Session 26 February 2022


FOTCM Member
Session Date: February 26th 2022

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Niall, Princess Leia

FOTCM Members present via Zoom (in alphabetical order): 3DStudent, 987baz, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming, alana, alejo, alianah, Altair, aluminumfalcon, AnaHuitzil, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, Ant22, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Aragorn, Arwenn, Aya, Beau, Beorn, Bjorn, bluefyre, Bo, Bobo08, Breton, cassandra, cinnamon, ClaudiaYG, Cosmos, Dakota, Deliverance, dirgni, dugdeep, Eboard10, Erykah, fabric, Findulias, Floetus, France, Gandalf, Gawan, genero81, gottathink, goyacobol, Harmony99, HelloH20, herondancer, hesper , hesperides, hiker, hlat and his wife, human, iamthatis, IrjO, itellsya, jar, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, Jess, Joan, josi, Juba, kawika, Kay Kim, Keit, kenlee, Keyhole, Kinyash, KJN, Konstantin, korzik18, KTC, Laurentien, Laurs, Learner, Liam1310, Logos5x5, Loreta, LQB, Luc, Lucius, Lys, m, Maat, Maiko, Manitoban, Mari, Mariama, Mark, Martinsky, Mike, Mikkael, mimimari, MK Scarlett, mkrnhr, Mrs. Peel, msante, Mr. Cyan, Nathan, Navigator, NewEngland Seeker, Nicholas, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, Oxajil, pecha, PERLOU, Phil4, placematt, Pophistorian, RedRock12, Regulattor, Ryan, Rylek, Ryu, Saman, SAO, Satarshine, Seamus, Sebbe, seek10, seeker2seer, Shar, Siberia, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, SummerLite, Thor, Tomek, treesparrow, Tristan, Turgon, Ursus Minor, Voyageur, Vulcan, Whitecoast, will01, Williamsj, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus, Yupo, zlyja

Q: (L) Today is February 26th, 2022. Okay, here we go. I'm so wound up...

A: Exciting times no doubt! Hollenoaea of Cassiopaea here! Ukraine is ancient site of landing of Kantekkians. It is highly coveted by 4D STS! Putin is doing service to all by attempting to remove psychopathic elements there. Unfortunately, the resistance of the power elite may lead to deaths of many innocent people.

Q: (Artemis) What is it about it that's so coveted?

(Joe) Because it's an ancient site of the landing of the Kantekkians? Why does that make it highly coveted? Some element of the population? But...

A: The geological profile complemented the energy profile making it ideal for transference.

Q: (L) Is that suggesting that the landing happened via some means other than just getting on a spaceship and flying and plopping down?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, it was some kind of transference that involved some kind of technology that we may not understand?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Like a portal?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, there's a portal in Ukraine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And you once said there's a portal in the Middle East, didn't you?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay.

(Joe) So, they said that unfortunately the resistance of power elite may lead to the deaths of many innocent people. Does that refer to the fact that the Ukrainian elites will essentially sacrifice the people of Kiev in particular? In a sense, they'll create conditions where people are killed because of the Russian military advance on that city?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They gave out 18,000 assault rifles to the people in Kiev and told them to go at it against advancing Russian troops.

(Andromeda) That is SO stupid.

(Joe) Imagine doing that to your population.

(Niall) That's just the small guns. They've moved their big guns into residential areas to use the population as human shields.

A: Psychopaths in action.

Q: (L) Since you brought up this thing about the landing of Kantekkians, I was reading on Facebook and Twitter today, something posted by a Ukrainian in the United States who was declaring that Ukrainians are entitled to their own country, their own language, customs, etc. and that the Russians are nothing and nobody, and the Ukrainians are the oldest people on Earth... that even their DNA was different than Russian DNA. And... what?

(Pierre) There's a coincidence maybe, but in the Caucasian population, the protein ACE2 is overexpressed. It suggests that the vaccine is an ethnic-specific weapon.

(Joe) We're talking about Ukrainians though.

(Pierre) Yes.

(L) So...

(Joe) The Ukrainians have always made that claim and see themselves as a people apart. They see themselves as being unique and different. It's an ideology. Not ALL Ukrainians, but a lot of them. It's really strange because you'd think they're genetically no different than other Slavs, Russians, etc. They do of course have this Nazi tendency towards being a 'master race' in a certain sense. It's very strange.

A: The Ukrainians of today are not the original population. Many waves of conquest and migration have come and gone.

Q: (Joe) Yeah. But the gang there now...

A: Russians of Belarus are closer to the original Ukrainians. And they were originally Kantekkians and had recently destroyed their own planet.

Q: (L) Alright. Let's open the floor to any particular member questions. [Scanning of member questions on Zoom chat...] Okay, here's one:

(Ryu) Does Putin knows about Ukraine having a portal? And does he know about Kantekkians?

A: No

Q: (SummerLite) It's said Putin is bombing US bioweapons sites.

A: Yes

Q: (Keit) I have a question about Russia. We have vocal anti-war sentiments within Russia. Will they lead to a change in power? Will it lead to Russia's destruction?

A: No

Q: (Niall) Can I do a follow-up about the bioweapons sites? There's a theory that these bioweapons sites were built there with a view to creating something like an ethnic-specific weapon to use against Russians. Is that what they were for?

A: Partly, indeed.

Q: (Andrian) Is it possible to know where the portal is located exactly? Western or Eastern, North, South Ukraine?

A: Near Kiev.

Q: (Juba) Is that the reason why Khazaria was the same as today's Ukraine. Portal, STS energy...

A: Partly.

Q: (Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) Is “an explosion in Ukraine, chemical or nuclear”, still on the table?

A: Yes. You could say that it has been happening since 2014.

Q: (Niall) This IS the explosion.

(L) Yeah.

(cinnamon) So, speculation about bombing the bioweapons sites... Is this how we get the supposed 'real pandemic'?

A: One possibility for sickness but not real pandemic. Putin has containment options in operation.

Q: (Niall) Is that why they took the Chernobyl nuclear plant?

A: Caution.

Q: (Joe) In a session in 2009, it said, '5 years to go'. Then, in 2014, they called that Year Zero. That was around the time of the Ukraine coup. Did they mean that 2014 and what the USA did in Ukraine then up until this situation right now, is that what they meant by Year Zero in 2014?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So then what's happening right now is directly implicated in major change, but it's going to continue. There'll be further changes, let's say...

A: Yes

Q: (L) 2014 is Year Zero of our new reality.

(Niall) In a future chronology, is it going to be 0?

(L) Yeah.

(Pierre) And the struggle for the portal is indicative of 4D STS wanting to use this portal?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why do they want to use the portal?

A: Downloading is taking place there.

Q: (L) Downloading of what?

(Joe) Information.

(L) Do I really want to know? [laughter]

(Pierre) The naughty side of the information field is being downloaded there.

(L) So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Wow.

(Niall) But there are psychopaths all over the world.

(Joe) Maybe it's easier that way.

(Pierre) But psychopath doesn't mean possessed. To be downloaded into means to be possessed.

(Niall) Oh, right. So there's a particular type that's concentrated in Ukraine that is more susceptible to possession by 4D STS.

(Andromeda) Wow.

(L) Okay, next question:

(Seeker) Will the war expand into surrounding countries?

A: Not yet...

Q: (Andromeda) Oh boy.

(Niall) Oh boy.

(Ryu) To go back to Pierre's comment, are Covid vaccines used as ethnic weapons?

A: Can be. Docking elements included.

Q: (L) So the vaccine has things in it that are docking elements for later propagation of some kind of pathogen?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) And the targeted population is Kantekkians, i.e. true Semites, i.e. Caucasians (in the sense of peoples from the area of the Caucasus).

(L) Targeted in what way? For download, or for the ethnic-specific weapons?

(Pierre) For both. Well, the vaccine. They have a mutation that over-expresses the ACE2 protein. They're more likely to get the effects of the vaccine.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Pierre's on an obvious train of thought that Kantekkians are awesome people - that they're the True Semites and stuff. But the Cs just said in this session that people were transferred to that part of Ukraine and they had just destroyed their own planet! [laughter] So, they're not awesome people.

(L) Yeah. The C's also said something about that Nordic Covenant business... That peoples of Nordic descent, i.e. Kantekkian, could be of positive or negative orientation. It's representative of a power center in their genetics...

(Pierre) 'Intensity' was the word used. Kantekkians had more intensity of a certain type of power.

(L) Yeah, intensity. So, yeah.

(Pierre) Intensity for the good, intensity for the bad.

(L) Very interesting. Okay, hold on...

(Regulattor) What about vaccines virus recombinations/mutations, how is that developing? Is it still too early to say how lethal it is going to be?

A: Not the biggest problem.

Q: (L) What IS the biggest problem?

A: Virus from space/4D STS.

Q: (irjO) Did Putin's actions take the secret government by surprise again or did they really expect Putin-Russia to act quick and fast?

A: Some surprise certainly. They were trying to forestall Putin with accusatory rhetoric.

Q: (L) So they had some idea or intelligence that he was getting ready to move, and they were trying to forestall and probably also create the initial stages of the propaganda barrage - "He's gonna invade!"

(Joe) Exactly. But the people in Western countries at least have been primed with propaganda to see Putin as evil for the last 10 years! That's all being switched on right now.

(Andromeda) And now Ukrainians are gonna be sacrificed to make him look even worse.

(Joe) Right.

(L) Okay, let's see...

(Mr.Cyan) Are they going to kick Russia out of SWIFT ?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Will it matter?

A: No

Q: (Tomek) What about April Drop Dead Date? Is this "the" April?

A: Very possible... But who is going to "drop dead"?

Q: (L) Maybe it'll be Biden.

(Niall) I'm worried, so I want to ask this and get it out of the way. Are they gonna try to assassinate Putin?

A: It has been tried and they will try again.

Q: (gottathink) Are they intending to download nanotech in the vaccines?

A: Yes

Q: (Juba) Is Chernobyl a target for the false flag operation?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But it seems that it's well-guarded now.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay.

(SummerLite) Is this an attack on the food supply also?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Russia has stopped exporting fertilizer - 65 percent of the world's supply. So, I think we can look forward to some serious food shortages. And that of course will lead to famine and make populations even weaker and sicker and more susceptible to pathogens.

(Lukasz) How many percent of people in Ukraine are affected by downloading by STS in percent?

A: 17%

Q: (L) That's close to your standard figure for psychopaths and their hangers-on.

(Alejo) Are there any other such download portals on the planet?

(L) Yes, we already discussed that. There's one in Israel. Are there any others besides Israel and Ukraine?

A: China, North America, South America.

Q: (Artemis) Is the North America one in Canada or…?

A: Canada.

Q: (Artemis) I knew it!

(L) You knew it? Yes! [laughter]

(Artemis) Yukon.

(L) Oooh, you're right! The Yukon! CREEPY stuff happens in the Yukon. [laughter] It's true.

(Andromeda) Oh, yeah!

(L) Look it up. Look up "The Valley of the Headless Men"!! I read about it years ago, and it gave me the absolute total creeps!

A: Yes

Q: (L) Ooo! And what about in South America?

A: Desert.

Q: (L) The desert where they have all those figures?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What is it called?

(Niall) Atacama.

A: Yes

Q: (L) What about China?

A: Northeast region. Study map and myths.

Q: (Laura scans through questions on Zoom meeting) (Chu) Be selective because there are 70 new messages after this!

(Luis) So the Middle East portal is the same? For downloading? And also, if 4D STS do not have total control of the Ukrainian portal, they can only download within certain limits or constrictions?

A: Yes

Q: (SummerLite) Is Putin one of Schwab's world leaders?

A: No

Q: (Chu) aimarok says: "Come on, SummerLite." [laughter]

(Ryu) Is it likely that it will degenerate into a nuclear war?

A: Not likely or necessary.

Q: (Joe) What are the chances of China invading Taiwan in the near future?

A: High.

Q: (Felipe) I had a side question about the vaccines: Can BHT interfere with the lipid capsid that envelopes the mRNA? If so, can it render the vaccine ineffective?

A: No

Q: (SummerLite) For clarity, Schwab is lying about Putin then?

A: Yes

Q: (Toronto Group) Did the effect of the trucker convoy and its spread become part of the exposure the C's talked about?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I tell you what: Trudeau sure exposed himself!!

(aimarok) Putin knows Schwab from the 90s, but it doesn't make him his puppet.

(L) Exactly right.

(Felipe) Question about Russia: Will Anonymous hack Russian infrastructure and escalate things through those means?

A: Will try but little success.

Q: (Joe) Just for reference: Anonymous is the CIA.

(cinnamon) And the Ukrainian wheat probably isn't getting planted.

(L) Good point!

(Joe) For sure. Expect higher prices.

(L) Expect REALLY high prices.

(Niall) Ukraine is the 3rd biggest supplier of wheat on Earth.

(Joe) Between Ukraine and Russia, they produce 80% of the world's sunflower oil too.

[C's move to 'listen' on the board...]

A: How is it going to go down? Many variables, but Putin has higher level help.

Q: (Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) Is what's happening now in Ukraine a karmic repetition of the battle between Atlanteans and Athenians?

A: No

Q: (Aragorn) On a scale from 1–10, how well are the plans of TPTB succeeding right now?

A: 4

Q: [laughter]

(Pophistorian) Schwab, on video, CLAIMED Putin was one of his Young Global Leaders.

(Joe) Dude! Do you know how many people like him around the world name drop and say, "I know these people"?

(Niall) He wants you to think he's powerful.

(Scottie) They like to lie - A LOT!

(L) When did we start believing things that psychopaths say?

(Ant22) Does Putin suspect any extraterrestrial influences behind the USA and their allies?

A: Yes

Q: (SummerLite) Are people in this group a part of a specific reincarnated group from Atlantis?

A: Yes

Q: (OBI) Will Turkey attack Russia and spread this war to the Middle East?

A: No

Q: (Niall) Remember: Putin saved Erdogan from certain death in 2016.

Q: (Chu) 86 new messages.

(L) 86?! I am NOT catching up, people.

(Niall) Has Putin been planning for this day for 20 years?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are ya happy?? [laughter]

(Niall) Yes! [laughter]

(Jeep) Will the DC convoy have positive outcome?

A: Yes but not the way you think!

Q: (L) So that's another one where we have to wait and see?

A: Yes

Q: (Julian) Will elements of the Ukraine military attempt to oust Zelensky?

A: Zelensky is more likely to be subject of a permanent hit.

Q: (Ant22) Question about canning: Does iodine kill botulin spores that temperatures of up to 100C don't?

A: Can but then food is inedible.

Q: (Eboard10) Are food shortages going to be widespread across Europe soon, or more localised?

A: Widespread eventually.

Q: (Bo) Can we expect more Tonga-like (volcano) explosions this year?

A: Not likely.

Q: (Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) What do the C's mean that Putin has higher help? From whom?

A: Ancestors and himself in the future and a lot lot LOT of knowledge and awareness.

Q: (L) Let's save these canning questions for the forum. They can be discussed and researched. We don't need to ask the C's stuff like that. Okay... Scroll, scroll, scroll...

[Pause for mouse technical issue...]

(Niall) Maybe we just reached the limit of the number of messages in the chat.

(L) I think you guys broke it!

(Chu) Now it's working.

(Alejo) Years ago the C's said that the different races were planted on Earth. Does there need to be a match between genetic profile and geological location, and is part of that relation related to the language spoken by a given people?

A: Not so much.

Q: (Tomek) You mentioned something about France getting nuked in a previous session. Is this still on the table?

A: No

Q: (Regulattor) Are the PTB going to fire up the Balkans again?

A: That may happen naturally.

Q: (Toronto Group) With people getting fed up with Covid, are the PTB going to rollback on the vaccine mandates?

A: Yes

Q: (Tristan) In the previous session it was mentioned that more people needed to be awakened, so that more opportunities could be created for the good guys to help. Are enough people being awakened on the planet?

A: Not nearly enough. More suffering needed unfortunately.

Q: (Ant22) What's the reason behind all covid restrictions being suddenly lifted in the UK while other countries still push them?

A: Assessment that the natives are getting way too restless.

Q: (MK Scarlett) Did the timeline change since recent actions from Russia in Ukraine?

A: No

Q: (Ryan) Will the economy remain fairly stable this year?

A: No

Q: (SAO) Wait, one more question on canning.

(L) Oh, stop it! [laughter] Funny... [laughter]

(Chu) That's it.

(L) No other questions? I'm really exhausted. Geez... Alright. Does anything need to be said to us that we didn't ask but should have asked? Consider it asked via our subconscious minds... And give us the answer! [laughter] Any messages? We're really asking - we just don't know WHAT we're asking.

A: Carry on as you have been. Connections are getting stronger as a result of your exercises. And don't wait too long for attention to yourself and Ark. You are needed!! Goodbye.

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Wow, excellent session, thank you very much Ladies at the Board and Chateau Crew. Much to ponder. I had to look up the Valley of the Headless Men stuff, very creepy indeed.
A: Canada.

Q: (Artemis) I knew it!

(L) You knew it? Yes! [laughter]

(Artemis) Yukon.

(L) Oooh, you're right! The Yukon! CREEPY stuff happens in the Yukon. [laughter] It's true.

(Andromeda) Oh, yeah!

(L) Look it up. Look up "The Valley of the Headless Men"!! I read about it years ago, and it gave me the absolute total creeps!

A: Yes

There is this session of 21st February 1996, in which Laura asked about the Valley of the Headless Men:

{Background for next question: Headless Valley is a specific region (Lat: 61.25 Long: -124.5) of the South Nahanni River valley (Canada) said to encompass a lost world complete with tropical forests, murderously savage natives, and a myriad of mysterious creatures ranging from 'Bear Dogs' to Sasquatch. The legend of Headless Valley is unusual in that it is fairly modern, having originated in 1908, following the discovery of two decapitated miners in the region of the South Nahanni River. Since that time, several other disappearances and murders have been documented in the region. See also: The Valley Of The Headless Men}

Q: (L) I guess. Okay, there is some valley in Canada that is supposed to be very mysterious and it seems that no one will go to the area any more because they all end up dead with their heads cut off. Who is doing this? Is there some Indians or cave people or what?

A: STS beings, density 4.
According to this website, film maker Marc J. McPherson is in the process of making a documentary about the mysteries surrounding the Nahinni River Valley. I think it is not done yet. Spectacular landscape:


Could be straight from Lord of the Rings!

Stay safe and sane everyone during these crazy crazy times!
Thank you so much for this fascinating session!

With regard to Ukraine, there are many very good geopolitical reasons why the country is so contested. However, if you look at the looong history of extreme meddling in that country, even if you restrict you focus on the post-USSR period (see this documentary for example), there seems to be sort of a "over the top" flavor to it all. As if there was another, deeper reason for why the West in particular deems it so important to get a hold on it...

As for Klaus Schwab, his Young Leaders etc., guys!! I think that the "newbies" to conspiracy theory that emerged during Covid are making way too much of the dude and the WEF. Remember how back in the days, everyone thought it's the Bilderbergers, or the Council on Foreign Relations, or Open Society Institute, or [insert evil org that supposedly controls everything]? The fact is, there are tons of such organizations - governmental, NGOs, funds etc. - that form the web of Western agenda-setting, power-brokering, "networking" to dole out positions and so on. It's not a single one that has all the power. In fact, it's often hard to tell where certain ideas originate: yes, Schwab and gang coined the term "Great Reset", but all these ideas have been pushed into the Zeitgeist for a long time, be it the cashless society, UBI, climate tyranny, technocratic control etc. As for the Young Leaders, there are many such programs, scholarships etc. from various orgs, and they serve the purpose of creating a bond between various (future) leaders, increase the influence of these orgs, create an alumni group that helps push people into positions and so on. That's all standard procedure among the elite class, and has been forever. And just because Klausi is such a boastful idiot, telling everyone that "his" Young Leaders are everywhere etc., doesn't mean they are all his puppets. Most politicians and other power brokers had contact to some extent with the WEF or some program similar to the Young Leaders program; it's just how it works, otherwise you can't build the necessary network. It may look as if everyone was Schwab's puppet because nobody can gain political power in the West who doesn't push "the agenda", which the WEF of course also pushes, just like all the other players.

It's of course useful to keep track of the WEF shenanigans, since they are brazen enough to openly state many aspects of the agenda that others couch in lofty nonsense. And it's not that they don't have power. Plus, Klaus Schwab is just hilarious :) But don't think that they are at the top, or that they control every government, or that just because someone was a "Young Leader" or spoke at their conferences or whatever necessarily means they are Klaus Schwab's puppets. That's not how the world works from what I understand and from what I've seen. </Rant>
Thank you for a very interesting session which of course revolved around Ukraine as it is on everybody's mind. Very intense session with many revealing things. So much input and a lot of wait and see as our world is collapsing around us. The playbook is the same as with Covid, the destruction we are seeing of liberties, censoring, collapsing economy is not due to Russia, but due to the Western response to it.

There are so many creepy things in that session but then it is psychopaths we are dealing with. But still.
(Ryu) To go back to Pierre's comment, are Covid vaccines used as ethnic weapons?

A: Can be. Docking elements included.

Q: (L) So the vaccine has things in it that are docking elements for later propagation of some kind of pathogen?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) And the targeted population is Kantekkians, i.e. true Semites, i.e. Caucasians (in the sense of peoples from the area of the Caucasus).

(L) Targeted in what way? For download, or for the ethnic-specific weapons?

(Pierre) For both. Well, the vaccine. They have a mutation that over-expresses the ACE2 protein. They're more likely to get the effects of the vaccine.

A: Yes
Perhaps that was part of the reasons why Russia developed its own vaccines, appearing to toe the line, yet also protecting their population.
Q: (gottathink) Are they intending to download nanotech in the vaccines?

A: Yes
No wonder the same actors which supported the Covid agenda also support Ukraine. This is a continuation of the push for total perpetual domination.
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Thank you Laura and Chateau for this information packed session! Much that can be commented on, but these two will suffice for now:
Q: (Niall) Can I do a follow-up about the bioweapons sites? There's a theory that these bioweapons sites were built there with a view to creating something like an ethnic-specific weapon to use against Russians. Is that what they were for?

A: Partly, indeed.
I initially thought Ukraine asking for nuclear arms was what prompted Putin to launch his military operation, but once the bio-labs were exposed, I thought something really bad connected to them was the trigger. Certainly hope they can all be neutralized quickly and safely.
(Ryu) Is it likely that it will degenerate into a nuclear war?

A: Not likely or necessary.
So glad for this answer! One less thing to be anxious about.
Thanks for the session! Exciting times ahead!

I feel so sorry for the civilians that are being armed in Kiev. Truly psychopathic.

The portals sound creepy. I thought there might be something in China, but was surprised to see the Northeast getting mentioned. I thought if there was one, it would be in the fabled Zhongnan Mountain Range of Southwestern China, where many things come together such as the Daoists, Mysticis and many legends. It will be worth checking out, for sure.
Thank you for an amazing session, and for another opportunity to take part in it! :wizard::flowers: It’s truly jam-packed with information, but this may be because it was delivered at such an emotional time.

(Niall) Has Putin been planning for this day for 20 years?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are ya happy?? [laughter]

(Niall) Yes! [laughter]

He's well prepared then! :cool2::ninja::love:

Q: (Tomek) What about April Drop Dead Date? Is this "the" April?

A: Very possible... But who is going to "drop dead"?

Q: (L) Maybe it'll be Biden.

I think that’s likely. He may die of confusion any minute – trying to tie his shoelaces :-P

Q: (L) Russia has stopped exporting fertilizer - 65 percent of the world's supply. So, I think we can look forward to some serious food shortages. And that of course will lead to famine and make populations even weaker and sicker and more susceptible to pathogens.

I guess it’s fair to say that this spring is the last moment to buy food to store for the tough times. They’re around the corner now.

I can't help but think that the fertilizer export stop kind of helps the PTB's depopulation agenda. I guess it will also make a lot of people very upset and turning against their governments, but I’d say the PTB would throw their governments to the wolves without blinking.
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