Search results for query: Ethnic specific weapons

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  1. happyliza

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Thank you Niall. Yes I totally agree about the issue being psychopaths everywhere. 46% in Israel years ago. I did mention the doubts we have known about Veteran's Today. Re the UK involvement. I noticed that too however, as we already knew their involvement in most regime changes / invasions...
  2. Ben

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine More details about potential ethnic specific weapons
  3. Mr.Cyan

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Indeed it is - im thinking more along the lines of extreme population control because they know whats coming down the pipeline (food shortages etc.) China has been stockpiling resources, food, gold for the last few years. But i think they know it will not be enough to feed everyone in China...
  4. Cosmos

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    See the next post for the mentioned second part of the speech in which those new weapons and missiles were presented:
  5. Alana

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    That's a great speech! Putin has a very objective understanding and awareness of reality, and can read the West's actions like an open book. I haven't watched the videos yet, just what has been posted so far in the link above, but I think it's good to have the entire transcript saved here on...
  6. Benjamin

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    A Mar. 12 summery from Sputniknews. (their emphases)
  7. Eboard10

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Given the date the article was published, that may have been the news piece (maybe form a different site) based on which Joe asked the question about ethnic-specific weapons in relation to Russians during the Cs session back then. Here's the quote from the 9 December 2017 session:
  8. N

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    More from another Russian media about Biolaboratories in Ukraine - Минобороны: США финансировали на Украине 30 биолабораторий, где изучались чума и другие опасные вирусы Refugees from Ukraine can bring a completely new reality to Europe. And with it, dozens of new viruses, the study of which...
  9. latulipenoire

    Session 26 February 2022

    So much to ponder and digest, thank you Chateau Crew and everyone who participated via Zoom! Praying that Laura and Ark be well! And that we may have time to learn and apply all we know in these challenging times!
  10. SMM

    Session 26 February 2022

    Wonderful session, all! Merci :flowers:
  11. mxwlll0

    Session 26 February 2022

    ...there could be even more need for the portal hence the desperation for control of the area by the PTB. Also, regarding ethnic specific weapons. I recalled an exchange and found this from the April 2018 session where their plans were discussed: Are we now starting to see the affect of their...
  12. hollenoaea

    Session 26 February 2022

    okay, this is just what crossed my mind due to a session explanation of the geo-genetically located portal for the "download" of a new consciousness in Ukraine right now, in that relation a "new STS people" woke up in the middle of the nasty terrorist fight, full of aggressive energy towards the...
  13. Arwenn

    Session 26 February 2022

    Here are some articles on SoTT about US biowarfare labs and ethnic specific weapons by investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva. Her research is very through and the article includes documentation of said research...
  14. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    A long article that attempts to tie what is happening in Ukraine to Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda
  15. rs

    Session 26 February 2022

    I am really struggling with the seeming implication here. It seems as though the message is that Putin's or Russia's invasion of Ukraine is somehow justified and/or positive in its outcome. Sorry, can't accept this. Where is the "higher level help" coming from? Satan? Sure, NATO has not followed...
  16. Pearce

    Session 26 February 2022

    From Session 14 April 2018 Russians = Kantekkians = We're all gonna find out that we're not from Earth? Almost exactly 4 years later, and we're seeing the finish line!
  17. M

    Session 26 February 2022

    What does Indian Prime Minister Modi's role in this entire chaos? Does he have any special role to play?
  18. Pat

    Session 26 February 2022

    Thank you so very much all for this great session🤗. Very informative. Will read it again at a more pleasurable time and pounder. God speed!
  19. T

    Session 14 April 2018

    Indeed, and more than Covid. Since the Western elites have pushed their control genes via multiple mRNA injections, which appears to have led to an increased incidence of reduced levels of immunity, judging from the increased burden for the insurance companies in highly vaxxed western...
  20. Aeneas

    Session 26 February 2022

    Thank you for a very interesting session which of course revolved around Ukraine as it is on everybody's mind. Very intense session with many revealing things. So much input and a lot of wait and see as our world is collapsing around us. The playbook is the same as with Covid, the destruction we...
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