, leopard, Bradley, etc. Now they are praying for hypothetical F-16s so far, and now for this miracle weapon.
Germany will send to Ukraine two of the most expensive anti-aircraft systems in the world - the cost of one shot is 4 thousand dollars
German defense giant Rheinmetall has announced that two more Skynex anti-aircraft systems will be delivered to Ukraine in the coming months. This is stated in the official statement of the company.

Skynex systems are advanced air defense weapons and are used to detect and defeat various types of aerial targets, including unmanned aerial vehicles. They are characterized by high accuracy and rate of fire, which ensures their effectiveness in modern military conflicts.

Nevertheless, the cost of one projectile for this system is about 4 thousand dollars. Two to four projectiles are usually required to defeat an unmanned aerial vehicle. The system is capable of firing up to 1,000 rounds per minute, which makes it one of the fastest-firing in its class.

Earlier in Germany, it was stated that the system was effective against drones, but there were no real cases of the use of Skynex systems in Ukraine.
Германия отправит на Украину две самых дорогих зенитных системы в мире - стоимость одного выстрела составляет 4 тысячи долларов

It's written that it's funny, but in my opinion it's not at all
Funny for a Western audience. You can forward it to your German friends.

Похоже что обещанная вторая волна украинского контрнаступления началась. Опять поехала тяжелая техника. Только результаты пока такие же как и при первой волне.
С российской стороны продолжается планомерная демилитаризация украины.
Похоже что появилась новая "вундервафля" для хохликов. Сколько уже их было джавелин, хаймарс, леопард, брэдли и пр. Теперь они молятся на пока гипотетические F-16, ну и вот на это чудо-оружие.
Написано, что это смешно, а по моему совсем нет
On the Russian side, the systematic demilitarization of Ukraine continues.
From here:


Russia hit Ukrainian military bases yesterday:​

07:55 27.07.2023Telegram review

Russia hit Ukrainian military bases yesterday:

partially destroyed the Starokonstantinov air base in the Khmelnytsky region;
the Ozernoye airfield in the Zhytomyr region was hit and
airfield in the Kirovograd region;
underground headquarters in the Kyiv region;
Communication and control center in the Lviv region.

Dangerous missiles were created at these bases, which could seriously threaten the security of Russia (primarily the Crimea and other new regions). Now the military potential of Kyiv is seriously weakened."

We hear that F16s might be on their way, but will they find a safe place to land in Ukraine? May some NATO country(ies) soon to be called to duty, at least to host these ...?
We hear that F16s might be on their way, but will they find a safe place to land in Ukraine? May some NATO country(ies) soon to be called to duty, at least to host these ...?
Of course there are airfields.

Think about it, the Ukrainian Air Force began to use the Shadow of the Storm missiles a long time ago, carried by modernized Soviet SU-24 aircraft. Which are based on Ukrainian airfields. And strikes on airfields with these carriers happened only yesterday. It is not yet clear what result, Konashenkov will report today.

Therefore, I think that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will allow the deployment of F-16s, allow them to shoot down several Russian aircraft. From which there are uncomfortable questions to Shoigu and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Then, of course, when the highest ranks and politicians have played enough, the F-16s will be destroyed. And the SU-35 and SU-57 that destroyed them, the air defense systems, will receive good publicity and go on sale around the world. Well, the United States will launch its military industry against the backdrop of losses.

Ukraine has become a testing ground, unfortunately.

This is not a forecast, if anything, just an opinion.
Some details on the impact in Starokonstantinov.
"Burning hangars, dozens of explosions and destroyed planes": The airbase in Starokonstantinov was subjected to the most powerful blows
Following the defeat of the military airfield in Ozernoye near Zhytomyr, the airbase in Starokonstantinov, Khmelnitsky region, became a new target of attack.

It is known that front-line Su-24M bombers were flown from the airbase in Starokonstantinov. It was these aircraft that carried out several strikes using Storm Shadow cruise missiles at the beginning of the week.

It is reported that as a result of the attack on the airbase, both aircraft and ammunition stored in hangars were destroyed. It is noted that explosions caused by secondary detonation are still heard in the region.

These losses may significantly reduce the ability of the Ukrainian military to carry out attacks using Storm Shadow missiles. It is these missiles that are among the most powerful and effective means of destruction in the arsenal of the Ukrainian armed forces, as evidenced, among other things, by the latest strikes.

At the same time, it is known that underground places were organized at the Starokonstantinov airbase to accommodate aircraft and ammunition, and therefore the actual number of aircraft that were at the military airfield remains unknown.
"Горящие ангары, десятки взрывов и уничтоженные самолёты": Авиабаза в Староконстантинове подверглась мощнейшим ударам

Some other results of recent rocket-drone attacks
Hundreds of drones destroyed in one strike: Russian kamikaze drone destroyed advanced production of Ukrainian drones
The Russian army has struck at the workshop production of kamikaze UAVs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On the night of July 26, at about 02:00 Moscow time, the Russian Armed Forces carried out a strike on the workshop production of kamikaze unmanned aerial vehicles of the Ukrainian army, including aircraft-type models. Russian kamikaze UAVs were used for the strike. Information on this subject is provided by Telegram, the Grey Zone channel associated with PMCs.

According to reports, the strike was carried out on an industrial zone on the southern outskirts of the Pervomaisky settlement, located in the Kharkiv region. Given that the APU is making a key bet on the use of drones, the current attack has become very effective for the Russian military.

The mayor of Pervomaisky, Nikolai Baksheev, confirmed the information about the strike from the Russian side in his morning statement. Nevertheless, despite the lack of details on the part of the Ukrainian authorities, it is known that the blow fell exactly on the workshop production, while several hundred UAVs could be on the territory of the enterprise.
Сотни дронов уничтожены одним ударом: Российский дрон-камикадзе уничтожил передовое производство украинских беспилотников

The underground revealed new data about strikes on mercenaries in Nikolaev
The Nikolaev underground revealed new data on Russian strikes on the location of mercenaries

DONETSK, July 27 — RIA Novosti. Russia has destroyed at least four locations of foreign mercenaries on the southern coast of Ukraine in response to the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge, an underground activist told RIA Novosti.
Earlier, the coordinator of the Nikolaev underground, Sergei Lebedev, spoke only about one hit — at the Ingul hotel, where foreign mercenaries and the Armed Forces of Ukraine were based. Now there is information about three more similar bases liquidated by Russian strikes.

"A rocket arrived at the Koblevo resort (located in the Mykolaiv region on the Black Sea coast between Odessa and Ochakov), where foreign mercenaries and Nazis from western Ukraine were settled in holiday homes with the beginning of its operation," the agency interlocutor said.
According to the underground worker, there was also a hit in the area of the hotel "Crystal" and the recreation center "Blue Torch" (located in the same area on the Black Sea coast of the Mykolaiv region). He said that the Ukrainian military immediately blocked the road to the place of the broken location of the militants, but no one rushed to dismantle the rubble, as they were afraid of a second strike on the same object.
"While waiting for several hours, the number of victims increased significantly. The corpses were taken out for almost two days in tent trucks to Odessa, no one bothered with packing the corpses, so they were stacked like bags of potatoes on top of each other," the activist said, specifying that the cordon was lifted only two days later.

He also told the details of the strike on the location of the mercenaries in the Ingul hotel on July 20.
"A clearly Russian missile flew there first, and then a Ukrainian air defense missile. The rubble was also dismantled for a long time, and the cordon was removed closer to 12.00 on July 21," the underground worker said.
Earlier, activists have already reported the defeat of the ship repair plant "Nibulon", the seaport "Nika-Tera" and the oil depot in the area of UTZ in Nikolaev.
The Ministry of Defense announced retaliation strikes for the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge on production shops and storage sites of unmanned boats, as well as fuel infrastructure facilities and armament depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the districts of Odessa, Ilyichevsk and Nikolaev.
Подполье раскрыло новые данные об ударах по наемникам в Николаеве
This is not a forecast, if anything, just an opinion.
The opinion itself is valuable, but I do not agree with it. Maybe I have wishful thinking here, but I don't want to believe in such cynicism of our government. I think there is more gouging and disorganization here than such a cunning "marketing".

Мнение само по себе ценно, однако я с ним не согласен. Может быть тут у меня присутствует принятие желаемого за действительное, однако мне не хочется верить в такой цинизм нашей власти. Думается тут больше раздолбайства и неорганизованности, чем такого хитрого "маркетинга".
Ukraine has become a testing ground, unfortunately.
Hmmm, you are maybe right on that point.

Before a major war, we try out the equipment elsewhere. This happened during the Spanish Civil War in 1936. The Germans tested their war material in the country, perfected it later and used it during the great conflict in 1940. And I imagine that the other powers also practiced their materials during the Spanish Civil War. The Spanish Civil War was a place of practice, a laboratory. Ukraine probably is, too.
The Russia-Africa summit has started in St. Petersburg. President Putin holds a meeting with the presidents of African countries.
I think that during the summit the Armed Forces of Ukraine will go on a decisive offensive. Terror attacks and provocations are also possible. Anything to spoil the event and distract Putin. The West does not benefit from the union of Russia and Africa, this is obvious.

I think that the Western elites are furious at the loss of their colonies, thanks to the PMC Wagner, including. I am sure that their tools in the face of the CIA and MI6 are already working to their fullest.
Therefore, I think that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will allow the deployment of F-16s ...
Do you think it is the Russian ministry of Defence which is deciding whether Ukraine is getting F-16? I somehow think that it is not in Russia's hand whether F-16s are deployed or not, though they can make it difficult by destroying the airfields which they are doing. One can say that they should have done it a year ago, but it has taken time to massively increase armaments production. Something which appears to now be at a level, where more widespread use of these weapon can be done.

I could be wrong, but I don't think the Russian ministry of defence is operating from such a cynical view as to actively sacrificing troops just to test their weapons and increase arms sales.
Do you think it is the Russian ministry of Defence which is deciding whether Ukraine is getting F-16?
I meant that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will allow these aircraft to be placed at airfields and used, i.e. will not destroy them on the first day. And not that the Russian Defense Ministry decides whether the United States will supply these aircraft. :lol:

But yes, in a sense, the Russian Defense Ministry decides whether these aircraft will be used in the skies over Ukraine.
There have already been claims that the NATO airfields from which these planes will take off will become a legitimate target. I'm afraid these are just words.
I could be wrong, but I don't think the Russian ministry of defence is operating from such a cynical view as to actively sacrificing troops just to test their weapons and increase arms sales.
There is no question of the hypocrisy of the Ministry of Defense and money in general. Let's just say that some generals in the Defense Ministry, when developing the necessary measures to solve the tasks set by the supreme commander, can take into account other tasks that they received from a third party. If you understand what I'm talking about..

Attacks with cruise missiles and drones are regular. But how long did it take to use them against airfields with SU-24 and "Storm Shadow" missiles?

Destroyed bridges, ammunition depots in the Crimea, field headquarters, civilian infrastructure in the DPR and LPR, locations of personnel and people killed in them, is it because they couldn’t hit airfields before? But yesterday, for some reason, they did. 🤷‍♂️
'Hidden truth: West is responsible for attacking Orthodox Christianity in Ukraine.'

The UK has blocked Ukrainian bishop to testify at UN Security Council.

27 Jul, 2023

'Zelensky wants to rule "forever".'

26 Jul, 2023

'Politely saying that Ukraine will not get F-16s fighter jets.'

27 Jul, 2023
Destroyed bridges, ammunition depots in the Crimea, field headquarters, civilian infrastructure in the DPR and LPR, locations of personnel and people killed in them, is it because they couldn’t hit airfields before? But yesterday, for some reason, they did. 🤷‍♂️

Perhaps those generals entangled with third parties as you mentioned in your post have been quietly assigned to less decisive jobs?
Perhaps those generals entangled with third parties as you mentioned in your post have been quietly assigned to less decisive jobs?
Or arrested? After the events of 24 June.

I keep thinking, who gave the order to attack the Wagner PMC military columns with helicopters? There are various rumors about General Surovikin. Arrested, under investigation? And he, by the way, is the commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces.
But General Armageddon is, of course, a folk hero in Russia. Strange situation.
Or arrested? After the events of 24 June.
I'd rather bet on moved elsewhere, at least for now, maybe with their passports arrested. Nothing more than a wild guess on my part.

But how about assassinated?
Anyone for a quick trip to another reality? Just came across a video posted today on a YT channel belonging to a "news agency" that I failed to find any info about. If you think you know what fake news can be, you know very little. They took it to an utterly different level.

It's half an hour long, but 5 min is enough to know everything unless you enjoy their creativeness and want more fun. (The narrator's English sounds native to me, unlike the title.)

Gerasimov Hospitalized! Prigozhin Has Put a $ 10 Million Reward on the Head of the Gerasimov!​

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