Session 26 February 2022

Thank you so much for the session, C's and the wonderful crew.

The msm are inviting the mob to prepare for black-outs, food shortages and spread the fear of nuclear war. I just read that suddenly iodine and lugol's is in high demand.
So glad that at least from this terror we will be spared.

Otherwise I'll sit down now and digest the given information. There's enough to swallow. It has been my impression as well that the suffering is not enough yet which I cannot help but feeling sad about...and tired.

But it's good news that our connection is getting stronger and that Laura and Ark are needed.
Courage to all of us!
Thank you for sharing the session and thank you all for your contributions in asking questions and many thanks to the ladies at the board who did a hard work! :flowers:

It was quite stunning to learn about more portals on Earth and bioweapons. Not to mention "STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there"!!! :-O

I would think to be more resilient about psychopathic ways of the PTBs, but my stomach turns again every time.

Also if I got this "zero year" right; 2014 was the beginning of the new reality manifesting / splitting of realities, and then in future chronology (when the new dynasty cycle rewrites the history after all the madness that´s yet to come) 2014 would be a year zero (like now is year zero the birth of the Christ)? :-[
Pophistorian) Schwab, on video, CLAIMED Putin was one of his Young Global Leaders.

(Joe) Dude! Do you know how many people like him around the world name drop and say, "I know these people"?

(Niall) He wants you to think he's powerful.

My thoughts exactly, also its designed to throw people of discovering the truth about Putin and lumping him in with the psychos. Ive noticed people some youtubers saying Putin is in on it he's playing his role and its all theatre. He's just another puppet and schwabs comment feeds into that line of thinking even more. These lunatics will say anything to confuse and lead people astray. Never trust a psycho, ever.🙂

I guess it’s fair to say that this spring is the last moment to buy food to store for the tough times. They’re around the corner now.

Won't be long now, last chance to prepare.

The conditioning is deep with this current situation. People who saw through covid are back to believing the media again. Interesting times it will take a lot to undo the programming people have been exposed to for years now about evil putin. 🙃 😈

Thanks for the session ladies, very interesting.

(L) So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?

A: Yes
Thank you ALL for the new session, questions asked, and the answers given.

Concerning 4D STS beings downloaded into people, I can't help but think of Hitler's remark:

"The new man is living amongst us now! He is here!" exclaimed Hitler, triumphantly. "Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him."
great. putin is unaware. shit happens ::-). More seriously, i know what it's like. I know what it's like to do the right thing complete unaware and destroy your world. it's terrifying but it has to be done. He's working on another plan, we have to get there.The French say "il faut prendre du recul". take a step back, which really means take a step forward. Thank you from the heart for sharing the session.
Thank you Chateau crew much to digest and time to start .. growing and canning.
It makes so much sense now why the ptb is going for broke and I didn't think for a minute Kantekkians would be mentioned and haveing a portal in Ukraine it now makes more sense about loss of control and those peskie russkies.
Kanateks been on my mind for a while and have reread the forum section about this a few times and might be worth others doing the same it certainly connects the dots and relates to the past and the present and those old Atlantean connections.
Best to all stay strong and connect more with all the like minded souls here.

Laura and Ark please look after yourselves guys and remember to rest more when you can.Best to you both and all at the chateau.
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