Session 26 February 2022

From Session 14 April 2018

Q: (Joe) They mentioned the last one there about [Gauss meter squeals] how the STS forces [Gauss meter squeals] would become desperate as the change approaches. Is there a kind of, "as above, so below" thing going on where the US and its allies are basically becoming desperate as a change in the global power structure approaches, and that's what's driving them insane?

A: Yes. We told you that balance was coming.

Q: (Scottie) Cool!

(Pierre) It means balance is being restored at two levels: hyperdimensional level where there's less STS predominance, and...

(L) Well, you can't make that assumption. That's a big assumption that there's less STS dominance there.

(Pierre) Well, on the human level, is the emergence of Russia a manifestation of this rebalancing?

A: Yes
(L) I was reading stuff today, and it occurred to me that the way they're pushing to clamp down... And this goes back to, "getting desperate as the changes approach". It occurs to me that the clampdown on sharing of information via shadow banning on Facebook, deciding who is or is not an acceptable source of information, banning RT from Washington, DC, and several other things... All of this tends to suggest that they are tightening up the propaganda mechanism because they - somebody - is planning to put everything on a war footing. I mean, I can see no other reason for this need to control what people think. They plan to do things that they don't want people to share information about. It's not just ordinary things like what's going on. They don't care about being embarrassed. They don't care about being exposed. For cryin' all night, this guy McCabe! He lied under oath three times. That's the same thing that they arrested Paul Manafort for, what they got Flynn for: for lying to the FBI in an interview! Hillary Clinton: There's so much evidence on that woman that she should be behind bars for the rest of her life. But it's obvious that being exposed or being revealed as swamp creatures doesn't result in any kind of consequences. So it can't be that that they're afraid of.

(Joe) They're afraid of Russia, basically.

(L) They want to DO things, they plan to do things that they don't want people to know. They want people to be behind them, to blacken Russia to the nth degree so that everyone in the country will get behind them. It's important for them to have the agreement of the people behind them when they go to war or when they do something.

(Joe) I don't think it's necessarily that they want to "do" something, but they want to stop something from happening.

(L) What?

(Joe) They want to stop people's minds from being affected by something close to the truth.

(L) But it doesn't make any difference. They don't change their actions...

(Joe) I think there's a nonlinear effect.

(L) Well, I dunno... I mean, look at this John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. They're Neocon war hawks!

(Joe) Yeah, and they’re in there to ramp up the attacks on Russia.

(L) I think they actually think they're going to have a war!

(Joe) Russia is too smart for them. They can have a World War III with nukes, and everyone is dead. But short of that, they're going to have to accept the new reality.

(Ark) They can have a war to destroy Iran.

(L) That's what Israel wants.

(Ark) That's what they're preparing for. That will be the next one.

(L) Didn't the C's say years ago that that was the ultimate objective?

(Joe) Well, Iran, Iraq, Libya...

(L) The ultimate objective was Iran, but it would result in the destruction of Israel.

(Joe) They may be trying to go in that direction, but it's very foolish.

(L) Is there anything... I guess it's a stupid question to ask, but: Is there anything that can stop this madness?

A: No there isn't nor would you want to stop it!

Q: (L) Why wouldn't I want to stop it?

A: Cleansing.

Q: (L) Can we change the topic? I've been reading a lot of evolutionary biology, genetics, paleoanthropology, etc. I'm about 50 pages away from finishing a very long book on the topic of... What are you... (Cs begin answering before question is finished):

A: Genetics are about to be hot topics too!

Q: (L) Well, can I finish my question? Just...

A: Genes will (hesitates before selecting word) save for lack of a better term.

Q: (L) So you ARE telling us something... So, anyway...

(Artemis) Do you want to ask...

(Andromeda) They're trying to tell us something.

(Joe) I know what they're talking about: some kind of genetic warfare!

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Viral weapons! Resident Evil! Ooooh! I knew it!

(Joe) Are the Americans getting SO desperate that they're going to use some weapon that they developed after they collected those Russian genes last year?

A: Close

Q: (Joe) Something along those lines.

(Pierre) They say it will save, so it doesn't sound like the US will destroy Russians from their ethnic specific weapons. It sounds like it will backfire...

A: Yes. Big time!

Q: (Pierre) No way!

(Chu) So everybody's going to turn Russian!

(Artemis) We'll all speak Russian.

(Pierre) It sounds like they're developing an ethnic-specific weapon in haste which should not be used because...

(Joe) Maybe it's more along the lines of: Will they be caught trying to spread something along those lines?

(Chu) Wait and see.

A: More like finding out that your ancestors were not what you thought. No more on this. Wait and see!

Russians = Kantekkians = We're all gonna find out that we're not from Earth?

Q: (L) Meanwhile, there is this multiregional development with gene exchange going on at least to some extent between all different human groups that are developing in different regions. And what that means is that there can be a whole lot of things in a person's DNA that they don't know about or that they don't expect because genetic drift can send a false signal. And...

A: Exactly the problem. They believe the ROOA theory and structure their chemistry based on that. Big surprise coming.

Almost exactly 4 years later, and we're seeing the finish line!

I found this interesting a few months ago, took it with a grain of salt as with all channeled material that can’t be backed up with study and ‘proof’ …

He’s trance channeling the galactic federation (I know, but bear with us, it might be interesting or it might be nonsense), the information he’s receiving is regarding a soul swapping event with the notion that more 4D wanderers have been granted permission to enter the earth experience to help raise the planetary vibration. He also talks of negatively oriented entities also being allowed to take part in this soul swapping event… , all related to the vibratory orientation of each individual…

Is this similar or related to what the C’s mention about a download…?
(Pierre) And the struggle for the portal is indicative of 4D STS wanting to use this portal?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why do they want to use the portal?

A: Downloading is taking place there.

Q: (L) Downloading of what?

(Joe) Information.

(L) Do I really want to know? [laughter]

(Pierre) The naughty side of the information field is being downloaded there.

(L) So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Wow.

(Niall) But there are psychopaths all over the world.

(Joe) Maybe it's easier that way.

(Pierre) But psychopath doesn't mean possessed. To be downloaded into means to be possessed.

(Niall) Oh, right. So there's a particular type that's concentrated in Ukraine

Now that we know that there is a portal in Kiev that the STS forces want to use, it is not surprising that Ukraine has the largest number of troops in Europe.

According to site Ukraine has a total of 1,211,000 soldiers (209,000 active and 900,000 in reserve) That is to say, at least 209,000 psychopaths ready to take action and perhaps willing to be vehicles for certain energies/information "downloaded" (Nephilim?)

Russia has 3,568,000 soldiers (1,014,000 active)


This is undoubtedly a suicide mission by the Ukrainian Nazis. Unless, of course, they have an ace up their sleeve, à la Hitler's wonderful weapons. (Wunderwaffen)

Thanks again for another enlightening session.Putin gonna have a long fight with these knuckle heads psycho in Ukraine. This battle may continue for almost the same time as C-19 using MSM to keep the masses in the dark. Guess we have to mentally prepare ourselves for more suffering with all the gazing sheeple.
Thank youuuuuuu for the latest session, Laura and Chateau crew ❤️💕

A very active and vital session - and it does kind of set the records straight. Love it !!

I agree on, that it was creepy too; revolving the 4D STS portal downloads. And yet that is is an invisible layer affecting the whereabouts and affairs here on earth, too, no doubt ! (And a good reminder to keep that in the back of ones mind).

Thank you all.
Thank you very much for the session


(Niall) I'm worried, so I want to ask this and get it out of the way. Are they gonna try to assassinate Putin?
A: It has been tried and they will try again.

Hopefully it is not a repetition of what happened to Julius Caesar precisely because he knew that with psychopaths the only way to reach an agreement is who ends up underground first, "a corpse cannot protest".

((And 22) Does Putin suspect any extraterrestrial influences behind the USA and their allies?
A: Yes
I thought they would be the surprise appearance in the second 9 before launching the first nuclear missile and coming down from the sky as saviors and to top it all off, accusing Putin of endangering the world as well. 😂

((And 22) Does Putin suspect any extraterrestrial influences behind the USA and their allies?
A: Yes

Q: (Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) What do the C's mean that Putin has higher help? From whom?
A: Ancestors and himself in the future and a lot lot LOT of knowledge and awareness.

It shows in the way they do things. Every time I see him, I tell myself that he must definitely be having a lot of help to be so accurate in his actions and words as events unfold. I was talking to a friend today and what we agreed on is that the most comical thing is his show of confidence, as if he has a lot of faith in what he is doing. When he snorts before announcing something, it is because he knows the ramifications that would result from the heavy decision he will make. Not because of his guilt, it's because he knows that the psychopaths will start getting worse and worse, he's depriving them of something very important and people will pay a heavy price for that, they will pay even for what they don't do, for not paying attention to reality. It is as if he wants not to make that decision but it is necessary, he knows it is the natural course of things here. His actions are examples for some and serve as a comparison for us with the inept governments we have of how someone in his position should be and for others a necessary curse to erase from the map as soon as possible, because that translates into an example to follow, a path where consciousness can expand and they must avoid it at all costs. For me his raison d'être is even an example in all areas of our lives, it is not something that only stays at the political level. Some of his ways of treating others are very much in my mind.

Q: (Tristan) In the previous session it was mentioned that more people needed to be awakened, so that more opportunities could be created for the good guys to help. Are enough people being awakened on the planet?

A: Not nearly enough. More suffering needed unfortunately.

It is observed when they started using mobilization in the streets and people were defending nothing more and nothing less than the Nazis themselves with so much evidence in front of their eyes. I would not like to agree but I often say something similar because it is what is in sight, people must lose a lot more, it is still not enough. If we are in a crisis and a person is happy to be able to buy a cell phone in the middle of a food shortage, it is definitely a bad sign. Gone are the days when only bearded men in white coats immolating themselves were considered terrorists and the bad guys, now it's the Russians.
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Thanks for this awesome session!! Wow, what an info packed one (even more than usual). I was only a little nervous about stirring up trouble inside Russia to regime change Putin (although they have very good intelligence and security apparatus - but also very powerful enemies inside Russia). I'm glad the C's think it wouldn't succeed. We should all pray for Putin, as they've been wanting to assassinate him for a long time - ask Divine Cosmic Mind to bless and protect him.
A few days ago some friends and I talked about this topic of the "true Semites" and all this in fact came out because in Chile a decree of law was made to protect genetic mutants against employment discrimination. We commented that it was strange that such a law was now promoted given the adverse cases of the covid vaccine. We wonder if the vaccinated people in the near future would be considered mutants or X-Men or if there really is a relationship with HIV, the vaccinated would be the X-VIHMen... or the zombie.

Yes, it sounds worthy of a new X-men movie (lots of laughter). We see a war and hellish political problems and it turns out that they are literally knocking on the gates of hell now (portal). No wonder in certain countries it is essential to have a psychopath, to protect certain geographical areas for reasons beyond people's comprehension. It can be laughable, yes, but if we read carefully and remember that this world is very crazy, it is not so funny anymore.

Spanish - "Chile bans discrimination of mutants and genetically altered people".
Chile prohíbe discriminar a mutantes y personas alteradas genéticamente • Diario de Vallarta & Nayarit

The Chilean law is reminiscent of the also curious Argentine legislation of last year, which cites the rights of "human persons." Chinda Brandolino has pointed out that this is the legal prelude to a distinction between "human persons" and "transhuman persons." Genetically modified persons, Brandolino says, will belong to the owners of the technology and will not have the same rights as "human" persons.

Law 21.422 anticipates a dark future of which we are not yet aware. A great logical contrast appears in this regulation.

On the one hand, the system safeguards the rights of genetically altered people (a consequence that Covid injections would have, as doctors gathered at a summit in London warned early on), the privacy of their data and the right not to be discriminated against at work.

On the other hand, the system in many countries formally enshrines discrimination against people who do not inject against Covid-19, violates their right to withhold their medical data and sanctifies their expulsion from the workplace.

Overall, the picture points to the construction of a new legal-legal order in the age of transhumanism:

Being "mutant" is protected and encouraged.
Being "pure-blooded" is repressed and punished.
Many many thanks Laura and everyone for this very informative session! The timing is perfect! Somehow I can feel when a new session will be published...

'' Q: (Tomek) What about April Drop Dead Date? Is this "the" April?
A: Very possible... But who is going to "drop dead"?

I really hope that this will not be the case, but is it possible that this is refering to this earlier part?:

'' (Regulattor) What about vaccines virus recombinations/mutations, how is that developing? Is it still too early to say how lethal it is going to be?
A: Not the biggest problem.
Q: (L) What IS the biggest problem?
A: Virus from space/4D ST
S. ''

Meaning that the real pandemic caused by a space virus could start next April? This would then be compounded by the negative impact the vaccines and all the COVID restrictions (lock-downs, masks, social distancing) had on the immune system of millions of people. Other possible scenarios are: 1) a prominent person will die, leading to more chaos or 2) many casualties due to a genetic warfare being launched.

Regarding Putin and Russia, and the rebalancing that is being generated in our reality, this is reminiscent of what Edgar Cayce had to say about Russia :

''Edgar Cayce gave 29 readings from 1921 to 1944 that have been grouped together as "World Affairs Readings" since the requestors were seeking to better understand the events happening around them from a global perspective (Series 3976). These readings twice mention that "out of Russia will come the hope of the world." We have recently noticed that some online posters are claiming that this "hope" is tied to a specific person. But rather than referring to an individual, the readings seem to indicate the spirit of the nation''
See: Out of Russia Will Come Hope

Finally, I found it interesting that the Atacama desert located in Chile is not only the driest nonpolar desert in the world, but also the largest fog desert in the world!
''A fog desert is a type of desert where fog drip supplies the majority of moisture needed by animal and plant life''

Thanks again !


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